I wasn't arguing about sat's for cash, which is something I try and do if I've already qualified, because you can win £110, at least half the min. cash prize (which most people don't even manage to win) in the Tourney itself.
All I was saying is that I don't play Rebuys at all, because you know it will cost you nearly double with the Add-on, or more with a Rebuy, and that the re-entry means that people do punt off their stacks more because they can afford to re-enter.
What I was trying to say was that it would have been nice to have some different stack sizes in the Mini's (especially the MEGAmini, instead of every one being 3000 chips, and encouraging re-entries.
I agree that re-entries should be available (possibly only one though) to ensure there isn't overlay. After all, we want to see SKYPOKER prosper, so it may continue in it's current format.
....and the second one Page 8 - post 11 Tony @HAYSIE
I was going to ask @Sky_Chris and the Team if they could perhaps have a new emoji with a RED FACE, GLASSES popping off it's Head and STEAM coming out of it's Ears ....... Just for you...... or replies to you. It would be known as the @HAYSIE emoji
I wasn't arguing about sat's for cash, which is something I try and do if I've already qualified, because you can win £110, at least half the min. cash prize (which most people don't even manage to win) in the Tourney itself.
All I was saying is that I don't play Rebuys at all, because you know it will cost you nearly double with the Add-on, or more with a Rebuy, and that the re-entry means that people do punt off their stacks more because they can afford to re-enter.
What I was trying to say was that it would have been nice to have some different stack sizes in the Mini's (especially the MEGAmini, instead of every one being 3000 chips, and encouraging re-entries.
I agree that re-entries should be available (possibly only one though) to ensure there isn't overlay. After all, we want to see SKYPOKER prosper, so it may continue in it's current format.
....and the second one Page 8 - post 11 Tony @HAYSIE
I was going to ask @Sky_Chris and the Team if they could perhaps have a new emoji with a RED FACE, GLASSES popping off it's Head and STEAM coming out of it's Ears ....... Just for you...... or replies to you. It would be known as the @HAYSIE emoji </p>
Don't be tempted by any offers to do stand up.
I have now located the post.
I have to apologise to EssexPhil, for saying it was nonsense.
I only described it as nonsense because I thought it was your post.
Although I completely refute the argument put forward.
I think most players pay attention to many factors when deciding where to play. If it's pure rakeback they want "I can get 45% on i-poker" well this is probably the wrong site for them. The more reasoned players have a much wider criteria, & consider how (relatively) soft or hard the games are, the schedule, that sort of thing.
There's plenty wrong with Sky Poker, but no site even remotely approaches Sky Poker's response times when a query comes up on the Forum or there's a software glitch. That's worth a great deal imo, but if people want to go elsewhere & find a better "basket" of pros & cons good luck to them.
We try never to censor the Forum, though that does allow some very unreasonable comments to be made a about the current Sky Poker staff. They are the best - & far & away the smallest - team who have ever run this place.
I want this to be my last post on this particular thread.
The first thing i want to mention is that I am a typical poker player. I concentrate on the 2% I don't like. Not the 98% I do. In part, because I care. and in part, cos I can be a whiny person
You mention rakeback. In a defensive way. There was a time when Sky lagged behind, but no more. It is far better than most other sites. It is even better than most of the "special" offers that other sites give. Sky could market itself better (special offers attract, regardless of how good they really are), but the actual rakeback is very good. And pitched spot-on. Not that it is the most important thing for me.
Factors deciding where to play? Completely agree.
The forum does allow some unreasonable comments to be made. It also provides considerable feedback for the site.
The staff? "They are the best-& far & away the smallest-team who have ever run this place". you know better than me. Though i think that is probably right.
I think most players pay attention to many factors when deciding where to play. If it's pure rakeback they want "I can get 45% on i-poker" well this is probably the wrong site for them. The more reasoned players have a much wider criteria, & consider how (relatively) soft or hard the games are, the schedule, that sort of thing.
There's plenty wrong with Sky Poker, but no site even remotely approaches Sky Poker's response times when a query comes up on the Forum or there's a software glitch. That's worth a great deal imo, but if people want to go elsewhere & find a better "basket" of pros & cons good luck to them.
We try never to censor the Forum, though that does allow some very unreasonable comments to be made a about the current Sky Poker staff. They are the best - & far & away the smallest - team who have ever run this place.
I want this to be my last post on this particular thread.
