Yeah the RB thing isn't much of an issue to be honest because you earn so little RB playing MTTs so it's not really worth thinking about (if that's what you meant).
So tonight was a pretty good night.
Started off frustrating with yet another deep run in that 27ko on stars that fell short. I finished 25/1421 for about $150. Bust out hand was jamming QQ, called by KJ, I flop top set on Qxx and he hits runner runner straight. Was $5k up top. I am gonna win that comp one day soon!
Few other small cashes, $30 in a 13ko, $51 in the 11r and $30 in a $22 FO.
I'm posting now cos I've only just bust out of my last comp. About 90 mins ago I won an $11 FO for $550, and I've just bust out of the Challenger (basically 888's main event), 3/541 for just over $1k.
As I say, The Challenger is basically 888's main event and like Sky it changes daily, different BIs, sometimes a FO, rebuy, double chance, high roller etc. Tonight's version they run 2 identical $22 FOs alongside each other with the same start time, and similar to Sky if you win both you get a $10k bonus. I didn't manage that sadly but there are some smaller bonuses and I did get something out of it.... if you cash both comps (which I did) then you get free entry to both comps again the following Monday, so get to freeroll 2 x $22 FOs next week.
On Sky, my main event yet again lasted all of about 20 minutes, although I did cash the Mini for the first time in I dunno how long, only got like £11. I got 1 head in £22BH for £7.50 but then saved the night with a 2nd place in the MBI. I got HU against ChicknMelt but he'd been bossing it 3handed so was gonna be an uphill battle and it's always shallow anyway... shipped J2s, called by A2s and that was gg. I got just shy of £400 for that.
So a pretty good night all round.
Wp to Larson tonight, he's really giving me a run for my money with this prop bet!! Seems like he just FTs main events for fun at the moment.
I almost had another deep run in 888's challenge tonight. Tonight was a $35 double chance (I didn't use mine), it got 684 runners and had $7k up top. I was a top 5 stack with 35 left and got into a huge flip with AK v JJ. Sadly I couldn't get there, was left with a bowl and busted shortly after for $132.
Cashed for $75 in a 27pko finishing 132/1510, and a few other small cashes/bounties in other comps. Small loss overall on the stake for the night.
On Sky my main and mini was just a disaster, was in for £33 main and £27.50 mini, and never got a stack in either. Got £7.50 of heads in one £11 BH, £21 total for mincash and few heads in another £11 BH, and couple of heads but no cash for £37.50 in the MBI. Saved the night though by almost winning the £22BH again, I had a huge CL pretty much the whole way and went into the FT as CL. Eventually got HU as a slight underdog but imo had a pretty big edge. It was a pretty big HU as well, cos villian has a huge bounty, about a £250 difference between 1st and 2nd for me. I got the CL back but just couldn't keep any sort of momentum going and eventually the bustout hand was when I limped the button w/ K9cc, flop was 679c and villian had 58o, was never going to end well. So I got about £240 for 2nd place.
Bricked all of 888, came close again to a FT in one of the stars' KOs finishing 20/539 for about $40 ($1k ftw) and bricked an $11 sat for the $9mil SM this weekend.
I finalled the $20 FO on party, was 3handed against two pretty bad players, was 3/3 but still had like 30bb, payouts were 130/170/230. Then suddenly the game got cancelled due to some technical fault with the site... we all got 3rd place money, then 50% of the remaining prizepool was chopped equally, the other 50% was chopped based on stacks, and we all got our $20 BI back too. So I ended up getting $206, not bad when I was 3/3 and first was only $230. Annoyingly it won't go on Pocket5s though so I don't get my medal So finished about +$150 for the morning.
Also played a £3.30 BH on Sky just to keep up my table count, finished 8/98 for about £9
Just got in a mini morning grind. Bricked all of 888, came close again to a FT in one of the stars' KOs finishing 20/539 for about $40 ($1k ftw) and bricked an $11 sat for the $9mil SM this weekend. I finalled the $20 FO on party, was 3handed against two pretty bad players, was 3/3 but still had like 30bb, payouts were 130/170/230. Then suddenly the game got cancelled due to some technical fault with the site... we all got 3rd place money, then 50% of the remaining prizepool was chopped equally, the other 50% was chopped based on stacks, and we all got our $20 BI back too. So I ended up getting $206, not bad when I was 3/3 and first was only $230. Annoyingly it won't go on Pocket5s though so I don't get my medal So finished about +$150 for the morning. Also played a £3.30 BH on Sky just to keep up my table count, finished 8/98 for about £9 Staked Games: 114 Sky: 47 Back on the grind later tonight. Posted by Lambert180
Didn't end up playing last night but have just finished another morning grind.
