I didn't really feel up for playing any poker before my backshift, so only played 10 DYMs when I got home as still didn't really feel like playing. I mixed them so I could complete 10 of them today, so I could get an extra ticket into the giveaway promotion - which I haven't really considered so far.
Day 8 Played: 10 - 5*£0.55 DYM --- Won 3 | Lost 2 - 5*£1.10 DYM --- Won 3 | Lost 2 Staked: £8.25 Winnings: £9.00 Profit: £0.75 ROI: 9.09% ITM: 60%
Total Profit: £31.75
I am happy to still be going in the right direction. Maybe from Friday I will try and get as many tickets to the giveaway as I can next week. I would need to change my game to turbos though (would only be £0.28 DYMs). I am not keen on the higher variance and it would only be as a way to rack up the tickets quicker, so I am unsure though as I am reluctant to change my game type at the moment as it is going pretty well. Although, if I remain successful and I build my BR to something much higher, I would probably need to add in turbos eventually in order to gain enough points to get priority/bigger rewards. I guess it's best to try out turbos at the lowest levels. So I may play a session or two of them and see how they go.
Going along nicely mate, & looking forward to those stats & graphs.
"...if anyone is still reading, I am just about to add some stats to the first reply to this thread,..."
Lots of us still reading, just because we don't comment every day does not mean that we don't read it.
You said you may update the Opening Post with stats & graphs, but the software does not allow Edits on posts that old, so just stick them on your latest post, they'll get more views that way anyway.
It's really nice to see someone accept the beats so stoically. They happen to all of us, but we don't all accept them equally well.
That's very true. Although by limiting play at the turbos to the £0.28 level, I would basically need to lose around 4x more than the £1.10 to equal any potential downswing. And as this experiment would only be for a point building exercise, it may be worth it to grind them out for a week or two for the golden ticket promotion. At the moment, I think I'll give them a bash, at least to start with, to see how it goes. Afterall, it's not a totally different game-type. They're still DYMs.
You said you may update the Opening Post with stats & graphs, but the software does not allow Edits on posts that old, so just stick them on your latest post, they'll get more views that way anyway.
Ahh, that makes sense. My intention was to keep the daily update posts shorter, and keep all the progress and overall stats in one/the same place. It makes not a lot of difference though, so going forward, I shall include it all in the latest posts as I go along.
That time again where I update this post. Nothing much to say apart from today went quite well. 8 Profitable days out of 9 so far. I can't grumble with that.
Day 9 Results Played: 44 - 43*£1.10 DYM --- Won 27 | Lost 16 - 1*£1,000 Reward Freeroll MTT --- Did not cash Staked: £47.30 Winnings: £54 Profit: £6.70 ROI: 14.16% ITM: 61.36%
Overall Profit: £36.15 Bonuses: £2.30 Current BR: £48.45
Yes, I am very pleased with the progress so far. My biggest test will come when the first major downswing happens. I guess we'll just have to cross that bridge when it comes. But I am feeling good about my play since starting this.
My first session today went well. As mentioned earlier, I did start playing some turbo £0.28 to try and accumulate points faster, mainly for the ticket promotion. So I may continue that way for the time-being to try get maximum tickets. May not get them today, as a backshift beckons. The joys!
Well, decided to call it a night after a short, frustrating session after work. I only played £0.28 TDYM today to experiment if it would be worthwhile grinding these to rack up the points needed for the golden ticket promotion. The results were a mixed bag, but one thing for sure is, I did not enjoy playing them. They may be a bit better if only playing a couple at a time. The time to act is much shorter, there's more things to really consider and think about before acting, and the part I was not keen on was the fact that you practically need to win at least one coin flip to have any hope of cashing. Unless you get lucky and 2 or 3 players go at each other or you get dealt a premium and get paid with it. It was amazing how light some players were calling off their stacks (probably becuase it was the 28p level), so it didn't matter if you held a non-pocketpaired premium hand, if they decided to call with any two, resulted in lots of frustrating beats. Not that I am expecting to win, but its that they should never been calling in the first place. Anyway, that's enough rambling now, I may just go back to grinding the normal speed DYM from now, as I think i'll get really frustrated playing these turbos.