The first thing i want to mention is that I am a typical poker player. I concentrate on the 2% I don't like. Not the 98% I do. In part, because I care. and in part, cos I can be a whiny person
You mention rakeback. In a defensive way. There was a time when Sky lagged behind, but no more. It is far better than most other sites. It is even better than most of the "special" offers that other sites give. Sky could market itself better (special offers attract, regardless of how good they really are), but the actual rakeback is very good. And pitched spot-on. Not that it is the most important thing for me.
Factors deciding where to play? Completely agree.
The forum does allow some unreasonable comments to be made. It also provides considerable feedback for the site.
The staff? "They are the best-& far & away the smallest-team who have ever run this place". you know better than me. Though i think that is probably right.
I think you are spot on with a load of points in this thread and it's been an excellent read.
Poker players for some reason want it all. The comment on being unhappy with the 2% was funny and very true.
There was a well known tournament 30 miles from where I live that had great attendances and hasn't ran in over 10 years.
The numbers where high, the prize pools were brilliant for the initial buyin and the landslide majority loved the tournament.
Trigger warning :- it was at the time of rebuys, before reentries were a thing
The tournament was a £10 rebuy with a £1 fee. I can't tell you if the rebuys were rakefree haha!
In the tournament the drinks (soft) were free throughout the tournament and there was a buffet at the main break.
Normally the buffet was seen as dinner that night and loving freebies it was a kind gesture for the casino to organise this for the players.
Poker players being poker players they complained of the buffet being sandwich heavy, being leftovers and whatnot.
The funny thing was, there was a good variety of food on offer for FREE. Could never grasp the idea of the buffet not being up to scratch 😊
I bet most of those guys who complained of the buffet wished the casinos would do a quarter of what they did for them in that tournament.
This thread has been an excellent read and did really reinforce the lesser value for the recreational and average to very good players being at a disadvantage without the proper rebuy roll.
I don't think you can really refer to a tourney as a £100 buy in and in the same breath say it is £100 plus £10, just to try and make a point. Whichever way you enter you have to pay the rake in full. Entry via a sat mans paying the rake on the sat. Every entrant is allowed rake free re-entries. The alternative is to rake the re-entries/rebuys. That would cause an outcry. I love sats, I got in the Summit last night for £5.50. How could anyone moan at that.
Poker players really want low rakes, and massive rakebacks.
Also I don't think it is fair to use an unusual occurrence to support any argument. Six rebuys. Looking at last nights Summit, you would have needed to have finished third to win £40. A one off. Unlikely to happen again any time soon.
I don't see any sense in arguing that this incident gave the player concerned some sort of advantage, as the re-entries are rake free. Who would re-enter numerous times at £100 a pop just because there was no rake? Everybody pays the rake up front, and nobody pays a rake on the rebuys/re-entries.
The rules are the rules, and are clearly stated in the lobby. Every entrant should be clear on the rules prior to entering. They are the same rules for every entrant. The re-entry facility has been available for months, if not years. I looked at the main two last night, and re-entries put almost 2.5k into both prize pools. Everyone can choose to re-enter or not. I think that it was agreed on this thread that on many occasions the re-entry is not advantageous to the player concerned. If so why worry about them.
When the lockdown is over and done with and entry numbers return to normal, many of us will be grateful for the added prize money that re-entries provide.
I don't think that this policy signals the end of anything.
I also don't think that this is unfair, when everyone has a choice of what they play.
The first experience I had of people Re-entering into a Tournament was at the SKYPOKER UKPC at DTD Nottingham..... my first ever Live Tournament (Actually I should have included this as one of my Most memorable 'Sporting' Occasions as you may well gather soon)
Anyway, I was a bit nervous as I didn't really know what I was doing, and this nice Ginger-haired lad helped me settle in a little...... and was very complimentary when I Rivered a ROYAL FLUSH and got paid a chunk of chips too. A couple of hours later he sadly got KO'd, trying something a little outrageous.
I managed to qualify for Day2..... and who was to come and sit on my table at the start, but this same Ginger-haired lad..... but with a HUGE Stack. I said to him "you've done well..... you obviously bought back in" (re-entered)
He said with a smile ....... "Thanks ....... yeh I did ...... but I need to finish in the Top 15 to break even! " I looked at the Prize List and worked out he'd re-entered 4 times at £1100 a go. He then spent the whole afternoon relieving me of most of my chips,
That young Ginger-Haired Lad was Harry Lodge, and he went on to win the Tournament and 1st Prize of £60,000+..... So for him, it was definitely worth those re-entries, with the obvious belief in his ability to make it pay.
