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    JingleMaJingleMa Member Posts: 1,319
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary":
    While everyone is bangin on about cricket. Why r england so bad at playing spin. We have possibly the best spin bowler in the world in swann and we have merlin the spin machine. I think that's wat it is called and yet our top 6 ain't got a clue.
    Posted by ALFIE123

    Hi Alfie - I think it's more to do with Eng being bad at playing spin in Asia.

    I've no doubt we'd have comfortably racked up 400+ playing against this SL attack in Eng or Aus (and recent history suggests this would be the case) - it's simply about being comfortable in the conditions you're playing in. Equally, SL, IND + Pak will generally play a lot better in Asia than outside for the same reason.

    Cricket is fairly unique in how much of a difference pitch + atmospheric conditions make to the flow and outcome of a match.

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    DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,927
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary":
    Poker today, I want another very boring/dull/unspectacular/modest winning session plz! :) 
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH

    [  ] Boring
    [  ] Dull
    [x] Modest Winning Session

    First time brackets user, now officially a poker geek. aments. 


    Matt Prior is titling me this morning. I've worked out what he does. 

    He appeals for literally everything, and assesses the likelihood of it being out mid appeal. Then either continues to appeal, if he thinks it might be out, or stops abruptly. 

    Assess ------> Appeal imo. 

    Leads getting abit big. 


    9/4 an England win looks good to me though.......


    **edit - This dinnertime analysis is really annoying me too. How is 250 gettable but 275 is too many??

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    EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited March 2012
    Stuart Broad no ball...Sigh!
    Just know when that happens that the number 11 is going to get a 50 or something...
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    splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    edited March 2012
    ^^^^^^ Blooming 'eck Broady!

    Game over now i think.
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    jimbob1235jimbob1235 Member Posts: 14
    edited March 2012
    Time to blow the bankroll on England! Where's monty at?
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    DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,927
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary":
    Time to blow the bankroll on England! Where's monty at?
    Posted by jimbob1235
    Hey Jim, welcome to the thread :D

    Seeing you post has just reminded me to reply to your PM. Will do this afternoon after this final session on't cricket......

    100-2 @ close of play would be nice and set it up perfectly for tomorrow! Need to play some shots though, everyone is gonna 'get 1' if they just stand there blocking. Time is precious, use it well!

    Didn't realise you were a squaddie btw.........
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    JingleMaJingleMa Member Posts: 1,319
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary":
    ^^^^^^ Blooming 'eck Broady! Game over now i think.
    Posted by splashies
    Yep, we've surely blown it now. (history certainly suggests so).

    And yet, and yet...

    A dazzling KP 100, with a dash of sparkling Samit and some late order slappage; all held together by some Trott&Prior sealant... and history could be made!!...

    ...then after I wake up and get into work @ 9am on Thurs morn, I'll see Eng 220 all out and all will be back to normal in the world.

    Ah well - Tottingham4the cup, COYS!!
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    pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited March 2012
    are we still talking about cricket!! yawn :-)

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    JingleMaJingleMa Member Posts: 1,319
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary":
    are we still talking about cricket!! yawn :-)
    Posted by pod1

    I know you still have Robin Smith and Alan Mullally posters in your shed - don't try2deny it!!

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    DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,927
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary":
    In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary" : I know you still have Robin Smith and Alan Mullally posters in your shed - don't try2deny it!!
    Posted by JingleMa
    Reminded me of this link....

    I've posted it before but it's still funny.

    Where is Bumble this series btw? He tweeted that his services "Weren't required". I know it's not a Sky production, but how can he be surplus to requirements yet Nick Knight gets the gig? "I thinkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk"

    Poddington.....Just 1 more day of cricket to put up with!

    .....Until nxt week. 


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    JingleMaJingleMa Member Posts: 1,319
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary":
    In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary" : Reminded me of this link.... I've posted it before but it's still funny. Where is Bumble this series btw? He tweeted that his services "Weren't required". I know it's not a Sky production, but how can he be surplus to requirements yet Nick Knight gets the gig? "I thinkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk" Poddington.....Just 1 more day of cricket to put up with! .....Until nxt week.  Howzat?
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    Lol, brilliant stuff - "I didn't know Mullally was on tour".
  • Options
    JingleMaJingleMa Member Posts: 1,319
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary":
    In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary" : Reminded me of this link.... I've posted it before but it's still funny. Where is Bumble this series btw? He tweeted that his services "Weren't required". I know it's not a Sky production, but how can he be surplus to requirements yet Nick Knight gets the gig? "I thinkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk" Poddington.....Just 1 more day of cricket to put up with! .....Until nxt week.  Howzat?
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    No idea why Bumble aint out there - seems strange that ODI specialist Knight is doing the test series ahead of him. Would be like the Aussies having Bevan instead of Langer.

