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Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------



  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited May 2015
    Not played for a while now (had Sat, Sun, Mon off) so a brief update on Friday only....

    3/125 in £11bh for £94
    9/75 in £55bh for £164
    13th in MBI for £56

    Those were the main results on sky anyway, was about +£150 for the night total on Sky. More bricks on stake.

    Month going decent so far, about +£1.3k on Sky and got just over £700 myself in chops from the stake, hopefully have a solid last week of the month.

    Back on the grind tonight, not played Turbo Tuesday in an age
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited May 2015
    Feel a bit cheeky asking with stuff like this, but if you don't ask, you don't get....

    I'm sure it's fine to link here cos there aren't any links to other poker sites or anything. Basically, I'm a member of a new/small/up-and-coming site which kinda merges FB and poker. 

    Anyway, long story short, they have a promo at the moment where they give you a HH (one street at a time) and you have to post what you'd do and the analysis behind your reasoning. The best analysis of the situation will win a €1.5k package to Malta. I'm pretty confident in my ability to analyse spots but only the top 5 people with the most 'likes' of their comment will be assessed by the judges, so that's where you come in :D

    I need all the likes I can get to be in with a shout of being picked for the best analysis. You do have to sign up to do so (I think) but it's free and takes like <60 seconds, all likes will be very much appreciated

  • daggers747daggers747 Member Posts: 193
    edited May 2015

    I think you should stand for FIFA President Lambert.

    Be lucky


  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited May 2015
    I'll like it - for a 5* holiday for two in Mauritius, a knighthood, an aston martin and $150000 in a Cayman islands bank account :-)

    edit...done my bit - you can PM me the account number and password
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited May 2015
    Dunno how to take that Daggers lol, but I couldn't do any worse than what's gone before me ;)

    Cheers Phantom and anyone else that liked my page.

    It's not over yet unfortunately though. The format of the promo is basically... 

    1) They post the preflop spot and u post and analyse (and get likes)
    2) Then they tell u what actually happened pre, give u the flop and ask you to analyse that (again post up and get likes)
    3) They'll say what actually happened on flop, give u the turn card and analyse that and get likes
    4) Same again for river.

    The top 5 likes (cumulatively across all 4 streets) will be in the running, then a poker pro (Nicolas Levi) will choose wo he thinks has given the best analysis of the hand.

    So the flop has now been released and here is my analysis of it, again I'd appreciate it if people could give my post a like on there. 

    If I do win a seat, then I'll deffo be doing a blog all about my trip... take that as an incentive to help me out or not ;)
  • SnufferSnuffer Member Posts: 3,057
    edited May 2015
    Done mate, good luck.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,126
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards ------- COMMUNITY HELP NEEDED!:
    Dunno how to take that Daggers lol, but I couldn't do any worse than what's gone before me ;) Cheers Phantom and anyone else that liked my page. It's not over yet unfortunately though. The format of the promo is basically...  1) They post the preflop spot and u post and analyse (and get likes) 2) Then they tell u what actually happened pre, give u the flop and ask you to analyse that (again post up and get likes) 3) They'll say what actually happened on flop, give u the turn card and analyse that and get likes 4) Same again for river. The top 5 likes (cumulatively across all 4 streets) will be in the running, then a poker pro (Nicolas Levi) will choose wo he thinks has given the best analysis of the hand. So the flop has now been released and here is my analysis of it, again I'd appreciate it if people could give my post a like on there. If I do win a seat, then I'll deffo be doing a blog all about my trip... take that as an incentive to help me out or not ;)
    Posted by Lambert180
    Thanks for taking the time to register to a site in order to help me win a trip to Malta. To show my appreciation, here is a blog to show you all what a great time I had whilst you lot were stuck at home living your mundane lives in the cold and rain.

    Gl though :)
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited May 2015
    Thats another like - still waiting for the account details (remember there is an unlike button)

    Fwiw I do genuinely like the analysis on the flop.

  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards ------- COMMUNITY HELP NEEDED!:
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards ------- COMMUNITY HELP NEEDED! : Thanks for taking the time to register to a site in order to help me win a trip to Malta. To show my appreciation, here is a blog to show you all what a great time I had whilst you lot were stuck at home living your mundane lives in the cold and rain. Gl though :)
    Posted by waller02
    VVVVNH sir!
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited May 2015
    Something along those lines Waller ;)

    Thanks Phantom & all

    Another street has been announced, so we're up to the turn now. For anyone that has missed them and would like them all in one orderly fashion to make them easier to like all at once :p lol, here are my posts so far for the 3 different streets (the river will be released at 3pm tomorrow).

  • SnufferSnuffer Member Posts: 3,057
    edited May 2015
    River spade I'm guessing ;)
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited May 2015
    I'm loving your analysis, but you need to mention what he thinks hero has and how that is going to relate to the river.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited May 2015
    Cheers Craig, yeah it's tough to get everything in, especially without turning each street into a novel... I've tried (and failed) to keep them concise.

