Played about 200 hands of cash earlier £100nl and £200nl and lost due to me not been able to fold with KQ on a K high flop when the bets were screaming i was beat mybad lol
MTTS = played 4 with no cashes and only 1 bounty in 12k bounty hunter.
Had a truly horrible session of 10NL tonight. My biggest losing session since I started playing cash a few months ago. Lost about 4 BIs...£45.14 to be exact. I think a little bit of this can be put down to bad play but I don't think I did TOO much wrong, but I've never lost 4BIs in a session yet after a few months of cash tabling so I guess it was bound to come. Think I'll take a step down to 8NL til I get my roll back up to the £200 mark. BR 1st September: £226.83
Wow Day 9 and my headache just isnt going away, my car insurance just ran out, and since im moving to Northern Ireland in 2-3 weeks theres no point taking out any insurance till the move, which gives me plenty more time to play on the tables,
Todays 2 main hands consist of QQ, both occassions, the first one i got a called for 3/4 of the pot, but he soon gave up on the turn netting me 50p
and the second QQ again i had the over pair this time just had 3 callers of 20p but nobody calling after the flop netting me 60p, almost £1 up for the day so prety happy with the outome and got work later so probs wont have too much time over the next few days... I wished i had called it a day now, i went on to one of the tables, and had my over pair demolished by trips, and then my trips demolished by a flush, starting to feel the frustration burning After a small break i moved table and a guy with £8 was sitting with us, wasnt a hand i would normally play but was in the BB and got a free look at the cards, 2 chances to hit my open ender, a raise of 10p i figured the pot odds were in my favour, also the implied odds were there since he had all that cash by his name, a 2 appears on the turn no help to me but gave him 2-2-2 he was holding K-2, so with 3 of a kind he checks it to me, i get a free look at the next card wherei hit my straight happy days, he then raises me, i re raise, he re reraises, i re re reraise him all in, he calls and i get my money back that i just lost +50p profit lol
Played one table of £100nl and lost exactly £105 due to me trying to bully a very tight player off a pot when once he calls my flop bet i should know he has a monster and shut down so yet again mybad lol
Think it was hurst05 who said on this thread that some players on site might aswell be playing with their cards face up and he is definatly right about that so when you pay these players off you only have yourself to blame
Off for a night out in newcastle tonight so wont be on again today.
Felt like a long session but only 270 hands, got a few decent spots, a few coolers and one spot where I suspect I could have got a daddy pot against a different villain but it's still some sort of profit which is better than losing lolz.
Haven't posted for a few days, took a little time off and slowed down a little due to work commitments. Came back tonight properly.
So how's my September going? Well I'm me, September is a Turkish Prison and variance is my 250 pound heavily tattooed cellmate who thinks 'Broke Back Mountain' is an instructional film.
Figuring I'm on course to be the biggest loser in this thread. Yay me.
Another good day at the tables. Played some small stakes cash this morning then moved up the levels and played up until about 6pm. Days cash games = +£263.71 Tonight i only played MTTS. Played 3 = the main 5k rebuy, the mini and the 2 k bounty hunter. Won the main 5k rebuy, cashed in the 2k bounty hunter and came nowhere in mini. Days MTTS = +£1551.35 Total days profit = +£1815.06 My monthly running total = +£4475.84 Good luck all. Posted by rentisdue
Not that i doubt u in any way, u clearly took down the 5K, wat I can't work out is ur BR management, in the last 2 days u've played £1 hu up then mixing it up to 100/200 nl, is this ur usual BR man or are u playin wider as ur runnin well.
p.s. If u keep runnin this well on sky I'll take 25% of ur action in next WSOP 2012
In Response to Re: **** SEPTEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD **** : Not that i doubt u in any way, u clearly took down the 5K, wat I can't work out is ur BR management, in the last 2 days u've played £1 hu up then mixing it up to 100/200 nl, is this ur usual BR man or are u playin wider as ur runnin well. p.s. If u keep runnin this well on sky I'll take 25% of ur action in next WSOP 2012 Posted by ACA
Hi mate.
I only play hu £1 games and tiny stakes when i have odd change in my account because i have a sort of OCD thing where i think it is unlucky to have any odd change in my account and would rather lose it or try to round it up to nearest £10 than leave it the way it is lol. From time to time you will also find me on the 2p/4p tables going all in every hand
Takes alsorts to make a world mate
As far as nl cash goes i play any limits from 10p/20p up to £1.50/£3 depending how i feel at the time and what value i see at the tables. Im am rolled to play whatever stakes i feel like playing but never sit where there is no value.
haven't played much online in the last couple of days, i'm up about £100 on here since my last post having played one cash session and a few sng's.
just got in from playing live in a smallish casino near leicester square, they only run cash games on friday/saturday nights but the games there are epic value even though some of the rulings by the floor are pretty outrageous. i bought in for £150 at 1/1 and ended £500 up.
