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A Joke? (Not anymore) I suggest, Serious, rather than a JOKE you decide



  • memfnomemfno Member Posts: 461
    On the Aces hand, at what point do you think, uh-oh i might not be good here? Clearly never YET your opponent has given you every opportunity to get away from the hand with his jam. He jam's on your min bet. And you call. Yet he doesnt even have to have a random 2 to be beating you there. Pocket 7s or pocket Js for the house. Two random hearts for the flush. You don't even have the A hearts for the redraw ! You should be pleased he's shoved and your getting away with losing the minimum here, and move on to the next hand with your chip stack intact.
  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,464
    memfno said:

    On the Aces hand, at what point do you think, uh-oh i might not be good here? Clearly never YET your opponent has given you every opportunity to get away from the hand with his jam. He jam's on your min bet. And you call. Yet he doesnt even have to have a random 2 to be beating you there. Pocket 7s or pocket Js for the house. Two random hearts for the flush. You don't even have the A hearts for the redraw ! You should be pleased he's shoved and your getting away with losing the minimum here, and move on to the next hand with your chip stack intact.

    Or then again he could call the massive shove(with so may outs) with his top pair? and hope for 1 of 2 cards...hmmm
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,338
    edited October 2019

    just deal with it and move on we all take bad beats will you ever post the lucky cards you get ??

    › misterpj has won 4,465 chips with Three 10s ThTdTcQdJc
    Sky Poker: misterpj has knocked out DeaD_CLowN, collecting a Head Prize of £0.50. misterpj's head value is now £1.50.
    › DeaD_CLowN has finished
    › Beginning a new hand (1,427,505,368)
    DeaD_CLowN: Youtwaat
    20:34DeaD_CLowN: Q10 off 10x BB
    mumsie: £2 tournie,,phone up, get your money back
    DeaD_CLowN: Lol
    DeaD_CLowN: Just dumb
    › sherifoo7 has won 202.5 chips
    › Beginning a new hand (1,427,505,732)
    DeaD_CLowN: Should have shipped it on the idiot
    20:35misterpj: you stick you your Supa system ABC it will get YOU knowwher

    DeaD_CLowN: Your ROI suckssoit obviously isnt worling for u!

    wattieb19Small blind15.0015.006095.00
    mumsieBig blind30.0045.003155.00
    Your hole cards
    • A
    • 5
    • 10
    • 4
    • J
    • Q
    • 10
    • A
    • Q
    • 10
    • 2
    misterpjWinThree 10s4465.006025.00
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,660
    Just to show OP how other people run here is EVERY all in pre hand that I had during a 2 hour session of holdem MTTs and DYMs this evening; (my hand is the first one each time)
    44 v 76 lost
    A7 v A5 lost
    66 v A9 won
    A8 v 66 lost
    AQ v QQ lost
    JJ v K2 v J8 lost (KK2 flop)
    AQ v 10 9 lost
    22 v KJ lost
    A10 v A9 won
    AJ v AK lost
    AK v AQ won
    KQ v K10 v 33 lost (K10 rivered a str8)
    AA v JJ won
    JJ v A9 lost (MTT 'very good reg' hits his A)
    AA v A3 won
    QQ v A10 lost (MTT another good reg hits his A)

    To summarise, I won 5 of 16 AIPs, in 4 of those (A10 v A9, AK v AQ, AA v JJ and AA v A3) I was a big favorite. The other one I won was a race (66 v A9).

    In the eleven I lost I was behind in three (AQ v QQ & AJ v AK and the KQ v K10 v 33 hand), was well ahead in four (A7 v A5, JJ v A9 and QQ v A10 and the JJ v K2 v J8) and was at least a race in the other four.

    To give some balance I watched the 'very good reg' who knocked me out when his A9 beat my JJ, get his chips AIP 5 times during my stay at that table:

    A9 v JJ he won
    Q3 v A9 he lost
    A8 v AQ he won
    J 10 v QQ he won
    AQ v AK he drew

    so he got his chips in behind every single time, won three of them, drew one and only lost once.

    So what's the point I'm trying to make here (and congratulations if you read all the above and are still with me)?

    Well the simple fact is that we all go through bad spells when it seems like everything is against us (it certainly did for me this evening) and in none of the above hands could I have been judged to have played them badly down the streets! It just happens.

    At some stage I will, in theory, run like God and this evening will be a distant memory, apparently.
  • rspca12rspca12 Member Posts: 618
    Ok 10 hands posted 3 or 4 played right 6 played WRONG. Results don't matter this post would taken some time to type and post hh. U would be better whatching a poker video on YouTube/reading a poker book with that time. If u got a serious hand put it here Il comment I'm back on sky for ukops so will be cheacking forum. If not Gl at the tables.
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Sorry, some of these comments, are Beyond Rational Belief

    SO,before I reply (especilly Mumsie) ? why are you freaked ? about that hand, I flop top pair,I look at my pocket cards, and I have TOP PAIR TOP KICKER (my hand) and..ffs, I am best, I am seriously, beginning to wonder, about your own Poker ability.Oh,and very convieniently , Mumsie, dare not cooment, on my exit hand, in that exact same tourney, Mumsie..sat bang on my right ! selective memory my son..

