Evening all. Poker has been up and down. Bit of run bad, bit of play bad but nothing disastrous. £30 has been split 3 ways and donated, £10 to a local food bank, £10 to C.A.L.M and £10 to stonewall. It's not much but its something.
I saw my girls today for the first time since early March which was amazing. They are two great kids and I'm truly lucky to have them in my life. I was in on the zoom call with Graham which was a great learning experience and I hope to do it again soon.
Any comments on how we both played the hand apprecieated
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Unmatched bet
Two Pairs, 7s and 5s
Sky Poker: cenachav has knocked out gorman123, collecting a Head Prize of £1.40. cenachav's head value is now £2.71. › gorman123 has finished 18th and wins £1.13 Head Prizes, and was awarded 3 Poker Points. › Beginning a new hand (1,516,689,766) gorman123: p ri ck @ t before i go @king clown gorman123: a r s hol e › cenachav has won 787.5 chips › Beginning a new hand (1,516,689,892) cenachav: gg ul
From my side, opened utg with the bottom of my range there, standard cbet on the flop and hit the turn hard with a disguised 2pair. When he calls the turn I'm setting him in on any river. If he would of raised at anytime then I would of been out of the hand but he didn't.
1. 7 5s UTG is the bottom of your range? Presumably folding when only receive 1 card Seriously, prefer to fold, but I don't hate the raise;
2. Standard c-bet
3. Like the sizing of the bet here
4. Stack sizes mean this is a standard shove
His play?
1. Pre-flop. Terrible limp-needs to raise
2. Flop. All sorts of drawing hands here-flushes straights etc. That call is terrible-deserved to lose his chips
3. Turn/river play themselves
The only good thing villain did was recognise how badly he butchered that hand. I presume the comments were aimed at himself? I know-he genuinely thought he was unlucky, ignoring the fact that that he missed 2 easy chances to win that hand...
^ Absolutely nothing wrong with that, he just ended up looking a bit silly trying to play captain trappy so is probably speaking trash out of embarrassment. Nice hand!
Sorry for the lack of posts all. My head was all over the place and not right to play poker. The joys of depression and anxiety . I took a week or so off and I'm feeling better. Lots have happened in this week. Liverpool have finally won number 19. I've been a Liverpool fan since I was knee high to Matt Bates and this has been a season unlike any other to say the least! We have done something unique. We have won the title the earliest it has even been won (games played) and also the latest (calendar date). I'm especially happy for my youngest daughter as she's a big Liverpool fan too. I got us tickets to go to Anfield for our birthdays to watch the legends game against Barcelona. That would of been on 28th March...…. Oh well. Also, Union stayed up. Mainly because of their form pre lockdown but it's been a really good effort from them.
Now for the poker. Last month went well. I tracked £1 rebuys, £2 deep stacks and regular Bh's, £3 bh and £5 bh for NLH, £2 PLO and £2 PLO8 bh's. I didn't track anything else, sats, cash, SNG's or any other games I may play. The reason for this is I play them so rarely that I didn't think it was worth my time doing it. I may start sometime later but not at the moment. I ended up a total of £174.49 up for the month and showed a profit in 5 of the 7 games. The two I was down in was by a combined 5 buy ins and the volume I put into them was the least too. I may do some charts on them, I may not though. All in all, it was a good month. A fair amount of games played, some good times had and a profit made. That's nice little bonus. Also a bit given to charity. Not much but every little helps
I started today later then I planned too. Life got in the way this morning and I couldn't play when I wanted too but fortune smiled on me. I won a £2 turbo bh I played just to keep myself occupied during a £5 bh I was playing. I cashed in a £1 rebuy and a £5 bh, also took 3 heads in another £5 bh to get a small profit on that one and came second in the 18.00 £2 bh taking 13 heads. Bit of a sickener heads up. They got it in on the flop with 2nd pair to my over pair and turned trips. It happens. The end was 2 pair v 2 pair. Theirs was better then mine. There will always be next time.
