Hi Paul - Just thought I would drop in to say that I am still enjoying the diary. Have you given up on playing cash now or do you still play in the mornings sometimes? Not seen you mention it for a while.
Now your with this stable I guess you are analysing hands and play a lot, are you learning lots and do you think 'oh yeah, that seems obvious now' for certain plays I guess these decent players go through?
With the problems you are having with EE, have you reported it to them instead of Sky? FWIW it sounds to me like a problem with EE.
Haven't played cash for quite a while, definitely not at all in Feb, last time was some time in January. I'm usually up late (providing I've done ok) playing MTTs and usually too tired in the mornings to play a session now, but the mornings I am awake enough I'm playing MTTs now anyway.
Yeah I've learnt so many things in a short space of time, suppose that was always gonna happen at first cos there was bound to loads of simple fundamental mistakes I was making that can be easily fixed, but I feel like I'm a lot better now than when I started.
Another decent night, another night of near misses but meh I keep winning so I'm not gonna keep complaining!
I FT bubbled my favourite comp, the $50 6max turbo BH on party. Finished 7th for $262.50
Mincashed a $35 turbo 6max on 888 for $42
And had a reallllly deep run in a $27ko on stars but not deep enough I finished 31st out of 1338 runners for $123.66. First place was $4.5k + heads... that would have been a nice one to win.
Small profit on the night with the stake.
I heard talk on that EE/Sky connection problem thread from other EE people saying that it's been fine for them this week so I thought I'd give it a go and for some reason (I dunno if EE/Sky have done something) it seemed to work tonight. It was great to be able to play on Sky again, wasn't so great to brick every tournament like but you can't have it all! Hopefully I'll be able to play again next session.
Thanks for the reply Paul. I am sure a big win is just around the corner.
What's the score with the stable thing, is it a staking deal or just like-minded people trying to improve their play by running through different hand histories and situations wanting to always improve?
Apologies if you have already mentioned it in the diary or would rather not talk about it in a Public forum.
Nah I don't mind. Basically, the stables is a group of people who are staked, including me, so the guys in charge put up all of my BIs and I get 50% of the profit. There's a few people that run it/put the money up, and one of those is Marc Wright, and he's the guy that provides all of the coaching. One of the main reasons I wanted to join the group was to have the opportunity to get coached by Marc Wright.
I got one of my mates who subscribes to sharkscope to set this up for me if you're interested. It's just a way to be able to search all of my aliases that I'm staked for in 1 search.
Not much in the way of results tonight, had a very sick run in a big comp but another near miss to list sadly.
The vvv deep run was me finishing 31/2606 in a $27KO for $123 (first prize was $8.2k + heads)... wierdly I finished 31st in that last session too, fun times!
Mincashed the big 55, and cashed with a few heads in a $20 turbo bh on party for $45.
Was hoping I'd be able to play on Sky again tonight after it all being fine on Friday, but no, same old problems, so another Roller missed, probably just another £110 saved. So could only play the MBI cos it's post 10pm, got 1 bounty for £18.75 and that was that.
I had another winning night last night, but again near misses/no big scores, so more frustration, I'm sure it'll come sometime soon...
I bust a few off the money in the $50 turbo bh (about 15th I think) but got $45 in heads
Deep run in the big11, finished 242/7083 for $35 (about $11k ftw)
Mincashed the 27ko for like $50
Deep run in a $3rebuy on stars finishing 15/1600 for $85 ($2.2k ftw)
FT'd the $11rebuy on 888 again, that's now the 3rd time I've FT'd this comp in 7 days which is pretty sick in a 300 runner field. Annoyingly finished 5th again though There was a really annoying spot that was the big hit before me busting, I'm happy with the thought process etc it was just quite bizarre imo. Basically I was CL with 5 left, and the shortest stack is UTG and open jams 20bb, it folds to me in the BB and I've got 88 with about 30bb. Don't think he'd open jammed once on the FT from around these stack depths, but either way I think it's standard to assume we can pretty much rule out TT+ because this deep he'd minraise those to induce a jam so a lot of his range is gonna be smaller PPs and some hands we flip against but he had JJ and we lose. Pretty meh, bizarre hand for him to show up with imo. Very next hand I ship AT and lose v KQ to bust 5th for about $470 ($2.2k ftw as usual)
I also won my $120 $1mil GTD Grand Prix seat last night on Party first go.