    Here, with Proof, Is My Poker Ability read ALL, then I will discuss

    I would like to share this with you, between, 08.28 am and 21.00 p.m.; I bought into and played a grand total, of 5 Mtts. Nothing else, oh, and my total spend, across all five MTTS, approx. £35, two were Bounty Hunters, three were not.

    Here is a summary, of my exit hands (four of) from only Five Tournaments.
    Rivered 96% good, big pot 4300 ( double up) and Bounty, Rivered 96% good Monumental Pot 67,000 chips, Rivered 62% good Big Pot 5,120 Bounty Hunter Rivered 73% good

    20.10 pm Monday Night, Hand Number 1427492614
    Played my Poker brains out, for three hours, for this spot, and the Pot.? Only the 47,000 for the chip lead, and certain cash, I am looking down at pocket QQ, a 63,000 all in, fired in, in front of me, I don’t ‘snap’, I think, a lot, tell myself, time to be tight, and a time, to have a pair! (Pun intended) My QQ v 99, huge pot, huge spot, 96% + good, only the River, and the two (could have been one) outter, amazingly spikes the River, a 46,000 River tournament exit hand (again)

    20.52 pm Monday Night Hand Number 1427514809
    my pocket cards A 9 ( flop a 9, and turn an A) no action until after the turn, I raise ( a lot) in goes the All In, in front of me, I snap call that, AA 99 OVER 5,000 Pot,in a Bounty Hunter, I was 62% good v 31% ..Only the River, rinsed on the River, and my exit hand (again)

    13.35 pm Monday afternoon, Hand Number 1427401075
    (Previous Tournament) ‘Played my Poker brains out, for two and a quarter hours, for this spot,this hand holds, and I cash, I don’t think,11,500 can exactly be described as short staked, but, double up, and I am real good, I flop it, 55% good, into 45%, I check back the flop, turn makes me 73% good, only the River, my harshest critics, will be all over this, like Vulture ( I assume) would love to be wrong, based on all the hands, I have posted,( this here just Monday) previously posted the hands from Sunday, the theme, goes’ on,defacto, I have every right, to be Nervous, putting my Tournament life on the line, as, it seems, ‘evidence based’ I will insta be eliminated from any Tourney, as soon as I go all in, even with 96% good hands, huge Pots, etc. etc. River tournament exit hand (again)

    08.28 a.m. Monday Bounty Hunter

    I was 96% + good v 4%.... only the River, and the two (could have been one) outer, amazingly spikes the River, a 46,000 River tournament exit hand (again) Pocket QQ v pocket 99
    I was only 96% + good…only the River, rinsed on the River, and my exit hand. Two pair 99 44
    I was 62% + good v 31%...only the River, rinsed on the River, and my exit hand.Two Pair AA 99
    I was 73% + good v 25% only the River with my QQ and the flush chaser spikes the River.
    And, I will just throw this one in, to demonstrate, ‘my bad form’...cant moan about this one, was behind, but, my pocket A 9, on a 9 high rainbow flop, thought I ‘might have a chance’ ! One of these days, just once, I will get it in as a 4% rag, and hit! In my dreams! Hand Number 1427577104
    Hand Number 1427492614 Hand Number 1427514809 Hand Number 1427401075 Hand Number 1427371759 Hand Number 1427577104
    Remind me again ( just for clarity..what is it ? I have to do,to be a winning player here ?) xxx

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    misterpjSmall blind1000.001000.0022147.50
    BleurghBig blind2000.003000.0062385.00
    Your hole cards
    • Q
    • Q
    BleurghUnmatched bet41237.5046295.0041237.50
    • Q
    • Q
    • 9
    • 9
    • A
    • 10
    • 4
    • 6
    • 9
    BleurghWinThree 9s46295.0087532.50
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    sandra1180Small blind30.0030.006560.00
    PKRParBig blind60.0090.002755.00
    Your hole cards
    • 9
    • A
    • Q
    • 10
    • 9
    • A
    wattieb19Unmatched bet3280.005120.003280.00
    • A
    • J
    • 9
    • A
    • 8
    wattieb19WinStraight to the Queen5120.008400.00
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    hogan02Small blind500.00500.0032717.50
    misterpjBig blind1000.001500.0010535.00
    Your hole cards
    • 7
    • Q
    • 10
    • 4
    • Q
    • 5
    • 3
    hogan02Unmatched bet21682.5023070.0021682.50
    • A
    • 6
    • 7
    • Q
    hogan02WinFlush to the Ace23070.0044752.50
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    misterpjSmall blind10.0010.001990.00
    eddconBig blind20.0030.001980.00
    Your hole cards
    • 9
    • 4
    • 5
    • 4
    • 9
    • 10
    • 9
    • 4
    • 8
    • 8
    • 8
    eddconWinThree 8s4385.004385.00
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Well, I tried, I tried very very hard,but, head a WOBBLE....