My session before work, I played 30 (Won 20 and lost 10) The session after work, I played 23 more before calling a night (Won 10 | Lost 13). I only won 1 out of the first 9. But played until I managed overall profit for the day. So the results for today are;
Day 10 Played: 53 - 53*£0.28 TDYM --- Won 30 | Lost 23 Staked: £14.84 Winnings: £15 Profit: £0.16 ROI: 1.08% ITM: 56.60%
Overall Profit: £38.61 Bonuses: £2.30 Current BR: £48.61
Well done @thedazzman for all the effort you are doing writing all this progress. Really helpful to see other players progress especially when they describe situations similar to yours. Still not sure if TDYM is such a poker game ( my favourite to mention though) It's mostly gambling in my opinion.(no bad at all as i am a big one) I believe the six max tables are closer to poker played with rules that you can actually apply knowledge . Keep informing us!
@thedazzman you're really not wrong about the hands some people are playing at the 28p turbo level! I'm pretty much sticking to only playing my best hands and letting everyone else fight it out. Most of the hands I'm seeing at showdown are very very questionable at best
I did see you at a few of the tables today, first time I think!
Well done @thedazzman for all the effort you are doing writing all this progress. Really helpful to see other players progress especially when they describe situations similar to yours. Still not sure if TDYM is such a poker game ( my favourite to mention though) It's mostly gambling in my opinion.(no bad at all as i am a big one) I believe the six max tables are closer to poker played with rules that you can actually apply knowledge . Keep informing us!
Thanks. I certainly find reading progresses of similar types of players' to youself helps you to improve. It creates a kind of secret but healthy competition, as you have something to compare or aspire to. Also, it gives the author a bit of motivation to do well.
I would need to disagree slightly about your opinion of TDYM. Although, my temperament isn't as suited to them as normal speed and I don't like them as much. They are still a form of poker. Just that the swings will be much larger, each game is shorter. The skill edge of the better/winning players is very much smaller than other forms of poker. But applying the right knowledge, as you say, will turn a profit playing turbos - over the long term. There's many players who do. The only form of poker which requires no skill or knowledge and relies solely on luck are the 'roulette' or 'all-in' types.
I am not very good at expressing things like this into words. I just kind of waffle. So perhaps a profitable turbo player can explain it a bit better than I can.
But I do understand this 'its not a proper form of poker' argument. It seems to be a quite common thought. And I do respect everyones' opinion. You just need to look back to when Online Poker started. There were some traditionalist poker players who thought it wasn't proper, because you couldn't get reads or tells by body language etc.
Also, we all know NL Holdem is by far the most popular form of poker today, however, I believe it used to be stud or draw. but at the very least, it was definitely limit. And these players also believed NL Holdem wasn't proper when it initially came on the scene. Poker is a fast evolving game and there's constant changes and types of plays. The challenge is to evolve your game in-line with these constant changes to stay ahead of the curve, otherwise, you can bet your bottom dollar all the other better players are and they will be exploiting your old outdated winning style with a newer winning style.
@thedazzman you're really not wrong about the hands some people are playing at the 28p turbo level! I'm pretty much sticking to only playing my best hands and letting everyone else fight it out. Most of the hands I'm seeing at showdown are very very questionable at best
I did see you at a few of the tables today, first time I think!
Sometimes that play is the best, but also, sometimes before you know it the blinds are at 300 and you only have 3 or 4BBs left. But that's kinda the name of the game with these turbos.
I also noticed you at some of the tables. I would have said hi in the chat, but I very very rarely use that feature. But it is certainly nice to encounter a fellow forum user.
I wish you the best in your games and hope your diary is a continued success. I shall keep my eyes on yours.
I have quickly given up the idea of grinding the £0.28 DYM for points. Went back to playing the £1.10 DYM. So hopefully I can build my BR in the next week enough to be able to perhaps play the £3 DYM and make it easier to get the full points for the ticket give away in its final week.
Tonight, I also took my 2 shots at the level up (£2.20) as I finished my session at peak profit. Unfortunately , I lost both. So, back to the £1s until I gain at least another £2.40 in profit to take another 2 shots.
So, the results,
Day 11 Played: 20 - 18*£1.10 DYM --- Won 15 | Lost 3 - 2*£2.20 DYM --- Won 0 | Lost 2 Staked: £24.20 Winnings: £30 Profit: £5.80 ROI: 23.97% ITM: 75%
Overall Profit: £44.41 Bonuses: £2.30 Current BR: £54.41
Final thoughts. Still very, very pleased at the progress. 10 profitable days out of 11. Just a bit disappointed at losing both my shots tonight after such a great session of £1s.