This hand came up in a £1 rebuy. 13 left, pays 8. I am chip leader and villain is 2nd in chips. Neither of us have been getting too out of hand (surprising for me )
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Straight to the Ace
1 Should I raise pre? 2 Hit the flop hard, check call to keep all their hands in. Standard? 3 Turn, Check raise ok? Bet sizing? 4 River, lead out ok? Should I check call or check raise? TBH I'm never folding here.
Glad to hear your head's a bit (a lot?) better - I'm familiar with similar joys.
As for the hand, I would (pretty much always) raise pre, then either lead or x-r flop. As played, I'd defo size up turn so the stacks are (roughly) there for a river jam.
1 Should I raise pre? 2 Hit the flop hard, check call to keep all their hands in. Standard? 3 Turn, Check raise ok? Bet sizing? 4 River, lead out ok? Should I check call or check raise? TBH I'm never folding here.
1 Yes, nearly always 2 As played x-c or x-r as mix is fine (lean more to raise at these stakes) 3 As played x-r is good, size wise 3-4x is standard 4 As played I think x-c is best unless specific reads on player. What do you think he value shoves here vs you're 80% bet? I don't know his limp strategy but for value he has flushes, and nut straight and very occasionally AA. What bluffs does he have? Again without reads it's hard to tell but maybe a hand with Ks in (blocking straights and the nut flush) but I just don't know how many river bluffs you will see at these stakes giving you such a good price to call.
Cheers for that. I think the reason I didn't raise pre is that the last 5 times I bet pre I got jammed on and I didn't have a hand good enough to call off a lot of my stack. Oh well. You can't win them all and I did end up with an ok cash.
Talking about an OK cash...
cenachav 286000 1 £98.31 + £59.99 Head Prizes 12 £16.85
I missed my normal playing time this morning, head issues, and logged on about midday to get the 25 points for the freeroll promotion tonight and managed a cash in a rebuy and a win in a £5 bh. I won and lost a few flips along the way and, most importantly, hit my draws at the right time and won the important hands. IMHO, you never win an MTT without getting the luck at the right time.
Luck comes in many forms. It's not just hitting the cards you need or getting it in bad and winning. It can also be flopping top set when oppo has middle set on a dry board. Getting aces when oppo has kings. Hitting some 60/40s in a row. Generally, you are about 20% dog to beat aces pre. Do you know how often you will win 3 60/40s in a row? 21.6%. So think about it, you win 3 60/40s in a row then get your aces cracked. Your luck has just evened out but you don't realise it as you EXPECT to win the 60/40s and it doesn't register with you that you have won them. You will never beat the odds long term. Just remember next time you get your big hand cracked, it's just maths. It happens and it will happen for you too.
Evening all. A few fairly bad days head wise has stopped me posting, again. A trip to the docs is in order I think to review my meds. I was doing ok for a month or two but the bad patches are getting worse and longer too. Not a good sign. In better news, I have had a refund from some football tickets I purchased as a joint birthday present for me, my youngest and my GF's son so I've got us all different types of Liverpool Tshirts
Poker wise, it's been good. I broke even yesterday and today I've got my balance up to just over £840. Most of this evening, I couldn't play decent poker if I tried. I was making mistakes and crashing out early from most tournies. I took a little break before the eliminator freeroll, crashing out of the 18.30 bh early gave me exactly the 25 points needed and came back just before 8. I regged the 19.45, £5.50 plo as I've not played it in ages and fancied some relaxing plo before the manic eliminator. I also checked the all in sats to see if there is any value in them. For the majority of the all ins on Sky, 18 is the magic number. 18 or below = value, 19 or above = none. I managed to bink one and played my first main since, well, Friday . I totally butchered one of the first hands I played but fluked a river gutshot to take it down for about 2500 chips. Oppo did have a go at me in the chatbox calling me a bad player (paraphrasing there) I was going to ignore him but I just said words to the effect of, what would you prefer, bad or good players on your table? Anyway, I put that to the back of my mind and started to play some not bad poker. I'll even say it was the best poker I've played in a main on Sky for a very long time. I ended up going out one before the bubble with 5 heads and about £70 profit. Will take that. Oh, that PLO I entered, I won it for £50:)
£330 withdrawn. £300 for the trip to Berlin next year. That should get me a long weekend away there with football tickets, beer, wurst and presents for the kids. £30 again to charity.
