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Sets Are Best - CraigSG1 Diary. UPDATE



  • Asho28Asho28 Member Posts: 824
    edited August 2022
    CraigSG1 said:

    Another mixed bag,

    £5 - out very early - missing a str flush draw on the flop to trips.
    £7 - couldn't get going, eventually losing a 60/40 in my favour (losing so many lately) and then a flip.
    FR - up and down, busting mid way when outdrawn all in.
    £2 - was where it was at again. Got a few early heads then had a decent stack but meandered for a long while before an absolutely mad 5 minutes.

    I hit a set if 4s 3 way and got paid with a head I then get another set with 88 3 way again and take another big pot and a head and then AA UTG, raise and get two jams from QQ and JJ. Flop a set again to win that and have a monster chip lead (see below):

    CraigSG1 43659 £8.87 Head Prizes 10 £3.94
    blu6 14897.82 £4.17 Head Prizes 5 £2.39
    garden 13801 £2.44 Head Prizes 3 £1.81

    After that I got paid with a couple of hands for small pots but head prizes but then after that I got very little.

    From cashing and going to 8 and 7 handed I kept getting lose calls (J2o, J8, 89) and my big hands missed so my chip advantage was almost gone at the FT. I did also get bluffed off the best hand in a 3 way pot that say @Asho28 triple up and become a threat and that would bite me.

    It was a loose and agg FT and lost the chip lead when again losing to some poor calls and not having hands. I got 88 which I had to fold, KK which got a walk and then the killer hand in the end. Asho28 jammed the button with A4s - I call A10 and hit the 10 but lose to running flush. That would have got rid of the most dangerous player and given me a huge chip lead 3 handed.

    I fluctuated a bit before losing with 88 again, then losing to 88 and then running into Asho28 QQ with A7 and no luck for me to bust in 4th. Very disappointed but I know that happens.

    Race for Cash:



    Very unlucky tonight @CraigSG1 . Although a standard spot (or at least I think it was with me having 12BBs or so), that A4 v A10 was a bit of a sickener and definitely would've fancied you to go on and win if that went your way. I managed to fluff my lines heads up and had to settle for 2nd in the end, but was quite a fun, topsy-turvy final table.

    Just keep doing the right things mate and try not to let yourself get too frustrated when the cards don't go your way or if you suffer a few beats. From experience I know how easy it is to feel like that. You're making final tables regularly and you still seem to be enjoying playing despite a bit of run-bad recently, and that's all that should matter. :smile:
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    Hi @Asho28 - yeah, totally standard just one of those things. Its a lot of what ifs at the minute.

    A round up - didn't last long in the 6:30 BH, a guy I have tagged as a maniac bluffed two streets into my top pr and went all in when two draws missed and I called only for his 53o to back into the bottom straight.

    I played the £5 5:30 BH - got off to a good start but no heads and then just kept getting rivered by 3 outers. Kept getting outdrawn for fun by one guy then busted v him A2s v J8o flopped 2 pr v my A.

    Things again where going great in the £7 - few heads and the chip lead closing in on the late stages then I lost a flip, I called an all in with AQ and a guy shoves with A10o. I fold and he makes a 4 flush. I then again lose a few pots to rivered 3 outers and then bust three way with AQ v 88 v AK. Flop came a Q but river a K. The river all night never improved a hand for me and smacked me in the face more than I can count.

    £2 again got off to great start - double up straight away set over set. Played good and ran good. Then near the late stages I was 2nd v 3rd and this guy was always shoving and always thinking of the win I had AK and cant fold. He has 55 and I turned the nut straight to become massive chip leader.

    The very next hand I get AA - get it all in on flop v KK and the case K comes on the turn! I did manage ti pick up another nice hand a good head prize and then coasted to the cash but came up against two big agg gamblers and one of them fluctuated but every time all ion he would pull of a miracle like running 10s with Q10 v AK on a A high flop. I lost a few hands to him and after getting to the FT again I again finished 4th.

    Just ran bad again, losing on rivers and then AJ v 99 to bust.