Haven't posted for a few days, took a little time off and slowed down a little due to work commitments. Came back tonight properly. So how's my September going? Well I'm me, September is a Turkish Prison and variance is my 250 pound heavily tattooed cellmate who thinks 'Broke Back Mountain' is an instructional film. Figuring I'm on course to be the biggest loser in this thread. Yay me. -695.88 for the month. Posted by TommyD
Tommy im sorry your having a downswing at the tables darling but for comedy value this post has got to be the funniest ive seen on here. What you wrote made me laugh out loud
Day 10, ok so today i had a small session shortly after waking up, still not feeling too good and just found out i have to sort out some sort of insurance out EEP, oh wells, i only played 1 big hand today, i flopped an open ended straight draw, and it was checked to me, so i checked filling up my straight, suddenly somebody starts getting agressive, so i let him syphon off his own chips, feeding them to me and on the river once he pot commits himself i put him all in, he calls and i take his £1.50..... just wish they would have more money on them in these situations lol, lost 51p after that going into pots with strong hands and missing the flop completely Starting BR £5.00
MTTS = played 4 with no cashes and only 1 bounty in 12k bounty hunter.
Cash -£188.09
MTTS -£47.35
Months running total = +£228.82
Very best of luck to everyone.
+ £84.14
- £11.94
+ £72.20
BR 1st September: £226.83
BR 8th September: £174.67
Profit: -£52.16!
1st +3.68
2nd +18.87
3rd +3
4th +10.07
5th +6.94
6th + 4.73
7th -10.87
8th +19.84
so far +56.26
Played low stakes cash this morning and made £121.71
Played 1 table of 200nl this afternoon and made £201.34
Played 1 table of 100nl about 5pm while playing a sat to the 12kbh and made £90.32
All tonight i just played MTTS. came 12th in 12k bh and cashed in tsp classic.
Cash games on day = +£413.37
MTTS on day = +£222.18
Total days profit = +£635.55
Monthly running total = +£2660.78
Best of luck all
+ £72.20
+ £ 4.95
+ £77.15 total
Poker Points 585
After a small break i moved table and a guy with £8 was sitting with us, wasnt a hand i would normally play but was in the BB and got a free look at the cards, 2 chances to hit my open ender, a raise of 10p i figured the pot odds were in my favour, also the implied odds were there since he had all that cash by his name, a 2 appears on the turn no help to me but gave him 2-2-2 he was holding K-2, so with 3 of a kind he checks it to me, i get a free look at the next card wherei hit my straight
Br 1st September: £20.22
Br 2nd September: £20.80
Br 4th September: £27.62
Br 6th September: £37.02
Br 7th September: £24.09
Profit: £27.84
Played one table of £100nl and lost exactly £105 due to me trying to bully a very tight player off a pot when once he calls my flop bet i should know he has a monster and shut down so yet again mybad lol
Think it was hurst05 who said on this thread that some players on site might aswell be playing with their cards face up and he is definatly right about that so when you pay these players off you only have yourself to blame
Off for a night out in newcastle tonight so wont be on again today.
Running total = +£123.82
Very best of luck to everyone.
Start BR - £344.76
Session - £5.38
Current BR - £305.52
Total hands - 4570
September Profit + £1,884.16
September points = 1061
All cash +/- unless MTT cash is noted
1st +3.68 11th 21st
2nd +18.87 12th 22nd
3rd +3 13th 23rd
4th +10.07 14th 24th
5th +6.94 15th 25th
6th + 4.73 - MTT Cash 16th 26th
7th -10.87 17th 27th
8th +19.84 18th 28th
9th +17.00 19th 29th
10th on the drink 20th 30th
Total +/-
+ £77.15
- £2.97
+ £74.18
Poker points = 630
So how's my September going? Well I'm me, September is a Turkish Prison and variance is my 250 pound heavily tattooed cellmate who thinks 'Broke Back Mountain' is an instructional film.
Figuring I'm on course to be the biggest loser in this thread. Yay me.
-695.88 for the month.
Played some small stakes cash this morning then moved up the levels and played up until about 6pm.
Days cash games = +£263.71
Tonight i only played MTTS.
Played 3 = the main 5k rebuy, the mini and the 2 k bounty hunter.
Won the main 5k rebuy, cashed in the 2k bounty hunter and came nowhere in mini.
Days MTTS = +£1551.35
Total days profit = +£1815.06
My monthly running total = +£4475.84
Good luck all.
I only play hu £1 games and tiny stakes when i have odd change in my account because i have a sort of OCD thing where i think it is unlucky to have any odd change in my account and would rather lose it or try to round it up to nearest £10 than leave it the way it is lol. From time to time you will also find me on the 2p/4p tables going all in every hand
Takes alsorts to make a world mate
As far as nl cash goes i play any limits from 10p/20p up to £1.50/£3 depending how i feel at the time and what value i see at the tables. Im am rolled to play whatever stakes i feel like playing but never sit where there is no value.
Hope that explains it for ya
just got in from playing live in a smallish casino near leicester square, they only run cash games on friday/saturday nights but the games there are epic value even though some of the rulings by the floor are pretty outrageous. i bought in for £150 at 1/1 and ended £500 up.
total for month ~ +1.1k
Tommy im sorry your having a downswing at the tables darling but for comedy value this post has got to be the funniest ive seen on here. What you wrote made me laugh out loud
Hope your luck changes. ( and im sure it will x )
Starting BR £5.00
Br 1st September: £20.22
Br 2nd September: £20.80
Br 3rd September: £25.99
Br 4th September: £27.62
Br 5th September: £30.12
Br 6th September: £37.02
Br 7th September: £24.09
Br 8th September: £26.90
Br 9th September: £33.84
Br 10th September: £36.56
Profit: £31.56