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The Return of the 'Not Go Busto' Challenge - A Build From £10



  • thedazzmanthedazzman Member Posts: 950
    edited May 2020
    DAY 14

    Summary, Thoughts & Ramblings

    Well, I don't have a lot to rant about today. I am happy to be back to be reporting another profitable day. Again, I tried to play the £100 Nightly Micro MTT, but that was a disaster again and I busted within a few hands. I also didn't cash in the rewards freeroll. My DYMs were pretty good today, apart from the 4 shots I took at the £2 level. I lost all but 1. Which was rather disappointing.

    I started the day playing 50p DYMs and then played £1s ones until the last session when I added a few more 50ps in order to start more quicker. I was conscious of getting another 10 points for an extra golden ticket before midnight.

    Daily Results

    Played: 47

    14*£0.55 DYMs -- Won 10 | Lost 4
    27*£1.10 DYMs -- Won 21 | Lost 6
    4*£2.20 DYMs -- Won 1 | Lost 3
    £1,000 Rewards Freeroll -- 768 / 1527
    £0.55, £100 Nightly Micro -- 205 / 207

    Staked: £46.75
    Winnings: £56
    Profit: £9.25
    ROI: 19.79%
    ITM: 68.09%

    Overall Progress

    Profit: £49.36
    Bonuses: £4.60
    Current Bankroll: £63.96

    Good luck at the tables,
    Onwards and upwards

  • thedazzmanthedazzman Member Posts: 950
    DAY 15

    Summary, Thoughts & Ramblings

    Today was another very good day. At the third time of trying, I won my two shots at the £2 DYM level (I almost busted within a few hands in one though, which would have annoyed me no end [see below]), but at the same time, I lost the 3 $1s I played, so didn't really affect the profit too much. That's about as bad as it got.

    Anyway, here's that hand that crippled me. It was more annoying because the two players basically covered each others outs. But then that flop came. *sighs*
    thedazzmanSmall blind15.0015.001925.00
    pikeman22Big blind30.0045.001565.00
    Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    WhymewhynoUnmatched bet20.005625.0020.00
    • A
    • A
    • J
    • K
    • K
    • 10
    • 3
    • 2
    • Q
    • 4
    • 7
    pikeman22WinFlush to the King4935.004935.00
    thedazzmanWinPair of Aces690.00690.00
    You just gotta laugh!

    Daily Results

    Played: 38

    18*£0.55 DYMs -- Won 13 | Lost 5
    18*£1.10 DYMs -- Won 13 | Lost 5
    2*£2.20 DYMs -- Won 2 | Lost 0

    Staked: £34.10
    Winnings: £47
    Profit: £12.90
    ROI: 37.83%
    ITM: 73.68

    Overall Progress

    Profit: £66.86
    Bonuses: £4.60
    Current Bankroll: £76.86

    I really don't want this to sound braggy or jinx it, but in my last 100 games or so (yes, I know its a very small sample], the graph looks very nice. It's almost as vertical as it possibly can go playing DYMs. So would just like to say it's probably the best run of games I have ever had in all the years I've played. I can feel I am playing very well. And that is thanks for allowing me to rant away in this forum post and especially to all you guys that are keeping me focused and extra determined to do well. So thank you!

    I will update the graphs and stats again tomorrow before I play any sessions.

    Good luck at the tables,
    Onwards and upwards

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    Congrats on your recent run
    I’d like that roi!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,354

    Great work Dazzy, keep it up mate.
  • thedazzmanthedazzman Member Posts: 950
    Thanks guys. The comments are very much appreciated.

    Somehow I'm expecting a bad downswing soon, but hopefully not too soon.
  • thedazzmanthedazzman Member Posts: 950
    As promised, here are the graphs & stats for my play up to yesterday (after the 15th active day [20th May])

    The MTTs are a bit sparse, but I am waiting to build my BR a bit further, as there are not many micro MTT in the Sky's Schedule, from what I can see anyway.

    If there is any stat or filtered graph or anything anyone would like to see, let me know and i'll try my best to work it out. I have tried to include everything I can think of.


    Daily Breakdown

    SnG Breakdown

    MTT Breakdown

    Total Stats

  • thedazzmanthedazzman Member Posts: 950
    DAY 16

    Summary, Thoughts & Ramblings

    Today I woke up. Was quite busy, and made some scones for the first time. They didn't rise very much and were too small. But tasted okay. So didn't play any poker until the Reward Freeroll started. That was a disaster. I may have missed the very first hand of the tournament as I late-regged a minute into it. I was dealt QQ straight away and raised it as you do. A player open-shoved and I called. He had J3h and hit a flush. Game over.

    I also played the Nightly Micro again to try my luck. That didn't fare much better. A few hands in, my top trips/top kicker (AT) on turn ran into a flopped set of 5s to FH. Game over again. The way the player played it actually felt like trips on the flop, however, how much respect can you give these types of players in these types of tournaments?