The Final 6 of that UKPC also included Mike @Lyonsbob in 4th (I think) who, a few minutes after his exit, I was trying to cure his 'Shank' with a golf lesson over a Beer in the Bar .... and also George @glencoelad in 3rd (?) with Lesley @dameflop sat behind him.
It was a lovely weekend meeting all the people I knew from playing online with SKYPOKER, and all of them meeting for the very first time..... There are so many, who I all count as friends, and I know I will forget some, but thank you Will @HANSON , Roseeee @IrishRose , Donna @Darkangel7 , GELDY @GELDY , and the rest of the TPT Team who qualified..... Matt @mattprawn , Trev @POKERTREV , my fellow PUNK loving friend Andy @SidV79 , and Chris @DoyleBrun .
Then other lovely people who were also there .....Chris @POKEY2011 . and Andrew 'The Legend' @andrew1947 who both helped me get there by offering me a lift and several cans of Cider..... Nic @pompeynic , Graham @StayOrGo , and then there were the BAR FLYS ......Phil @Essexphil . Neil/Jimmi @HENDRIK62 . and his pal Jonathon @hhyftrftdr . Matt @MattBates who I'd seen on SKYPOKER TV, and Andy @chicknMelt ..... (I couldn't believe they were so friendly) ..... the ultimate Nutter that is @JMcCririck and his mate. We all got asked to leave by the Casino Staff with as they were shutting! OK ...... it was 5am and light outside!
......and not forgetting (though some would Love to)..... my old Boss Tony @HAYSIE who I used to watch play on SKYPOKER in the evenings at 'work', and who I hadn't seen for at least 5 years.......
I know I will have forgotten to mention many of the people I met at that very first Live event ..... including Tony @Tikay10 who I only got to say 'Hi' to in the Little Boy's Room ..... (similar bladders obviously), and since that first Live playing experience, I have so many more new friends, the main one being Danny @madprof (I had to make him wait 'til near the END )
So to ALL my new friends from the SPT's around the UK, and for the WONDERFUL experience I had last Year in LAS VEGAS with @Sky_SamT and @Sky_James , I want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone at SKYPOKER , because, you have given me so much, and I for one, haven't and don'r want to play Poker anywhere else.
Hi @MISTY4ME , the above brings back fond memories, sure the buy in was £550 . I had a great time ( obviously ) and made some good friends, lets hope we can all get back to live SPT soon.
Hi @MISTY4ME , the above brings back fond memories, sure the buy in was £550 . I had a great time ( obviously ) and made some good friends, lets hope we can all get back to live SPT soon.
Hi @MISTY4ME , the above brings back fond memories, sure the buy in was £550 . I had a great time ( obviously ) and made some good friends, lets hope we can all get back to live SPT soon.
Yes, £550 buy-in, & it was the first big result for Harry Lodge who went on to win over a milly in live cashes, including two six-figure wins.
You were 3rd for £24,000 & lyonsbob 5th for £12,000. Presumably you knew fellow Scot Paul McTaggart (6th) quite well too.
Yes Tony, 3rd is my biggest score to date, went on a great run that year. Have met Harry on other trips, he always does the Irish Open , great to see him kick on ,take care.
Re-entries have been a thing on Sky for quite a long time now, why the sudden beef?
Fair question.
I have mentioned what started me thinking. Previously, it was something i had not given a lot of thought to.
The next thing was the UKOPS schedule. This wasn't just Mains being Re-entry. 65 of the 70 events. £480,000 of the £500,000 guarantees.
Then i started looking at Sharkscope. It is behind the curve. So-on Ratings for tournaments, it looks at Uniques. Not re-entries. As an example, it says that the average entrant in last night's Main has a Rating of 73.
But what it does NOT record is the average Rating of the Re-Entries. i haven't checked for this particular tournament. But I bet it is over 83.
What research i have done on this suggests that the disparity between Unique/Re-Entry Ratings is higher on Sky than elsewhere. The reason for this is simple. It is the Rake-free re-entry.
I am somewhere between a Rec and a Reg. I use poker as a part-time income. My goal is simple-to maximise my income. to do that, I play wherever i perceive I have the best advantage.
Which would you rather play in my shoes? An MTT with an average rating of 73? Or 83? Where the best players get the same number of seats as the Recreationals. Or more?
This is the person that was previously accused of ignoring facts.
Sharkscope probably don't bother with this analysis, because it doesn't really mean anything.
