Barry was supposed to be moved to a ward yesterday, sadly that did not occur as he's been feeling sick and ended up being sick a fair amount. They are keeping him in ICU at present time and have taken him off drinks again.
We do not know if he's going to have the op for the cancer yet as there is the big chance he would not make it through. It is believed that it has not spread.
Certainly not good news that we were have been hoping for. Guess we just have to help that he can pull through this.
Really wishing you the very best Bazza!! thx for the updates Alison and make sure that u and the rest of your family looking after Barry take care of yourselves as well
Hey all They have now moved my dad to a normal ward. He's eating things like soup and custard. Still in a bit of pain but he seems to be doing ok. There was some talk of him maybe being home in the next week. *fingers crossed*
Glad he's out of ICU. Soup & Custard sounds good! Come on, Bazza, the backlog of password requests is building up... Mojo to Barry & Alison & all the family.
Hope he's on the mend soon.
Sending good vibes to Barry. Wish him all the best & tell him we all miss him on the forum & at the tables. Hope to see him back soon.
hope you get better soon and are back here
Barry was supposed to be moved to a ward yesterday, sadly that did not occur as he's been feeling sick and ended up being sick a fair amount. They are keeping him in ICU at present time and have taken him off drinks again.
We do not know if he's going to have the op for the cancer yet as there is the big chance he would not make it through. It is believed that it has not spread.
Certainly not good news that we were have been hoping for. Guess we just have to help that he can pull through this.
We are with you in spirit, Barry, good vibes sent.
Hope you are back with us soon Barry x
They have now moved my dad to a normal ward. He's eating things like soup and custard. Still in a bit of pain but he seems to be doing ok. There was some talk of him maybe being home in the next week. *fingers crossed*
Mojo to Barry & Alison & all the family.