Evening all. Played the new micro series and had a load of fun. I decided on a plan of attack, reg the 18.30 bh first and late reg the 18.15 rebuy as late as possible, take a rebuy and addon and play it as a freezeout, then reg the micro and then reg another tournie when I crash out of one. It didn't start the best. Within 5 minutes of the first tournie I was down to 622.5 chips. It's better then being out, just! lol. I kept it tight, for a few minutes anyway, picked up aces and got a double up then KQ on a K66 rainbow flop. I was oop and checked to induce but they checked it back. Q on the turn, happy days I called a small turn bet. 8 on the river, no flush out there and I got it in, they turned over AK. Dodged a bullet there! 3 hands later and picked up aces again in the bb and someone shoved into me. Full double up again and I'm now sitting on 5410 chips, blinds, 15/30, 13 minutes after having 622.5 chips. I kept running well in it and came 7th with 21 heads had worse nights
cenachav 0 7 £42.61 + £56.59 Head Prizes 21
Nothing else happened all night long really. I got going in most of them but couldn't finish any. Can't do well in all of them. Roll is just over £440 now. Happy with that.
Afternoon all. Played a bit this morning, standard until I misclicked a call to an all in shove on the first hand and went out first hand. Oops. My play went south quickly after that so called it a morning early, didn't rebuy in the rebuy I was in and shut it down until tonight where I will be doing the micro challenge again. I ended up joint 4th after the first night. A good start but I think I can do a bit better.
Not having a great day mentally either today. A combination of loads of things including missing my kids is just adding up. Poker really helps me mentally as it gives me something I can really concentrate on and something where I can feel I can use my statistics skills on.
Took a mental health day off yesterday. I was in no real position to play, let alone play anywhere near my best. Back today feeling better. Sometimes I just need to do nothing, see and talk to no one just to get a bit better. I didn't even watch the Union Berlin match. I must of been bad!
Back today feeling a bit better, well enough to play and not embarrass myself.
Played for a while this morning/afternoon. I think the word meh sums it up well. Was going well in a £1 rebuy but stupidly donked it off with second pair on a blind v blind. My fault. Oh well, live and learn, hopefully Going to play this evening. Made a decision to ignore the micro series. I'm going to still play some of the tournies in it but I won't be concentrating on it. I don't think it's good for my game to concentrate on that many tournies at one time.
I've also made a decision to made a spreadsheet to track my games starting 1st June. See what games it's best for me to concentrate on. I last did one about 4 years ago when I was playing a load of SNGs on another site. I won't name it but it is somewhere between 777 and 999 . I kept it up for about 3 months then they completely changed their SNGs with no notice. They not only changed the buy ins for everything and removed the softest PLO SNGs ever but made every DYM a 3 minute blind shove fest. they used to be 7 minute more reserved ones. One day I will tell you just how soft those PLO SNGs were but not quite yet.
Quick update. Stopped very early last night, wasn't feeling too well and only played for a bit this morning. Totally meh, but won a £3 all in for one of the £55 jobs. Took the money and back up to just over £400 at the start of this evening. Will post more later when I'm feeling ok
Update. I didn't play at all over the weekend as I wasn't feeling too good mentally or physically. Feeling ok to play now, I played yesterday too but didn't have the mental energy to update this. It's been a complete mish mash of results. I'm not playing my best and making some avoidable mistakes in most tournies. Running hot and cold still. My new habit is flopping 2 pair only to find my oppo has a better 2 pair. That changed this morning when I flopped top 2 with oppo flopping bottom 2. Pity they hit their 2 outer but that's poker . Also, to the person who slowrolled me with the nuts this morning, there is a note by your name to return the favour one day.
Now for the good news. I won another PLO tournie last night and bubbled winning the 18.05 £2 bh The plan is to chill for a good few hours now then play more tonight.