That a tournament with ante's? Honestly, I'm not surprised at all to see villain show up with JJ there and 99-TT are even more likely. If villain is not that thinking they do it just because they don't want to see a flop with Qx or higher. If villain is a thinking player then their open jamming range has to consist of some strong pair hands as-well as AT/AJ/KQ so that opponents can't just call with any pair.
If we give villains range of 99-JJ, AT, AJ and KQ we are a 45% dog. Even if we add in 33-66 for good measure (seems absurd and non-ev to shove this many bb's with a small pair with 4 other players to get through) then we're only a 55% fave. If we remove small pairs but add some weak Ax hands we're still a 55% fave. With ICM determinations too, I think this is a clear fold with no read on villains range. Obviously if we had a better read on his range and was likely at least a 55% fave vs that range then it's probably a call but since we don't know that we just have to fold.
Be interesting what better MTT players think of it tho.
Nice going anyway! Sure a big score will come along soon
Reading through your posts tho confirms to me how much MTT's frustrate me. I love playing them but don't think I could play them regularly.. it's just so tilting to get so many close scores and in my case I'm always so self critical and if I make the slightest mistake that I think cost me from a big score it takes over a day to recover from it! A big mistake late in a MTT is a lot more damaging than a big mistake in a cash game and because of the amount of decisions in cash it's easier to recoup from the mistake than in a tournament when one mistake can mean you bust out.
Imo 8's is a fold, Ivan summed it up nicely. As CL 5 handed I'd rather be opening lots of pots, putting pressure on people and winning a lot of uncontested pots than take very marginal flips for a large % of your stack.
I think you've got ranges a little bit off (just imo ofc) Ivan.
I'd say 55/66/77 are all pretty standard shove spots for villian, definitely not absurd, and I'd expect to see those way more often than JJ. 99 he probably open ships but that's probably the only better hand than mine that does open ship, maybe TT, that's borderline. I'd 100% expect him to induce JJ+
Plus don't think we can say he open ships JJ but he's gonna induce AQ. I'd be a lot more inclined to include AK/AQ in his jamming range than I would JJ, especially if we're giving credit for him open shipping JJ.
Fwiw, I am 1/5 but there's hardly anything in it, I'm CL with 30bb, he's the shortest stack and still has 20bb, I'm only a few bb ahead of most players.
Also I'm not readless, should have mentioned that in OP I guess, although unlikely we'll ever be readless with 5 left on a FT if we've been paying attention. This guy is fairly laggy, opening/raising wider than most and a decent 3b % (not that it's relevant in this spot)
Sigh just got the HH up in HEM2 and got quite a few things wrong in my initial description lol. Blinds had just went up that hand so stacks slightly shallower than I said, and I've just about lost the CL.... 2/5 just stole blinds the hand before.
It's 12.5k/25k with 2.5k ante and stacks are
UTG (who shoves) 395k CO 428k BTN 627k SB 393k (after his SB) BB (me) 574k (after my BB)
So it's a 16bb jam w/ antes obv, and I've got 24bb, 5handed, does this change anything for you guys? I think it's reallly borderline in terms of $EV. It's clear cut +cEV AINEC, just not sure about $EV wise, I'll try and find the lobby/full details and run it through ICMizer later.
Fwiw payouts are very steep on 888, from memory it's something like....
Maybe you're right, I dunno but with 20bb shoving with 55 seems too loose to me especially when stack sizes are so close. But then I'm risk averse especially on sky and will raise/fold a 9bb stack-size at the right tables so I'm prob not best person to talk about open jamming ranges at 20bb!! Obviously if it looks like a tough table with no weak players then I think it's probably OK it's just high variance. 66 is borderline and probably OK and 77 is clear +ev to ship. But even with those hands included we're likely coin-flipping vs their range with 88.
