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Popped in to play a session after a few months....



  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    edited April 2023
    You see why you shouldnt raise online with cards to come? Been saying this all through this post but versus this guy i get carried away in the moment.

    You cant say im not backing up what i say.
  • Helissio2Helissio2 Member Posts: 61
    TheWaddy said:

    Me ol' mate helissio, where we have previously said he only wins when he makes mistakes.... even typed in chat box before i called 'it will let you off'... and bink, first card....

    I cant do that with a real deck, its always something like 9h next card.... exciting deck innit.

    TheWaddySmall blind20.0020.001560.00
    Helissio2Big blind40.0060.001380.00
    Your hole cards
    • 9
    • 6
    • 2
    • 5
    • 5
    • 6
    • 5
    TheWaddyUnmatched bet160.002840.00160.00
    • 9
    • 6
    • 2
    • 5
    • K
    • A
    • 5
    • 4
    • K
    • 10
    Helissio2Win highFull House, 5s and Kings2840.002840.00
    No qualifying low hand
    And what was the expected value after the flop?

    You were 0.52 to my 0.48. You did know that?
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    lmao, you and essexphil are hilarious!

    You neglect to take into account that you dont know what im holding at the time you do these things! Its irrelevant the odds afterwards!

    Im raising you, you must know i have a fh and what if its 66A2, 66A3? Then your stuffed. You are basically putting all your chips in regardless, praying that you might get back half.... heads up!

    If you want all in at this early stage, you have to want to be ahead and big fave, why would you want all in knowing you have to hit something... and if you do, your likely just to split??

    Anyway, we know the deck helps you out sooooooo many times and that you have to come in explaining yourself when you have all your chips in behind yet again.
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    Its such an easy fold for what you have put in at that stage, im totally telling you my hand......
  • green_beergreen_beer Member Posts: 1,936
    edited April 2023
    You played that last hand pretty well on flop waddy, file in the unlucky folder. The villain made mistake betting the flop, shoulda checked and called, then again another mistake shoving, should called again to see the turn, then maybe bet his full house, or just call your bet, then shove to get it in on river once you check the ten. Imo.

    Anyway what were you up to calling the preflop raise with 9625, sure the limp is good but calling a 4x raise, bit weak. :))

    Here’s a wee treat for all you ravers;
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    It was very low blinds... if this is 50/100, then clearly im folding. It was 80 to call, with 2 wheel cards and the 6 is always handy for a 3 quarter pot if the likes of A342 boards show up.... as Helissio will always end up all in with a wheel,

    Plus Helissio always, always bets out of position on the flop when hes max raised preflop... this gives me good implied odds, as i know in advance his next move. I also know he wont fold hands like this, were he is willing to be all in despite knwoing he has to hit something and it is likely then still just to be his money back.

    All this info should give me many wins against this guy. He always ends up all in behind, Yet i have probably a less than 50% record against him. The guy is making these errors every game versus me,,, yet his graph skyrockets.

    Oh to get to play him with plastic cards, that would be very profitable.
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,333
    Profitable with a high risk of a black eye.
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    oh i wouldnt hit him, id have an arm round him whilst providing the best food and drink.....
  • Helissio2Helissio2 Member Posts: 61
    TheWaddy said:

    lmao, you and essexphil are hilarious!

    You neglect to take into account that you dont know what im holding at the time you do these things! Its irrelevant the odds afterwards!

    Im raising you, you must know i have a fh and what if its 66A2, 66A3? Then your stuffed. You are basically putting all your chips in regardless, praying that you might get back half.... heads up!

    If you want all in at this early stage, you have to want to be ahead and big fave, why would you want all in knowing you have to hit something... and if you do, your likely just to split??

    Anyway, we know the deck helps you out sooooooo many times and that you have to come in explaining yourself when you have all your chips in behind yet again.

    Did you know your EV was 0.52 ?

    Your explanation is like you shoving with JJ and someone calling with AK. You could say - what if I had AA or KK or QQ. Then "your stuffed!"