If you enter lets say a 400 runner tourney, with an average player rating of 73.
Lets say that the first 60 that bust out re-enter.
You have the same field and the average player rating remains the same.
As the tourney progresses, and the field narrows, you would think that the average player rating would logically increase as the lower rated players are busted.
If you are suggesting that only the higher rated players re-enter then this will very slightly increase the average player rating, at the point that they re-entered.
Although this slight increase would be offset by any lower rated players unexpectedly re-entering.
Logically the average player rating when reaching the prize money will be much higher than the average at the start, and the ft average ratings would be further increased.
So any re-entries while the field is intact don't affect it one iota, and as the tourney progresses the average rating will rise anyway.
I was going to ask @Sky_Chris and the Team if they could perhaps have a new emoji with a RED FACE, GLASSES popping off it's Head and STEAM coming out of it's Ears ....... Just for you...... or replies to you. It would be known as the @HAYSIE emoji
I have now located the post.
I have to apologise to EssexPhil, for saying it was nonsense.
I only described it as nonsense because I thought it was your post.
Although I completely refute the argument put forward.
The first thing i want to mention is that I am a typical poker player. I concentrate on the 2% I don't like. Not the 98% I do. In part, because I care. and in part, cos I can be a whiny person
You mention rakeback. In a defensive way. There was a time when Sky lagged behind, but no more. It is far better than most other sites. It is even better than most of the "special" offers that other sites give. Sky could market itself better (special offers attract, regardless of how good they really are), but the actual rakeback is very good. And pitched spot-on. Not that it is the most important thing for me.
Factors deciding where to play? Completely agree.
The forum does allow some unreasonable comments to be made. It also provides considerable feedback for the site.
The staff? "They are the best-& far & away the smallest-team who have ever run this place". you know better than me. Though i think that is probably right.
If it was anybody else, I would apologise.
..... a BEER at the next SPT we both attend will more than suffice
Poker players for some reason want it all. The comment on being unhappy with the 2% was funny and very true.
There was a well known tournament 30 miles from where I live that had great attendances and hasn't ran in over 10 years.
The numbers where high, the prize pools were brilliant for the initial buyin and the landslide majority loved the tournament.
Trigger warning :- it was at the time of rebuys, before reentries were a thing
The tournament was a £10 rebuy with a £1 fee. I can't tell you if the rebuys were rakefree haha!
In the tournament the drinks (soft) were free throughout the tournament and there was a buffet at the main break.
Normally the buffet was seen as dinner that night and loving freebies it was a kind gesture for the casino to organise this for the players.
Poker players being poker players they complained of the buffet being sandwich heavy, being leftovers and whatnot.
The funny thing was, there was a good variety of food on offer for FREE. Could never grasp the idea of the buffet not being up to scratch 😊
I bet most of those guys who complained of the buffet wished the casinos would do a quarter of what they did for them in that tournament.
This thread has been an excellent read and did really reinforce the lesser value for the recreational and average to very good players being at a disadvantage without the proper rebuy roll.
GL at the tables EssexPhil!
Whichever way you enter you have to pay the rake in full.
Entry via a sat mans paying the rake on the sat.
Every entrant is allowed rake free re-entries.
The alternative is to rake the re-entries/rebuys.
That would cause an outcry.
I love sats, I got in the Summit last night for £5.50.
How could anyone moan at that.
Poker players really want low rakes, and massive rakebacks.
Also I don't think it is fair to use an unusual occurrence to support any argument.
Six rebuys.
Looking at last nights Summit, you would have needed to have finished third to win £40.
A one off.
Unlikely to happen again any time soon.
I don't see any sense in arguing that this incident gave the player concerned some sort of advantage, as the re-entries are rake free.
Who would re-enter numerous times at £100 a pop just because there was no rake?
Everybody pays the rake up front, and nobody pays a rake on the rebuys/re-entries.
The rules are the rules, and are clearly stated in the lobby.
Every entrant should be clear on the rules prior to entering.
They are the same rules for every entrant.
The re-entry facility has been available for months, if not years.
I looked at the main two last night, and re-entries put almost 2.5k into both prize pools.
Everyone can choose to re-enter or not.
I think that it was agreed on this thread that on many occasions the re-entry is not advantageous to the player concerned.
If so why worry about them.
When the lockdown is over and done with and entry numbers return to normal, many of us will be grateful for the added prize money that re-entries provide.
I don't think that this policy signals the end of anything.
I also don't think that this is unfair, when everyone has a choice of what they play.
