I think it's a great idea and just ignore the moaners but I do agree with dazzmans post where one point he mentioned was this That way, the highest scorers won't generally be skewed in favour of players who are able and willing to play every tournament in the schedule. Maybe take the best 5, 10, 15 scores from each player to get their final score?
We've already tried to counteract this in a couple of ways.
- The eligible tournaments are split fairly evenly across buy-in levels and we don't think there are many players who would event want to play all of them. For example the kind of person playing £5.50 Bounty Hunters is probably not likely to play the £0.55 Nightly Micro - We have only used tournaments from the evening schedule, reducing the advantage full-time players and grinders will get - They all start in around a 2-hour window, making playing all of them fairly impractical. You'd end up playing around ten tournaments at once if you went for it and I think someone capable of doing that effectively is going to have their eyes on juicier tournaments at higher buy-ins. - It's also worth noting that mass multi-tabling obviously lowers your expected ROI somewhat and I doubt people doing that are going to have that much of an advantage over people concentrating on just two or three
We'll keep an eye on this though and review it if necessary.
All valid points, especially the two hour window I hadn't really fully considered.
Really think this needs more for plo cash and spin up players, quite selfish really.
I mean, apart from loads of promo's giving away thousands, numerous community leader boards for different comps awarding free tourney tickets, weekly free to enter comp awarding more of the same, cash, dym and mtt clinics where you can have advice on your play, again for free, raising thousands for charity and no doubt many other things I've forgotten, but apart from that, what has the Sky forum ever done for us?
Really think this needs more for plo cash and spin up players, quite selfish really.
I mean, apart from loads of promo's giving away thousands, numerous community leader boards for different comps awarding free tourney tickets, weekly free to enter comp awarding more of the same, cash, dym and mtt clinics where you can have advice on your play, again for free, raising thousands for charity and no doubt many other things I've forgotten, but apart from that, what has the Sky forum ever done for us?
Feel free to have a look and submit a few dummy results if you like to make sure you know what you're doing. I'll add this link to the original post on this thread too so it's easy to find.
The only information it's asking for is your Sky Poker alias, the tournament you played, which position you finished in, and a screenshot of the lobby for verification.
One caveat with this is that you'll need to sign in to a Google account to use this, which is because you're uploading files to my Google Drive, which you can't do without an account. This also means your Google name and email address will be revealed to me if you upload a file. However I don't plan to reveal or use or share this information, or even look at it intentionally. I'm not happy about this requirement from a privacy perspective but it's the easiest way I can think of to let non-technical people share their lobby screenshots.
But. I've also added the option to upload the screenshot elsewhere and simply link to that on the form if you like, which will mean your Google account details are never revealed to me. So if you'd like to do that, feel free. http://imgur.com is a fairly simple and free image upload service that I would recommend for this purpose.
Your screenshot should look something like this:
With the tournament name, start time, and your finish result clearly visible.
If you submit a result without a screenshot, your result is not going to be counted unless you offer a different way to verify the result.
I agree that this is a bit of a faff. The reason we're asking for this is to be able to easily verify results in a sustainable way. We don't want to have to check the lobbies manually for each result, especially if we get a few months down the line with this and there are potentially a lot of people's results to go through. So we're just asking for a small amount of inconvenience from you to help us avoid a large amount of inconvenience. Seems like a fair trade for free Main Event tickets, right?
Like everything else in this tournament, this will be subject to review as time goes on based on feedback.
Instead of screenshotting and uploading could you not just submit the lobby URL? I don’t know how long the links stay live but if it’s just a weekly thing it should be ok?
Instead of screenshotting and uploading could you not just submit the lobby URL? I don’t know how long the links stay live but if it’s just a weekly thing it should be ok?
I considered that. But I use the downloaded app, and I assume many others do, which doesn't reveal the lobby URLs. So doing that for people like me would be much more of a pain than simply taking a screenshot.
It also means I can just look at a picture for verification than go to a separate page and scroll down the entry list looking for you.
But I think if you want to include a link to the lobby rather than a link to a screenshot, that shouldn't be a huge issue.
Nothing stopping you or anyone else coming up with a dym based forum challenge. It has been in the past with added prizes eg the dym spinup challenge.
Good luck with it all, count me in.
When is the polished format published please.
I mean, apart from loads of promo's giving away thousands, numerous community leader boards for different comps awarding free tourney tickets, weekly free to enter comp awarding more of the same, cash, dym and mtt clinics where you can have advice on your play, again for free, raising thousands for charity and no doubt many other things I've forgotten, but apart from that, what has the Sky forum ever done for us?
I'll post a list of entrants on Monday afternoon. Please give me a nudge then if I've forgotten to include you.
Here is the form you'll need to use to submit your results: https://forms.gle/RUDqzCNwuo6Qdhzr7
Feel free to have a look and submit a few dummy results if you like to make sure you know what you're doing. I'll add this link to the original post on this thread too so it's easy to find.
The only information it's asking for is your Sky Poker alias, the tournament you played, which position you finished in, and a screenshot of the lobby for verification.
One caveat with this is that you'll need to sign in to a Google account to use this, which is because you're uploading files to my Google Drive, which you can't do without an account. This also means your Google name and email address will be revealed to me if you upload a file. However I don't plan to reveal or use or share this information, or even look at it intentionally. I'm not happy about this requirement from a privacy perspective but it's the easiest way I can think of to let non-technical people share their lobby screenshots.
But. I've also added the option to upload the screenshot elsewhere and simply link to that on the form if you like, which will mean your Google account details are never revealed to me. So if you'd like to do that, feel free. http://imgur.com is a fairly simple and free image upload service that I would recommend for this purpose.
Your screenshot should look something like this:
With the tournament name, start time, and your finish result clearly visible.
If you submit a result without a screenshot, your result is not going to be counted unless you offer a different way to verify the result.
I agree that this is a bit of a faff. The reason we're asking for this is to be able to easily verify results in a sustainable way. We don't want to have to check the lobbies manually for each result, especially if we get a few months down the line with this and there are potentially a lot of people's results to go through. So we're just asking for a small amount of inconvenience from you to help us avoid a large amount of inconvenience. Seems like a fair trade for free Main Event tickets, right?
Like everything else in this tournament, this will be subject to review as time goes on based on feedback.
It also means I can just look at a picture for verification than go to a separate page and scroll down the entry list looking for you.
But I think if you want to include a link to the lobby rather than a link to a screenshot, that shouldn't be a huge issue.
Ive sent a test.
I realise now its maybe not what you want.