Barry had to go back on fluids last night and have a catheter put back in. He's been a little sick again. We were hoping that he would have been out last week, hopefully things will pick up this week.
Wishing all the best for Baz and his speedy recovery back to health. He is a top man on here, and as you have already probably gathered, there is a whole community sending their love to him.
Thank you for the updates.
....but could you just ask him from me what the super six password is...:))
Send him all our best wishes Alison and keep us informed of his progress. As Alan above has said his presence is missed on the forums. Oh and tell him we can't do ANY competitions involving lists until he gets back!!
Getting there, slowly slowly. Excellent news, thanks Alison.
Thanks for the updates and I hope he's out of there soon.
Do Get well soon Barry, From ALL THE Squaddies
Good Luck Barry Please stay off the Smokes and get some Decorating done ASP. only jokin take care. Hugs Annie xx
Send him all our best wishes Alison and keep us informed of his progress. As Alan above has said his presence is missed on the forums. Oh and tell him we can't do ANY competitions involving lists until he gets back!!