Quite a nice story, but the inner cynic in me could not help but smile at this.....
"....Paul put football into a good place with his sportsmanship today because if you lose morality the game has no substance for me......"
Yeah the irony in that comment is plentiful.
The turn of events was pretty 'standard' though, as I had backed Donny. Watching the scoreline come through with Jeff I thought it was a great start to the seasons punting. 93rd minute winner.
The best way to get a bet up.
I can only think Bates must've had the Forrester 1st goal, 1-1 scorecast or something.
Maybe it's time to 'request a bet' on Donny either missing out on promotion or safety by 2 or less points. It can't lose now.
Thanks for the strat replies Geldy & Ivan. I'll leave the results off for another day or so and see if there's anymore replies.
Just results for tonight....
The 'poker' part of the weekend didn't go as well as I'd hoped. (does it ever?)
Lots of little things got in the way, I've got a sore gum with wisdom teeth issues which is playing up on and off, and I've also felt extremely tired, even more than usual. It actually got me really down at 1 point, I'm fighting rly hard to try and work hard and improve on and off the table and it just makes an already hard task so much harder.
Often all I want to do is sleep. And often that's what I end up doing!
It'd just be so nice to have a break from being shattered 24/7.
Meh it's already more than 'just results'.
Man up doh.
So It was a winning weekend. I'd approximate I got about 2 hours in on Saturday and 3ish today. So it's ok.
Yesterday I played 100% on unibet @ 10nl and won €59.
Today I mixed in some sky, and ended +£13 here, and -€4 over thiya.
Making the total for the weekend + £52
And the new challenge roll stands at £830.
On the table, yesterday went really well. About as good as you could expect 2 hours of cash poker to go.
Today it felt like I ran into it a lot.
3bet pots are an area of concern.
I think I made a few mistakes in them today which cost me stacks.
Here is 1 where I may or may not have ballsed up. What do you think?
Do we shove the turn?
I think this guy is a semi reg at 10nl. I've seen his name a little bit, but don't have much on him. Maybe just standard 10nl tag type player.
Has 3b me a couple of times this session though when I've given credit and folded. Thought it was a decent set-up to defend on this occasion.
I must have been paying attention to all the posts Ivan has made on my clinic posts because I agree with his view on the first 2 hands. Jam QQ because we've under-repped all the way and fold the 6s.
I think there is some value in hero-calling the 6s as the overbet does look very bluffy. But then so few people seem to shove bluff at the lower limits that it just feels like 67 or A3 are way more likely here (not betting bigger on the turn as they would have taken a weaker line on the river if a flush comes in).
Either way I don't think enough randoms bluff shove at this level to make it worth calling down 3rd pair.
I'm not sure it's the right play, but I quite often chuck in a protecion value bet when in position on these sort of boards (on the flop), overs and flush draws likely to call. Can then potentially underbet the turn for same reasons and control the pot to stop people stabbing river and giving you a more awkward decision to call or not. Accept that others would say checking down is preferable to prevent bloating the pot with a weak 1 pair hand.
K7 hand - Probably the weak-tight fish in me but I'm not sure how much value there is in 4b bluffs at the micros? Meh in play I 99% shove turn with the added equity and be happy if they fold AK/JJ/TT or even sigh-fold AQ... but don't suppose it's the worst the thing to check behind and consider giving up when they are likely to be on such a small range.
1. call - he was utg opener and although you have under-repped your hand you haven't tested his strength either. stick to the lower variance lines while working on your mental game. 2. fold - could mean anything - again stay lower variance until you have more info on him Posted by GELDY
Forgot to reply to this in my post but the fact he opened UTG is kinda irrelevant given it was actually the CO in a 4 handed game!
In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary" : Forgot to reply to this in my post but the fact he opened UTG is kinda irrelevant given it was actually the CO in a 4 handed game! Posted by F_Ivanovic
a substance which is considered unpleasant or disgusting, typically because of its dirtiness.
"use a good soap compound to remove accumulated crud"
heavy snow on which it is difficult to ski.
"there's no way I can ski crud"
"the usual crud which passes itself off as a smart twenty-something comedy"
a contemptible person.
I thought it just meant cr ap
Felt auwful for most of the day. After sleeping a full 8 hours I woke up, ate, and an hour later had to go for a nap.
Things picked up abit later and I tried my luck on all 3 sites.
No joy anywhere.
