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A Joke? (Not anymore) I suggest, Serious, rather than a JOKE you decide



  • gpc70gpc70 Member Posts: 1,997
    why u limping in with 6/9 probably like most clowns because its suited therin lies 1 of ur many problems
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    Misterpj, lets have a look at that 69 hand above and break it down.

    You open limp in 69cc, this is bad play. What is your reasoning for doing this?

    You have a gutshot on the flop, and call a 75% pot bet by the button. This is also bad play, though perhaps open to debate. The reason I think this is bad play is because you have no backdoor flush equity, there is a flush draw on the flop so the 7h could be a bad 'out', and its not even a gutshot to the nuts as J9 will be the nut straight if you hit your gutter. The button has also bet into 3 players, so is likely to have something on this board and thus it might be tricky to pinch the pot on a later street. You're also playing the hand out of position so attempting to steal it further down the line could be troublesome.
    What is your thought process for calling on the flop here?

    The turn is the 7h, completing the flush draw. You then jam your straight over another button bet, I don't mind this although I think you'll sometimes be beaten by a flush or better straight. There is an argument for just calling and seeing what the river brings as this keeps your hand pretty under-repped.

    As it transpires, you were ahead and then lost on the river.
    You obviously think this is an unlucky hand.
    However, had you played it correctly (which is probably just to fold pre), you'd still have 8000 chips.
    So in summary, you played the hand badly.

    If you want to debate that you played this hand correctly then I'm all ears.
  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,464
    OMG...Hey you guys...just realised what's going on here and we've all been taken for a ride

    This forum post is a bot set up by @Tikay10 just to get traffic/posts/replies onto the must be because....think about couldn't be real, you had to make this post up, didn't you?

    So I say again to the BFKAMPJ GL at the tables ( BotformerlyknownasMrPJ)

    Nice one! but wait till April 01 before you try again
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,632
    Commady gold!
  • gregkdy82gregkdy82 Member Posts: 531
    Mister PJ probably believes the earth is flat.
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,921
    im not very good poker , ive played a few years and know the basic fundamentals of the game , i think i,m a break even/slightly losing i,ve not looked at scope for a couple of years , this is how i play your hands
    the qq i wouldn,t have called utg ida just jammed i know it went in pre but its better to make them think about your allin , as it happens he,s got a decent hand and decent stack. ul
    the a9 ida folded bottom pr to a pot size bet on the flop
    can i ask why you called that bet with bottom pr ?
    the q7 i wouldn,t have called the allin with that board ida jammed the flop with top pr and 10 bigs behind
    the 94 folded pre
    the 96 folded pre but say i did what you did and called ida folded to that flop bet with 4 outs but say i called , once that 7h dropped you,re putting your chips in dead , rookie mistake even tho i do it all the time , im like you a non believer
    i hope i haven,t made myself look a tvvat thats just what i,d done
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,660
    Allan23 said:

    HU for rolls Hendrik v Misterpj?

    This has to happen, the rail would be a hoot!
  • memfnomemfno Member Posts: 461
    edited October 2019
    Your hand, your words in italics

    1426928976 here’s a ‘belter’my pocket AA against pocket 2 4 (88% good pre,80% good flop) not a chance of holding! 2 2 2 .

    So Massive favourite pre flop. Big Favourite on Flop. Get all your chips in on turn when you have become a massive dog.

    How, FACING AN ALL IN AT THAT POINT, do you think your Aces are still good?

    Fold. Hit the fold button. He's gone all in on a paired board with 3 hearts. Take the hint he's given you and fold, and move on, stack almost entirely intact, and figure to have lost the minimum.
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    One way, and only way, to settle this, too the satisfaction, of ALL, and beautifully SIMPLE
    PLAY ME, no limit hold em, six handed

    Need to be, a caveat or two, Logistics? as is self-evident, one or two, of ‘my Haters’ a little bit @challenged, in the English Language, and as is transparent, a little bit challenged in Mathematics ( bless em) their cross to bare, not mine.
    But, Poker, A GAME...THE GAME I love, and adore………………

    Easiest way, too settle, all and everything, too the satisfaction (TRANSPARENTLY) of all……… Simply PLAY ME, but not just me.