    LOL. Maybe try reading probability for dummies?
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    edited April 2023
    Yeah no-one is liking your play here, from start to finish, but keep going..... you would have a point except..... 1.there has been a flop...2 ive told everyone i dont raise with cards to come, so i have told you i have a fh and its one of only 2 possible.. one being that you are drawing to virtually just get your money back
  • Helissio2Helissio2 Member Posts: 61
    TheWaddy said:

    Yeah no-one is liking your play here, from start to finish, but keep going.....

    Do you make a moaning post every time your lose a pot where your EV is 0.52 ? :-)

    Please keep going.....
  • Helissio2Helissio2 Member Posts: 61
    Hey everyone my name is TheWaddy and I lost a pot with JJ vs AK!

    Poor me!
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    You sit alot. I would sit absolutely every time i saw you, as you like to get your chips in behind.

    But as its an online deck, making a profit against you has proved to be fruitless.

    And to back that up, you have graph that rockets, despite showing me mistakes over and over. Its not something im going to pursue given the information. Its a real shame i have to make that decision.

    And thats why i look for proper regulation, despite being able to make a profit overall.

    This is the difference between an online deck and a real one. To sit is a 'no brainer' decision, depending on which deck it is.
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    I guess we carrying on as bank hol week. Wow every insane giveaway attempt blocked river. They just have no hand!
  • Helissio2Helissio2 Member Posts: 61
    TheWaddy said:

    You sit alot. I would sit absolutely every time i saw you, as you like to get your chips in behind.

    But as its an online deck, making a profit against you has proved to be fruitless.

    And to back that up, you have graph that rockets, despite showing me mistakes over and over. Its not something im going to pursue given the information. Its a real shame i have to make that decision.

    And thats why i look for proper regulation, despite being able to make a profit overall.

    This is the difference between an online deck and a real one. To sit is a 'no brainer' decision, depending on which deck it is.

    Before you posted initially about this hand. Did you actually check what your EV was after the flop? Or are you just going on feelings?

  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    It is irrelevant, you are doing an EssexPhil. You are trying to justify a mistake, where all the info was there... by saying you were in good shape when the hands are revealed.

    Its the same as Robbi Jade Lew arguing that she has made a good play by calling with Jack high in that famous hand a few months back... afterall, she was in good shape oddswise when the hands are turned over... but as we all know, it was so bad, everyone thought she was cheating.

    You cant justify bafflingly bad play by claiming you are 50/50 after you see what you are up against.
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    Another opponent 'wowed' by the sheer amount of inexplicable outcomes one after another... 4 days of complete and utter impossibilty.....

  • Helissio2Helissio2 Member Posts: 61
    TheWaddy said:

    It is irrelevant, you are doing an EssexPhil. You are trying to justify a mistake, where all the info was there... by saying you were in good shape when the hands are revealed.

    Its the same as Robbi Jade Lew arguing that she has made a good play by calling with Jack high in that famous hand a few months back... afterall, she was in good shape oddswise when the hands are turned over... but as we all know, it was so bad, everyone thought she was cheating.

    You cant justify bafflingly bad play by claiming you are 50/50 after you see what you are up against.

    You not answering a simple question tells us a lot.

    Lets try again:

    Before you posted initially about this hand. Did you actually check what your EV was after the flop? Or are you just going on feelings?

    Infact everytime you post on this thread about being 'unlucky' - do you ever check what your EV was when the chips went into the pot?

    Or are you just going with your feelings?

  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    I did not take it into account, as it is not relevant in my confusion into how a winning player (online player) can end up all in with so little invested in the pot knowing he has to improve somehow and be likely to split even if he does.

  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    Dont worry about it, you dont have to improve when the deck is so conducive to your mistakes do you?

    I find it hilarious the defence of online decks, when you only have to look at your graph against the problems you have grasping why certain moves are wrong .... the 2 really should not go together really, should they.....

    But they very much do.... odd hmmmmmmm!
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