- £5 (not sure if that includes a rakeback boost, probably does)
- €7
+ $5
^^^^ looks like I played 5 mins on each site with those results. Unfortunately was abit more than that
Total = - £7
Roll = £823
Few hands to clear up as I'm sure you're all on the edge of your seats refreshing this every 2 minutes waiting to find out.
The QQ I just x/called the river.
He had Jacks. Or Tens.
The 66 I called. I was pretty chuffed with how I read that hand. I'm surprised alot of people are saying fold because on reflection I don't think it's that tough a call.
The only hand he can have really is TT and does he check that (or any set/overpair) back 3 ways on the wet flop and then just flat the turn?
Does he ever play Tx like this?
With the soakingness of the turn I just expect him to raise all his strong hands. Then the spack river jam is just bizarre. Think it's a fairly easy call.
I was getting frustrated and angry which on top of the ever-present tired and dizzyness wasn't making for very good grinding conditions.
I mentioned last summer I had a load of blood tests which flagged up high iron levels.
The knock on effects of this were symptoms like tiredness and fatigue.
Doctors blamed the high iron on high alcohol.
As I'm almost 14 weeks dry now I'm going to get in touch and see if this can possibly still be the cause, and if not, what tf is. It's having such a huge negative impact on pokerz. Can't really go on like this at the higher limits, need to be get in a spot where I'm feeling great going in to every grind.
I have played abit on a 4th site 'off roll' where there's no pressure .
But returned to the challenge roll yesterday on all 3 sites and booked 3 wins, the highlight being +£50 on here.
Poker is such a weird game mentally, I'm experiencing new emotions now that I'm playing 'properly' for the first time in years.
It's tempting to log in here and say I've improved, I'm playing alot better and feeling more confident in most situations.
But it's probably just because I'm winning.
It's really hard to stay grounded and identify your true level of performance whether you are winning or losing. But it's so crucial to do so.
I believe even some very experienced players over-estimate their ability all the time, and also under-estimate how tough the game is. Finding that level of self awareness (ironic coming from me) at the poker table is really important imo.
Anyway, got a couple of hands that've caused alot of debate between me and friends over the last couple of days.
I'm in a small group of friends with some really good players. We disagree alot of the time. It's another difficult thing to judge, how much I should use their advice, and advice I receive from various other places on the internet. And how much I should go with what I feel.
It causes me alot of frustration as I can't and don't think I ever will be able to find the right balance.
The hands.
1) (Hero is PeteGibbons99)
The open raiser, corpen_d is really loose and aggressive. Probably bad aggressive. He has previously overcalled an open, then peeled my 3b squeeze with AQ, floated Kxx rainbow, then jammed over my turn barrell 100xbb effective on a blank Tx with just a gutshot.
The main villain who we get to the river with seems a very solid regular, bordering on 'nit' (although I'm trying to stop using that term to class players, he really is)
For those of you farmiliar with HUD stats, panForex is playing 12/12 over 100 hands exactly.
Our agro friend is 25/24 with a 3bet of 22% (6 out of 27)
Looking at both these hands I really don't know why you are checking flop? At higher stakes it's for sure important to balance with sometimes checking strong hands on the flop but at the stakes your playing I'm really not worried about balance.
Anyway hand 1 OTT I would be betting much bigger: at least pot. I like to mix in overbets when my range seems like it should be capped and also where opponents have shown weakness so if I'm bluffing with overbets in this spot I certainly want to be bluffing with my value hands. However, again - with it being 10nl balance in these spots isn't that important. And if you haven't been using overbets most people will just assume they are strong and you'll probably be missing out on value from a smaller (but still substantial) pot sized bet. Only way to find out how they react to overbets is to start making them though so I might make it 1.3-1.5x pot.
River I would size larger too... at least 75% pot and think folding to the raise is fine/standard.
Second hand again just bet flop! This one's a must bet Turn is fine. River - what's the question? I don't think folding is ever an option but it's pretty much AI anyway so raising isn't really a qn (might as well stick the rest in) -
Oh yeh I forgot to mention the flop check in hand 2 is definitely a mistake.
I was rushed playing too many tables again and thought it was a HU pot. Very bad mistake by me.
I'm wondering what you think he can have in hand 2?
When he checks the flop and then takes such a strong line on the turn isn't it always going to be 888?
The flop check in hand 1 was intentional due to the player types. I wanted to give the lag player an oppertunity to do something silly on the turn with his weak range, and the nit in the big blind I didn't expect to get much/any value from whatever line I took.