16bb's does change it some-what - that makes 55 seem completely standard to ship now. I still think I would fold 88's but think it's v-v close and think the call is probably OK/fine especially given the steep payouts. 99 would def. be a call. Be interesting to see what ICMizer says!
Yeh now that it's 16bbs and the guy is laggy calling is a lot closer. Villain may just ship his entire opening range from this stack size (don't think it's good but see lots of players do this.) so villains range is gonna be wider.
in regards to the 88 hand id be folding unless i had good reads that he didnt know what he was doing... if i had 16bbs utg and had 22-55 id probably just be folding so would assume many opponents would be doing the same... if i was readless id put their range 66-QQ and AQplus... plus with you being chip leader its easier to fold especially as im sure you would have felt you probably had an edge and could pressurise other stacks accordingly.. its a tough spot for sure but with stacks so tight id want to be putting pressure on as opposed to calling off hands.
in regards to the 88 hand id be folding unless i had good reads that he didnt know what he was doing... if i had 16bbs utg and had 22-55 id probably just be folding so would assume many opponents would be doing the same... if i was readless id put their range 66-QQ and AQplus... plus with you being chip leader its easier to fold especially as im sure you would have felt you probably had an edge and could pressurise other stacks accordingly.. its a tough spot for sure but with stacks so tight id want to be putting pressure on as opposed to calling off hands. Posted by jordz16
This aint Sky with no antes, and everyone is tight/passive. I think not shoving/open folding 55 with 16bb in that guy's spot would be a pretty big mistake. On 888 and Stars, readless with 16bb eff I'd 100% be including 22+ in the jamming range of everyone from like HJ/CO onwards (with the exception of prob JJ+ cos most people know they play much better as a minraise/call), although as I say I'm not readless, this guy is fairly laggy, he's definitely not on the nitty side, think like 25/22 iirc from when I looked in HM2 earlier.
It is close, I just dunno if I'm gonna find many better spots tbh. I'm 2nd in chips (updated in recent post) and it's not deep so not like I can really put loads of pressure on people when I've got 24bb and most stacks I open into will be 3bet jamming decently wide on me. Chances are we'll be raise/calling it off some point soon and doubt we'll be better than the 55-60% v their range that I'd expect to be here.
Meh, I'm still torn, I agree with Ivan, 99 is deffo a call, 88 is right on the line.
I've given a fairly conservative (imo) jamming range for villian. Obviously not super solid but that's cos I know it deffo won't be super solid, it could be wider than this (which is better for us) but I deffo don't think it'll me much tighter. I've given him...
22-JJ, ATo+, A5s+ and KQs (deffo still think he's inducing QQ+)
Pretty big +$EV, and surprisingly more +$EV than calling with AKo which I'm sure most people wouldn't even think twice about calling with. Fwiw, if we remove 22/33 and just give him 44-JJ then it's still like +$75 in EV
Session full of pretty much total bricks last night, cashed a $35 turbo and was almost a session saver but with about 20 left I had AT<KT to gg.
Weekly update on Pocket5s done again, slowly grinding my way up that UK leaderboard
Finally got round to doing the ICMizer. I've given a fairly conservative (imo) jamming range for villian. Obviously not super solid but that's cos I know it deffo won't be super solid, it could be wider than this (which is better for us) but I deffo don't think it'll me much tighter. I've given him... 22-JJ, ATo+, A5s+ and KQs (deffo still think he's inducing QQ+) http://gyazo.com/9721c3cdda0c3ab0f6828dd4b70af7a6 Pretty big +$EV, and surprisingly more +$EV than calling with AKo which I'm sure most people wouldn't even think twice about calling with. Fwiw, if we remove 22/33 and just give him 44-JJ then it's still like +$75 in EV ====================================== Session full of pretty much total bricks last night, cashed a $35 turbo and was almost a session saver but with about 20 left I had AT<KT to gg. Weekly update on Pocket5s done again, slowly grinding my way up that UK leaderboard http://www.pocketfives.com/profiles/lambert180/ Posted by Lambert180
88 hand is really interesting one given peoples views and ranges etc.