    Poker LEGEND Mr Mike Sexton…he will do for me, Stu Ungars great friend, put any group of Poker players together, the best, the worst, it will take 52 tournaments, to sort out the Wheat, from the Chaff, The Cream will rise to The Top….Mike Sextons words, not mine.

    So, ‘You Lot’ Play Me… prove It

    When I refer to You Lot, I mean, the Elite little Clique..Who, well, I won’t say it, lets Settle It, Playing Poker

    Only, one, or two caveats, your best Dozen, select who, they are, anyway you wish.
    I pick (invite) 11 players, plus me, this is an Individual Challenge, not a team event.
    52, Mtt.s, no limit hold em,only,maybe go 26 deep stacks,26 Bounty Hunter, you lot, frame it, any way you wish. Logistics, a problem, ideally, it would be LIVE play, but logistically impossible, so, I will BOW, to it being ON here, at Sky Poker, with these reasonable conditions.

    24 players only, ‘your’ democratically selected Dozen, I could not give a fig WHO, I would like to choose obviously!

    But,52 MTTs, say over 26 weeks, two a week, any nonattendance, no subs, blinded out.
    But, if? It has to be on here, .Just the most basic of Conditions
    I would sign this so fast, the Ink, would not even be dry, every hand (24 players, 4 tables,) FILMED.

    Every single hand, every play, every table, every week, and for the 26 week duration, FILMED, for all too see, for all to review, and, ONE, only one, further, tiny little INCY Wincey thing.

    All stats, all and every, players stats, you know….the real basic stuff;
    Fold %, flops seen %, raises, reraises % etc. etc.. For all to see, during play, and accumatively, at the end of all 52 weeks, so, for example, should any want to run, every single hand played, through Number Crunching Software... e.v stats... easy, open, transparent, ZERO arguments.

    Further, I only wish, right here, right,now, I could Stake the thing, SIGNIFICANTLY… and, believe me, I mean it, so sincerely, you don’t know HOW MUCH...

    I have not, at this exact moment, got a spare liquid £360,000 slushing around, I only wish I had, however, ( if I did) exactly what I would do, £250,000 given to Tony, so fast, and £250,000 written off, set it up,argh.. I hear you hark?

    What about the other £110,000... A £10 k bankroll gift, from me, to the 11 players, I choose, who, so obviously, are only at the level, they are, down to Bankroll.

    So, ‘fantasy stuff ?’ well maybe, sat on my left, in real world time, right now, tightest,trusted,best mate, by a distance, made good, very good,Property, UK and France, and Antiques.. Sat on my right, in real world time, right now, my @new @ loveinterest... sorry, she is Gorgeous, Stunning, and pretty **** special... laughing like crazy...exactly now... dont worry... Haters, nothing would give me greater pleasrure, than to see,your jowls,hit your feet, and bounce,( maybe I get too expereince that ?
    both 54...both single… likes a bit of a Naughty Boy! Apparently ? or, at least, who lived a very real life, and, a pair of Kahoona's..unlike some.

    But, here is the Kicka… discussed this last night, between the sheets, my new love interest! Not my best mate!.. She has the JUICE (Filthy Luca)... own estate agency, High End…. She thought I was joking... I am not...
    So, I will try ( maybe, if this is a runner, advertising needed) if one, or both individuals, put up , either, £360,000 or £180,000 split… and, Clique Haters…all you gotta do, play Poker, IN PLAIN SIGHT…………

    All recorded, transparently…. SO, what ‘You Lot’ Got To Bottle It for?

    I post this, in absolute sincerity... and so genuine... you could not imagine.

    If, I cannot persuade others, too front up, £180,000 £360,000, up too you ‘lot’

    set it another way, oh, and do remember, the players I invite, are not winning £270,000... Neither are they staking, there MATES….