Been a few days since the last update. Head is still up and down, Docs appointment booked for Friday, I've been playing off and on with mixed results. Down a bit since I withdrew (nothing unexpected) but back in the right direction today with cashes in the 17.15 rebuy and the 18.05 BH and also won £10 in tokens from the twitter Tuesday promotion. I've still got my £2 one from last weeks rewards so I may use them all to treat myself to a £20 quid job sometime soon.
Oh and to @891925 , For limping with KK and then getting it all in on the river with just an overpair with a flush and a 4 card straight on it. For calling me a lucky player and saying I wouldn't have the chips for long. I cashed
Oh, almost forgot, £20 donated to Mind UK and £10 to a local charity to help provide hot meals to vulnerable Asian people. I asked my two girls to pick a charity for me and they both chose Mind. So proud of them. Love them to bits
Been trying to sort myself out for the last few weeks. Onto new pills now and waiting for them to settle in. Head goes from very slow and I don't want to do anything to hyper and I have to try to force myself to slow down. Neither states are good for playing goof poker! At the moment I'm flying and forcing myself to do slow down and do nothing. I played a bit this evening but I'm not playing the best. Not so bad to be throwing money away but not so good to be making it. Roll is going down, slowly, but that is to be expected with my style of play and I'm not too worried about it yet.
Bonus points for spotting the song the lyric comes from up top. I almost said cement instead of concrete as they are the same thing
I saw my girls today for the first time since early March which was amazing. They are two great kids and I'm truly lucky to have them in my life. I was in on the zoom call with Graham which was a great learning experience and I hope to do it again soon.
Not really up to talking much at the moment.
Take care all and stay safe.
› gorman123 has finished 18th and wins £1.13 Head Prizes, and was awarded 3 Poker Points.
› Beginning a new hand (1,516,689,766)
gorman123: p ri ck
@ t before i go
@king clown
gorman123: a r s hol e
› cenachav has won 787.5 chips
› Beginning a new hand (1,516,689,892)
cenachav: gg ul
From my side, opened utg with the bottom of my range there, standard cbet on the flop and hit the turn hard with a disguised 2pair. When he calls the turn I'm setting him in on any river. If he would of raised at anytime then I would of been out of the hand but he didn't.
1. 7 5s UTG is the bottom of your range? Presumably folding when only receive 1 card
Seriously, prefer to fold, but I don't hate the raise;
2. Standard c-bet
3. Like the sizing of the bet here
4. Stack sizes mean this is a standard shove
His play?
1. Pre-flop. Terrible limp-needs to raise
2. Flop. All sorts of drawing hands here-flushes straights etc. That call is terrible-deserved to lose his chips
3. Turn/river play themselves
The only good thing villain did was recognise how badly he butchered that hand. I presume the comments were aimed at himself? I know-he genuinely thought he was unlucky, ignoring the fact that that he missed 2 easy chances to win that hand...
Now for the poker. Last month went well. I tracked £1 rebuys, £2 deep stacks and regular Bh's, £3 bh and £5 bh for NLH, £2 PLO and £2 PLO8 bh's. I didn't track anything else, sats, cash, SNG's or any other games I may play. The reason for this is I play them so rarely that I didn't think it was worth my time doing it. I may start sometime later but not at the moment. I ended up a total of £174.49 up for the month and showed a profit in 5 of the 7 games. The two I was down in was by a combined 5 buy ins and the volume I put into them was the least too. I may do some charts on them, I may not though. All in all, it was a good month. A fair amount of games played, some good times had and a profit made. That's nice little bonus. Also a bit given to charity. Not much but every little helps
I started today later then I planned too. Life got in the way this morning and I couldn't play when I wanted too but fortune smiled on me. I won a £2 turbo bh I played just to keep myself occupied during a £5 bh I was playing. I cashed in a £1 rebuy and a £5 bh, also took 3 heads in another £5 bh to get a small profit on that one and came second in the 18.00 £2 bh taking 13 heads. Bit of a sickener heads up. They got it in on the flop with 2nd pair to my over pair and turned trips. It happens. The end was 2 pair v 2 pair. Theirs was better then mine. There will always be next time.
