Fun night last night. Losing session by about a tenner but fun. Gave a few beats but took some too. Going to be playing a bit this morning. See you at the tables
Morning update. Played from 9.30 ish to 14.10. Down by about £3 but had fun. Managed to sat into a £20 bh and took a head after playing a bit too aggressive to start with, also cashed in 2 £1 rebuys in a row. Not too bad. Going to have a few hours off to do some other stuff and will be back tonight to play while watching the Berlin derby. Go Union!
I have done a bit of research and flights to Berlin next March are about £60 so, unless I do something stupid with my roll, I'll be going then.
Quick thank you to everyone who has said hi to me at the tables. Have fun and run well, except against me
Not a bad evenings work. Qualified for the £12 sheriff sat from a micro but couldn't get anything going in it, same goes for the orffy. I did do ok in a couple of tornies cenachav 0 44 £5.79 + £23.42 Head Prizes 8 18.30 £5 bh 44/463 cenachav 0 6 £9.48 + £12.24 Head Prizes 13 18.05 £2 bh 6/168
Could of done better in both as I had a decent stack in both but I think I suffered from playing 4 tables, I found I was making mistakes I shouldn't have and missing a few opportunities to get more value. In hindsight, after I qualified for the sheriff sat, I shouldn't of played the orrfy. Live and learn. Not talking about the football either!
Am now up from when I started this by about £20. I find my roll is like a mountain range. Lots of peaks and sharp declines too. It does keep creeping up long term which is good
Off to play some Xbox now. Take care and keep safe.
Nice to see you back cenachav can remember seeing you on 861 at an SPT can remember thinking he must be a good player if he gets an interview on telly. You also seemed like a good bloke so hope your on the mend and may see you on cash or tournaments, good luck at the tables.
Good to see you back both posting and playing. Like many others, I remember you posting about your health issues a while back and then you went off the radar so it's great to see you are on the mend.
Nice to see you back cenachav can remember seeing you on 861 at an SPT can remember thinking he must be a good player if he gets an interview on telly. You also seemed like a good bloke so hope your on the mend and may see you on cash or tournaments, good luck at the tables.
Many thanks. I wouldn't say good, I think I got the interview as I have an amazing beard If you ever see me on a cash table, get on the waiting list and take my money as I'm so bad at cash it's silly! I do keep playing it now and again though.
Good to see you back both posting and playing. Like many others, I remember you posting about your health issues a while back and then you went off the radar so it's great to see you are on the mend.
Many thanks. I dropped out of most things due to my mental state. I'm getting better, slowly. Playing poker again is one step for me towards better mental health.
Played for a while this morning/afternoon. It was a real tale of two halves. First half I played badly. A bit of run bad didn't help but it was mainly my bad play that had me crashing out of tournies early. Things changed around though and I won a sat for one of the £22 bh but took the cash for it and FT a £1 rebuy (one had the add on too)
cenachav 0 6 £11.33
This took me from a loss to a small profit. Happy days
Luck. We all have it, both good and bad. One persons bad beat is another persons good luck. In the rebuy, I got accused of being a lucky player. TBH, they may of been right at that time. We had just contested 2 pots together both aipf. A10 suited v AQ and AQ v AK. I was dominated both times. The first time I hit the 10 and the second the board double paired for a split. I don't normally respond to people like that in the chatbox but I did this time. I had to remind them that I had aces cracked aipf and a flopped 2 pair beaten by a runner runner straight. Luck evens out over time. Everyones does. Well, everyones apart from Matt Bates It doesn't normally happen that quickly but it always does over time. You can't escape probability. Not even Houdini could.
Off for a bit now, may play tonight, may not. Have fun.
PS The person who cracked my 2 pair with their runner runner straight, is now heads up with a 6/1 chip lead. When you get some luck, capitalise on it!
Played 3 tournies, didn't play more as I was up most of the night watching wrestling and wasn't feeling my best, plus I had stuff to do around here. Played a £3.30 bh, £5.50 bh and a £1.10 rebuy with a rebuy and the add on. Total cost £11.90 and..