Only 1 cash this morning, but it was a win so it's all good It was the $20 FO on Party again only this time it didn't get cancelled near the end. Was starting to worry I was gonna lose it in the end, had a pretty bad opponent but just couldn't finish him off. Grinded him down then had AQ<A6 ftw, grinded him down again then A3<K9 ftw, and did that about 5 times. Eventually got stacks to like 170k v 20k and held w/ K2 v Q3 ftw. I get my medal this time
Played a little bit of cash this morning too. It was just while tables were getting really low and I saw a really soft 100NL table so just played that 1 table on the side for a while, finished about +£175 there.
Surprised you feel the need to take a screen shot of you sitting with £280 at a 100nl table, especially when it's pretty clear who the table fish was/is.
Surprised you feel the need to take a screen shot of you sitting with £280 at a 100nl table, especially when it's pretty clear who the table fish was/is. Posted by hhyftrftdr
Tbf, of the 4 people sat with me, only 1 of them was there when I first sat down and it's probably not the one you think. I only Gyazo'd it for someone else but thought I might as well flick it in here cos I had it to hand. Pictures />> Words.
Just had a Sky only session tonight cos I'm at my mums and only got my laptop so I can't play like 10+ tables.
Played the usual Sky schedule...
8pm £33 main 8:15pm £11 BH 8:30pm Mini 9pm £55 BH 9:30pm £11 BH 10:15pm (i think) £22BH 10:30pm MBI
Oh I flicked in a £12 Roller Direct too just to take the money, but bricked that.
I have no idea why, just a really long very annoying piece of variance I guess but I have the most shocking record in Sky £33BH mains it's unreal. God knows how many I've played over the years, don't think I've ever even made a top 10 once.
Well tonight was no different I got 1 head for £11.25 but lose a chunk when I had AQs v T9 and flop came QJ8. I got my last like 14bb in 3b jamming A9, called by 89 and gg'd.
Was doing alright in the £22bh, can't remember what happened but lost a few big pots and bust 34th with £15 of heads.
The only other cash was me FTing the 9pm £55BH. I finished 3rd but it was a very frustrating 3rd. At one point stacks were something like 170k (me) v 60k v 30k, I got it in pre about 5 times to bust the shorty and lost all of them, then eventually got short myself, jammed 99, the guy who used to be the shorty called w/ A8o and flopped the ace. Pretty meh but got £285 so managed to save the night with that one and make a small profit.
I'm guessing you're a little behind your games target for the month. Hi Paul Posted by hhyftrftdr
Err a tiny but yeh, will have reached the half way mark in the month at the end of today so should be on 250 by then. I'm pretty much on 200 now but its Sunday so prob play ~25 comps tonight so basically only one session behind the pace.
Double session today, can't remember what happened in the morning one which can only mean it didn't go particularly well, probably got a few heads in KOs or something but a loss deffo.
Not much in the way of results tonight either on the stake, few bounties in stars KOs and just bust my last comp for a mincash in 888's $22 Challenge, I got $31.97. This was the week/day I got freerolled into the 2 x $22 Challenges for cashing them both last week so at least that was a freeroll. Another loss but only a small one.
I had a small winning night on Sky. I came 2nd in the first £22BH of the night for just over £200, pretty sigh to not win cos we both had pretty even stacks HU and I GII pre AQ v A8, and whoever won had as good as won the comp, it wasn't me. Mincash and a few heads for £30 in one £11BH, £37.50 of heads in MBI but no cash, and just off the money but got about £9 of heads in the mini. The 9pm £55BH was pretty sigh, I 3b ship the flop with a set and villian literally snaps me off (this is level 1) with a bare straight draw and turns it to gg me. I played a £17 VLV sat too and won my £77 seat, took the money like (just incase) but will play the £77 sat on Saturday assuming I'm playing.