I've said before I don't mind bubbling. Never have and never will. Sometimes, it does hurt. Not for any monetary reason as I only play tournies I'm rolled for and if I satellite into a big one then I'm freerolling. I bubbled the 9.45 £3.30 bh today. It hurt. Not badly but it hurt nether the less. Why? Well at 9.55, the last hand before the break this happened...
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Flush to the Ace
Down to 130 chips with the blinds up to 15/30 and 5 minutes before I could do anything. 5 minutes to think about it and try not to get down. I went downstairs and got myself another coffee. J5 in the next hand was an easy fold then A6 and shoved. 3 callers and I took it down. Nice little quad up . Next hand was QQ. If there is a god up there, thank you. Shoved, 1 caller and the good ladies hold. Back over 1k chips and I'm back in the game. I won't bore you with the rest but I took 1 head and bubbled. I could of folded as there was 1 person with about 4bb but I wasn't there for a min cash. It hurt but I wouldn't of played it differently.
Off to do some other stuff for a bit. Take care and run well.
It's been an...... interesting few days poker wise. The spreadsheet is going well. Still very early days to get any real results but it's giving me a good idea of where to concentrate on and where I need to look at my play more. Up to this afternoon I was up by the massive amount of...…
Wait for it...
Bit longer...
I celebrated by getting a mars bar. Profit eaten
This evening went a bit better. I came third in the 17.15 £1.10 rebuy, third also in the micro, the best result I've ever had in that and I came 4th in a freeroll. Not just any freeroll but the escalating freeroll for £126. Just like the Fonz, I'm in happy days
Bankroll is looking very healthy now at just over £515. I've got a bit of work to do if I'm going to qualify for the next freeroll but I don't mind a bit of hard pokering
Off to chill now and prepare for the UFC tonight.
Tomorrow I plan to put down a few o my thought on shortstack play as that came up a lot today in the micro and the freeroll.
These are my opinions on shortstack play in MTTs. They may be correct, they may be a load of old bull but they have served me well in the past.
What is a shortstack? IMHO it is when it would be a mistake for you to min raise then fold. Normally about 10bb but that can change depending on the game and what you are trying to achieve. For example, 10bb in a turbo and 10bb in a deepstack play differently. Take a few seconds and look at the other players chipstacks. How deep are they? It's so much easier for a player with 100bb to call you then one with 25bb. Choose who you shove into. If you can see someone trying to ladder, target them. Don't go made with shoving though. Think of it as climbing a mountain. Take it in stages and rest when you get to certain points. No one ever climbed Mt Everest in one go. For example, if I find myself with 3000 chips at 300/150, I'll set a target of getting to 4000 chips by the next blind level to keep at 10bb. If I win 4 shoves in that time I can get there even if I let the blinds go through me once. Then regroup and onto the next level.
Calling a shortstack shove.
First my rough guide to calling in BH's. When the call will leave me with over 100bb or is 10% or less of my stack then I will call in most situations with almost any 2. The bigger the head prize, the wider I will call. It's a lot easier to call 10% of your stack with J5 for £10 then it is for £1. I don't mind taking the odd 40/60 chance to ko someone. If you don't have a huge stack, look for anyone who is shoving too often or someone who is taking advantage of you and stealing your blinds too often. The more often they shove, the looser they are shoving so, therefore, the wider you should call them. It's easy to fold JK off to one shove, but do you really want to fold it to the third shove by the same player? No one ever won a poker tourney by just folding and waiting for monsters.
4th in the Champions league! Sorry, micro league. I got a bit carried away there. TBH, I probably played a bit too much last night. Will try to remember that for next week. I've now cashed in 4 successive £1 rebuys That sequence has to end soon, but not too soon I hope. I've also not played any PLO8 this month, I'll put that right today
Been away for a few days battling a few head demons but feeling better now. Hope everyone has been good. My run of cashing in £1 rebuys ended with me crashing out about 6 from the bubble, but I cashed in a PLO8 BH and took 2 heads too. That, along with a 2nd place in a PLO tourney means I'm in profit for all 3 variants that SKY offer
It's a bit early to draw any conclusions but after playing 12 £2bh's, I have taken 38 heads. I don't think that running like that is sustainable over a period of several months but it's good to see over a short period.
