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Next on channel 865..... Too soon?



  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,631
    edited July 2020
    All the young dudes? Take care..
    Omg you'll start @Tikay10 off....they are def not the same thing..
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,787
    Glenelg said:

    All the young dudes? Take care..
    Omg you'll start @Tikay10 off....they are def not the same thing..

    Mott The Hoople had the hit with All The Young Dudes but it was written by the great David Bowie. Listen to the lyrics, still apt today.

    Good luck with the new meds Mark, hope they have a positive effect.
  • cenachavcenachav Member Posts: 2,682
    Both right with the song :) I was singing along to it yesterday, the Bruce Dickenson version from tattooed millionaire, thanks spotify :), when that lyric really hit home. No idea why but it just resonated with me. The meds will take a month or so before I know if they work or not. Body is just getting used to them now.

    Good news. I no longer have to get any sick notes from the doc after a telephone assessment from the DWP. I may get some back pay too. Woo hoo! Depending on how much it is, I will treat my kids, give to charity and put it toward my holiday fund. I can do it on the £300 I have there now but so me more will mean a better hotel for me. I've also started to learn German for the trip. I already speak a bit, I took it for 2 years in school and my dad is Austrian, but learning more will help with the locals when I get there. I'll try not to mention the war ;)

    Poker wise, up and down. Managed to sat into the main for the minimum. Then only lasted a few hands. I think my head just went at the wrong time there. I was in a few more games just before and blew up a bit. I was in the cash in both but had a great chance to take them both down. It happens sometimes.

    Off for food and xbox now, well will post a hand first but you know what I mean!

    Stay safe and run well all.

  • cenachavcenachav Member Posts: 2,682
    On the bubble of the late reg into the main. No cash for going out, seat or nothing.
    cenachavSmall blind800.00800.007165.00
    taylor0313Big blind1600.002400.0026370.00
    Your hole cards
    • Q
    • Q
    Can I fold here? Can I trust the BB to call and take them out? Other table has a short stack but they will be on the button next hand so have plenty of time.

    All in, call or fold. If I call should I fold if the BB shoves?

    Hand 1529204782 so I can find it later.
  • glencoeladglencoelad Member Posts: 1,505
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,787
  • cenachavcenachav Member Posts: 2,682
    We have a split decision. One judge goes for a fold, one for a call so the winner, but virtue of how I played the hand is, drum roll please.....

    A call. I was sure I was a decent way ahead, I was, they have AJ, and I knew that even if the big stack came along I only had to beat one of them. As it happens, big stack called with A6 and I won :)

    End of the month time. Last month I played a total of 93 MTT's, well, the ones I count anyway, and racked up a total profit of £248.30. I was up in all but 2 again, by 1 buy in and 5 buy ins so nothing major in that. I've opted into the lowest league of this months premiership promotion. It's not one that suits me as it's harder to get points playing MTTs then the other forms but you can't have everything and as last months was more favoursome for MTT players, I'm certainly not complaining.

    Run well all and stay safe

  • chappo100chappo100 Member Posts: 116
    Gl Cena, that QQ spot is gross, I would call unless carfidd or shaf were pretty short, no idea if thats right or not. If you fancy an away game to see berlin I would recommened Mainz as a lovely place and football ground to visit if you don't want to do Berlin itself
  • cenachavcenachav Member Posts: 2,682
    Evening all. It's been a while.

    Long story short, meds got messed up which affected my brain and my body. Got them changed now and can, just about, get myself in the right place to play. I had a few false starts but I think I'm good to go again. Well, as good as I get anyway :)

    Hope everyone has had fun since I've been gone and I'll try to update this as regularly as I can.

    Take care all and run well.

  • cenachavcenachav Member Posts: 2,682
    Life. It has it's ups and downs. Not too long after I did the last date, I was assaulted in my own home, twice. Nothing too serious, I ended up with a bruised little finger but enough to really trigger my mental problems. Great! I was really starting to get back into this great game of poker too. I treated myself to an £11 bh game as a present to myself. Started on a table of 5 with Matt Bates, Tommy D and Scotty77. Didn't take me too long to spot the fish on that table lol! I did enjoy it until I got crippled by Matt. My AK against his AQ. I lost the flip when he spiked the Q on the flop. Oh well. I did enjoy it though.

    Didn't play much for a couple of weeks after that due to the above then tried to ease myself back in, bit of success here and there and found myself trying to sat into the first day UKOPS main when I was in this spot. Question, how to play aces in the SB here...
    cenachavSmall blind20.0020.002262.50
    ArrogantBig blind40.0060.001565.00
    Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    So, flat call and take aces 3 ways, probably, and be oop against them or cold 4 bet oop? If I do 4 bet, should I make it a small bet or shove? I would love your opinions on this one.

    Fast forward to yesterday and I had to get 14 poker points to get to 100 and get the free £2.30 token. For some unknown reason, I played a few all in sats including a £3 to the main. My luck was in and I won it! Not only that, I took 3 heads for a profit of £109.50. not too bad for a low stakes player.

    Run well all and have fun. Mark
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,650
    Sorry to hear about your troubles at home Mark.

    Poker is sometimes a release from all your worries, as long as you play sensibly within your BR. I see that you always do.

    Unlucky in that hand against #runlikebates. The system is obv tweaked to assist these site players. I think Mr PJ could be right after all ;)

    As for the AA hand? I would just jam there and see KK/QQ turned over.....which would obv hit their K/Q on the river as standard.

    Head up mate......enjoy poker if you play.....but try to enjoy life more. Harder I know in these trying times but keep smiling the best you can.

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