It's probably bad, but there was at least a reason for it. Whereas the check in hand 2 is just terrible
Yeh stoke I've been in touch a lot with the doctor last summer. I had at least 6/7 lots of blood tests which continued to give unsatisfactory results, and was referred to a haematologist around 10 months ago. Still waiting for an appointment.
Just felt like I was getting nowhere so gave up in the end.
It was alright when I was drinking because the alcohol was like a self medication. It masked a lot of the lethargy.
Meh, maybe ring them again during the week or summat. Get told there's nowt wrong again .
Weekend 10nl grind update.
Well off the pace.
Yesterday I tried again and failed again to get something going during the day.
Despite a full nights sleep again I had to take a nap after the football around 5pm coz I was too tired. Didn't wake until 9.30pm! Ooooops.
So a lot of time was lost, however I did manage to power through and play a late session which has given me a glimmer of hope going into the final day of the challenge.
Session 1 Start 8.52am End 9.40am +£5.15 Session 2 Start 11.24am End 12.15pm +£2.26Session 3 Start 10.05pm End 00.05am +£3.58Session 4 Start 00.17am End 1.45am -£10.63
Total hours for the day = 5h 7mins
Total for the 3 day weekend = 8h 45mins
Total required before I go to sleep tonight = 11h 15 mins.
Very unlikely given how I've been feeling, but I'll give it a shot.
Disappointing results £££££ wise too.
Keep winning tonnes of small pots and then losing the hands where we play for stacks.
The rake is hideous too.
I will get rofl'd at no doubt but I'm pretty sure a lot of nl10 tables are unbeatable with the 7.5% rake. If they are beatable winrates will be small.
Table selection is important.
'On the positives' it's going to make the mental transition to 20nl easier.
'Only' 5% rake will make such a big difference.
This is the most interesting spot I could remember from yesterday...
Villain seems fairly solid/abc.
He has got 100xbb in pre with QQ against me before for 100 blinds.
This never even used to be noteworthy as it was very standard 3/4 years ago but with the games now it's definitely an exception to the norm.
Quite a nice story, but the inner cynic in me could not help but smile at this.....
"....Paul put football into a good place with his sportsmanship today because if you lose morality the game has no substance for me......"
Yeah the irony in that comment is plentiful.
The turn of events was pretty 'standard' though, as I had backed Donny. Watching the scoreline come through with Jeff I thought it was a great start to the seasons punting. 93rd minute winner.
The best way to get a bet up.
I can only think Bates must've had the Forrester 1st goal, 1-1 scorecast or something.
Maybe it's time to 'request a bet' on Donny either missing out on promotion or safety by 2 or less points. It can't lose now.
Thanks for the strat replies Geldy & Ivan. I'll leave the results off for another day or so and see if there's anymore replies.
Just results for tonight....
The 'poker' part of the weekend didn't go as well as I'd hoped. (does it ever?)
Lots of little things got in the way, I've got a sore gum with wisdom teeth issues which is playing up on and off, and I've also felt extremely tired, even more than usual. It actually got me really down at 1 point, I'm fighting rly hard to try and work hard and improve on and off the table and it just makes an already hard task so much harder.
Often all I want to do is sleep. And often that's what I end up doing!
It'd just be so nice to have a break from being shattered 24/7.
Meh it's already more than 'just results'.
Man up doh.
So It was a winning weekend. I'd approximate I got about 2 hours in on Saturday and 3ish today. So it's ok.
Yesterday I played 100% on unibet @ 10nl and won €59.
Today I mixed in some sky, and ended +£13 here, and -€4 over thiya.
Making the total for the weekend + £52
And the new challenge roll stands at £830.
On the table, yesterday went really well. About as good as you could expect 2 hours of cash poker to go.
Today it felt like I ran into it a lot.
3bet pots are an area of concern.
I think I made a few mistakes in them today which cost me stacks.
Here is 1 where I may or may not have ballsed up. What do you think?
Do we shove the turn?
I think this guy is a semi reg at 10nl. I've seen his name a little bit, but don't have much on him. Maybe just standard 10nl tag type player.
Has 3b me a couple of times this session though when I've given credit and folded. Thought it was a decent set-up to defend on this occasion.
Back tomorrow I suppose! zzzzz GN.
Pretty standard jam imo...

Fold equity against 10's J's etc, blocking KQ combos and you still have 40% when he snaps AQ.