Will finish watching the football, Union are 2-0 up as I type and heading for their first win since the restart, then I will start playing again.
Yesterday was not good. Bad luck, bad play and very bad internet here makes Mark not a very happy poker player. As someone once said, tomorrow is just another day. As tomorrow yesterday is now today, things should look up. As we know though, should and will are two totally different things....
I got up early, for me, as I had someone coming to fix my door as it wasn't closing properly. As it's a fire door it has to close on it's own and it wasn't. I made myself a mug of proper coffee with the last of my good beans. I'm not a coffee snob by any means, normally I drink Morrisons own gold blend, but I do love a cup of freshly ground coffee. This was the last of my espresso blend with chocolate undertones. It does down very well . I decided to have a few games to pass a few hours. I regged the £3 9.45bh. I do love the £3 BHs. They have been amazingly good to me throughout the years and are probably my favourite games to play here. I started it and played well for 30 minutes. Then shoved A10clubs on a J 7 3 2 club board only to be called by AK, no clubs, didn't hit and went out harder then Phillip Schofield. It didn't put me off and regged the 10.15 rebuy and the 10.30 and 10.45 bhs. I almost didn't reg the 10.30 one as I haven't been running well in the £5 ones for a few weeks but I did anyway. Maybe, deep inside I don't like money and want to give it back, Who knows! If I did want to give it back then I picked the wrong tourney. There was a, cough, little overlay. The £400 gtd had 49 runners. I'm guessing the gtd will be going down tomorrow.
Anyway, There were a few fun hands. Got to love rivering a forum contributer @misterpj
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
What do you mean I didn't river him? I must of. He said so himself in the chat! Justice prevailed later though when I shoved A8 into his AK to send myself out. It wasn't the worlds best shove. In my defence, I had gone totally flat and wanted to try to get some momentum my way. It failed. You will notice that I haven't mentioned the last two BHs I entered. Well, TBH, nothing out of the ordinary happened in them. It's a fair game, best player won etc etc
Well, after then load of fun, my BR is not looking too bad and I can afford to remove £30 and give that to charity. I said I would donate anything I won from the mini yesterday as I got a free entry via the micro league. As I didn't win anything, I still want to donate and will when the £30 hits my account in a couple of days. It's been too long since I have been able to help others. I needed help myself, still do. I'm getting there, others aren't and they need help.
Quick addendum. I'd like to donate £10 of the £30 to a charity suggested on the forum so if anyone knows of a small charity that they support, please post here
cenachav 0 7 £42.61 + £56.59 Head Prizes 21
Nothing else happened all night long really. I got going in most of them but couldn't finish any. Can't do well in all of them. Roll is just over £440 now. Happy with that.
Run well all, See you tomorrow on the tables.
Not having a great day mentally either today. A combination of loads of things including missing my kids is just adding up. Poker really helps me mentally as it gives me something I can really concentrate on and something where I can feel I can use my statistics skills on.
Run well everyone, stay safe and sack Cummings
Took a mental health day off yesterday. I was in no real position to play, let alone play anywhere near my best. Back today feeling better. Sometimes I just need to do nothing, see and talk to no one just to get a bit better. I didn't even watch the Union Berlin match. I must of been bad!
Back today feeling a bit better, well enough to play and not embarrass myself.
Run well all
I've also made a decision to made a spreadsheet to track my games starting 1st June. See what games it's best for me to concentrate on. I last did one about 4 years ago when I was playing a load of SNGs on another site. I won't name it but it is somewhere between 777 and 999
Run well all and stay safe.
Now for the good news. I won another PLO tournie last night and bubbled winning the 18.05 £2 bh
Run well all, stay safe and have fun.
Off to do some other stuff for a bit. Take care and run well.
Wait for it...
Bit longer...