Not sure it's as clear cut in your decision's favour there on the 88 hand.
You dismiss premiums as the player would min raise to induce - yet for balance wouldnt a player also be minraise/folding with the lower end of the range.
I dont think you can dismiss a premium shove either - as for precisely your reasoning it will get less credit for being a monster and therefore could get called light.
I think table dynamics and player v player dynamics would be the deciding factor for me in calling/folding there. Have they already shoved a few times and got them through? Have they opened raised to me before and have I been folding/callling/reraising?
If it's a tight passive table as you say then why not look to be the aggressor and take cheap chips with the betting lead and opponents missed flops?
Yeah it's definitely an interesting hand. As usual, it comes down to assigning a range, the call can range from great to marginal to awful depending on the range we give villian.
Phantom, I think you've misunderstood a comment I made/having re-read it myself I didn't word it that well. I was saying this isn't like Sky where almost every table is full of tight/passive players.
None of the players iirc where really bad players, none stood out as being absolute sickos but they were all of a decent standard from what I saw. Balance is very over-rated in MTTs imo, or at least trying to be completely balanced in 100% of spots is anyway. I do think he can have some a few mr/folds hands although he wouldn't need many anyway if he only has to balance it against QQ+ but the mr/fold hands would be hands worse than I've given in his jamming range.
He hadn't open shoved once on the FT as far as I remember, but obviously it's getting shallower as time passes so there hadn't really been many (any?) spots where he had a stack to open shove. He'd been minraising a fair bit like the rest of us had tbh, no1 was overly laggy or overly tight on the table.
One of the key things imo RE: inducing is how close the stacks are. If he had 16bb and everyone else has like 40bb+ then he's more likely to include QQ+ in his jams imo, as people are more likely to call off lighter, but everyone at the table is like 15-25bb so no-one is gonna be snapping off 75%+ of their stack with say A9o/55, the way they might if they had 50bb. With these stacks, it's much more likely he's gonna get action from a wider range by minraising than jamming knowing that if anyone calls it's gonna be almost all their stack so they just aint calling light at all. I'm giving everyone left on the table credit for at least being decent so he's gonna jam the stuff where he's happy to get folds pre but will also have good equity when called, and his minraise hands will be those that either induce (QQ+ pretty much) or those that mr/fold because they're too weak to jam but too strong to fold, like maybe he raise/folds A4o because he's got a blocker, he knows it looks strong, but when he gets jammed on it's gg A4o.
What's wrong with minraising 55? balances the QQ+ hands nicely and you can fold to a nitty shove. Posted by GELDY
55 plays bad post flop and we have to fold when we get shoved on and we don't have any blockers so we are hoping to pick up the blinds or somehow get a flat and flop a 5.
Now your with this stable I guess you are analysing hands and play a lot, are you learning lots and do you think 'oh yeah, that seems obvious now' for certain plays I guess these decent players go through?
With the problems you are having with EE, have you reported it to them instead of Sky? FWIW it sounds to me like a problem with EE.
All the best
Yeah I've learnt so many things in a short space of time, suppose that was always gonna happen at first cos there was bound to loads of simple fundamental mistakes I was making that can be easily fixed, but I feel like I'm a lot better now than when I started.
Another decent night, another night of near misses but meh I keep winning so I'm not gonna keep complaining!
I FT bubbled my favourite comp, the $50 6max turbo BH on party. Finished 7th for $262.50
Mincashed a $35 turbo 6max on 888 for $42
And had a reallllly deep run in a $27ko on stars but not deep enough
Small profit on the night with the stake.
I heard talk on that EE/Sky connection problem thread from other EE people saying that it's been fine for them this week so I thought I'd give it a go and for some reason (I dunno if EE/Sky have done something) it seemed to work tonight. It was great to be able to play on Sky again, wasn't so great to brick every tournament like but you can't have it all! Hopefully I'll be able to play again next session.
