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  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,562

    So what happens when you get to £1,000?

    What else you up to this weekend? Hope you have filled that diary......
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,928
    Wp jj you got some game
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited October 2018
    stokefc said:

    Wp jj you got some game

    Thanks mate, hows it going?

    You still enjoying a beer or 2 and a game of cards at the weekend?

    You should bring back the end of session forum posts :D
    Tikay10 said:
    So what happens when you get to £1,000?

    What else you up to this weekend? Hope you have filled that diary......

    I have to get there first!

    I could easily drop 2/300 quid in the next few days and then I'm right up against it.

    I'll probably keep playing, I'm enjoying it so far. We always do when we are getting this lucky.


    Saturday went as follows...

    7.30am - 1.30pm Poker

    2pm - 3pm 6 mile off road run in the wind./ shower.

    3pm - 4pm Cooked and devoured my own home made pizza, using greek yoghurt to make the pizza base (who knew that was a thing!)

    4.15pm - Nipped my brother in to town.

    4.45 pm - 7.30pm Sleep.

    8pm - Bath

    8.30pm 1am - Laid on the bed doing nothing/Fell asleep.


    First Sunday in a while I've not had a race today.

    I was planning a long run of my own, but the weather doesn't look too kind.

    I've really got to stop running as often, and go to the gym more to do strength work.

    That's a really difficult change to implement given I love to run, yet I hate the gym.

    It tales alot of willpower and at the moment I'm struggling to find it.

    Brewing up, then hitting the tables (of which there are currently 0 running) shortly.

    GL all on't Sundi Grind.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,562

    "I've really got to stop running as often....."

    ....."I love to run"

    Why do you feel you ought to quit running so frequently? How bad can running be for you. And you enjoy it.
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    Tikay10 said:

    "I've really got to stop running as often....."

    ....."I love to run"

    Why do you feel you ought to quit running so frequently? How bad can running be for you. And you enjoy it.

    I'm just conscious of doing too much cardio, and not enough upper body strength work. The running I think counter-acts everything I do in the gym.

    All I do in the gym is sit there wishing I was running instead though :D


    Treated everyone to my D game this morning.

    5 hour session, with maybe 70% focus throughout.

    Think they call it "clicking buttons"

    I'm reluctant to close off the session, because once I do, I'll eat, the tiredness will hit, and that'll be me done for the day.

    But the concentration is so poor, and my head has started to spin, so I have no other option really.

    Today = + £40.52

    October = +£946.78

    With rakeback, we're less than a buyin away.

    From completing the least challenging challenge of all time.

    Back tomorrow.

  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    Decided to 'flick' another couple of hours in this afternoon, because there's not much else happening.

    And also to get to the 40 quid rakeback mark.

    Focus was better, but my play was arguably worse.

    Flying along though, until i did 2 stacks in in 3b pots, in pretty unavoidable situations I'd like to think.

    But on the positives, we've completed the 'challenge' inside 14 days.

    To be honest when you run as good as I've done there's no challenge involved.

    But I expected to at least hit abit of turbulence and have some downswings and stuff to cope with

    + £48.88 session

    + £40.28 Rakeback

    = £1035.94 for October.

    DONE !
  • SnufferSnuffer Member Posts: 3,057
    well done Sir on your challenge, it was also this thread that got me into running and I've never looked back since, absolutely love it, so cheers.
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,661
    Well done JJ...

    ....2K+ by the end of October = next challenge? ;)
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    Snuffer said:

    well done Sir on your challenge, it was also this thread that got me into running and I've never looked back since, absolutely love it, so cheers.

    Love to hear stuff like that mate, good on you !

    Greatest addiction in the world isnt it :)


    Also reading back the post, I realise this mini challenge just looks like a series of brags.

    Honestly didnt intend or expect it to come across like that.

    Not much more I can do than report the results in a results based challenge.


    I might have a go at a 50nl shot taking challenge in the 2nd half of the month.

    Might be abit more interesting.

    Soppy rubbing his hands together in anticipation :D:D:D

  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,638
    "Also reading back the post, I realise this mini challenge just looks like a series of brags."