    That's four FT's with two 2nds and two 4ths. Should have won the first one but poker gods where against me, nearly stole the other one but again not to be and the two fourths ive had huge chip leads but ran very bad. Im getting the mistakes from my opponents but they are not getting punished.

    Race for Cash:


  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    Where to start?

    It seems like themes develop and stay for a while and the one im on right now is rivers getting me, especially 3 outers. Each time I have been pretty much spot on with where I am. Im calling with my hands im sure im ahead and pretty sure what outs I need to avoid and yet they get there. im basically bluff catching against my known players and others I can read yet they are getting there at the moment.

    Or im getting it in good and not holding.

    EG - busted the £5 after twice in a row getting rivered by a player bluffing with a bare A and my PP and top pr losing on the river and then I get A10o all in and get limp called by K10 and lose.

    The FR was a rollercoaster, I doubled very early with KK then with KK ran into AA and KQ also called and he won with trip Qs! I got a short stack up to a very good one then my flopped 2 pr got counterfeited by runner runner and then had A4 sb on a 422 flop and all in and lose to AK river K.

    £2 - Was going decent in that, again with the river outs. Especially a big pot with top pr on a dry board and with A2 the guy hit the A on the river. I then got JJ and lost that and busted with top pr v a FD and he got there.

    £7 - Couldn't get much going until mid way - got ahead then lost a few. Then a guy who just lost a big hand set over set goes all in and I isolate with A9o and of corse get called by AA and the other guy has K10. A K high flop is all we get and we bust.


    A night off tomorrow to catch the Better Call Saul finale.
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    Last nights BCS was great, suitable ending for the show.

    Lets just say im glad im not doing the races competition because I suck at those right now!

    Slow start in the £7 then ran 1010 into JJ to bust.

    Got off to a great start in the £5 - won a head prize when flopping two pair against the nut straight. I played it cautious until I hit a FH then got fully paid. Then ten minutes later got a three way all in and won that for another two heads. Cant remember the hand but it was a nut hand v a draw.

    After that I didn't get much and slowly drifted to middle when I just couldn't hit any great draws - the final nail coming when my over cards and FD missed against a flopped set.

    £2 - played well in that too, again off to a great start and being there or there about the whole time. We got to the final two tables and then I dried up. Anytime I had any sort of hand it wasn't the right situation until finally against the chip leader raising most hands my 33 lost to his rage over cards to bust in 9th.

    The FR was my biggest cash for a while - I ran well and managed to take 5th for £40. I did get lucky once with AQ v AK late on but again just before and on the FT I couldn't dodge the pot holes. 7 handed had 33 v A7 agains the short stack and it wen A77 and then next hand I had A7 v K7 against same player and he flopped and turned a K.

    Then on the FT I lost 22 v K5. Ive made this FT a few times and couple with big stacks but when the average BB is around 5 its basically bingo time and ive not ran at all well. I find it amazing ive never won this in all these years even by luck! Must have had over 15 attempts over the years! Its mind boggling. Best ive done is 2nd.

    We come back to battle tomorrow.

    Race for Cash:


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,583

    "Last nights BCS was great, suitable ending for the show."

    Yes, very good ending indeed. I'm really going to miss that Show, so many great characters & acting performances.
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    Totally agree Tikay - Rhea Seahorn is a real find from this show amongst others.

    I can feel a night coming where I will win my fair share of flips and draws because ive missed loads lately.

    Another night of frustrating bust outs - had QQ beaten by J6o, KK by A7o that limp called big raise and call flop nothing to spike a K on the turn. I busted out late in the £2 when three times I had played a straight flush draw hard and miss only to flop two pair and get called by one that hit for a big pot. AJ losing to J9 for another big pot.

    I cashed the FR again but jammed 87s into AA. That's about the only time I got it in bad and that was with 4bb.

    Also lost 7 out of 8 flips.

    My night must be coming soon.

    Race for Cash:


  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited August 2022
    Well, my night did come but what did it mount too?

    It didn't start too well, busting the FR with 88 v Q3 who shoved all in pre and hit the Q on the river.