Anyway, I was a bit nervous as I didn't really know what I was doing, and this nice Ginger-haired lad helped me settle in a little...... and was very complimentary when I Rivered a ROYAL FLUSH and got paid a chunk of chips too. A couple of hours later he sadly got KO'd, trying something a little outrageous.
I managed to qualify for Day2..... and who was to come and sit on my table at the start, but this same Ginger-haired lad..... but with a HUGE Stack. I said to him "you've done well..... you obviously bought back in" (re-entered)
He said with a smile ....... "Thanks ....... yeh I did ...... but I need to finish in the Top 15 to break even! " I looked at the Prize List and worked out he'd re-entered 4 times at £1100 a go. He then spent the whole afternoon relieving me of most of my chips,
That young Ginger-Haired Lad was Harry Lodge, and he went on to win the Tournament and 1st Prize of £60,000+..... So for him, it was definitely worth those re-entries, with the obvious belief in his ability to make it pay.
The Final 6 of that UKPC also included Mike @Lyonsbob in 4th (I think) who, a few minutes after his exit, I was trying to cure his 'Shank' with a golf lesson over a Beer in the Bar
.... and also George @glencoelad in 3rd (?) with Lesley @dameflop sat behind him.
It was a lovely weekend meeting all the people I knew from playing online with SKYPOKER, and all of them meeting for the very first time..... There are so many, who I all count as friends, and I know I will forget some, but thank you Will @HANSON , Roseeee @IrishRose , Donna @Darkangel7 , GELDY @GELDY , and the rest of the TPT Team who qualified..... Matt @mattprawn , Trev @POKERTREV , my fellow PUNK loving friend Andy @SidV79 , and Chris @DoyleBrun .
Then other lovely people who were also there .....Chris @POKEY2011 . and Andrew 'The Legend' @andrew1947 who both helped me get there by offering me a lift and several cans of Cider..... Nic @pompeynic , Graham @StayOrGo , and then there were the BAR FLYS ......Phil @Essexphil . Neil/Jimmi @HENDRIK62 . and his pal Jonathon @hhyftrftdr . Matt @MattBates who I'd seen on SKYPOKER TV, and Andy @chicknMelt ..... (I couldn't believe they were so friendly) ..... the ultimate Nutter that is @JMcCririck and his mate. We all got asked to leave by the Casino Staff with as they were shutting!
OK ...... it was 5am and light outside!
......and not forgetting (though some would Love to)..... my old Boss Tony @HAYSIE who I used to watch play on SKYPOKER in the evenings at 'work', and who I hadn't seen for at least 5 years.......
I know I will have forgotten to mention many of the people I met at that very first Live event ..... including Tony @Tikay10 who I only got to say 'Hi' to in the Little Boy's Room ..... (similar bladders obviously), and since that first Live playing experience, I have so many more new friends, the main one being Danny @madprof (I had to make him wait 'til near the END
So to ALL my new friends from the SPT's around the UK, and for the WONDERFUL experience I had last Year in LAS VEGAS with @Sky_SamT and @Sky_James , I want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone at SKYPOKER , because, you have given me so much, and I for one, haven't and don'r want to play Poker anywhere else.
Right...... I need a drink
Happy memories @MISTY4ME
Even happier memories...
I had a great time ( obviously ) and made some good friends, lets hope we can all get back to live SPT soon.
Yes, £550 buy-in, & it was the first big result for Harry Lodge who went on to win over a milly in live cashes, including two six-figure wins.
You were 3rd for £24,000 & lyonsbob 5th for £12,000. Presumably you knew fellow Scot Paul McTaggart (6th) quite well too.
Have met Harry on other trips, he always does the Irish Open , great to see him kick on ,take care.
Sharkscope probably don't bother with this analysis, because it doesn't really mean anything.
If you enter lets say a 400 runner tourney, with an average player rating of 73.
Lets say that the first 60 that bust out re-enter.
You have the same field and the average player rating remains the same.
As the tourney progresses, and the field narrows, you would think that the average player rating would logically increase as the lower rated players are busted.
If you are suggesting that only the higher rated players re-enter then this will very slightly increase the average player rating, at the point that they re-entered.
Although this slight increase would be offset by any lower rated players unexpectedly re-entering.
Logically the average player rating when reaching the prize money will be much higher than the average at the start, and the ft average ratings would be further increased.
So any re-entries while the field is intact don't affect it one iota, and as the tourney progresses the average rating will rise anyway.