I celebrated by getting a mars bar. Profit eaten
This evening went a bit better. I came third in the 17.15 £1.10 rebuy, third also in the micro, the best result I've ever had in that and I came 4th in a freeroll. Not just any freeroll but the escalating freeroll for £126. Just like the Fonz, I'm in happy days
Bankroll is looking very healthy now at just over £515. I've got a bit of work to do if I'm going to qualify for the next freeroll but I don't mind a bit of hard pokering
Off to chill now and prepare for the UFC tonight.
Tomorrow I plan to put down a few o my thought on shortstack play as that came up a lot today in the micro and the freeroll.
Stay safe and be kind.
These are my opinions on shortstack play in MTTs. They may be correct, they may be a load of old bull but they have served me well in the past.
What is a shortstack? IMHO it is when it would be a mistake for you to min raise then fold. Normally about 10bb but that can change depending on the game and what you are trying to achieve. For example, 10bb in a turbo and 10bb in a deepstack play differently. Take a few seconds and look at the other players chipstacks. How deep are they? It's so much easier for a player with 100bb to call you then one with 25bb. Choose who you shove into. If you can see someone trying to ladder, target them. Don't go made with shoving though. Think of it as climbing a mountain. Take it in stages and rest when you get to certain points. No one ever climbed Mt Everest in one go. For example, if I find myself with 3000 chips at 300/150, I'll set a target of getting to 4000 chips by the next blind level to keep at 10bb. If I win 4 shoves in that time I can get there even if I let the blinds go through me once. Then regroup and onto the next level.
Calling a shortstack shove.
First my rough guide to calling in BH's. When the call will leave me with over 100bb or is 10% or less of my stack then I will call in most situations with almost any 2. The bigger the head prize, the wider I will call. It's a lot easier to call 10% of your stack with J5 for £10 then it is for £1. I don't mind taking the odd 40/60 chance to ko someone. If you don't have a huge stack, look for anyone who is shoving too often or someone who is taking advantage of you and stealing your blinds too often. The more often they shove, the looser they are shoving so, therefore, the wider you should call them. It's easy to fold JK off to one shove, but do you really want to fold it to the third shove by the same player? No one ever won a poker tourney by just folding and waiting for monsters.
4th in the Champions league! Sorry, micro league. I got a bit carried away there. TBH, I probably played a bit too much last night. Will try to remember that for next week. I've now cashed in 4 successive £1 rebuys
Been away for a few days battling a few head demons but feeling better now. Hope everyone has been good. My run of cashing in £1 rebuys ended with me crashing out about 6 from the bubble, but I cashed in a PLO8 BH and took 2 heads too. That, along with a 2nd place in a PLO tourney means I'm in profit for all 3 variants that SKY offer
It's a bit early to draw any conclusions but after playing 12 £2bh's, I have taken 38 heads. I don't think that running like that is sustainable over a period of several months but it's good to see over a short period.
Will finish watching the football, Union are 2-0 up as I type and heading for their first win since the restart, then I will start playing again.
Run well all and stay safe.
Yesterday was not good. Bad luck, bad play and very bad internet here makes Mark not a very happy poker player. As someone once said, tomorrow is just another day. As tomorrow yesterday is now today, things should look up. As we know though, should and will are two totally different things....
I got up early, for me, as I had someone coming to fix my door as it wasn't closing properly. As it's a fire door it has to close on it's own and it wasn't. I made myself a mug of proper coffee with the last of my good beans. I'm not a coffee snob by any means, normally I drink Morrisons own gold blend, but I do love a cup of freshly ground coffee. This was the last of my espresso blend with chocolate undertones. It does down very well
Anyway, There were a few fun hands. Got to love rivering a forum contributer @misterpj
Well, after then load of fun, my BR is not looking too bad and I can afford to remove £30 and give that to charity. I said I would donate anything I won from the mini yesterday as I got a free entry via the micro league. As I didn't win anything, I still want to donate and will when the £30 hits my account in a couple of days. It's been too long since I have been able to help others. I needed help myself, still do. I'm getting there, others aren't and they need help.
Good luck all, run well and stay safe.