What's the score with the stable thing, is it a staking deal or just like-minded people trying to improve their play by running through different hand histories and situations wanting to always improve?
Apologies if you have already mentioned it in the diary or would rather not talk about it in a Public forum.
I got one of my mates who subscribes to sharkscope to set this up for me if you're interested. It's just a way to be able to search all of my aliases that I'm staked for in 1 search.
Not much in the way of results tonight, had a very sick run in a big comp but another near miss to list sadly.
The vvv deep run was me finishing 31/2606 in a $27KO for $123 (first prize was $8.2k + heads)... wierdly I finished 31st in that last session too, fun times!
Mincashed the big 55, and cashed with a few heads in a $20 turbo bh on party for $45.
Was hoping I'd be able to play on Sky again tonight after it all being fine on Friday, but no, same old problems, so another Roller missed, probably just another £110 saved. So could only play the MBI cos it's post 10pm, got 1 bounty for £18.75 and that was that.
I bust a few off the money in the $50 turbo bh (about 15th I think) but got $45 in heads
Deep run in the big11, finished 242/7083 for $35 (about $11k ftw)
Mincashed the 27ko for like $50
Deep run in a $3rebuy on stars finishing 15/1600 for $85 ($2.2k ftw)
FT'd the $11rebuy on 888 again, that's now the 3rd time I've FT'd this comp in 7 days which is pretty sick in a 300 runner field. Annoyingly finished 5th again though
I also won my $120 $1mil GTD Grand Prix seat last night on Party first go.
If we give villains range of 99-JJ, AT, AJ and KQ we are a 45% dog. Even if we add in 33-66 for good measure (seems absurd and non-ev to shove this many bb's with a small pair with 4 other players to get through) then we're only a 55% fave. If we remove small pairs but add some weak Ax hands we're still a 55% fave. With ICM determinations too, I think this is a clear fold with no read on villains range. Obviously if we had a better read on his range and was likely at least a 55% fave vs that range then it's probably a call but since we don't know that we just have to fold.
Be interesting what better MTT players think of it tho.
Nice going anyway! Sure a big score will come along soon
Reading through your posts tho confirms to me how much MTT's frustrate me. I love playing them but don't think I could play them regularly.. it's just so tilting to get so many close scores and in my case I'm always so self critical and if I make the slightest mistake that I think cost me from a big score it takes over a day to recover from it! A big mistake late in a MTT is a lot more damaging than a big mistake in a cash game and because of the amount of decisions in cash it's easier to recoup from the mistake than in a tournament when one mistake can mean you bust out.
Imo 8's is a fold, Ivan summed it up nicely. As CL 5 handed I'd rather be opening lots of pots, putting pressure on people and winning a lot of uncontested pots than take very marginal flips for a large % of your stack.
I'd say 55/66/77 are all pretty standard shove spots for villian, definitely not absurd, and I'd expect to see those way more often than JJ. 99 he probably open ships but that's probably the only better hand than mine that does open ship, maybe TT, that's borderline. I'd 100% expect him to induce JJ+
Plus don't think we can say he open ships JJ but he's gonna induce AQ. I'd be a lot more inclined to include AK/AQ in his jamming range than I would JJ, especially if we're giving credit for him open shipping JJ.
Fwiw, I am 1/5 but there's hardly anything in it, I'm CL with 30bb, he's the shortest stack and still has 20bb, I'm only a few bb ahead of most players.
Also I'm not readless, should have mentioned that in OP I guess, although unlikely we'll ever be readless with 5 left on a FT if we've been paying attention. This guy is fairly laggy, opening/raising wider than most and a decent 3b % (not that it's relevant in this spot)
Sigh just got the HH up in HEM2 and got quite a few things wrong in my initial description lol. Blinds had just went up that hand so stacks slightly shallower than I said, and I've just about lost the CL.... 2/5 just stole blinds the hand before.