No cashes on stars/888. Was smashing the $50 turbo BH on party, was 1/10 with 8 paid and had $75 in bounties, but it's a turbo and plays very shallow and had TT<AA aipf against the only stack that could put any sort of serious dent in my stack, then gg'd the bowl I was left with shortly after just outside the money.
Cashed my first ME of 2015 tonight (god that's depressing lol... only mid March!), came 45/514 for £24, shipped 33 into Thewy's KK. Other results...
19/112 in £11BH for £15 17/265 in £11BH for £27 5/60 in 9pm £55BH for £140
Played a little bit of 100NL mastercash later in the evening when table count was low. Had to get a little bit of TV tarting in before 861 is gone Only 1 tabling, only had 2 big pots all night, the first TommyD bluffed me off the best hand on the turn but I had a pretty weak hand and he had huuuuge equity, and it's TommyD, so prob a good fold The other got shown on 861 and was me turning my hand into a bluff and recovering the TommyD loss back from Bearlyther. Finished +£16
Now that my connection issues with Sky seem to have stopped (and the new developments with 861) I'm gonna get back on the Twitch wagon asap.
Probably won't do one Thursday night cos it's the last ever show of 861 and I'm sure everyone will wanna watch that (including me) so probably do first show on Friday night.
Hi lambert, just set up a twitch account and followed you, looking forward to watching one of yours stream and hopefulyl can learn something from you, as my MTT game is very poor.
not that you need it but i wish you GL in all your games
I had a morning session today which was also my first day back doing Twitch. It started a bit slow, it was early in all the MTTs so is just a lot of 'fold pre' and viewer count was very low. It picked up as the stream went on and then I FT'd a $33 freezeout on stars, changed the name of the broadcast to reflect that and it seemed to help get numbers up a bit. There was one guy on there watching that said he used to stream poker on there and so he was giving me lots of tips to help with streaming, I think I peaked at about 40 viewers and he seemed to think that was pretty good for a first show.
So yeah I came 4rd in that $33 FO for $450 ($1.1k ftw), and got mincashes in an $11 6max turbo and a $20 FO.
When tables got low on the stream I loaded up some 100NL, to keep me busy and to keep enough games going for people to watch, finished about +£40
I'll stick the link below in case anyone wants to 'follow me' on there so you get an email notification when I go live with a stream...
I decided not to stream tonight's session, partly because I'm sure all the Sky players would have wanted to watch the last ever show on 861 over watching me, and also I wanted to watch it myself which I can't really do while streaming.
I bricked every single comp on sky bar one, like totally bricked, not a single head in any comp. The one I didn't brick was the £55 9pm BH, long story short I got HU and lost A9<KQ to finish 2nd for just over £600. Annoying not to win cos I had a pretty decent CL 3handed and GII pre against that guy who had a pretty huge head prize with AK v AQ and couldn't hold but meh, I'm sure I must have ran good along the way to get HU.
Very similar story on the stake, bricked every comp (apart from a few heads in KOs) and the only comp I had any success in was the $50 turbo BH on Party. I FT'd it but it plays so shallow so as soon as 2 half decent hands get dealt it's gg someone, and I had AJ<QQ to bust FT in 6th for about $250
Staked Games: 188 Sky: 91
So I'm up to 279 games total now for the month, just over half way to the target but nearly 2/3 of the way thru the month, so still about 30 games behind the pace I think. I'm gonna be making a really effort to get this Twitch channel up and running though with a decent base of viewers so that should motivate me to grind more than normal.
Pretty grim reading for me atm, but I have missed like 6+ weeks of the year due to the ISP issues and I know there's about £250 missing from my profit cos I keep track of every penny I spend/win at poker but no excuses, I'm still gonna win the bet and I'm still gonna make the SS leaderboard for 2015, so gl Larson.
Only just getting round to updating because I've been quite busy today and I was too tired after the session last night to wanna write a long post.
Last night was my first time doing a night time session on Twitch so firstly I just wanna say thanks to all the sky regs that popped in throughout the night to say hello and get involved. My memory is useless so no doubt I'll forget some names but thanks to IrishRose, Maxally, Arazi, BigHawk, Macapaca, RSPCA, TommyD, MattBates, Dohhh, Don, Pat (day4eire), WrongJohn for turning up.