    So, if your gonna do it real, LIVE on skypoker, set realistic Buy-Ins for my players. ( my players used advisedly) individual event, not team.

    Paul J

    As far as I am aware, Zero Forum Rules Broken.. A Genuine Poker Challenge, to settle arguments.
    But, I am, and will, deal with, … the Haters,, because..surprise surprise,Deflection Tactics, On Mass tac-tics, or is it tic-tacs, or both.
    Here we, go, my last and final say, on the matter, save for, Actually Playing Poker.

    It will be, @interesting, real, and within Forum guidelines.
  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,464
    Hey PJ

    Nobody hates you( I’m sure..) but in the absence of you ever answering any of the pints raised AND subject to the £ levels: as 1 not very good player who makes wrong decisions to another-yes, you...I would be happy to participate in a 6 table game

    I would bring an element of balance as I don’t profess to be good enough to give you sound poker advice on call/fold equity/% probabilities of hand hitting etc etc, but I would be interested to be part of this poker ‘experiment’

    Can I reiterate a personal view, GL at the tables as I still think some of the hands that turn you over are just luck, bad luck...just as some of the hands you win on the river-which you chose not to post- are the same luck, in this case good luck for you
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,338
    edited October 2019
    I think the problem here is, PJ thinks hes a reasonable player, if it wasnt for the wonky deck he would be winning oodles upon oddles of cash.

    He doesnt read any advice given because he doesnt need to and he doesnt want help, he wants a platform.

    Its the deck/ site thats screwing him over .

  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,464
    mumsie said:

    I think the problem here is, PJ thinks hes a reasonable player, if it wasnt for the wonky deck he would be winning oodles upon oddles of cash.

    He doesnt read any advice given because he doesnt need to and he doesnt want help, he wants a platform.

    Its the deck/ site thats screwing him over .

    Hence why I thinks it’s a styled bot, James and TK making up the most bizarre posts to see who will bite...dint realise to and say Jane’s were anglers but takes all sorts 👹
  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,464
    Skyled not styled! It’s not a fashion show, as dress at spt events has shown!
  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,464
    Predictive text ffs... TK and SkyJames not to and say Jane’ sorry for the posts
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373

    Well, where to begin? this should be , about Poker, not me.

    A plethora, of Latent Hypocrisy, awash, I will deal with that.

    Bored? I did not bring up Bored, someone else did, but, I am bored, very bored, as well, but in a very different aspect.

    Brilliant, that got raised, as well, obviously, very obviously, not in relation to myself, let’s discuss, Brilliant as well, all subjects, addressed, concisely, easily.
    On occasion, been ‘accused’ of liberal use, of the English Language, so, I will be... clear.

    Collectives, Nouns for groups, for example, Vultures, a small group, of circling Vultures, known as, A Kettle of Vultures, A feeding group of Vultures, known as a Wake (of Vultures),etc.

    And a Bluster, of Deflationary Tosh... Is known, as... well, I refrain.

    Someone (obvious who) desperate to Highlight a hand.

    No mention of, exact same tournament, a week previous, sat at my table, my exit hand, one week previous, better than Brilliant, World Class, as usual, rivered 96% good, my pocket QQ, into 66 FACT 96 % good. Guess what hit the river. (6) Exit hand.

    Desperate to mention? I wonder why? Exact same tournament, one week on, you would think, I played pocket 2 7 off suit, I in fact played, pocket Q 10, flop came 10 4 J, oh, low and behold, turn a 10,I bet the flop, and snapped the all in, appalling Poker ? .. I was ahead !!!!!!