Good luck at the tables, Onwards and upwards
edited to add; I have now cashed in the exact same number of £0.50 as £1 DYM. 101 cashes in each. I played 143 £0.50s but a little more £1s @ 167. Considering, after the first 100 £1s DYM I was just about break even with less than a 1% ROI [its at almost 10% now]. It's things like this that I think about when the going gets tough. There's always a better day around the corner.
I just had a look at your Sharkscope graph - it's looking real good.
Well done.
Thanks. Yes, that's probably my ultimate goal. To get a nice steady upward profit graph over many 1000s of tourneys. Can't ask for more so far. Long, long way to go yet. Taking one day at a time.
What a horrible, horrible night of poker. Only won 3 in the first 11 played, and it didn't improve much after that.
This is the type of bad luck that would have me easily tilted previously. Yes, I did play a little worse than I have been, but it really was a frustrating night of poker. I am going to bed and not letting it get to me. Tomorrow is another day, and if I can repeat the results of the last 10 days over the next 10 days, I should double my BR again. But I'd be happy with any kind of steady profit. I just need to remember I have profitted most days already, I can do it again.
Results of Day 12 Played: 28 - 28*£1.10 DYM --- Won 11 | Lost 17 Staked: £30.80 Winnings: £22 Profit: -£8.80 ROI: -28.57% ITM: 39.29%
Overall Profit: £33.31 Bonuses: £2.30 Current BR: £45.61
Well, what can I say about today? I was at the point of almost not playing again for the evening, because the bad run kept coming.
I started the day by playing some £1 DYM, in which I profited slightly, and with the win in the £3 DYM I played using my ticket gained from last weeks' play, I was content and happy. Especially after yesterdays disaster.
I took a short break and played again (both freerolls as well), however, I lost every single game I played before I gave up. Six DYMs in a row! I think that is my worst run since starting. This undone all the nice extra profit I earned by winning the £3 DYM with the ticket, so I was planning on giving up for the day before I made a rash and costly decision and regretted it. So I had my dinner and since Monday is a day I have the whole evening free, I decided to check out the MTT schedule for the first time to have a little change to see if there was a cheap entry game to occupy myself for a couple of hours. I found the £100 Nightly Micro (£0.55) so gave that a bash, and loaded up some £0.55 DYMs alongside. Dropping down a level again. Shortly into the MTT I had to fold my AK with a K high flop on the river of a scary board to an aggressive player who was in almost every single hand prior. The very next hand my halved stack of chips went in on the flop to this exact same player on a J33 board, when I held KJ. Yes, you guessed it, he had pocket 3s. This annoyed me, so I stopped registering for any more DYMs and gave up. However, I still won all 3 that had loaded up whilst playing the MTT
After a little break, I started loading up some more £0.55 DYMs, refraining from playing higher, like I would have many times before. And I played these for the rest of the evening. And to call this day a day of 2 halves is an understatement to say the least...
Daily Results
Played: 60
21*£1.10 DYMs -- Won 9 | Lost 12 1*£3.30 DYM -- Won 1 | Lost 0 1*Sunday Major 3 Seat Freeroll -- 113/294 1*£1,000 Rewards Freeroll -- 338/1546 1*£0.55, £100 Nightly Mirco -- 154/216 35*£0.55 DYM -- Won 29 | Lost 6
These short term swings are always going to happen mate. Focus on the long-term, & try not to let those swings & swongs affect you mentally.
You are right. And I know it. It's just really infuriating, and I am just typing it all in here to let it out, I guess. And I am improving. It's not getting to me nearly as much as it used to, and I am actually getting up and taking short breaks and/or even moving down in limits now and again (even though my initial BR management rules don't dictate I need to).
After doing these things and the heat of the moment passes, I realise my progress so far has actually been really good and I should be happy. And if it wasn't for these bad players making bad calls the games would be no where near as profitable.
Thanks as always for your, and others continued comments. They certainly help also in keeping me motivated and disciplined.
I didn't really feel up for playing any poker before my backshift, so only played 10 DYMs when I got home as still didn't really feel like playing. I mixed them so I could complete 10 of them today, so I could get an extra ticket into the giveaway promotion - which I haven't really considered so far.
Day 8
Played: 10
- 5*£0.55 DYM --- Won 3 | Lost 2
- 5*£1.10 DYM --- Won 3 | Lost 2
Staked: £8.25
Winnings: £9.00
Profit: £0.75
ROI: 9.09%
ITM: 60%
Total Profit: £31.75
I am happy to still be going in the right direction. Maybe from Friday I will try and get as many tickets to the giveaway as I can next week. I would need to change my game to turbos though (would only be £0.28 DYMs). I am not keen on the higher variance and it would only be as a way to rack up the tickets quicker, so I am unsure though as I am reluctant to change my game type at the moment as it is going pretty well. Although, if I remain successful and I build my BR to something much higher, I would probably need to add in turbos eventually in order to gain enough points to get priority/bigger rewards. I guess it's best to try out turbos at the lowest levels. So I may play a session or two of them and see how they go.