The twitch part of the night went pretty well I thought, there was a fair bit of viewer interaction going on and that helped me keep up pretty much a constant flow of talking throughout. I think we peaked around the 55 viewers mark which I'm pretty happy with considering only 10-15 of those were people that specifically turned up because they know me, and I'm told that's pretty decent going so early in the start up of my channel.
The poker side of it went pretty well too which is always nice when you're streaming cos it gives people something exciting to sweat. The biggest/best result of the night was FTing a $27ko on Stars.... anyone who has been reading the diary recently will know I've had countless deep runs in this comp and always fell short of the decent money, I knew it was only a matter of time before I was gonna FT it and last night I finally did. I busted out in 6th place for just shy of $1100.
I had a few other small cashes on te stake here and there, 100th/2010 in a $10 super KO on stars for about $40, few heads for $20 in $27pko, I got 20th out of 268 in the 11r on 888 that I've FT'd 3-4 times, I got $65 for that, and a mincash in an $11 FO on 888 too, finishing 22/279 for $18
Sky was a similar story to my last session, I bricked pretty much every comp and left it down to the £55 9pm BH to save the night. Maintaining my solid record of struggling to last />30 mins in a main event, had QQ<KTo aipf in main to gg about 30 mins in. Few little cashes, £6.10 of heads in the mini and bust not far from the money, and got £23.57 in the 9:30pm £11 BH, finishing just outside the money iirc, 53/327. Again the £55 BH saved the night when I FT'd it for the 2nd night running, all stacks were pretty even when we went into the FT and it just went pretty bad for me, I just couldn't win a pot, managed to ladder one place, then shipped A6s I think, Rose rejammed KK and we bust in 5th place for about £230
That's another like +£100 night on Sky Larson... coming for you
So tonight was a pretty good night.
Started off frustrating with yet another deep run in that 27ko on stars that fell short. I finished 25/1421 for about $150. Bust out hand was jamming QQ, called by KJ, I flop top set on Qxx and he hits runner runner straight. Was $5k up top. I am gonna win that comp one day soon!
Few other small cashes, $30 in a 13ko, $51 in the 11r and $30 in a $22 FO.
I'm posting now cos I've only just bust out of my last comp. About 90 mins ago I won an $11 FO for $550, and I've just bust out of the Challenger (basically 888's main event), 3/541 for just over $1k.
2 more medals on Pocket5s
As I say, The Challenger is basically 888's main event and like Sky it changes daily, different BIs, sometimes a FO, rebuy, double chance, high roller etc. Tonight's version they run 2 identical $22 FOs alongside each other with the same start time, and similar to Sky if you win both you get a $10k bonus. I didn't manage that sadly but there are some smaller bonuses and I did get something out of it.... if you cash both comps (which I did) then you get free entry to both comps again the following Monday, so get to freeroll 2 x $22 FOs next week.
On Sky, my main event yet again lasted all of about 20 minutes, although I did cash the Mini for the first time in I dunno how long, only got like £11. I got 1 head in £22BH for £7.50 but then saved the night with a 2nd place in the MBI. I got HU against ChicknMelt but he'd been bossing it 3handed so was gonna be an uphill battle and it's always shallow anyway... shipped J2s, called by A2s and that was gg. I got just shy of £400 for that.
So a pretty good night all round.
Wp to Larson tonight, he's really giving me a run for my money with this prop bet!! Seems like he just FTs main events for fun at the moment.
Staked Games: 93
Sky: 38
Cashed for $75 in a 27pko finishing 132/1510, and a few other small cashes/bounties in other comps. Small loss overall on the stake for the night.
On Sky my main and mini was just a disaster, was in for £33 main and £27.50 mini, and never got a stack in either. Got £7.50 of heads in one £11 BH, £21 total for mincash and few heads in another £11 BH, and couple of heads but no cash for £37.50 in the MBI. Saved the night though by almost winning the £22BH again, I had a huge CL pretty much the whole way and went into the FT as CL. Eventually got HU as a slight underdog but imo had a pretty big edge. It was a pretty big HU as well, cos villian has a huge bounty, about a £250 difference between 1st and 2nd for me. I got the CL back but just couldn't keep any sort of momentum going and eventually the bustout hand was when I limped the button w/ K9cc, flop was 679c and villian had 58o, was never going to end well. So I got about £240 for 2nd place.