    It gets better, (P.S) two can play, the grab screenshot game... I did, sixth sense ( good Poker plays have that,) the exact same player, not in the Hand, lambasted the player eliminated, I did not, the exact same player, that posted, this exact hand above, who was not in the hand, but sat bang on my right, could not resist, posting my Q 10 .. hand, yet, at the time, lambasted, and I mean lambasted, the player eliminated… here is a little bit, from that screen capture, ‘ to the eliminated player, not me’ why do you not telephone Skypoker, and request a refund.. verbatim, word for word, and more, then, in truly, I so badly want to be relevant fashion, that same player, posts a hand, in a failed attempt, to ? Ingratiate him; be little me, oh... I nearly forgot, in this exact same tournament, @ convenient selective memory syndrome, sat on my right, a little bit later, my elimination hand,… No mention of that (wouldn’t, couldn’t, would you?) my cards, AA 99

    Some, have proved themselves ( my detractors) a bit challenged, when it comes to Poker math, all, any of you, run the hand, the BETTING ACTION, through, any Poker odds checker, like, suffice to say, I was a huge favourite, Optimum play, again, River Rinsed.
    Hypocrisy, Bundles Of, Bluster... Deflection, dealt with the (I Badly Desperately want to be Relevant) Hypocrisy, transparent…

    Now, I will move, on, and deal with the meaningful stuff.

    Irritant One. Tick, Dealt with. Can’t, at any price, abide Hypocrites, or Aspiring Bullies.

    For, total clarity, exact same Tourney, a week ago, exact same Hypocrite, sat my table, exact same Tourney this week, exact same Hypocrite, sat for the duration on my right.

    Hypocrite, no mention of this exit hand, a week earlier QQ 96 % good, rivered 666 hand number Mon 14th Oct

    Hypocrite desperate to mention, this winning hand, a week on, flop 10 10 best kicker ( my hand) turn 10 10 10 with a Q.. Favourite all the way hand number 1427504874 Mon 21st Oct

    Hypocrit, no mention of exit hand, minutes later. A 9 flop it, 55% good, turn it 65% AA 99, hand number 1427514809 Mon 21st Oct

    Hypocrisy, in plain sight, dealt with…

    I doubt, you will make, the Best 12! But hope you do?
    Don’t expect an invite, off me either.

    wont, will not, entertain, you, ever, on the forum, on in play.
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,464
    misterpj said:

    Well, where to begin? this should be , about Poker, not me.

    A plethora, of Latent Hypocrisy, awash, I will deal with that.

    Bored? I did not bring up Bored, someone else did, but, I am bored, very bored, as well, but in a very different aspect.

    Brilliant, that got raised, as well, obviously, very obviously, not in relation to myself, let’s discuss, Brilliant as well, all subjects, addressed, concisely, easily.
    On occasion, been ‘accused’ of liberal use, of the English Language, so, I will be... clear.

    Collectives, Nouns for groups, for example, Vultures, a small group, of circling Vultures, known as, A Kettle of Vultures, A feeding group of Vultures, known as a Wake (of Vultures),etc.

    And a Bluster, of Deflationary Tosh... Is known, as... well, I refrain.

    Someone (obvious who) desperate to Highlight a hand.

    No mention of, exact same tournament, a week previous, sat at my table, my exit hand, one week previous, better than Brilliant, World Class, as usual, rivered 96% good, my pocket QQ, into 66 FACT 96 % good. Guess what hit the river. (6) Exit hand.

    Desperate to mention? I wonder why? Exact same tournament, one week on, you would think, I played pocket 2 7 off suit, I in fact played, pocket Q 10, flop came 10 4 J, oh, low and behold, turn a 10,I bet the flop, and snapped the all in, appalling Poker ? .. I was ahead !!!!!!

    It gets better, (P.S) two can play, the grab screenshot game... I did, sixth sense ( good Poker plays have that,) the exact same player, not in the Hand, lambasted the player eliminated, I did not, the exact same player, that posted, this exact hand above, who was not in the hand, but sat bang on my right, could not resist, posting my Q 10 .. hand, yet, at the time, lambasted, and I mean lambasted, the player eliminated… here is a little bit, from that screen capture, ‘ to the eliminated player, not me’ why do you not telephone Skypoker, and request a refund.. verbatim, word for word, and more, then, in truly, I so badly want to be relevant fashion, that same player, posts a hand, in a failed attempt, to ? Ingratiate him; be little me, oh... I nearly forgot, in this exact same tournament, @ convenient selective memory syndrome, sat on my right, a little bit later, my elimination hand,… No mention of that (wouldn’t, couldn’t, would you?) my cards, AA 99