    I couldn't get much going in the £7 - every time I started to chip up I would lose a pot and always to the same player who was calling with everything and hitting and then I finally bust to him with AQ v his AK!

    The best two results came first in the £2 - I started great with an early head and tripled my stack early. I stayed there abouts and then lost momentum. Situations dried up and after making the FT 6/6 I got up a little with bad A shoves then I finally got a hand but yet again lost another FT race - 99 losing to AQ.

    The best result was the £5 - just plodded along the first part. I picked up a small pot for a head prize and that was it for a while. Went up and down before I first got lucky! Yes, on the river too! I had A10 v AQ and spiked a 10. I got A10 again and flopped a straight and got a guy to bluff all into me on the river. I then lost a pot QQ v A9 before getting another decent pot that propelled me to 3rd when a guy who kept shoving was in bb with me 1010 on button. I raise, he call. Comes 9h and he check jams and I call. He picks up a ton of outs on the turn but thankfully bricks.

    I rode that to a cash and then to the last two tables where I just ran out of hands again. I managed to bluff a couple and make a couple of hands but also missed a few with big hands too. I did get the the FT.

    It was a tough long one - 6 handed lasting almost an hour. I got in a couple of very unlucky spots to get to 4/5 in that time.

    @Asho28 on the other hand used to to go from shorted to huge chip leader - he played well and picked good spots before getting in an absolutely huge pot with AQ v 66 and won the race. It was mad as the huge table chip leader went out 6th and then the other big one went out 5th!

    I went out in gutting style in 4th. I lost a big race blind v blind 55 v AJ and then to ash with A9s v his 22 and I even flopped a FD!

    I have run just insanely bad at FT lately after having a good first half of the year. And I have not won a single race on a FT for quite some time. Definitely not this month. My luck has to change!

    Race for Cash:



    edit: WD Ash on the win. Thought we was up for HU.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,583

    How on earth do you remember all these hands? Do you make notes or something?
  • Asho28Asho28 Member Posts: 824
    CraigSG1 said:

    Well, my night did come but what did it mount too?

    It didn't start too well, busting the FR with 88 v Q3 who shoved all in pre and hit the Q on the river.

    I couldn't get much going in the £7 - every time I started to chip up I would lose a pot and always to the same player who was calling with everything and hitting and then I finally bust to him with AQ v his AK!

    The best two results came first in the £2 - I started great with an early head and tripled my stack early. I stayed there abouts and then lost momentum. Situations dried up and after making the FT 6/6 I got up a little with bad A shoves then I finally got a hand but yet again lost another FT race - 99 losing to AQ.

    The best result was the £5 - just plodded along the first part. I picked up a small pot for a head prize and that was it for a while. Went up and down before I first got lucky! Yes, on the river too! I had A10 v AQ and spiked a 10. I got A10 again and flopped a straight and got a guy to bluff all into me on the river. I then lost a pot QQ v A9 before getting another decent pot that propelled me to 3rd when a guy who kept shoving was in bb with me 1010 on button. I raise, he call. Comes 9h and he check jams and I call. He picks up a ton of outs on the turn but thankfully bricks.

    I rode that to a cash and then to the last two tables where I just ran out of hands again. I managed to bluff a couple and make a couple of hands but also missed a few with big hands too. I did get the the FT.

    It was a tough long one - 6 handed lasting almost an hour. I got in a couple of very unlucky spots to get to 4/5 in that time.

    @Asho28 on the other hand used to to go from shorted to huge chip leader - he played well and picked good spots before getting in an absolutely huge pot with AQ v 66 and won the race. It was mad as the huge table chip leader went out 6th and then the other big one went out 5th!

    I went out in gutting style in 4th. I lost a big race blind v blind 55 v AJ and then to ash with A9s v his 22 and I even flopped a FD!

    I have run just insanely bad at FT lately after having a good first half of the year. And I have not won a single race on a FT for quite some time. Definitely not this month. My luck has to change!

    Race for Cash:



    edit: WD Ash on the win. Thought we was up for HU.

