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  • rentisduerentisdue Member Posts: 227
    edited September 2011
    Played all levels today from 20nl up to 300nl depending where the value was and left each table as soon as it went dead.
    Got unlucky a few times early doors but it all started going right soon after and by about 5pm i was over £400 up on cash.

    Bit slow when i started playing cash again tonight but hitting set v set and qq v jj soon changed that.

    My favourite hand of the day had to be when i raised pre to £4 on 100nl to isolate the table fish with JQ. flop came down 10 6 2 rainbow and i cont bet £7 which he calls. turn comes down 9 giving me up and down draw and i bet £16 which he calls again, river 8 and i have nuts and bet out £25 hoping to see the raise from his pocket 7s which came ))  i go all in and calls and shows 77 lol . . . . . . . dosnt happen often but it always feels better when you fish the fish )))

    Played a few tournys tonight aswell and won one of them but only a small cash cos only 61 runners.

    Profit on day +655.32

    My months running total +£1697.32

    Now off to the tables again for me to make a start on wednesdays score ))
  • CrazyBen23CrazyBen23 Member Posts: 865
    edited September 2011
    I bet after 30 days some people post on here everyday... /some people need to get out more
  • rentisduerentisdue Member Posts: 227
    edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: **** SEPTEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD ****:
    I bet after 30 days some people post on here everyday... /some people need to get out more
    Posted by CrazyBen23
    You ever thought maybe some people can not go out ?

    Each to there own i say as long as its not hurting no-one why worry about it
  • ACEGOONERACEGOONER Member Posts: 1,435
    edited September 2011

    After my hols ive played for 2 days now, and showing an initial profit over mon/tues of £157.21. No longer feel a cash donk and been playing a lot of nl40/50 as well as hu sngs. Had one nice pot yesterday 3 way of £180 and my pocket aces stood up!!

    Also lost a buyin at nl40 to scotty77 when i flopped trip jacks and hit my fh on the turn, playing it coyly till the river when I put a value bet in to take the pot down then SLAM, scotty chucks all his chips in, the card that made my fh gave him quad 5s, sick !

    Gonna play less turbo dyms as these are a big leak and I now dont think they are worth the effort because of the rake.

    My cash for points target is still 10k, as it brings a tidy bonus and perks in, but JJ rightly pointed out focus should be on profits rather than rakeback.

  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited September 2011
    nice thread, good incentive for everyone - cheers Jenny

    I'll post my NL4 grind daily +/-  when I get home from work

  • WilhelmWilhelm Member Posts: 1,730
    edited September 2011
    Just got last month's Cash For Points come through.

    September Profit: -37.83
  • jenny_IYYjenny_IYY Member Posts: 184
    edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: **** SEPTEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD ****:
    I bet after 30 days some people post on here everyday... /some people need to get out more
    Posted by CrazyBen23

    SO ?
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: **** SEPTEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD ****:
    Day 7 starts with me feeling ill, entered a £5 MTT, and was doing exceptional, was jumping between chip leader and 2nd, but then with 16 people to go i manage to make a stupid call getting myself into trouble with only 2-4k chips left, i pushed with top pair on the flop only to find out that my opponent had 2 pair, oh well i figured out what i need to work on, then in a £3 DYM i had a guy insulting me for calling an all in, when i had he straight flush draw, leaving me 800 chips as i miss both, and then he insults me again as i push, he thought he was better off with his A 10o, i had 88, my 8's held against him but another guy randomly joined in the all in with A 6 and hit 666, so that was the end of that  :( i got a headache and its making it difficult for me to concentrate, will probably carry on tomorrow Starting BR £5.00 Br 1st September: £20.22 Br 2nd September: £20.80 Br 3rd September: £25.99 Br 4th September: £27.62 Br 5th September: £30.12 Br 6th September: £37.02 Br 7th September: £31.70 Profit: £26.70
    Posted by sillymunch
    Oh my god! lol. I know BRM isn't something you can be too tight on if you deposit £5 and wanna spin it up but putting 20% of your bankroll into 1 MTT is just asking to go bust!
  • jenny_IYYjenny_IYY Member Posts: 184
    edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: **** SEPTEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD ****:
    nice thread, good incentive for everyone - cheers Jenny I'll post my NL4 grind daily +/-  when I get home from work
    Posted by rancid

    TY Rancid. always better to hear positive feedback.

    best of luck. jenny.x.
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited September 2011
    Haven't posted for a few days, been on a bad run and tilting with poker a bit so been a bit down with it until last night.

    Last time I recorded my results I was +£99. I then played £110 of tournies on Sunday with not a single cash so went -£11.

    Wasn't going well again last night, KK into AA twice knocked me out of 2 trnys, AK vs AA when shortish stacked knocked me out of another was left with just the TSP. Got a decent stack and was then joined on my table by sam1986 and Hurst05, pretty tough table, luckily there was 1 guy that was trying to steal 2 or 3 times every cycle of the table so every now and then I would 3bet him with air and he would fold (I had a very nitty image) so that kept my stack up.