< /stop waffle >
Good luck at the tables,
Onwards and upwards
Going along nicely mate, & looking forward to those stats & graphs.
"...if anyone is still reading, I am just about to add some stats to the first reply to this thread,..."
Lots of us still reading, just because we don't comment every day does not mean that we don't read it.
You said you may update the Opening Post with stats & graphs, but the software does not allow Edits on posts that old, so just stick them on your latest post, they'll get more views that way anyway.
It's really nice to see someone accept the beats so stoically. They happen to all of us, but we don't all accept them equally well.
And thanks for the kind words also.
Good luck at the tables!
Day 9 Results
Played: 44
- 43*£1.10 DYM --- Won 27 | Lost 16
- 1*£1,000 Reward Freeroll MTT --- Did not cash
Staked: £47.30
Winnings: £54
Profit: £6.70
ROI: 14.16%
ITM: 61.36%
Profit: £36.15
Bonuses: £2.30
Current BR: £48.45
Impressive stuff there @thedazzman
8 winning days out of 9 is as good as it gets.
Keep it going bud.
My first session today went well. As mentioned earlier, I did start playing some turbo £0.28 to try and accumulate points faster, mainly for the ticket promotion. So I may continue that way for the time-being to try get maximum tickets. May not get them today, as a backshift beckons. The joys!
Will update this later this evening again.
Good luck at the tables
My session before work, I played 30 (Won 20 and lost 10) The session after work, I played 23 more before calling a night (Won 10 | Lost 13). I only won 1 out of the first 9. But played until I managed overall profit for the day. So the results for today are;
Day 10
Played: 53
- 53*£0.28 TDYM --- Won 30 | Lost 23
Staked: £14.84
Winnings: £15
Profit: £0.16
ROI: 1.08%
ITM: 56.60%
Profit: £38.61
Bonuses: £2.30
Current BR: £48.61
Really helpful to see other players progress especially when they describe situations similar to yours.
Still not sure if TDYM is such a poker game ( my favourite to mention though)
It's mostly gambling in my opinion.(no bad at all as i am a big one)
I believe the six max tables are closer to poker played with rules that you can actually apply knowledge .
Keep informing us!
I did see you at a few of the tables today, first time I think!
I would need to disagree slightly about your opinion of TDYM. Although, my temperament isn't as suited to them as normal speed and I don't like them as much. They are still a form of poker. Just that the swings will be much larger, each game is shorter. The skill edge of the better/winning players is very much smaller than other forms of poker. But applying the right knowledge, as you say, will turn a profit playing turbos - over the long term. There's many players who do. The only form of poker which requires no skill or knowledge and relies solely on luck are the 'roulette' or 'all-in' types.
I am not very good at expressing things like this into words. I just kind of waffle. So perhaps a profitable turbo player can explain it a bit better than I can.
But I do understand this 'its not a proper form of poker' argument. It seems to be a quite common thought. And I do respect everyones' opinion. You just need to look back to when Online Poker started. There were some traditionalist poker players who thought it wasn't proper, because you couldn't get reads or tells by body language etc.
Also, we all know NL Holdem is by far the most popular form of poker today, however, I believe it used to be stud or draw. but at the very least, it was definitely limit. And these players also believed NL Holdem wasn't proper when it initially came on the scene. Poker is a fast evolving game and there's constant changes and types of plays. The challenge is to evolve your game in-line with these constant changes to stay ahead of the curve, otherwise, you can bet your bottom dollar all the other better players are and they will be exploiting your old outdated winning style with a newer winning style.
Anyway, like I said, I waffle sometimes. Sorry
I also noticed you at some of the tables. I would have said hi in the chat, but I very very rarely use that feature. But it is certainly nice to encounter a fellow forum user.
I wish you the best in your games and hope your diary is a continued success. I shall keep my eyes on yours.
I have quickly given up the idea of grinding the £0.28 DYM for points. Went back to playing the £1.10 DYM. So hopefully I can build my BR in the next week enough to be able to perhaps play the £3 DYM and make it easier to get the full points for the ticket give away in its final week.