    Thanks for the kind words @CraigSG1 . Certainly was a marathon of a final table. Fortunately, I got a lot of good cards and won my flips, which is all you can ask for really at that stage.

    Think you played really well tonight mate and you have a very solid game that makes you hard to beat. You definitely got unlucky on that FT and couldn't have done much more. Just keep persevering and your chance will come for a win :smile:
  • Asho28Asho28 Member Posts: 824
    Tikay10 said:

    How on earth do you remember all these hands? Do you make notes or something?

    I wondered this. I remember a few of the hands that Craig refers to but would struggle to recall the majority of them on that FT. Either makes notes or has an extremely good memory :lol:
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836

    Yes, Tikay - I make notes. Some for this diary and some to keep track of my play. What are my bust outs and how I got there.

    Your welcome, Ash. You played well and seems like you have been putting up some good results lately.

    I played last night and had a very brutal 40 minutes. Late reg the 5:30 BH and won first pot with KJ, 2nd pot with 77 then got 99 next hand and had a good squeeze spot so took it and got called by J10s. Flop came 10109. Got it in and board ran out 7 and 7 to bust!

    Rebuy ran into a very agg players AA with JJ.

    Started off bad in the £2 - and then played bad myself to go very shallow. But got it together, doubled with AK and then two hands later the guy playing every hand who had beaten me with junk earlier just rubbed salt and probably sand paper into my gaping wound when he limped with 54o and a few others did - I squeezed very big and he called. I have about half pot back and shove a decent board and he snap calls with nothing and a 5 hits the turn!

    At that time Kira had just woke up crying and struggling to breath. We settled her down and she wouldn't leave me so I de reg'd the £5 at 6:30 and put her back down with me for a bit. She had just developed a cold that day.

    The night turned into a bad one, she ended up in our bed and because I was going back to work it got to 1am and I had to go downstairs to try and sleep. Got a few hours and it was a tough day but it happens. Harlie may have caught it too so I hope it stops there!

    So far tonight I again couldn't get going in the £5 - just getting so many light calls and not hitting. But in true run fashion of late the guy playing every hand woke up with KK when I had 1010 and 15bb!

    Three tourneys to go to try and get a result.
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited August 2022
    Not sure what's going on lately - variance ive heard it called.

    Was plodding along - missing a lot with AK though. Then yet again, against a guy raising most hands (eg 3b 54o) I raise JJ on button - he 3b all in and I call. He has AA! How many times??

    Two left.

    PS - just to prove how im running. Just lost a decent pot when fish jams 86s - I call A10s. Flop 106K,x,6

    Had another couple - A5 v Q4 - flop A5Q - river Q! Then A6 v 42 and he flops 2 pr.

    Annoying but for small pots thankfully.

    So - got 8th in the £2. Played well but ran out of hands - I did finally win a flip 88 v A10 but needed a straight to do it lol. Finally lost out in sb jamming flush cards and losing to KQ.

    Best result - the £7.

    Minefield to start as always, picked up pots here and there. Got to mid stages and I managed to win another flip(!) and then had a huge hand. Raised AK and a big stack serial jammer did just that with 55. Im not scared so call and I win another flip for a big head and the chip lead!

    I kept that all the way to the FT even though we had a couple of hands we could have won (those A5 and A6 hands) it was negated when in the BB with KK the a bog stack jams 33 and I win to make me a big leader.

    Only problem is the blinds go up quick so stacks soon even out and im currently sat on break 1/5 but have some seriously agg players and there luck is running there way so far.

    Plan, stay patient and hope my hands hold up. Bluffing is not a tool I have as much as they are not folding so value bets are key so I need to stay focused and hope I pick the right spots.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,583

    Get that 7 @ 7 won, looking good on the FT;

    CraigSG1 89416 £27.22 Head Prizes 8 £12.55
    steveysee 47450 £19.34 Head Prizes 4 £9.94
    RCord 44603 £21.03 Head Prizes 6 £10.49
    Spider321 42145 £26.74 Head Prizes 8 £12.38
    AdamFunk 30188.50 £26.25 Head Prizes 7 £12.21
    lucy1111 197.50 £5.26 Head Prizes 2 £5.24

  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836

    CraigSG1 254000 1 £124.24 + £77.25 Head Prizes 11

    There we go!!!!!!!

