Yeah it's a great decision if you really decide to do it whole heartedly. I've had mountains of badgering over the years from my mum/brothers to quit smoking but none of it works unless you decide yourself you don't wanna do it anymore. I've quit before and know how much better I feel physically when I'm not doing it and I was just sick of feeling cr@p all the time. It also really helped me that my 2 daughters are getting older now, starting to ask questions etc and I just can't justify/condone it, so before I had to answer awkward questions or allow them to see/understand what I'm doing, it was best all round to stop doing it.
I'm totally confident this time that it's for good.
Cheers Timmy and JP. Yeah it's a great decision if you really decide to do it whole heartedly. I've had mountains of badgering over the years from my mum/brothers to quit smoking but none of it works unless you decide yourself you don't wanna do it anymore. I've quit before and know how much better I feel physically when I'm not doing it and I was just sick of feeling cr@p all the time. It also really helped me that my 2 daughters are getting older now, starting to ask questions etc and I just can't justify/condone it, so before I had to answer awkward questions or allow them to see/understand what I'm doing, it was best all round to stop doing it. I'm totally confident this time that it's for good. Posted by Lambert180
Well done. I was a 30 a day smoker for 25 years. Gave up easily once realised that not only had I enjoyed smoking, but I genuinely wanted to stop (and my wife/kids also wanted me to). Over 8 years without now-gl
Cheers RLT. I haven't done any streaming for a while, I'm not sure when/if I'll do more tbh. Maybe it's a selfish POV but I just didn't feel like I was getting much out of it (and there wasn't much interest) and it's pretty intense to do regularly. Posted by Lambert180
well for what its worth i always enjoyed your stream and learnt alot from it, so thanks for the time you put into it
Cheers RLT, always nice to know someone liked it. Comments like that always make me tempted to start it back up again. If I do, it'll definitely be back to just showing my own regular games so MTTs in the evenings.
Cheers Larson @Dohh - I'm in if he is Cheers RLT, always nice to know someone liked it. Comments like that always make me tempted to start it back up again. If I do, it'll definitely be back to just showing my own regular games so MTTs in the evenings. Posted by Lambert180
Here is the Super Roller Final Table from last Sunday, in which you featured. One of those Finals, which you may not care to be reminded of, but you get to see what people had, especially a remarkable play by a pal of mine, Dewi-Cool, who is older than me, but still seems to have a move or two in him.
Note these are edited highlights, so not all hands are shown.
As for you, well you waited until you found the right hand, & then.......
Cheers for the reminder Tikay, I was meaning to find this once it got uploaded then I forgot. Always a little bit of disappointment straight after when you don't win a FT but as they say, that's mostly gone the next day when you look at your balance, so still very happy with the result.
Yeah I met Ian for the first time when we both got down to 3handed in that £550 UKPC side event in Feb last year and we've chatted ever since so I railed him to taking it down after I'd bust, top guy and as you say, didn't do anything wrong and ran quite well.
Yeh I did play more than 1 hand on the FT iirc lol but that was the first big one and c'est la vie, it's just totally unavoidable.
I'm back from my standard xmas/new year 'hiatus', I know some people think Xmas is a great time to play poker, the games are better etc (and that's true) but for me it's a chance to get together with the family I don't get to see very often which is far more important to me so I don't go near any poker clients usually between like 25th - 31st Dec.
Anyway I'm back on the grind now, well I have been since 1st Jan. I'm gonna see how it goes in month 1 to assess how reasonable a target it is, but I'm gonna see if I can reach Prio every month this year. So I think I'm gonna give DYMs a go in the mornings and then MTTs as usual at night, and most importantly, less days off!
MTTs haven't gone too well so far in the first 2 days, thought I had a decent shot at a result tonight when I was CL with 12 left in the MBI, then I just didn't win another pot until I bust in 8th two off the money (although I did have £83 of heads).
Atm I'm about -£250 from MTTs over the last 2 days, and I've been loaded a few DYMs later in the sessions if table count gets low. Ran pretty well at the DYMs so far, can't remember wins and losses per stake etc but I've played maybe 10 DYMs, a mix of £5s/£11s/£22s and I'm about +£50.
I missed out on my goal of making the SS leaderboard last year but I'm blaming that on not being able to play on Sky for the first 3 months of the year lol. Goals this year are pretty simple mostly....
Play more
Moan less
Get on SS leaderboard
Play more live
Make Prio every month
FINALLY win a Sky Main!
Last one is in the lap of the gods but would be nice.
It's great timing for me to implement my plan of grinding DYMs in the mornings as it double points week I couldn't play earlier in the week cos the kids were still off school but they went back today so I got my first session in this morning, about 9:15am until 1pm.
Liqudity was slow at first given it was 9am, but picked up very quick. Dunno how many games I played or how I did at various stakes cos it's just too hard to track in game when you got loads of tables so I just noted my starting balance at start and end of session.
Session started pretty rough, couldn't win a race to save my life, then I god moded the rest of the session to turn it around. So made about 850 points and was +£50
If anyone has a SS subscription it'd be great if you could post a DYM graph/stats for me either for today or for all of January. Even better if you could break it down by stakes :P (I've played 3s, 5s (turbo and regular), 11s, 16.50s, and 22s)
Still can't get much going with MTTs but I'm about +£100 at DYMs this month so that covers some of the losses. I did win an 11bh last session for £200 but that with a few other heads made it an only just break even session (+£2.80). Had a few deep runs, one on stars the other night in my favourite stars comp, the $27KO turbo, it's gets vv shallow at the end and I bust AT<KT coming 35th out of 1279 runners for abuot $100, was $4.4k ftw + heads.