It's 12.5k/25k with 2.5k ante and stacks are
UTG (who shoves) 395k
CO 428k
BTN 627k
SB 393k (after his SB)
BB (me) 574k (after my BB)
So it's a 16bb jam w/ antes obv, and I've got 24bb, 5handed, does this change anything for you guys? I think it's reallly borderline in terms of $EV. It's clear cut +cEV AINEC, just not sure about $EV wise, I'll try and find the lobby/full details and run it through ICMizer later.
Fwiw payouts are very steep on 888, from memory it's something like....
5th = $470
4th = $570
3rd = $680
2nd = $1150
1st = $2200
16bb's does change it some-what - that makes 55 seem completely standard to ship now. I still think I would fold 88's but think it's v-v close and think the call is probably OK/fine especially given the steep payouts. 99 would def. be a call. Be interesting to see what ICMizer says!
Yeh now that it's 16bbs and the guy is laggy calling is a lot closer. Villain may just ship his entire opening range from this stack size (don't think it's good but see lots of players do this.) so villains range is gonna be wider.
It is close, I just dunno if I'm gonna find many better spots tbh. I'm 2nd in chips (updated in recent post) and it's not deep so not like I can really put loads of pressure on people when I've got 24bb and most stacks I open into will be 3bet jamming decently wide on me. Chances are we'll be raise/calling it off some point soon and doubt we'll be better than the 55-60% v their range that I'd expect to be here.
Meh, I'm still torn, I agree with Ivan, 99 is deffo a call, 88 is right on the line.
I've given a fairly conservative (imo) jamming range for villian. Obviously not super solid but that's cos I know it deffo won't be super solid, it could be wider than this (which is better for us) but I deffo don't think it'll me much tighter. I've given him...
22-JJ, ATo+, A5s+ and KQs (deffo still think he's inducing QQ+)
Pretty big +$EV, and surprisingly more +$EV than calling with AKo which I'm sure most people wouldn't even think twice about calling with. Fwiw, if we remove 22/33 and just give him 44-JJ then it's still like +$75 in EV
Session full of pretty much total bricks last night, cashed a $35 turbo and was almost a session saver but with about 20 left I had AT<KT to gg.
Weekly update on Pocket5s done again, slowly grinding my way up that UK leaderboard
Best of luck with the P5's challenge v pingu!
Phantom, I think you've misunderstood a comment I made/having re-read it myself I didn't word it that well. I was saying this isn't like Sky where almost every table is full of tight/passive players.
None of the players iirc where really bad players, none stood out as being absolute sickos but they were all of a decent standard from what I saw. Balance is very over-rated in MTTs imo, or at least trying to be completely balanced in 100% of spots is anyway. I do think he can have some a few mr/folds hands although he wouldn't need many anyway if he only has to balance it against QQ+ but the mr/fold hands would be hands worse than I've given in his jamming range.
He hadn't open shoved once on the FT as far as I remember, but obviously it's getting shallower as time passes so there hadn't really been many (any?) spots where he had a stack to open shove. He'd been minraising a fair bit like the rest of us had tbh, no1 was overly laggy or overly tight on the table.
One of the key things imo RE: inducing is how close the stacks are. If he had 16bb and everyone else has like 40bb+ then he's more likely to include QQ+ in his jams imo, as people are more likely to call off lighter, but everyone at the table is like 15-25bb so no-one is gonna be snapping off 75%+ of their stack with say A9o/55, the way they might if they had 50bb. With these stacks, it's much more likely he's gonna get action from a wider range by minraising than jamming knowing that if anyone calls it's gonna be almost all their stack so they just aint calling light at all. I'm giving everyone left on the table credit for at least being decent so he's gonna jam the stuff where he's happy to get folds pre but will also have good equity when called, and his minraise hands will be those that either induce (QQ+ pretty much) or those that mr/fold because they're too weak to jam but too strong to fold, like maybe he raise/folds A4o because he's got a blocker, he knows it looks strong, but when he gets jammed on it's gg A4o.