Staked Games: 105
Sky: 46
Bricked all of 888, came close again to a FT in one of the stars' KOs finishing 20/539 for about $40 ($1k ftw) and bricked an $11 sat for the $9mil SM this weekend.
I finalled the $20 FO on party, was 3handed against two pretty bad players, was 3/3 but still had like 30bb, payouts were 130/170/230. Then suddenly the game got cancelled due to some technical fault with the site... we all got 3rd place money, then 50% of the remaining prizepool was chopped equally, the other 50% was chopped based on stacks, and we all got our $20 BI back too. So I ended up getting $206, not bad when I was 3/3 and first was only $230. Annoyingly it won't go on Pocket5s though so I don't get my medal
Also played a £3.30 BH on Sky just to keep up my table count, finished 8/98 for about £9
Staked Games: 114
Sky: 47
Back on the grind later tonight.
Only 1 cash this morning, but it was a win so it's all good
Played a little bit of cash this morning too. It was just while tables were getting really low and I saw a really soft 100NL table so just played that 1 table on the side for a while, finished about +£175 there.
Deffo back online to grind tonight.
Staked Games: 123
Sky: 48
Sky was pretty much a total white wash too. 1 bounty in the main and 25th in the mini for about £20.
Found out today that Pocket5s did give me the result/medal on there for that cancelled $20 FO, it counted it as a 3rd, I'll take it.
Staked Games: 132
Sky: 57
Played the usual Sky schedule...
8pm £33 main
8:15pm £11 BH
8:30pm Mini
9pm £55 BH
9:30pm £11 BH
10:15pm (i think) £22BH
10:30pm MBI
Oh I flicked in a £12 Roller Direct too just to take the money, but bricked that.
I have no idea why, just a really long very annoying piece of variance I guess but I have the most shocking record in Sky £33BH mains it's unreal. God knows how many I've played over the years, don't think I've ever even made a top 10 once.
Well tonight was no different
Was doing alright in the £22bh, can't remember what happened but lost a few big pots and bust 34th with £15 of heads.
The only other cash was me FTing the 9pm £55BH. I finished 3rd but it was a very frustrating 3rd. At one point stacks were something like 170k (me) v 60k v 30k, I got it in pre about 5 times to bust the shorty and lost all of them, then eventually got short myself, jammed 99, the guy who used to be the shorty called w/ A8o and flopped the ace. Pretty meh but got £285 so managed to save the night with that one and make a small profit.
Staked Games: 132
Sky: 65
Hi Paul
Not much in the way of results tonight either on the stake, few bounties in stars KOs and just bust my last comp for a mincash in 888's $22 Challenge, I got $31.97. This was the week/day I got freerolled into the 2 x $22 Challenges for cashing them both last week so at least that was a freeroll. Another loss but only a small one.
I had a small winning night on Sky. I came 2nd in the first £22BH of the night for just over £200, pretty sigh to not win cos we both had pretty even stacks HU and I GII pre AQ v A8, and whoever won had as good as won the comp, it wasn't me. Mincash and a few heads for £30 in one £11BH, £37.50 of heads in MBI but no cash, and just off the money but got about £9 of heads in the mini. The 9pm £55BH was pretty sigh, I 3b ship the flop with a set and villian literally snaps me off (this is level 1) with a bare straight draw and turns it to gg me. I played a £17 VLV sat too and won my £77 seat, took the money like (just incase) but will play the £77 sat on Saturday assuming I'm playing.
Staked Games: 155
Sky: 75
No cashes on stars/888. Was smashing the $50 turbo BH on party, was 1/10 with 8 paid and had $75 in bounties, but it's a turbo and plays very shallow and had TT<AA aipf against the only stack that could put any sort of serious dent in my stack, then gg'd the bowl I was left with shortly after just outside the money.
Cashed my first ME of 2015 tonight (god that's depressing lol... only mid March!), came 45/514 for £24, shipped 33 into Thewy's KK. Other results...