    Some, have proved themselves ( my detractors) a bit challenged, when it comes to Poker math, all, any of you, run the hand, the BETTING ACTION, through, any Poker odds checker, like, suffice to say, I was a huge favourite, Optimum play, again, River Rinsed.
    Hypocrisy, Bundles Of, Bluster... Deflection, dealt with the (I Badly Desperately want to be Relevant) Hypocrisy, transparent…

    Now, I will move, on, and deal with the meaningful stuff.

    Irritant One. Tick, Dealt with. Can’t, at any price, abide Hypocrites, or Aspiring Bullies.

    For, total clarity, exact same Tourney, a week ago, exact same Hypocrite, sat my table, exact same Tourney this week, exact same Hypocrite, sat for the duration on my right.

    Hypocrite, no mention of this exit hand, a week earlier QQ 96 % good, rivered 666 hand number Mon 14th Oct

    Hypocrite desperate to mention, this winning hand, a week on, flop 10 10 best kicker ( my hand) turn 10 10 10 with a Q.. Favourite all the way hand number 1427504874 Mon 21st Oct

    Hypocrit, no mention of exit hand, minutes later. A 9 flop it, 55% good, turn it 65% AA 99, hand number 1427514809 Mon 21st Oct

    Hypocrisy, in plain sight, dealt with…

    I doubt, you will make, the Best 12! But hope you do?
    Don’t expect an invite, off me either.

    wont, will not, entertain, you, ever, on the forum, on in play.

    Agreed, I won’t make the ‘best’ last post on this subject

    Gl at the tables and I look forward to watching the game/challenge...I won’t hold my breath, mind
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,125
    I'm in
  • rspca12rspca12 Member Posts: 618
    misterpj said:

    One way, and only way, to settle this, too the satisfaction, of ALL, and beautifully SIMPLE
    PLAY ME, no limit hold em, six handed

    Need to be, a caveat or two, Logistics? as is self-evident, one or two, of ‘my Haters’ a little bit @challenged, in the English Language, and as is transparent, a little bit challenged in Mathematics ( bless em) their cross to bare, not mine.
    But, Poker, A GAME...THE GAME I love, and adore………………

    Easiest way, too settle, all and everything, too the satisfaction (TRANSPARENTLY) of all……… Simply PLAY ME, but not just me.

    Poker LEGEND Mr Mike Sexton…he will do for me, Stu Ungars great friend, put any group of Poker players together, the best, the worst, it will take 52 tournaments, to sort out the Wheat, from the Chaff, The Cream will rise to The Top….Mike Sextons words, not mine.

    So, ‘You Lot’ Play Me… prove It

    When I refer to You Lot, I mean, the Elite little Clique..Who, well, I won’t say it, lets Settle It, Playing Poker

    Only, one, or two caveats, your best Dozen, select who, they are, anyway you wish.
    I pick (invite) 11 players, plus me, this is an Individual Challenge, not a team event.
    52, Mtt.s, no limit hold em,only,maybe go 26 deep stacks,26 Bounty Hunter, you lot, frame it, any way you wish. Logistics, a problem, ideally, it would be LIVE play, but logistically impossible, so, I will BOW, to it being ON here, at Sky Poker, with these reasonable conditions.

    24 players only, ‘your’ democratically selected Dozen, I could not give a fig WHO, I would like to choose obviously!

    But,52 MTTs, say over 26 weeks, two a week, any nonattendance, no subs, blinded out.
    But, if? It has to be on here, .Just the most basic of Conditions
    I would sign this so fast, the Ink, would not even be dry, every hand (24 players, 4 tables,) FILMED.

    Every single hand, every play, every table, every week, and for the 26 week duration, FILMED, for all too see, for all to review, and, ONE, only one, further, tiny little INCY Wincey thing.

