Happy New Year all,
I've toy'd with the idea of keeping a forum diary before and never quite went for it, mainly because I play for fun and while I have the dream of proper bankroll management, the thought of just playing £5.50 bounty hunters or less for a prolonged period of time does not enthuse me (< Is there a way to change that?)
Anyway I've played on Sky for a number of years now and although i've come close (3rd my best I think), i've never won a main event despite playing 1 or 2 a week. This is something i'd love to do and with each entry comes the hope of achieving that. I've decided to start this diary style thread to monitor my main performance and will try and update it after each attempt. Interesting things I'd like to record; entry fees, bounty's taken, cashes and best finish to date. < is there anything else you think I should keep track off?
I'll start tonight having sat'd into the main via a frenzy.
Oh, and why operation unicorn? Mainly because, sadly, unicorns don't exist....
Say hi and donate your chips to the operation if you're on my table!
Out in 65th, couldn't really get anything going, A9 < AA knockout hand. Really bad re-shove from me here, shouldv'e just let the A9 go, but they were suited and i was around 15bb.
buyins = £47.40
cashes = £0
bounties obtained = £15
best finish to date = 65th - 3 January 2020
Total spent in operation unicorn = -£32.40
You're easily good enough to win one so this should be a fun sweat
My challenge this year is to recoup my investment to sky poker over the last 4 years....it will require me to win on the of the big ones( 10/12k bh event should just about do it!)
Each player can have three guesses, so simply add your guesses to this thread and if it's correct, you get a £50 freeroll.
Attempt 2 starting tonight.
I'm going to go with tonight, attempt 2.
very best of luck mate.
Guess two - 13
Guess three - 50
Im still in, 12 minutes into the event, so you and me are on track
Attempt 3
Attempt 19
Attempt 29
soon, just not tonight...it's mine !
Managed to improve on last nights best finish effort however only just, and actually lost more money than last night, so not a good main event. 2 bullets tonight and a sat attempt. Lost a couple of important flips, but equally my QQ cracked AA to give me a semi decent stack and keep me in the tourny at that time.
Spent some time at the table with @madprof which was good fun though
Keep those attempt numbers coming, I'll add them to a spreadsheet shortly. Free £50 up for grabs so no reason not too, other that it took take ages lol.
The stats
buyins = £117.60
cashes = £0
bounties obtained = £26.25
best finish to date = 63rd - 4 January 2020
Total spent in operation unicorn = -£91.65
1) 6
2) 66
3) 666
Hope i'am wrong with guess 3 or it could be a long diary
I'll guess 41, 42 or 43 attempts
4, 5, 7
I'll guess: 33, 46,
neveri mean 7760 75 90
Though really hope it’s sooner