    I also decided to finally move up in limits in the DYMs to £2s, as I have built up quite a good cushion above the 20 buyins I gave myself at the start. It was a yoyo couple of sessions. The first session I won 50% so lost out on only the rake. The second mini session I won the first 5 - I thought 'great', This is going well again - then it was all undone by losing the next 5. From then I was basically struggling so gain any sort of momentum. However, my last mini session I opened up a final 8 games (I was hoping to open 9 to gain 1 extra ticket in the giveaway [you never know it could have been the winning one]) but the last one didn't fill in time, so unregistered. I then went on to win all those final 8 games to turn another overall profit for the day.

    Pleasing to say the least.

    Daily Results

    Played: 41

    39*£2.20 DYMs -- Won 24 | Lost 15
    £1,000 Rewards Freeroll -- 1414 / 1423
    £0.55, £100 Nightly Micro -- 164 / 185

    Staked: £86.35
    Winnings: £96
    Profit: £9.65
    ROI: 11.18%
    ITM: 58.54%

    Overall Progress

    Profit: £71.91
    Bonuses: £4.60
    Current Bankroll: £86.51

    Good luck at the tables,
    Onwards and upwards

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,354
    edited May 2020

    "...However, my last mini session I opened up a final 8 games (I was hoping to open 9 to gain 1 extra ticket in the giveaway [you never know it could have been the winning one]..."

    Funny you should say that Dazzy......
  • thedazzmanthedazzman Member Posts: 950
    Tikay10 said:


    "...However, my last mini session I opened up a final 8 games (I was hoping to open 9 to gain 1 extra ticket in the giveaway [you never know it could have been the winning one]..."

    Funny you should say that Dazzy......

    Excellent! Not even gaining half the possible amount of tickets, I really wasn't expecting to win anything. But an almost 25% boost to my BR and it's almost double my highest daily profit, so it's very welcome indeed.
  • thedazzmanthedazzman Member Posts: 950
    DAY 17

    Summary, Thoughts & Ramblings

    I logged in this morning to some pleasing news that I had won £20 in the ticket promotion. All the mentions in the last week about being more conscious about the points I was earning has paid off. It was a pleasant surprise and a very welcome boost to my BR. It has now broken the £100 milestone.

    On the poker front, I only played a small session before my backshift at work, and I decided against playing again after, as an early morning start awaits me in the morning.
    I played a mix of 50p, £1 and £2s as they were not filling very quickly.

    Results are;

    Daily Results

    Played: 9

    3*£2.20 DYMs -- Won 2 | Lost 1
    4*£1.10 DYMs -- Won 2 | Lost 2
    2*£0.55 DYMs -- Won 2 | Lost 0

    Staked: £12.10
    Winnings: £14
    Profit: £1.90
    ROI: 15.70%
    ITM: 66.67%

    Overall Progress

    Profit: £73.81
    Bonuses: £24.60
    Current Bankroll: £108.41

    Good luck at the tables,
    Onwards and upwards

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,354

    So you started with £10, & in less than 3 weeks you've run it up £108, mainly playing £1 & £2 DYM's?

    That's really quite something, very well done Dazzy. I'm not blowing smoke, all things are relative, and it's not an easy thing to do at all.

    You sound like a man who enjoys his poker too.

    Great stuff.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
    That's a great achievement, not only the amount but using the figures you have provided you are itm 62.85% of the time which is certainly at the top end of expectations.

    Keep it up and gl
  • thedazzmanthedazzman Member Posts: 950
    Tikay10 said:

    So you started with £10, & in less than 3 weeks you've run it up £108, mainly playing £1 & £2 DYM's?

    That's really quite something, very well done Dazzy. I'm not blowing smoke, all things are relative, and it's not an easy thing to do at all.

    You sound like a man who enjoys his poker too.

    Great stuff.

    Thanks Tikay. A lot of the profit has been from bonus tickets and the ticket giveaway prize, but poker these last couple of weeks certainly has been very enjoyable, and I doubt i'd be saying that if I was at a loss. I'm not getting ahead of myself though, as I know its a very small sample in the grand scheme of things and I'm just putting it down to The Run Good Factor.

    That's a great achievement, not only the amount but using the figures you have provided you are itm 62.85% of the time which is certainly at the top end of expectations.

    Keep it up and gl

    Thanks. Yes you are pretty much spot on with the ITM number. Hopefully I can replicate the form for as long as possible. However, I would be still be very happy at anything above the 55% ITM mark in DYMs over the long term.

    It's comments like these from other users that keep me determined and actually confident in my ability. They are appreciated.

    Time to play my first session of the day, after being at work all day. I shall report back, as always, with the results.
  • JacquelynJacquelyn Member Posts: 254
    This is a very good thread for how to build a bankroll for newbies, using good discipline, slow and steady and fantastic results, well done.

    Dazz, I am curious as to why you started this? - Is it just to document a BR challenge?

    I am not here to criticise as what you have done here is textbook stuff - brilliant.

    BUT, you are clearly a good player already (not a newbie) and know what you are doing - why didn't you deposit 100 pounds rather than 10 pounds and start on the 2.20 and 3.30 tables? - You are good enough to crush these levels, this would have saved you days/weeks of grinding?

