Day 6, as usual i started off at midnight before going to sleep, made a bit of profit after a most enjoyable free roll which i should of done much better in and ended up disappointing myself, when blinds were at 1000 i kinda made 1 mistake call costing me half my chips, i called an all in from the low stacker after that A 10(me) v A2 (him) resulting in a loss to me go figure i always seem to lose the raises when im ahead to start with, then whilst trying to get my chips back up i tried stealing a blind with J 10, well i say steal, i was in push or fold mode with less then 10BB's and got called by AKSo i woke up today and hit the tables and won 64p in the first few hands, problem is 1 man was sitting out, 2 seats were empty and it had become 3 way, i left because there would be no profit to be made with blinds hitting me so fast all the timeI did a HUGE hero call today, and it paid off, i raised with K 10 to 20p, and i had 2 callers, completely missed the flop and the guy next to me goes all in, a little bit of background he had been raising and bluffing almost every hand, it was only gonna cost me a pound to call so i went for it, he showed me J 9 in which he had missed everything and i won the pot happy daysThe wierdness begins, i think there is something im missing but anyways i got £5 randomly appear in my account today i think its from last month (The month i lost anything and decided to start with nothing lol.
Good day at the tables that started early morning with a buyin win at 200nl then after some sleep it continued right through until around 5pm on all levels from 30nl up to 300nl but i did best at the 100nl tables where on 1 table especially i couldnt seem to miss and seemed to be dealt AA or KK every other hand ))
On and off the cash tables again tonight from about 8pm until now but only a small win and lost £20 on mtts.
Shouldve turned pc off at 5pm and had early finish but not too know that at the time and also made extra c4ps lol
In Response to Re: **** SEPTEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD **** : Not played much - had a 2 hour session ealrier 3-4 tabling NL 8 + 10 - up about 1 buyin on session. quite pleased as I lost a buy in with a bluff which i was sure would get through. Up £29.96 for month - BR £249.84 Managing to stay away from MTT,s and sats for the moment Posted by MP33
2 hours 2 tabling NL10 ( £16 up ) BR £266.14 + £47.20 for month
Another solid session, managed to hit two sets and get muchos action on both however on each occasion dem dere villain had flopped the nut str8 lolz, of course I neva fill up, that equated to 2 BI's good stuff. Had a few other good hands lost value on 2nd nut flush not raising when should have on river and a few typical TPGK bet flop big flat called, Bet Turn get the old diggity check minraise oh I love that move ! Just gotta find one good hand that holds then I'll be allrate. Break tonight though gonna chill watch England murder Wales Start BR - £344.76
pretty long session and ended up 13p!!! so total now up £2.83 happy with way it ended after losing 2 BIs with QQ v KK , KK v AA and then KK v A6 when flop was 66J. grinded like a good un for what seemed like days!! LOL
decided to have another short session wish i hadn't bothered! down £6.57 after losing to better straights and people who can't let go of suited cards so a promising start is now a loss of £3.74
tomorrows another day and hopefully I can catch a break.
oh by the way, does any one else experience the (correct) folding of rubbish which would have flopped a FH or straight. that happened to me tonight about half a dozen times, a couple of which those still in the hand went crazy! annoying that is even though folding them was correct
Just did an hour and a half on the cash today, 4tabling. Not a bad session, well it was better than having a losing session like last time...ended up about £7 up, so nearly in the profit now!! BR 1st September: £226.83
Day 7 starts with me feeling ill, entered a £5 MTT, and was doing exceptional, was jumping between chip leader and 2nd, but then with 16 people to go i manage to make a stupid call getting myself into trouble with only 2-4k chips left, i pushed with top pair on the flop only to find out that my opponent had 2 pair, oh well i figured out what i need to work on, then in a £3 DYM i had a guy insulting me for calling an all in, when i had he straight flush draw, leaving me 800 chips as i miss both, and then he insults me again as i push, he thought he was better off with his A 10o, i had 88, my 8's held against him but another guy randomly joined in the all in with A 6 and hit 666, so that was the end of that i got a headache and its making it difficult for me to concentrate, will probably carry on when i wake up So i wake up and i decide to try my luck on another MTT BH, i start off well, but everytime i had a hand like K 10, or A Q, i would raise 3x BB and be pushed all in, so i tried to wait out for a better opportunity rather then a coin flip, and it did not pay off, i got knocked out around 13th i think, after that gave Sit n DOHHHH a go and managed to win so i won back the money from the MTT and decided i wasnt gonna do any more MTTs until my bank roll is over 100 Oh wow my worst day yet, My set of 10's gets beaten by a flush losing me a buy in, and i didnt folllow my own advice of moving off the table if i lose like that maybe i should but then my 3 of a kind 8's lost to a full house so lost another BI (difference between set and 3 of a kind = set is if your holding pocket pair to make the set, 3 of a kind is where your holding 1 of em and 2 of em appear on the board Starting BR £5.00
Lost some more shortstacking PLO yesterday ( -£7.46 ) then done a bundle today when I ran Kings into Queens pre-flop. Session Profit: -£8.57 September Profit: -44.18 Posted by Wilhelm
Just been going over the books and I've come to a new total of...
