Only noticed on dym's. And last night's £2.20 bh.
Last night when I tried to manually open the bh it told me I had a duplicate table open.
I didnt .
I closed everything down and started again but still got the duplicate warning.
Now today, I only noticed when my dym disappeared from the list and the table hadn't opened.
As an addendum, it's seems to be intermittent. Anyone else?
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Try to launch table, opens but doesn't load, says I have a duplicate table open
Using google chrome.
1st 1 was a £11TDYM. Had 5 other tables working fine-as above, kept telling me had the table open-I recall Mr RaRa was on it-I finished 4th, so presumably 2 others couldn't load either.
2nd table was either the 6 or 6:30 freeroll. Same problems, but then noticed the stacks were appearing on the left, as well as the right. Once closed the lobby (as opposed to the table) table came up fine.
Hope this helps. Would be good if Sky gave me a Cash reward if this solves it. About £11 would be good
Another table kept trying to open that was already open causing a duplicate issue.
If cash rewards are being offered as per a @Essexphil request. A SPT seat would shut me up.
You could slip it in in the STP give-away draw and no-one would be any the wiser.
Maybe phone me?
Duplicate table warning. Won't load, just loading Symbol for minutes.
My only cure is to reboot the comp.
Meanwhile blinding away.
3 seat Sun. Major Freeby opened fine at 6pm and I was still in after 5 minutes which is good for me
I'll pass these comments up to the Techies in the morning lads.
I then logged out to try and fix it, but couldn't initially get back in. So all my tables were then out of action, which is not great in MTT's
I didn't get the seat and bought in direct to the Summit in the end.
Is there a way to get compensation without going through customer care, or is that the only route?
Of course it is hard to quantify exactly how much it cost me, but I feel it was significant.
Is there anything you can do @Tikay10 or is customer care the only way?
Sorry Graham, but it will have to be CC really.
This is the response from Customer Care: (in bold)
"Hi Graham thank you for waiting. I am sorry to say that the seniors have advised me that, we wouldn't advise playing multiple tables and would advise using the poker download client only. And because of this we will be unable to credit any funds to your account. I am really sorry for this inconvenience."
Are we really to just play one table, and am I really not to be compensated because I was multi-tabling?
Is this reasonable to you @Tikay10
Is Sky Poker, really saying don't multi-table? A few guarantees might be missed.
BTW: I WAS using the download client.
So just £11 down. Not ringing Cc for that.
Leave it with me Graham, I'll chat with the Office, but it won't be until tomorrow morning I'm afraid.
You will get your money-eventually. Because Sky do care. But Customer Care know very little about Sky Poker, probably because it is only a tiny part of the operation.
One table decided to communication error.
I close and reload it and the system still has it logged as being open so it throws up a duplicate error.
Oxymoronic advice your getting there @StayOrGo.
Guess we have to just one table. Thanks @Tikay10 I know it must be horrible situation for you right now, as always I appreciate your dedication and help. I will PM you the full Customer Care transcript, FYI
Sorry to hear that.
Please speak to CC on Chat & they may be able to assist.
I've made the Office aware of the problem but I don't expect any feedback from them until the morning.