what constitutes collusion/cheating in poker?
Would you feel its ok if 2 players are sitting on the phone discussing hands as they are being played while on the same table in a 6 man dym?
does soft play constitute collusion especailly when they are deliberately trying to influence the outcome of the game?
when if soft play above is not cheating when does it cross the line to cheating in any other game/sport there is rules about manipulating results so why is it allowed in poker especially when its so obvious?
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2. Are they discussing current hands or viewing hands after they have finished?
Tikay being Tikay offered to help someone who was struggling with their poker
He obviously would not have been helping him in a game in which they were both playing
However, Churchy chose to view it this way and wrote some ridiculous things about Tikay on the forum
@churchy18 made the allegations - though a slightly different version at the time - in May 2018.
I replied to them immediately & at some length. He never replied further.
The full exchange is halfway down this page, HERE
Note also he was asked to provide a shred of evidence, & 22 months later he's yet to respond.
Hope you are doing well.
What are you thinking about Gerard?
Maybe just as well the game is cancelled at the weekend to save Rangers any embarrassment
its just looking for opinions from other players on it simple
when does soft play become cheating?
LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,333
Hey churchy,
Hope you are doing well.
What are you thinking about Gerard?
Maybe just as well the game is cancelled at the weekend to save Rangers any embarrassment
good ty yeah mate crazy stuff no matter what happens its going to be bad one if league cant be finished no one will be happy however they deal with it celtic deserve title tbh and deffo glad its off sunday
You asked for opinions, I asked some questions. Do you have a response?
player accidently gave himself away in chat by saying he had to go on webcam as his phone died or the like
me and another started asking questions he did not reply he was reported and has i assume been banned as no games the last two weeks of course the site wont confirm or deny another player from the table has not had any games for the last 10 days the other 4 players(me included) are on site today
@churchy18 made the allegations - though a slightly different version at the time - in May 2018.
I replied to them immediately & at some length. He never replied further.
The full exchange is halfway down this page, HERE
Note also he was asked to provide a s5 hred of evidence, & 22 months later he's yet to respond.
OK mummy here goes
LOL tikay i never thought you done wrong in a meaningful way you tried to help someone but it went wrong as he only played games you where involved in which if opposite way around you would not like after telling someone how to play!
ask pompeynic to unlock his ss(which only got locked after i posted ) then search from when you phoned him to give advice and from then on he only ever played when you where involved at least 85%(other 15% where mtts) involed you!
now if he played the amount me you eon maca did fair enough but he did not (5300 games total upto today proves that !)
I played more in a year!
before your chat he had very low play rate after chat was in every session you where as i said can be checked on ss u registered he registered you finished he finished and at the time did say on tables a few times a bit of bs but of course it was just my bs
But all of a sudden both stopped playing as much and pompey nic went on a br nosedive funny coincidence that init! but yeah no proof.
easy solution ask pompey to unlock ss check the figures and dates!
QUOTE from tikay
"Note also he was asked to provide a s5 hred of evidence, & 22 months later he's yet to respond."
i cant provide this you and pompey can by showing ss which was locked as soon as i said it the 1st time in chat but before hand he was happy to show his graph with the mini win or somthing similar !
So please prove im talking shite as i cant when you and pompey hide it!
i looked at the forum
stand by what i said i cant change ss and either can they!
You have no proof. The reason you have no proof is that there is nothing amiss and your statements aren’t true.
You’re slurring two very popular chaps who have always behaved impeccably
It’s a bit different with you. You’re unpopular and don’t behave impeccably
Putting all this together it is, as i said at the start, a difficult one for you.
trying to use someones problems against them shows more about you than them hope you and your children never have problems
can i show both players ss no i never blocked them ...can you ..no can tikay and pompey yes will they no ?
Now you check is tikay1 and pompeynic private and why now but before they where both proud to show them ss stats so whats different now?
has tikay always had it on show upto recentley yes as can be seen in the thread) can a new dog learn old tricks ?
has pompey? yes before i said this the only reason he was in profit was a big win in a n/l mtt and the seesawed in dym pl08s
so why all of a sudden close it when accussed of somthing surely you keep it open!
to prove your innocence rather than hide it and just say someone is lying!
I cant prove what im saying with others blocking ss but the fact before my claims the ss where on show all the time on threads in the forum but got hidden after my claims but im the liar upto you
And thank you for using my problems against me at a time i tried to help others i just hope your child never meets you/or somone as ignorant as you mumsie
Edited apoligies for the placing of wrong name