Points total 1929 for the month so going well for Prio, hope to make it to at least 5k before the end of this double points week.
Still not smoking and it's become vv easy/something I don't even think about anymore. Not been keeping track of dates myself so had to go and look thru my diary to find the date when I quit, and it'll be 6 weeks tomorrow.
Cheers Phantom. I did stop flopping quads and just stopped winning hands full stop for the latter half of my session. I only bumped into you in the £2s by accident tbh, I'm not sure how it happened, I must have misclicked some £2s while I was regging all the games.
For some reason (well the reason is just plain old variance) I'm getting absolutely hammered at the £5s, that wouldn't be so bad normally cos they're the smallest ones I'm playing but liquidity seemed a lot worse today than yest so I was having to play loadssss of £5s Luckily I'm continuing to be a luckbox so far at DYMs so did well in my bigger games. Was regging everything from £5 - £33 between 9am and 12:30pm and during that time only 2 x £33 games ran, thankfully I won them both.
Another 992 points earned and was +£83.50
Total points for the month now = 2941 and I'll be back later tonight for some MTTs.
I dunno if he wants to be named (he might get everyone asking then!) so I won't and I'll leave it up to him if he wants to say but someone after my post yesterday vvv kindly PM'd me with their login details for SS so I could use them. Tyty for that, very kind. And so I'll do some graphs/stats on my DYMs for the year so far....
Cheers Phantom. I did stop flopping quads and just stopped winning hands full stop for the latter half of my session. I only bumped into you in the £2s by accident tbh, I'm not sure how it happened, I must have misclicked some £2s while I was regging all the games. For some reason (well the reason is just plain old variance) I'm getting absolutely hammered at the £5s, that wouldn't be so bad normally cos they're the smallest ones I'm playing but liquidity seemed a lot worse today than yest so I was having to play loadssss of £5s Luckily I'm continuing to be a luckbox so far at DYMs so did well in my bigger games. Was regging everything from £5 - £33 between 9am and 12:30am and during that time only 2 x £33 games ran, thankfully I won them both. Another 992 points earned and was +£83.50 Total points for the month now = 2941 and I'll be back later tonight for some MTTs. I dunno if he wants to be named (he might get everyone asking then!) so I won't and I'll leave it up to him if he wants to say but someone after my post yesterday vvv kindly PM'd me with their login details for SS so I could use them. Tyty for that, very kind. And so I'll do some graphs/stats on my DYMs for the year so far.... Posted by Lambert180
Only 2 £33s all day? You must be putting people off regging for them.
Cheers Phantom. I did stop flopping quads and just stopped winning hands full stop for the latter half of my session. I only bumped into you in the £2s by accident tbh, I'm not sure how it happened, I must have misclicked some £2s while I was regging all the games. For some reason (well the reason is just plain old variance) I'm getting absolutely hammered at the £5s, that wouldn't be so bad normally cos they're the smallest ones I'm playing but liquidity seemed a lot worse today than yest so I was having to play loadssss of £5s Luckily I'm continuing to be a luckbox so far at DYMs so did well in my bigger games. Was regging everything from £5 - £33 between 9am and 12:30pm and during that time only 2 x £33 games ran, thankfully I won them both. Another 992 points earned and was +£83.50 Total points for the month now = 2941 and I'll be back later tonight for some MTTs. I dunno if he wants to be named (he might get everyone asking then!) so I won't and I'll leave it up to him if he wants to say but someone after my post yesterday vvv kindly PM'd me with their login details for SS so I could use them. Tyty for that, very kind. And so I'll do some graphs/stats on my DYMs for the year so far.... Posted by Lambert180
Did he give you training on scope, I heard its very complicated to use.
Good luck for 2016 Lambo. Congrats on quitting smoking too. I guess it's time for my 4th attempt in as many months... I think probability dictates that I'll have quit by September for sure. If I haven't then I'll send the next 5unique posters $10 each sept 1st
Yeah it's a great decision if you really decide to do it whole heartedly. I've had mountains of badgering over the years from my mum/brothers to quit smoking but none of it works unless you decide yourself you don't wanna do it anymore. I've quit before and know how much better I feel physically when I'm not doing it and I was just sick of feeling cr@p all the time. It also really helped me that my 2 daughters are getting older now, starting to ask questions etc and I just can't justify/condone it, so before I had to answer awkward questions or allow them to see/understand what I'm doing, it was best all round to stop doing it.
@Dohh - I'm in if he is
Hi Paul,
Here is the Super Roller Final Table from last Sunday, in which you featured. One of those Finals, which you may not care to be reminded of, but you get to see what people had, especially a remarkable play by a pal of mine, Dewi-Cool, who is older than me, but still seems to have a move or two in him.
Note these are edited highlights, so not all hands are shown.
As for you, well you waited until you found the right hand, & then.......
Incidentally, the winner did not put a foot wrong, but to be fair, he did run rather well......
Yeh I did play more than 1 hand on the FT iirc lol but that was the first big one and c'est la vie, it's just totally unavoidable.
Hope everyone had a nice christmas and new year.
If anyone has a SS subscription it'd be great if you could post a DYM graph/stats for me either for today or for all of January. Even better if you could break it down by stakes :P (I've played 3s, 5s (turbo and regular), 11s, 16.50s, and 22s)
So if you are not really just bumhunting me, then please stop flopping quads.
Otherwise, GL.