    All stats, all and every, players stats, you know….the real basic stuff;
    Fold %, flops seen %, raises, reraises % etc. etc.. For all to see, during play, and accumatively, at the end of all 52 weeks, so, for example, should any want to run, every single hand played, through Number Crunching Software... e.v stats... easy, open, transparent, ZERO arguments.

    Further, I only wish, right here, right,now, I could Stake the thing, SIGNIFICANTLY… and, believe me, I mean it, so sincerely, you don’t know HOW MUCH...

    I have not, at this exact moment, got a spare liquid £360,000 slushing around, I only wish I had, however, ( if I did) exactly what I would do, £250,000 given to Tony, so fast, and £250,000 written off, set it up,argh.. I hear you hark?

    What about the other £110,000... A £10 k bankroll gift, from me, to the 11 players, I choose, who, so obviously, are only at the level, they are, down to Bankroll.

    So, ‘fantasy stuff ?’ well maybe, sat on my left, in real world time, right now, tightest,trusted,best mate, by a distance, made good, very good,Property, UK and France, and Antiques.. Sat on my right, in real world time, right now, my @new @ loveinterest... sorry, she is Gorgeous, Stunning, and pretty **** special... laughing like crazy...exactly now... dont worry... Haters, nothing would give me greater pleasrure, than to see,your jowls,hit your feet, and bounce,( maybe I get too expereince that ?
    both 54...both single… likes a bit of a Naughty Boy! Apparently ? or, at least, who lived a very real life, and, a pair of Kahoona's..unlike some.

    But, here is the Kicka… discussed this last night, between the sheets, my new love interest! Not my best mate!.. She has the JUICE (Filthy Luca)... own estate agency, High End…. She thought I was joking... I am not...
    So, I will try ( maybe, if this is a runner, advertising needed) if one, or both individuals, put up , either, £360,000 or £180,000 split… and, Clique Haters…all you gotta do, play Poker, IN PLAIN SIGHT…………

    All recorded, transparently…. SO, what ‘You Lot’ Got To Bottle It for?

    I post this, in absolute sincerity... and so genuine... you could not imagine.

    If, I cannot persuade others, too front up, £180,000 £360,000, up too you ‘lot’

    set it another way, oh, and do remember, the players I invite, are not winning £270,000... Neither are they staking, there MATES….

    So, if your gonna do it real, LIVE on skypoker, set realistic Buy-Ins for my players. ( my players used advisedly) individual event, not team.

    Paul J

    As far as I am aware, Zero Forum Rules Broken.. A Genuine Poker Challenge, to settle arguments.
    But, I am, and will, deal with, … the Haters,, because..surprise surprise,Deflection Tactics, On Mass tac-tics, or is it tic-tacs, or both.
    Here we, go, my last and final say, on the matter, save for, Actually Playing Poker.

    It will be, @interesting, real, and within Forum guidelines.

  • rspca12rspca12 Member Posts: 618
    rspca12 said:

    misterpj said:

    One way, and only way, to settle this, too the satisfaction, of ALL, and beautifully SIMPLE
    PLAY ME, no limit hold em, six handed

    Need to be, a caveat or two, Logistics? as is self-evident, one or two, of ‘my Haters’ a little bit @challenged, in the English Language, and as is transparent, a little bit challenged in Mathematics ( bless em) their cross to bare, not mine.
    But, Poker, A GAME...THE GAME I love, and adore………………

    Easiest way, too settle, all and everything, too the satisfaction (TRANSPARENTLY) of all……… Simply PLAY ME, but not just me.

    Poker LEGEND Mr Mike Sexton…he will do for me, Stu Ungars great friend, put any group of Poker players together, the best, the worst, it will take 52 tournaments, to sort out the Wheat, from the Chaff, The Cream will rise to The Top….Mike Sextons words, not mine.