Good to see the diary back
I think there is some value in hero-calling the 6s as the overbet does look very bluffy. But then so few people seem to shove bluff at the lower limits that it just feels like 67 or A3 are way more likely here (not betting bigger on the turn as they would have taken a weaker line on the river if a flush comes in).
Either way I don't think enough randoms bluff shove at this level to make it worth calling down 3rd pair.
I'm not sure it's the right play, but I quite often chuck in a protecion value bet when in position on these sort of boards (on the flop), overs and flush draws likely to call. Can then potentially underbet the turn for same reasons and control the pot to stop people stabbing river and giving you a more awkward decision to call or not. Accept that others would say checking down is preferable to prevent bloating the pot with a weak 1 pair hand.
K7 hand - Probably the weak-tight fish in me but I'm not sure how much value there is in 4b bluffs at the micros? Meh in play I 99% shove turn with the added equity and be happy if they fold AK/JJ/TT or even sigh-fold AQ... but don't suppose it's the worst the thing to check behind and consider giving up when they are likely to be on such a small range.
- €7
Roll = £823
For those of you farmiliar with HUD stats, panForex is playing 12/12 over 100 hands exactly.
Enjoy the sport and poker this weekend.
Anyway hand 1 OTT I would be betting much bigger: at least pot. I like to mix in overbets when my range seems like it should be capped and also where opponents have shown weakness so if I'm bluffing with overbets in this spot I certainly want to be bluffing with my value hands. However, again - with it being 10nl balance in these spots isn't that important. And if you haven't been using overbets most people will just assume they are strong and you'll probably be missing out on value from a smaller (but still substantial) pot sized bet. Only way to find out how they react to overbets is to start making them though so I might make it 1.3-1.5x pot.
Hand 1 he had ATss
Hand 2 he had 88
Both really obvious after the event.
Yeh stoke I've been in touch a lot with the doctor last summer. I had at least 6/7 lots of blood tests which continued to give unsatisfactory results, and was referred to a haematologist around 10 months ago. Still waiting for an appointment.
Just felt like I was getting nowhere so gave up in the end.
It was alright when I was drinking because the alcohol was like a self medication. It masked a lot of the lethargy.
Meh, maybe ring them again during the week or summat. Get told there's nowt wrong again
Weekend 10nl grind update.
Well off the pace.
Yesterday I tried again and failed again to get something going during the day.
Despite a full nights sleep again I had to take a nap after the football around 5pm coz I was too tired. Didn't wake until 9.30pm! Ooooops.
So a lot of time was lost, however I did manage to power through and play a late session which has given me a glimmer of hope going into the final day of the challenge.
Session 1 Start 8.52am End 9.40am +£5.15
Session 2 Start 11.24am End 12.15pm +£2.26Session 3 Start 10.05pm End 00.05am +£3.58Session 4 Start 00.17am End 1.45am -£10.63
Total hours for the day = 5h 7mins
Total for the 3 day weekend = 8h 45mins
Total required before I go to sleep tonight = 11h 15 mins.
Very unlikely given how I've been feeling, but I'll give it a shot.
Disappointing results £££££ wise too.
Keep winning tonnes of small pots and then losing the hands where we play for stacks.
The rake is hideous too.
I will get rofl'd at no doubt but I'm pretty sure a lot of nl10 tables are unbeatable with the 7.5% rake. If they are beatable winrates will be small.
Table selection is important.
'On the positives' it's going to make the mental transition to 20nl easier.
'Only' 5% rake will make such a big difference.
This is the most interesting spot I could remember from yesterday...
Villain seems fairly solid/abc.
He has got 100xbb in pre with QQ against me before for 100 blinds.
This never even used to be noteworthy as it was very standard 3/4 years ago but with the games now it's definitely an exception to the norm.
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancepopeye374 Small blind £0.05 £0.05 £2.58 DOHHHHHHH Big blind £0.10 £0.15 £12.13 Your hole cards 7 8 deller05 Fold xxxRaise £0.30 £0.45 £9.55 Lawson1987 Fold bearshark Fold popeye374 Fold DOHHHHHHH Raise £0.85 £1.30 £11.28 xxxCall £0.65 £1.95 £8.90 Flop J 10 9 DOHHHHHHH Bet £1.20 £3.15 £10.08 xxxCall £1.20 £4.35 £7.70 Turn 10 DOHHHHHHH Check xxx Bet £2.18 £6.53 £5.52 DOHHHHHHH
gl on the sunday 'grizzy' .