Tonight, I also took my 2 shots at the level up (£2.20) as I finished my session at peak profit. Unfortunately , I lost both. So, back to the £1s until I gain at least another £2.40 in profit to take another 2 shots.
So, the results,
Day 11
Played: 20
- 18*£1.10 DYM --- Won 15 | Lost 3
- 2*£2.20 DYM --- Won 0 | Lost 2
Staked: £24.20
Winnings: £30
Profit: £5.80
ROI: 23.97%
ITM: 75%
Profit: £44.41
Bonuses: £2.30
Current BR: £54.41
Final thoughts. Still very, very pleased at the progress. 10 profitable days out of 11. Just a bit disappointed at losing both my shots tonight after such a great session of £1s.
Good luck at the tables,
Onwards and upwards
edited to add;
I have now cashed in the exact same number of £0.50 as £1 DYM. 101 cashes in each. I played 143 £0.50s but a little more £1s @ 167. Considering, after the first 100 £1s DYM I was just about break even with less than a 1% ROI [its at almost 10% now]. It's things like this that I think about when the going gets tough. There's always a better day around the corner.
I just had a look at your Sharkscope graph - it's looking real good.
Well done.
This is the type of bad luck that would have me easily tilted previously. Yes, I did play a little worse than I have been, but it really was a frustrating night of poker. I am going to bed and not letting it get to me. Tomorrow is another day, and if I can repeat the results of the last 10 days over the next 10 days, I should double my BR again. But I'd be happy with any kind of steady profit. I just need to remember I have profitted most days already, I can do it again.
Results of Day 12
Played: 28
- 28*£1.10 DYM --- Won 11 | Lost 17
Staked: £30.80
Winnings: £22
Profit: -£8.80
ROI: -28.57%
ITM: 39.29%
Profit: £33.31
Bonuses: £2.30
Current BR: £45.61
Good luck at the tables,
Onwards and upwards!
Well, what can I say about today? I was at the point of almost not playing again for the evening, because the bad run kept coming.
I started the day by playing some £1 DYM, in which I profited slightly, and with the win in the £3 DYM I played using my ticket gained from last weeks' play, I was content and happy. Especially after yesterdays disaster.
I took a short break and played again (both freerolls as well), however, I lost every single game I played before I gave up. Six DYMs in a row! I think that is my worst run since starting. This undone all the nice extra profit I earned by winning the £3 DYM with the ticket, so I was planning on giving up for the day before I made a rash and costly decision and regretted it. So I had my dinner and since Monday is a day I have the whole evening free, I decided to check out the MTT schedule for the first time to have a little change to see if there was a cheap entry game to occupy myself for a couple of hours. I found the £100 Nightly Micro (£0.55) so gave that a bash, and loaded up some £0.55 DYMs alongside. Dropping down a level again. Shortly into the MTT I had to fold my AK with a K high flop on the river of a scary board to an aggressive player who was in almost every single hand prior. The very next hand my halved stack of chips went in on the flop to this exact same player on a J33 board, when I held KJ. Yes, you guessed it, he had pocket 3s. This annoyed me, so I stopped registering for any more DYMs and gave up. However, I still won all 3 that had loaded up whilst playing the MTT
After a little break, I started loading up some more £0.55 DYMs, refraining from playing higher, like I would have many times before. And I played these for the rest of the evening. And to call this day a day of 2 halves is an understatement to say the least...
21*£1.10 DYMs -- Won 9 | Lost 12
1*£3.30 DYM -- Won 1 | Lost 0
1*Sunday Major 3 Seat Freeroll -- 113/294
1*£1,000 Rewards Freeroll -- 338/1546
1*£0.55, £100 Nightly Mirco -- 154/216
35*£0.55 DYM -- Won 29 | Lost 6
Staked: £46.20
Winnings: £53
Profit: £6.80
ROI: 14.72%
ITM: 65%
Bonuses: £4.60
Current Bankroll: £54.71
Good luck at the tables,
Onwards and upwards
These short term swings are always going to happen mate. Focus on the long-term, & try not to let those swings & swongs affect you mentally.
After doing these things and the heat of the moment passes, I realise my progress so far has actually been really good and I should be happy. And if it wasn't for these bad players making bad calls the games would be no where near as profitable.
Thanks as always for your, and others continued comments. They certainly help also in keeping me motivated and disciplined.
Good luck at the tables all
Good stuff. Try to remember that even the very best DYM players at the highest level don't win every night. Nobody does.
You are doing just fine.