    So, ‘You Lot’ Play Me… prove It

    When I refer to You Lot, I mean, the Elite little Clique..Who, well, I won’t say it, lets Settle It, Playing Poker

    Only, one, or two caveats, your best Dozen, select who, they are, anyway you wish.
    I pick (invite) 11 players, plus me, this is an Individual Challenge, not a team event.
    52, Mtt.s, no limit hold em,only,maybe go 26 deep stacks,26 Bounty Hunter, you lot, frame it, any way you wish. Logistics, a problem, ideally, it would be LIVE play, but logistically impossible, so, I will BOW, to it being ON here, at Sky Poker, with these reasonable conditions.

    24 players only, ‘your’ democratically selected Dozen, I could not give a fig WHO, I would like to choose obviously!

    But,52 MTTs, say over 26 weeks, two a week, any nonattendance, no subs, blinded out.
    But, if? It has to be on here, .Just the most basic of Conditions
    I would sign this so fast, the Ink, would not even be dry, every hand (24 players, 4 tables,) FILMED.

    Every single hand, every play, every table, every week, and for the 26 week duration, FILMED, for all too see, for all to review, and, ONE, only one, further, tiny little INCY Wincey thing.

    All stats, all and every, players stats, you know….the real basic stuff;
    Fold %, flops seen %, raises, reraises % etc. etc.. For all to see, during play, and accumatively, at the end of all 52 weeks, so, for example, should any want to run, every single hand played, through Number Crunching Software... e.v stats... easy, open, transparent, ZERO arguments.

    Further, I only wish, right here, right,now, I could Stake the thing, SIGNIFICANTLY… and, believe me, I mean it, so sincerely, you don’t know HOW MUCH...

    I have not, at this exact moment, got a spare liquid £360,000 slushing around, I only wish I had, however, ( if I did) exactly what I would do, £250,000 given to Tony, so fast, and £250,000 written off, set it up,argh.. I hear you hark?

    What about the other £110,000... A £10 k bankroll gift, from me, to the 11 players, I choose, who, so obviously, are only at the level, they are, down to Bankroll.

    So, ‘fantasy stuff ?’ well maybe, sat on my left, in real world time, right now, tightest,trusted,best mate, by a distance, made good, very good,Property, UK and France, and Antiques.. Sat on my right, in real world time, right now, my @new @ loveinterest... sorry, she is Gorgeous, Stunning, and pretty **** special... laughing like crazy...exactly now... dont worry... Haters, nothing would give me greater pleasrure, than to see,your jowls,hit your feet, and bounce,( maybe I get too expereince that ?
    both 54...both single… likes a bit of a Naughty Boy! Apparently ? or, at least, who lived a very real life, and, a pair of Kahoona's..unlike some.

    But, here is the Kicka… discussed this last night, between the sheets, my new love interest! Not my best mate!.. She has the JUICE (Filthy Luca)... own estate agency, High End…. She thought I was joking... I am not...
    So, I will try ( maybe, if this is a runner, advertising needed) if one, or both individuals, put up , either, £360,000 or £180,000 split… and, Clique Haters…all you gotta do, play Poker, IN PLAIN SIGHT…………

    All recorded, transparently…. SO, what ‘You Lot’ Got To Bottle It for?

    I post this, in absolute sincerity... and so genuine... you could not imagine.

    If, I cannot persuade others, too front up, £180,000 £360,000, up too you ‘lot’

    set it another way, oh, and do remember, the players I invite, are not winning £270,000... Neither are they staking, there MATES….

    So, if your gonna do it real, LIVE on skypoker, set realistic Buy-Ins for my players. ( my players used advisedly) individual event, not team.

    Paul J

    As far as I am aware, Zero Forum Rules Broken.. A Genuine Poker Challenge, to settle arguments.
    But, I am, and will, deal with, … the Haters,, because..surprise surprise,Deflection Tactics, On Mass tac-tics, or is it tic-tacs, or both.
    Here we, go, my last and final say, on the matter, save for, Actually Playing Poker.

    It will be, @interesting, real, and within Forum guidelines.

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