    Been a while and some frustrating times but ive grabbed another win for the year and the first time ive won this MTT. Ive had two 2nds and some FTs but its only been a few months since I made this MTT one for my roster.

    Didn't get much to after the break but we did lose the most aggressive player after a few hands so that made it easier. A big hand or two later fluctuated the stacks but left a shortie I managed to bag the bounty and then I knocked out 3rd to get a big chip lead HU.

    Big blinds though did leave it more to luck. I nearly had a chance with QQ when he be the A high board and I hit a Q on the turn but he shut down after that and then next hand for the win we get AQs all in v K9 but he hits the K to swap chips and then its all in or fold time. I got some luck back with K6s v K8o hitting the 6 to take back the lead and we took it down with 88 v K8 and a safe run out!

    Super happy and tired. Need to calm down then try and get some sleep. Up at half four in morning!

    Race for Cash:


    .....17................8. - 1 win
  • Asho28Asho28 Member Posts: 824
    CraigSG1 said:

    CraigSG1 254000 1 £124.24 + £77.25 Head Prizes 11

    There we go!!!!!!!

    Been a while and some frustrating times but ive grabbed another win for the year and the first time ive won this MTT. Ive had two 2nds and some FTs but its only been a few months since I made this MTT one for my roster.

    Didn't get much to after the break but we did lose the most aggressive player after a few hands so that made it easier. A big hand or two later fluctuated the stacks but left a shortie I managed to bag the bounty and then I knocked out 3rd to get a big chip lead HU.

    Big blinds though did leave it more to luck. I nearly had a chance with QQ when he be the A high board and I hit a Q on the turn but he shut down after that and then next hand for the win we get AQs all in v K9 but he hits the K to swap chips and then its all in or fold time. I got some luck back with K6s v K8o hitting the 6 to take back the lead and we took it down with 88 v K8 and a safe run out!

    Super happy and tired. Need to calm down then try and get some sleep. Up at half four in morning!

    Race for Cash:


    .....17................8. - 1 win

    The perseverance came off and you finally got the run good you've been waiting for on a final table.

    Well played bud. :smile:
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    Thanks again Tikay and Ash! Super happy.

    As normal came down to earth with a bump - Good start in the FR but lost a str fd to a fh.

    The £7 - was doing well - had a good stack and then I made a mistake - blew it really. Just won a big pot and then had 77 and had limps and there was only one guy I was worried about but what was the chances of him having a hand? Pretty good it turned out. He had KK and devastated my stack. Got back in it though only to have AKs v AK and A4 decided to call too and a 4 came on river. I then jam QJ on button and guy with A4 had A6 and wins the hand.

    £2 - again, doing great. Dominating. Then late on had QQ, and called an utg all in and another guy called with QJ. UTG had AK and I lost to him and then QJ guy! Busted with a missed FD.

    £5 - plodded along and played ok. But lost a few close hands and then with KQs lost to 55 - looked good on a J108 flop and even a 8 turn gave me more outs but bricked out.

    Always tomorrow.
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836

    FR - Lost an early pot with a good bluff but got a loose call. Then same player limp called my all in with K8o v my A10s and hit the K. These are the spots I keep losing which ever way we have it.

    £5 - lost an early flip - I 4b all in AKs and lost to 99.

    Started slow in the £2 - the guy to my left had an absolute legend of a run. Won an early 4 way all in with KJs and then played loose aggressive and called draws on the turn and hit and at one point had 300bb. He did double me up though and from there I did well but then late on I again lose the same 99 v my AKs race to this guy to bust. Would have been a great pot to win and set me up for a FT run.

    £7 - Started bad early - losing with KK v KQo and after a limp call and he flopped the nut straight! I did though actually win a flip with AK, this time against the same guys 88.