    I'm tempted to say once you have got up to 250 pounds, document your grind up to 1000 pounds from there - as I don't think it would take you long at all.
  • JacquelynJacquelyn Member Posts: 254
    Ps did you buy the poker mindset book yet?
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
    Jacquelyn said:

    This is a very good thread for how to build a bankroll for newbies, using good discipline, slow and steady and fantastic results, well done.

    Dazz, I am curious as to why you started this? - Is it just to document a BR challenge?

    I am not here to criticise as what you have done here is textbook stuff - brilliant.

    BUT, you are clearly a good player already (not a newbie) and know what you are doing - why didn't you deposit 100 pounds rather than 10 pounds and start on the 2.20 and 3.30 tables? - You are good enough to crush these levels, this would have saved you days/weeks of grinding?

    I'm tempted to say once you have got up to 250 pounds, document your grind up to 1000 pounds from there - as I don't think it would take you long at all.

    Don't encourage him further hes already taking money off me at micros. Don't want him playing 2.20 and 3.30, theyre already tough enough. :D
  • thedazzmanthedazzman Member Posts: 950
    Hi @Jacquelyn

    Thanks for the compliments.

    Why I started this? Well, you kind of answered that in your first line. To use it as a mechanism to control my discipline with the hope of gaining slow and steady profit.

    If you read my first challenge, that was started probably about 2 weeks prior to this one, it gave some of my background info. And my biggest weakness in poker has always being turning into a tilty spewtard when results started to go bad over a couple of days.

    I gave up on that challenge quite quickly because that's exactly what happened. I just repeated what I had done on so many occasions before. Played higher than I should have and tilted a bit.

    It is quite embarrassing really, that I have played poker for many years, and never really learned from my tilty mistakes, Busting many bankrolls. Don't get me wrong though, it has always been fun up until that frustrating point of busting. I guess I could be labelled as a standard recreational player who just deposits constantly in the hope of hitting a big score without much care if I busted or not.

    And I guess that kind of answers your next question also. I had already deposited 150 for the previous challenge and eventually did what I always did. So after a break for a week or so, I thought i'd actually do something that would test my discipline a bit more without risking a whole lot. There was no point repeating the same old cycle again. And if somewhat successful and manage to climb a few levels, it would go a long way to making me feel confident in my poker ability (with actual proof of some success over a period of time) and be in much better shape to control any tiltiness at the higher level where the swings would be more noticeable to the BR yet possibly be more rewarding too.

    Luckily, as of yet there really hasn't been any prolonged bad runs and has gone much, much better than expected, so really, my weak discipline hasn't really been tested. If I'm being honest, I really thought I'd be stuck around in the bottom levels for much longer. And I really think documenting my progress here has helped. Each and every comment received has kind of spurred me on to succeed. If it wasn't for this thread, I definitely would have been taking shots at higher buyins which would likely have turned sour pretty quickly, as my BR would obviously not be suited to them.

    I just hope the good progress can continue, and I'll be maybe meeting you at your tables soon.

    As for the book you recommended earlier, I have not forgot. Not being much of a bookworm I have just put it off, however, I did look it up after you mentioned it and it gets pretty rave reviews and really does seem like a perfect fit to help in my scenario.

  • thedazzmanthedazzman Member Posts: 950

    Jacquelyn said:

    This is a very good thread for how to build a bankroll for newbies, using good discipline, slow and steady and fantastic results, well done.

    Dazz, I am curious as to why you started this? - Is it just to document a BR challenge?

    I am not here to criticise as what you have done here is textbook stuff - brilliant.

    BUT, you are clearly a good player already (not a newbie) and know what you are doing - why didn't you deposit 100 pounds rather than 10 pounds and start on the 2.20 and 3.30 tables? - You are good enough to crush these levels, this would have saved you days/weeks of grinding?

    I'm tempted to say once you have got up to 250 pounds, document your grind up to 1000 pounds from there - as I don't think it would take you long at all.

    Don't encourage him further hes already taking money off me at micros. Don't want him playing 2.20 and 3.30, theyre already tough enough. :D
    Haha. you were just unlucky running into my Kings. There's little skill involved in winning those types of hands.
  • thedazzmanthedazzman Member Posts: 950
    edited May 2020
    DAY 18

    Summary, Thoughts & Ramblings

    Not much to say tonight. After a looooong day at work and another shift to look forward to in the morning (who likes weekend working anyway?) So like yeterday, I only managed a session before heading to sleep.

    Daily Results

    Played: 20

    20*£2.20 DYMs -- Won 15 | Lost 5

    Staked: £44
    Winnings: £60
    Profit: £16
    ROI: 36.36%
    ITM: 75%

    Overall Progress

    Profit: £89.81
    Bonuses: £24.60
    Current Bankroll: £124.41

    Good luck at the tables,
    Onwards and upwards
  • gr0wapeargr0wapear Member Posts: 93
    really nice blog, GL with it
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