    Eventually finished 2nd after having 3/4 of the chips in play with 3 players left (Don't put people all in with 8 high when they have flopped a set).

    Won £220 for my troubles, I had played £102 of tournies/little bit of a loss on cash so £118 up.

    Total Monthly profit/loss - +£107

    Hopefully this will kick start my month and I can start making some decent money again (I aim/average £800 a month)
  • walesboywalesboy Member Posts: 993
    edited September 2011

    a short 2 hour or so session and what a difference a nights sleep makes
    up £10.36 on the 2 tables - this time either I'm hitting or they are missing! the complete opposite to yesterday.
    such is poker!
    total now up £6.62!

  • hurst05hurst05 Member Posts: 1,567
    edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: **** SEPTEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD ****:
    Also lost a buyin at nl40 to scotty77 when i flopped trip jacks and hit my fh on the turn, playing it coyly till the river when I put a value bet in to take the pot down then SLAM, scotty chucks all his chips in, the card that made my fh gave him quad 5s, sick ! 
    Posted by ACEGOONER

    the life of scotty77

  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: **** SEPTEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD ****:
    I bet after 30 days some people post on here everyday... /some people need to get out more
    Posted by CrazyBen23
    Jee whiz I sometimes post twice a day, guess I better fetch dem razor blades now..... (sarcasm alert)


    Well another decent session, mainly a story of AK never hitting or hitting so strong it's impossible to get paid, and alas another set gets set on fire -
    macman65 Sit out        
    Dudeskin8 Small blind   £0.05 £0.05 £9.85
    fatdan112 Big blind   £0.10 £0.15 £12.36
      Your hole cards
    • 6
    • 6
    Torres1892 Raise   £0.30 £0.45 £14.07
    x Call   £0.30 £0.75 £4.82
    sunwukong Call   £0.30 £1.05 £6.94
    Dudeskin8 Call   £0.25 £1.30 £9.60
    fatdan112 Call   £0.20 £1.50 £12.16
    • 8
    • 4
    • 6
    Dudeskin8 Bet   £1.50 £3.00 £8.10
    fatdan112 Fold        
    Torres1892 Fold        
    x All-in   £4.82 £7.82 £0.00
    sunwukong Fold        
    Dudeskin8 Raise   £6.64 £14.46 £1.46
    Dudeskin8 Unmatched bet   £3.32 £11.14 £4.78
    Dudeskin8 Show
    • 6
    • 6
    x Show
    • K
    • 7
    • 3
    • Q
    x Win Flush to the King £10.30   £10.30
    Pretty much just a case of finding a little run good which will come sooner than later.

    Actually slightly up with bonus added but yet another minus session.

    Start BR - £344.76

    Session - -£7.97 + £15

    Current BR - £282.86
  • debdobs_67debdobs_67 Member Posts: 3,615
    edited September 2011
    After a couple of decent cash sessions

    + £91.54

    + £11.88

    + £103.42

      Made a withdrawal sunday which i got 2day to leave my BR on sky to my exact profit so far this month so onwards and upwards
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: **** SEPTEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD ****:
    In Response to Re: **** SEPTEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD **** : the life of scotty77
    Posted by hurst05
    ill have you know that they were my only quads of the last 2 days.  gimme a break :)

    but yh AceGooner that hand was pretty sick :p

    ummm profit wise I think I'm still the same at like 1.2/1.3ish for the month.  On 8.3k points tho /grind ont he mind....
  • WilhelmWilhelm Member Posts: 1,730
    edited September 2011
    Just had a $50 bonus come through on another site. 

    September Profit: -£6.69
  • jenny_IYYjenny_IYY Member Posts: 184
    edited September 2011
    Only played about 100-150 hands all day on £100nl.

    Won £71.24

    Im off out tonight so wont be playing anymore today.

    Monthly running total = +£464.26

    Very best of luck to everyone.

  • debdobs_67debdobs_67 Member Posts: 3,615
    edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: **** SEPTEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD ****:
    Only played about 100-150 hands all day on £100nl. Won £71.24 Im off out tonight so wont be playing anymore today. Monthly running total = +£464.26 Very best of luck to everyone. Jenny.x.
    Posted by jenny_IYY
    Have a good nite xx
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited September 2011
    NL4 grind 1-3 tables max, sometimes 1 MTT & 2 cash - 2-3 hours sessions - not including rakeback

    1st +3.68
    2nd +18.87
    3rd +3
    4th +10.07
    5th +6.94
    6th + 4.73

    +47.29 so far
    Nothing to report thus far just a mini open cash on the 6th, open shove AK into AA and bye bye

    Started the HU challenge wowhoo Level 2, HIGH FIVE _/- -\_

  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited September 2011
    Smaller session than normal but still more variance to report. Managed to get AK v AA twice which resulted in most of losses and also JJ against A4 that called for gutshot on turn, standard. Was actually up slightly at one stage but had to plow on and enevitably finish on loss :).

    Start BR - £344.76

    Session - -£9.57

    Current BR - £273.29

    Toal hands - 3760
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