    Picked up a good pot and a head to move into 3rd after 30 minutes. Had an annoying hand when I raise J10 and get a J98. End up losing to AJ. Its annoying because I have lost to those draw hands so much.

    Lol - losing these pots for heads is my speciality. Earlier I had 1010 v A5 and lost to trip 5s and just now I hit a set of 10s all in 3 way and lose to KJ who had slightly more than the other guy so lost the bounty too!!

    After that got rags for ages until I finally get AK - get 3b and all in and have a race v QQ and guess what? I lose it! So 1/5 for tonight.

  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    More joys of poker madness tonight.

    FR - Started well then lost a few pots to bad cards and then on button 1010 - sb shoves A10 and bb KK. What can you do?

    £2 - was doing great, then I had a horrible hand with a guy who literally called everything and made some insane moves. Getting it in with bottom pr or just a draw so when I had AQ and he limped and called my 4x we get a Q10x board - he bets and I big raise and he calls and then jams the 9 turn. I cant fold but he has 109o!

    £5 - again, plodding along and at a table where someone is constantly jamming. He limps and im in bb with QJ - and he bets and I call. Turn is a J and he jams - I call and he just has a FD which hits.

    £7 - I start off well, then lost a few small pots with good cards but did get back in it briefly when I doubled with AQ only to then lose two good pots with 99 v (85o) and KJ river J. We go just below 10bb and with AQ get it in with v Kx and 55 and this time the river helps me with an A. We then double again 88 v 22 and ten minutes later get the chip lead with 86 in bb when a limp and the sb all in we get 765 flop - go with it and my limp calls A9 and it bricks off for me.

    Things go bad from there though in the end, couldn't get a hand and missed couple of bluffs then the agg player at out table min bets from sb and im in BB with A5s - and jam my 10bb and he has KK that holds.

    So close!

    Race for Cash:


    .....18................8. - 1 win

    So next month I have a lot on - im having to move house for the first time in 8 years which is causing some stress and that will surely kick in next month and I also have very few nights to play so next months competition will be a simple one.

    All you need to do is guess how many times I get lucky with a 3 outer. Ive been complaining ive run into a few lately so lets see how many I get in my favour.

    Good luck!
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,928
    CraigSG1 said:

    More joys of poker madness tonight.

    FR - Started well then lost a few pots to bad cards and then on button 1010 - sb shoves A10 and bb KK. What can you do?

    £2 - was doing great, then I had a horrible hand with a guy who literally called everything and made some insane moves. Getting it in with bottom pr or just a draw so when I had AQ and he limped and called my 4x we get a Q10x board - he bets and I big raise and he calls and then jams the 9 turn. I cant fold but he has 109o!

    £5 - again, plodding along and at a table where someone is constantly jamming. He limps and im in bb with QJ - and he bets and I call. Turn is a J and he jams - I call and he just has a FD which hits.

    £7 - I start off well, then lost a few small pots with good cards but did get back in it briefly when I doubled with AQ only to then lose two good pots with 99 v (85o) and KJ river J. We go just below 10bb and with AQ get it in with v Kx and 55 and this time the river helps me with an A. We then double again 88 v 22 and ten minutes later get the chip lead with 86 in bb when a limp and the sb all in we get 765 flop - go with it and my limp calls A9 and it bricks off for me.

    Things go bad from there though in the end, couldn't get a hand and missed couple of bluffs then the agg player at out table min bets from sb and im in BB with A5s - and jam my 10bb and he has KK that holds.

    So close!

    Race for Cash:


    .....18................8. - 1 win

    So next month I have a lot on - im having to move house for the first time in 8 years which is causing some stress and that will surely kick in next month and I also have very few nights to play so next months competition will be a simple one.

    All you need to do is guess how many times I get lucky with a 3 outer. Ive been complaining ive run into a few lately so lets see how many I get in my favour.

    Good luck!

    And then you called him a w@nker which surprised me coming from you in a 2 quid game , thought you had more about you
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    @stokefc Your absolutely correct. It is embarrassing and im not going to hide from it.

    Its something ive got a lot better at, I have reasons but no excuse. I hope to do better.
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