    Here's hoping Eng are still batting when I wake up!
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    EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited March 2012
    Turned the telly on just in time to see the inevitable collapse, sigh...

    Finn/Tredwell and Bresnan in for Patel and Broad if Broad isn't fit for the 2nd test IMO.
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    DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,927
    edited March 2012
    Sigh, got in such a great position too. Must have been odds on favourites at 1 point. 

    Bit of run bad with the Short Leg catch (no way am I giving that guy credit for a brilliant catch). Fair enough he deserves credit for being brave, but how lucky was that.

    I think we missed a trick not promoting Swann up the order. Not a re-active comment, I did say this last night, he should be sent in with license to play shots if it got tense. Kinda like a freeroll, a quick 25/30 can take the game away from Sri Lanka.

    Before the start of our first innings yesterday I tweeted the following.....

    England to be 200-4 then make a mess of it. #prediction


    Nailed the prediction, just a shame we couldn't nail the run chase! :(


    Great test match though, it's a shame it's only a 2 match series!!!!! What's the point, really? Gotta be 3 ........

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    DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,927
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary":
    Turned the telly on just in time to see the inevitable collapse, sigh... Finn/Tredwell and Bresnan in for Patel and Broad if Broad isn't fit for the 2nd test IMO.
    Posted by EvilPingu
    Pingu, you must retract this statement. 

    I cannot take anyone who thinks James Tredwell is a Test Match cricketer seriously!!!!!!

    You weren't being serious, were you ????
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    JingleMaJingleMa Member Posts: 1,319
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary":
    In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary" : Pingu, you must retract this statement.  I cannot take anyone who thinks James Tredwell is a Test Match cricketer seriously!!!!!! You weren't being serious, were you ????
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    Sighage... (WHY do they give us hope??)

    Tredders will do a good honest job if nothing else, and look how far that got Herath!

    However, he'll be bowling to SL in their back yard and he is right-arm orthodox without the "other one" in his locker, so is unlikely to pose any tricky questions.

    Bressers in4me if Broad is unfit.
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    pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited March 2012
    are they eating cucumber sanrnies now? when do they come out for 2nd half? more importantly does the gp season start this weekend !!
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    jimbob1235jimbob1235 Member Posts: 14
    edited April 2012
    Sorry for the late reply Dohhhhhh, yeah got referred to you by a fellow squaddie, heard you were the guru of HU hyper's! Still waiting for this reply mind, too busy smashing people about the hyper's i take it lol!

    DTD tonight  lads, get amongst it!
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    splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    edited April 2012
    ^^^ I wouldnt worry jimbob, its standard to wait that long for a reply!


    I'm making a return to hypers for April and I'm going to post my results on here. Hopefully it'll spur JJ on to grind and post more on here too.

    I'm a losing player in HU sngs, so I'd be happy with any profit this month.

    I'll be playing £3.15 hypers. Heres how April has gone so far.

    UsernameGames PlayedAv. ProfitAv. StakeAv. ROITotal ProfitFormAbility /100NetworkFilter
    splashies         48£0.59  £3  15%£29  -N/ASkyPoker4/1/2012 4/3/2012 Heads Up SNG Only
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    DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,927
    edited April 2012
    Everyone knows by now whats been happening if the diary drops off the front page. sighhhh :(

    Gonna be @ the 3's w/ u splashies if this week/end doesn't go well!

    Friday night, ridonkulous drunken 200nl HU shot, obviously got crushed, as I always do when I play someone even half decent.

    Having said that though the guy that beat me was playing £5/10 HU last night. Expert game selection as usual.

    It's hard to game select when nobody sitting @ a HU table will play me though. 

    I don't think these people realise that I only play cash HU when I'm either a) tilting, or b) too drunk. I would never do it if I was thinking straight. But still they insta sit-out? I blame them for tilting me even more, then eventually the guy that plays me has me on life tilt! grrrrr.

    Didn't lose 'that' much, as I'd had a good day until then including a couple of speed MTT wins, just a few HU sngs tilted me.

    Played Sunday too, not alot happened. Tiny win. dc'd 3 handed in an MTT when I had just been dealt aces. Had just made the money, with 100/60/40 payouts. I got back on when the tourny had finished, luckily the other 2 guys clashed and I got 2nd. Could've been worse.......

    Think I'm also playing this afternoon, don't really wanna as It will mean I've played/drank 3 of the last 5 days, but for weekend routine purposes I kinda have to (or have 3 days off).


    Woke up naturally @ 5.05am this morning for the cricket. It's weird how that happens, no alarm or anything. 

    Fell asleep after Jimmys 'standard' new ball rampage @ drinks before dinner, and it seems it's been slow going since then.

    If we can't score 400 in the 1st innings on this wicket, we never will! 


    Jim gonna literally reply as soon as I post this! Sorry about the delay, hadn't forgot though, I just didn't remember either :P

    **DONE** ^^^^^

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