    IT a good way man. You inspire peeps got at least one person into poker (moi) ...and one into running (snuffer)! WTF!
    You need your own youtube channel. Seriously dude ...
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,638
    also...wd NID! (Never in Doooooubt) ;-)
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited October 2018
    Glenelg said:

    "Also reading back the post, I realise this mini challenge just looks like a series of brags."

    IT a good way man. You inspire peeps got at least one person into poker (moi) ...and one into running (snuffer)! WTF!
    You need your own youtube channel. Seriously dude ...

    Thanks mate, very kind words ! :)

    I definitely don't have a youtube face

    I have Youtube bo obs, but i'm the wrong gender.

    I'll have to stick to words.

    Ironically as soon as the challenge is done, I've got a losing session to report.

    I wont keep updating the results, but I thought for abit of balance I should do 1 more !

    Minus 20 quid!

    Away to the gym now, Mondays are cr@p !
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited October 2018
    This game is an absolute joke at times.

    I can see why people think it's ri/gged and/or set up for action.

    Amazing how your luck turns too, since I cashed out the profits after the challenge everything has gone against me, set up after set up, Kings in to Aces 5 times in 2 days.

    Full House Over Full house, flushes getting there on the river, it's relentless.

    Never believed in the "cashout curse" before but there's definitely something not right going on.

    Wouldn't mind getting outplayed, which to be fair I have been a little, but people splashing around and hitting every turn and river is ridiculous.

    Gonna take a few days off and try again this weekend.

    GL at the tables all.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,562


    When the going gets tough, you gotta dig in. Come on JJ, get back on the horse.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,562

    Love a self-bok, me, too;

    "To be honest when you run as good as I've done there's no challenge involved.

    But I expected to at least hit a bit of turbulence and have some downswings and stuff to cope with"

    That was only a few days ago. Think that's called tempting fate.
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    Tikay10 said:


    When the going gets tough, you gotta dig in. Come on JJ, get back on the horse.

    I was only kidding TK.

    (although ive got myself in to a hole now, maybe people will believe I was being serious, but now i've de-tilted and im protesting innocence)

    Been abit flat in here, wanted to see if I could draw some people into posting.

    Like the ones i've god moded against all month :D

    And it was set up nicely for someone to come on and say "omfg ur up 40 buyins in 2 weeks and you're claiming runbad rofl"

    Fail though.


    Was actually a small winning session today

    + £13

    I felt really weird, I think i'd had a caffeine overdose.

    My tiredness has been brutal this last 4-5 days

    And im enjoying the grind.

    So im pumping myself full off tea and coffee to try and get myself alert enough to play.

    It doesn't even work, I don't even know why I do it.

    Head was spinning abit, I was dead on edge and anxious throughout.

    It wasn't fun.

    Back for another go in the morning, before my shrink sesh in't afternoon :#:#:#:#:#

  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,661

    I hope you are ok mate...not heard off you for a while. Anyway, have a good day today.....cheers.

  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    Hey Dohhhhhhhh.

    Congratulations for your recent birthday, poker results and superb running performances (at the current rate of improvement it's only a matter of time before you're going faster than me across all distances).

    I have a question for your next visit to this forum. Are your poker skills better/worse/about the same compared to when (putting it politely) you led a less healthy lifestyle?

    Just wondering.
    Mens sana in corpore sano.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,562

    How you doing health-wise now JJ @Dohhhhhhh?
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited January 2019
    Tikay10 said:

    How you doing health-wise now JJ @Dohhhhhhh?

    Alright TK. Not bad, thanks.

    Bit shakey over Xmas/New Year, always feel in control with the alcohol, but never 100% sure until the regular (once/twice a week) drinking ends.

    Things die down, people go back to work, opportunity to drink in "acceptable circumstances" disappear, and then it could all go awry I guess, if the body is craving it.

    Looking for excuses to drink, or trying to justify it.

    But not at all. Not bothered.

    Having said that, Im out tonight :)


    Still running alot, hit PBS at all distances over the last 6 weeks or so, and weighed in the lightest I've been in years on 30th December, which I guess shows I didn't do too much damage over the Xmas period.

    Here's an updated before and after picture of the weightloss.

    The left, will be after yet another 12 hour, 24 cans of strongbow drinking binge whilst grinding skypoker, around 3 years ago.

    The right is me on New Years Eve procrastinating on the Gym Grind.


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