    Lol snuffer, not quite, it's exactly as I expected, the river is a total blank and the villian jams. The only difference being I said we should deffo checkback turn but they've said 'we' bet the turn very small and got called.

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited May 2015
    Big thanks to everyone that's got involved helping me out in this promo. We still have until noon tomorrow to get as many likes as possible then it's up to the judge to pick the best 1 from the top 5. I should be pretty safe to make top 5 as the current standings are...

    1st - 108 likes
    2nd - 104 likes
    3rd - 77 likes (me)
    4th - 62 likes
    5th - 56 likes
    6th - 42 likes

    but ya never know, so here are the links again one last time....

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2015
    I've been on a break from playing any poker from about the 22nd May and first day back at the grind was 1st June (and played tonight too) and it's been a pretty tilt start to the month.

    I found out today that I didn't win the Malta package but thanks anyway to everyone that helped me make the top 5.

    Both days on Sky been about -£130 each, no real results, I've had 10th in a 22bh for £30 and tonight I got 5th in a 22bh for £80.

    Really excited to see the new UKPC announced, and glad it's gonna be £550 this time... £1k events get vv pricey to satellite into! I'll deffo be grinding the the £26s and the £120s every single night I play. Played 1 x £26 so far, but no seat won.

    Stake is continuing to be dire, not had a result there (or even a 3 figure cash) for what seems like forever.

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2015
    Didnt' play Wed or Fri

    It was a pretty bricky Thurs, the only result was FT'ing the $27 DTD Mini on Party, finishing 7th out of about 150 for $210 plus a $120 token to use on party. No cashes on Sky.

    Tonight was abit better, still a small loss on stake, had loads of good runs going but none of them amounted to much. The best run was the $100 major on party, it only got 84 runners (12 paid) so pretty small payouts (relative to the BI) but I'd been doing from about 30-35 runners left until just before my bust out. It was the FT bubble, villian opened, I 3b jam KK, guy in the BB cold calls 77 and original opener tank calls QQ, huuuge pot and Qxxxx takes it, and 77 guy has me covered so I finish below him and get 10th place for $230.

    Few other decent runs, cashed the $27 DTD mini again, 18/146 for $50 and got 44/441 in the $55 challenge on 888 for $87.50

    Sky was good, I finally won my £120 UKPC seat after my 3rd attempt of the £26 games. I got 10th out of 91 in an 11bh for £25 which was really disappointing, I was 1/15 and doing vv well and it was totally my own fault I bust 10th, I just blew up. Later in the night though I got my first decent bink on Sky for a while, winning the 9pm £55Bh for £900

    So all in all a decent +£800 night on Sky.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2015
    Got new SS update from the penguin

    Taking the last third of May off may have cost me in the prop bet, only time will tell, but as someone recently said to me... some things are more important than the grind.

    New graphs here anyway

    So I got another £1k to catch before the month ends. Still very do-able, and short of something mental happening it's very likely both of us are still gonna be 'in the running' even up to the last day.

    Glgl kev
  • BlackpumaBlackpuma Member Posts: 203
    edited June 2015
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
    Got new SS update from the penguin Taking the last third of May off may have cost me in the prop bet, only time will tell, but as someone recently said to me... some things are more important than the grind. New graphs here anyway So I got another £1k to catch before the month ends. Still very do-able, and short of something mental happening it's very likely both of us are still gonna be 'in the running' even up to the last day. Glgl kev
    Posted by Lambert180
    Enjoying the posts Paul
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2015
    Cheers Puma/Mike.

    Brief update again as I'm about to go play some poker...

    Monday was meh, finished about +£100 on Sky after winning my 2nd £120 UKPC seat and finishing 3/264 in the 9:30pm 11bh for about £140 and 11/95 in the 22bh for about £50

    Another loss on stake :( More gutting than normal cos I had a few really good shots going but I didn't convert, the 'best' run was finishing 16th out of 512 runners in 888's $22 'main event' for $82.

    Played Tues too and that was just grim all round, bricks everywhere, best result on sky and the potential session saver was the 9pm 55bh, but I stone bubbled it w/ £55 of heads, and the only result on stake was 68/434 in a $10r on party ofor $65.

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2015
    Just finished up a couple of hours of 6tabling cash, anything between 30-100NL as liquidity was a bit up and down. and finished about +£90

    I'm definitely preferring how I've been playing my cash sessions this year since starting grinding MTTs as my main game. I always used to be a little bit too obsessed with volume, wanting loads of tables etc. Nowadays I just stick to 6 tables, and I feel so much more chilled out in sessions but more importantly I play so much better and I'm not missing all sorts of spots to nick little pots.

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