September Profit: - £42.83
That's not so bad, but I'm probably just levelling myself.
won a couple of pots towards the end of the session to limit my losses, down about £100 for the day
total for month ~ +1k
Starting BR £5.00
Br 1st September: £20.22
Br 2nd September: £20.80
Br 3rd September: £25.99
Br 4th September: £27.62
Br 5th September: £30.12
Br 6th September: £37.02
Profit: £32.02
On and off the cash tables again tonight from about 8pm until now but only a small win and lost £20 on mtts.
Shouldve turned pc off at 5pm and had early finish but not too know that at the time and also made extra c4ps lol
Days profit +£783.97
Running total for month +£1042
Now time for some sleep ))
i think i was involved in ~£2500 worth of flips and got £0 back then just get stupid coolered and some expert tilt later on
jsut completely wiped off yesterdays results fml.
+1k for the month now
Start BR - £344.76
Session - -£7.99
Current BR - £275.83
happy with way it ended after losing 2 BIs with QQ v KK , KK v AA and then KK v A6 when flop was 66J.
grinded like a good un for what seemed like days!! LOL
+ £101.11
- £30.05
+ £81.06
This is after a fair few mtt's sng's and cash tables
So far i have made a profit of 31p!!!!! LOL
Come on
+ £81.06
+ £10.48
Total + £91.54
points 408
total for month ~ +£500
wish i hadn't bothered!
down £6.57 after losing to better straights and people who can't let go of suited cards
so a promising start is now a loss of £3.74
tomorrows another day and hopefully I can catch a break.
oh by the way, does any one else experience the (correct) folding of rubbish which would have flopped a FH or straight. that happened to me tonight about half a dozen times, a couple of which those still in the hand went crazy! annoying that is even though folding them was correct
Finished 16th in mini open for a mini profit.
Finished 12th in the Thews at ten.
Couple of small cashes, but a losing day overall
Today's loss - £45.66
September Profit + £1,782.61
September Points = 815
Session Profit: -£8.57
September Profit: -44.18
BR 1st September: £226.83
BR 5th September: £226.21
Profit: -£62p
So i wake up and i decide to try my luck on another MTT BH, i start off well, but everytime i had a hand like K 10, or A Q, i would raise 3x BB and be pushed all in, so i tried to wait out for a better opportunity rather then a coin flip, and it did not pay off, i got knocked out around 13th i think, after that gave Sit n DOHHHH a go and managed to win so i won back the money from the MTT and decided i wasnt gonna do any more MTTs until my bank roll is over 100
Oh wow my worst day yet, My set of 10's gets beaten by a flush losing me a buy in, and i didnt folllow my own advice of moving off the table if i lose like that maybe i should but then my 3 of a kind 8's lost to a full house so lost another BI (difference between set and 3 of a kind = set is if your holding pocket pair to make the set, 3 of a kind is where your holding 1 of em and 2 of em appear on the board
Starting BR £5.00
Br 1st September: £20.22
Br 2nd September: £20.80
Br 3rd September: £25.99
Br 4th September: £27.62
Br 5th September: £30.12
Br 6th September: £37.02
Br 7th September: £24.09
Profit: £19.09
September Profit: - £42.83
That's not so bad, but I'm probably just levelling myself.
Played alot of poker today.
Bad start which picked up really well then started going downhill again towards the end on £50nl, £100nl and £200nl.
Also played 3 MTTS and came 3rd in one of them for a small cash which paid for the others lol
On day = Cash tables +£79.43
MTTS = +£7.62
Days total = +£87.05
Months total = +£393.02
Also wd to scotty77 for winning thews@10 and to rentisdue for winning the mtt i came 3rd in and knocking me out loooool
Very best of luck everyone.
I've now realised that I play terribly for the first 30 minutes and then need to play myself back into profit for the session.
07 Sep '11 at 01:13
07 Sep '11 at 00:35
07 Sep '11 at 00:07
07 Sep '11 at 00:06
07 Sep '11 at 00:06
07 Sep '11 at 00:05
Sep1: £276.95
Was: £306.93
Now: £300.80