I always remember you as being extremely good humoured, never negative and a multi coloured beard. The passing of time may have fabricated the colour bit, perhaps it's just the famous beard.
If you want any help with cash or tournaments I am more than willing to help you for free; looking at hands / reviewing a session, talking poker strategy etc
If it would be of any interest just shoot me a message and we can get something sorted out.
I always remember you as being extremely good humoured, never negative and a multi coloured beard. The passing of time may have fabricated the colour bit, perhaps it's just the famous beard.
If you want any help with cash or tournaments I am more than willing to help you for free; looking at hands / reviewing a session, talking poker strategy etc
If it would be of any interest just shoot me a message and we can get something sorted out.
Good luck!
Thank you very much for that. I may take you up on that sometime.
The beard has gone from a mixture of black, brown and white to mainly white now. No idea why. I blame Orford myself
This is from the bubble of a rebuy I started this morning. 9 left, 8 paid. From memory, there were 3 people with shorter stacks then me at the time.
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Unmatched bet
Flush to the Ace
Bubbling a tournie shouldn't worry you. Play to win. IMHO, I would prefer to bubble 9 and win 1 then to min cash in 10. Run well everyone. Will be playing the new forum comp tonight. Only 3 tables at once so not all of them but will do my best and have fun no matter what.
Good luck.
Thank you.
cenachav 42000 1 £15.54
BIG_GUDGE 0 2 £10.50
Scarcrow 0 3 £6.30
FREDTHETED 0 4 £5.04
INK 0 5 £4.62
Well played everyone but I ran like Robbie Fowler, hitting all the draws I needed too at the right time
I have done a bit of research and flights to Berlin next March are about £60 so, unless I do something stupid with my roll, I'll be going then.
Quick thank you to everyone who has said hi to me at the tables. Have fun and run well, except against me
cenachav 0 44 £5.79 + £23.42 Head Prizes 8 18.30 £5 bh 44/463
cenachav 0 6 £9.48 + £12.24 Head Prizes 13 18.05 £2 bh 6/168
Could of done better in both as I had a decent stack in both but I think I suffered from playing 4 tables, I found I was making mistakes I shouldn't have and missing a few opportunities to get more value. In hindsight, after I qualified for the sheriff sat, I shouldn't of played the orrfy. Live and learn. Not talking about the football either!
Am now up from when I started this by about £20. I find my roll is like a mountain range. Lots of peaks and sharp declines too. It does keep creeping up long term which is good
Off to play some Xbox now. Take care and keep safe.
cenachav 0 6 £11.33
This took me from a loss to a small profit. Happy days
Luck. We all have it, both good and bad. One persons bad beat is another persons good luck. In the rebuy, I got accused of being a lucky player. TBH, they may of been right at that time. We had just contested 2 pots together both aipf. A10 suited v AQ and AQ v AK. I was dominated both times. The first time I hit the 10 and the second the board double paired for a split. I don't normally respond to people like that in the chatbox but I did this time. I had to remind them that I had aces cracked aipf and a flopped 2 pair beaten by a runner runner straight. Luck evens out over time. Everyones does. Well, everyones apart from Matt Bates
Off for a bit now, may play tonight, may not. Have fun.
PS The person who cracked my 2 pair with their runner runner straight, is now heads up with a 6/1 chip lead. When you get some luck, capitalise on it!
cenachav 046 £11.74 Head Prizes 6
16p down, had worse runs
All the best Sir with the new diary - Subbed.
I always remember you as being extremely good humoured, never negative and a multi coloured beard. The passing of time may have fabricated the colour bit, perhaps it's just the famous beard.
If you want any help with cash or tournaments I am more than willing to help you for free; looking at hands / reviewing a session, talking poker strategy etc
If it would be of any interest just shoot me a message and we can get something sorted out.
Good luck!
The beard has gone from a mixture of black, brown and white to mainly white now. No idea why. I blame Orford myself
Stay safe, no unnecessary travel to Durham