Off for food and Xbox now. Gl all and run well
This hand came up in a £1 rebuy. 13 left, pays 8. I am chip leader and villain is 2nd in chips. Neither of us have been getting too out of hand (surprising for me
2 Hit the flop hard, check call to keep all their hands in. Standard?
3 Turn, Check raise ok? Bet sizing?
4 River, lead out ok? Should I check call or check raise? TBH I'm never folding here.
As for the hand, I would (pretty much always) raise pre, then either lead or x-r flop. As played, I'd defo size up turn so the stacks are (roughly) there for a river jam.
But I'm not very good at tournament pokers.
VBOL with the diary, wpwp.
2 As played x-c or x-r as mix is fine (lean more to raise at these stakes)
3 As played x-r is good, size wise 3-4x is standard
4 As played I think x-c is best unless specific reads on player. What do you think he value shoves here vs you're 80% bet? I don't know his limp strategy but for value he has flushes, and nut straight and very occasionally AA. What bluffs does he have? Again without reads it's hard to tell but maybe a hand with Ks in (blocking straights and the nut flush) but I just don't know how many river bluffs you will see at these stakes giving you such a good price to call.
Talking about an OK cash...
cenachav 286000 1 £98.31 + £59.99 Head Prizes 12 £16.85
I missed my normal playing time this morning, head issues, and logged on about midday to get the 25 points for the freeroll promotion tonight and managed a cash in a rebuy and a win in a £5 bh. I won and lost a few flips along the way and, most importantly, hit my draws at the right time and won the important hands. IMHO, you never win an MTT without getting the luck at the right time.
Luck comes in many forms. It's not just hitting the cards you need or getting it in bad and winning. It can also be flopping top set when oppo has middle set on a dry board. Getting aces when oppo has kings. Hitting some 60/40s in a row. Generally, you are about 20% dog to beat aces pre. Do you know how often you will win 3 60/40s in a row? 21.6%. So think about it, you win 3 60/40s in a row then get your aces cracked. Your luck has just evened out but you don't realise it as you EXPECT to win the 60/40s and it doesn't register with you that you have won them. You will never beat the odds long term. Just remember next time you get your big hand cracked, it's just maths. It happens and it will happen for you too.
Take care, run well and stay safe.
Poker wise, it's been good. I broke even yesterday and today I've got my balance up to just over £840. Most of this evening, I couldn't play decent poker if I tried. I was making mistakes and crashing out early from most tournies. I took a little break before the eliminator freeroll, crashing out of the 18.30 bh early gave me exactly the 25 points needed and came back just before 8. I regged the 19.45, £5.50 plo as I've not played it in ages and fancied some relaxing plo before the manic eliminator. I also checked the all in sats to see if there is any value in them. For the majority of the all ins on Sky, 18 is the magic number. 18 or below = value, 19 or above = none. I managed to bink one and played my first main since, well, Friday
Stay safe everyone and run well.
I like the idea with the footy shirts
Been a few days since the last update. Head is still up and down, Docs appointment booked for Friday, I've been playing off and on with mixed results. Down a bit since I withdrew (nothing unexpected) but back in the right direction today with cashes in the 17.15 rebuy and the 18.05 BH and also won £10 in tokens from the twitter Tuesday promotion. I've still got my £2 one from last weeks rewards so I may use them all to treat myself to a £20 quid job sometime soon.
Oh and to @891925 , For limping with KK and then getting it all in on the river with just an overpair with a flush and a 4 card straight on it. For calling me a lucky player and saying I wouldn't have the chips for long. I cashed
Been trying to sort myself out for the last few weeks. Onto new pills now and waiting for them to settle in. Head goes from very slow and I don't want to do anything to hyper and I have to try to force myself to slow down. Neither states are good for playing goof poker! At the moment I'm flying and forcing myself to do slow down and do nothing. I played a bit this evening but I'm not playing the best. Not so bad to be throwing money away but not so good to be making it. Roll is going down, slowly, but that is to be expected with my style of play and I'm not too worried about it yet.
Bonus points for spotting the song the lyric comes from up top. I almost said cement instead of concrete as they are the same thing
Good luck all and run well.
Stay safe.