19/112 in £11BH for £15
17/265 in £11BH for £27
5/60 in 9pm £55BH for £140
Played a little bit of 100NL mastercash later in the evening when table count was low. Had to get a little bit of TV tarting in before 861 is gone
Staked Games: 162
Sky: 83
Probably won't do one Thursday night cos it's the last ever show of 861 and I'm sure everyone will wanna watch that (including me) so probably do first show on Friday night.
I'm sure you're all chomping at the bit
not that you need it but i wish you GL in all your games
So yeah I came 4rd in that $33 FO for $450 ($1.1k ftw), and got mincashes in an $11 6max turbo and a $20 FO.
When tables got low on the stream I loaded up some 100NL, to keep me busy and to keep enough games going for people to watch, finished about +£40
I'll stick the link below in case anyone wants to 'follow me' on there so you get an email notification when I go live with a stream...
I decided not to stream tonight's session, partly because I'm sure all the Sky players would have wanted to watch the last ever show on 861 over watching me, and also I wanted to watch it myself which I can't really do while streaming.
I bricked every single comp on sky bar one, like totally bricked, not a single head in any comp. The one I didn't brick was the £55 9pm BH, long story short I got HU and lost A9<KQ to finish 2nd for just over £600. Annoying not to win cos I had a pretty decent CL 3handed and GII pre against that guy who had a pretty huge head prize with AK v AQ and couldn't hold but meh, I'm sure I must have ran good along the way to get HU.
Very similar story on the stake, bricked every comp (apart from a few heads in KOs) and the only comp I had any success in was the $50 turbo BH on Party. I FT'd it but it plays so shallow so as soon as 2 half decent hands get dealt it's gg someone, and I had AJ<QQ to bust FT in 6th for about $250
Staked Games: 188
Sky: 91
So I'm up to 279 games total now for the month, just over half way to the target but nearly 2/3 of the way thru the month, so still about 30 games behind the pace I think. I'm gonna be making a really effort to get this Twitch channel up and running though with a decent base of viewers so that should motivate me to grind more than normal.
Pretty grim reading for me atm, but I have missed like 6+ weeks of the year due to the ISP issues and I know there's about £250 missing from my profit cos I keep track of every penny I spend/win at poker
Last night was my first time doing a night time session on Twitch so firstly I just wanna say thanks to all the sky regs that popped in throughout the night to say hello and get involved. My memory is useless so no doubt I'll forget some names but thanks to IrishRose, Maxally, Arazi, BigHawk, Macapaca, RSPCA, TommyD, MattBates, Dohhh, Don, Pat (day4eire), WrongJohn for turning up.
The twitch part of the night went pretty well I thought, there was a fair bit of viewer interaction going on and that helped me keep up pretty much a constant flow of talking throughout. I think we peaked around the 55 viewers mark which I'm pretty happy with considering only 10-15 of those were people that specifically turned up because they know me, and I'm told that's pretty decent going so early in the start up of my channel.
The poker side of it went pretty well too which is always nice when you're streaming cos it gives people something exciting to sweat. The biggest/best result of the night was FTing a $27ko on Stars.... anyone who has been reading the diary recently will know I've had countless deep runs in this comp and always fell short of the decent money, I knew it was only a matter of time before I was gonna FT it and last night I finally did. I busted out in 6th place for just shy of $1100.
I had a few other small cashes on te stake here and there, 100th/2010 in a $10 super KO on stars for about $40, few heads for $20 in $27pko, I got 20th out of 268 in the 11r on 888 that I've FT'd 3-4 times, I got $65 for that, and a mincash in an $11 FO on 888 too, finishing 22/279 for $18
Sky was a similar story to my last session, I bricked pretty much every comp and left it down to the £55 9pm BH to save the night. Maintaining my solid record of struggling to last />30 mins in a main event, had QQ<KTo aipf in main to gg about 30 mins in. Few little cashes, £6.10 of heads in the mini and bust not far from the money, and got £23.57 in the 9:30pm £11 BH, finishing just outside the money iirc, 53/327. Again the £55 BH saved the night when I FT'd it for the 2nd night running, all stacks were pretty even when we went into the FT and it just went pretty bad for me, I just couldn't win a pot, managed to ladder one place, then shipped A6s I think, Rose rejammed KK and we bust in 5th place for about £230
That's another like +£100 night on Sky Larson... coming for you
Staked Games: 199
Sky: 99
Total: 298