    I played, incorrectly ? are you serious ? why, because, a book ? or a Poker Coach tells you that..Some on here, making themselves, look very silly, Poker, fundamentally, probability, and Maths.... books,Poker Coaches Lie, Numbers Dont, you obviously are unable,to follow basic Poker Maths,dont make yourself look silly.

    All there, in black and white. I make peace with my haters,but leave it at that, and to the few,yuor friends, Poker mates,forever.
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    What do want to gain from this thread?
  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,238
    Just bored with all this now, various really good players have explained why you lost hands above and in past threads, you just don't want to know and focus on a few BB
    Good Luck in your poker (you're gonna need it)
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Hendrik62.. your BORED with it,because.. I aint BANNED,becuase I am not fibbin ( if I was, I would be banned) You..keep, making yourself, look RIDICULOUS... be boring
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    herrcliffoSit out
    MeriloSmall blind75.0075.005195.00
    BURTPUSSYBig blind150.00225.006930.00
    Your hole cards
    • 6
    • 9
    • 5
    • 8
    • 10
    • 7
    misterpjUnmatched bet240.0016100.00240.00
    • 6
    • 9
    • 10
    • 7
    • 10
    keith1950WinFull House, 10s and 7s16100.0016100.00
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Poker Comedy Gold

    It, is called, trying,and failing, with BLUSTER in plain sight… to be in denial
    Not me,lieing,faking,exaggereating,or @desperatly.. TRYING failing IN PLAIN SIGHT
    Tuesday.. Bought in, played, ONE MTT.. exit hand Hand Number 1427632406….. that would be, 91% GOOD, ..WORLD CLASS POKER…….. only the RIVER… 9% (standard) only way, you lot can beat me ? lmao .. preceded by, ALL EVIDENCE POSTED.. posters in DENIAL of the POKER numbers…. IN PLAIN SIGHT

    Matt ? RSPC1 Jac35 ( it is insulting too you three, I know,to mention,in the same Breath) Fella’s.. dare you to admit @ Belly Larfin xxx over too Mumsie

    hand number 1426175523 87% - 13% only the River , LOSE.£38,400 (chips) Deep Stack
    hand number 1425306081 96%- 4% only the River,LOSE. £13,820 (chips) ReBuy
    hand number 1425306081 96%- 4% only the River,LOSE £4000 (chips and Bounty)
    hand number 1426295421 82% - 18% LOSE I fire the lot,snapped,what happened next.

    hand number 1426030034 63% - 37% I snap the All In in front LOSE !.

    Hand 1number 1427371759 Monday 08.30 am! (96% good, sucked out on river) my exit hand, first hand of mtt, double bounty, 4% chance appears,River. 4300 pot and bounty.

    Hand 2 numbers 1427184762 Sunday 16.05 pm (62% good, sucked out on River).

    Hand 3 number 1427187469 Sunday 16.15 pm (43,000 chip pots, my AA into KK, flop it, 88% good, not a chance!) sucked out on the river!

    Hand 4 number 1427223573 Sunday 18.45 pm (42,000 chip pot, my pocket 10 10 nailed 65% good, on the river, exit hand)

    Hand numbers 5 and 6 same tourney, against same player, within one minute, rivered twice, for a bounty, double up, then rivered exit hand! Sunday 20.25 pm

    1427261068 Sunday 20.25 pm double up, bounty, 75% good, only the river!

    1427262651 Sunday 20.26 pm (bounty hunter, exit hand) I flop trip 777 (with my A kicker) 74% good, only the river.

    1426928976 here’s a ‘belter’my pocket AA against pocket 2 4 (88% good pre,80% good flop) not a chance of holding! 2 2 2 .

    1426859097 lets reverse the roles, this hand, I am the player with pocket 4 2 (suited) and better than that, I turn it 85% good, this is a bounty hunter,3000 plus, and a bounty, guess what 85% good, and rivered

    1426979661 tournament critical moments, 11,000 chip pot, this, is the hand, for one brief fleeting moment, I was in ‘bad’. And thought, oh my God, I am about to dish out a beat ( as you can see,relentlessly,against me, playing the best Poker, and I can’t, do it back, in the other direction, even once…Constantly against me, I have posted the evidence of that. Here, I am near 90% good, on the flop, another huge pot, rivered.
    Or, £.5.50 bounty hunter, heads up, against a player, who seemed to forget, where the fold button! Was, hand number 1426849367, 13,260 pot, who, go on, take a guess? Which player got it in, 71% good…and, not a chance of holding up?
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Bored, In absolute denial, in plain sight.. dont read real Poker...then, if you are BORED

    you have not, could not.. play your Poker way, out of a paper bag, against me xxx
  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,238
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    Allan23 said:

    HU for rolls Hendrik v Misterpj?

    I don't think Sky have cash tables small enough?
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