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Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------



  • bearlytherbearlyther Member Posts: 1,757
    edited March 2016
    Hope you are able to get the relevant help from all the various agencies that can help your daughter.  Most important part of poker is being in the right frame of mind to play and with the issues with your daughter at the moment you wont be playing at your 100% best with them issues hanging over your head.  Hope they are able to help you and your family.

    Also with dyms im not sure how much money there is to be made in them games, sure you will be profitable but by how much?  I was speaking to timmy at the wkend who i know crushes them but if youve now got about 3 or 4 decent regs in the game which has a low edge due to the nature of it im not sure how much you can expect to make longterm from that game.

    Think you can still play them and flick in 1 or 2 on the side when your table count is low i would do this occasionally. But unless your on a very high rakeback deal like 30% plus some rakeraces added in which isnt the case on here im not sure how much value there is in them games longterm.
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited March 2016
    Best wishes to you and your family Paul.

    I do hope you get the support you need for Lily. While gut instinct for any parent would be to fight to keep her in mainstream education if her condition is not manageable in that setting then a specialist centre may be a better solution.

    I would exhaust all possible sources of help first though. One of my sons was diagnosed on the autistic spectrum, not too severe and I can't claim to know what you are going through, We did get support through CAMHS which I know can be hard to come by and we worked with his schools. Understanding the condition and developing coping strategies were really valuable for us and him and communicating constantly with the schools. 

    To have a skill edge you need some natural aptitude, plus plenty of knowledge and experience. You also need  dedication to keep improving. You clearly have shown that in abundance over a long period. But to make that count you need to be able to focus.

    It must be hard to focus at the moment, and without that it's hard to get good results and bad results affect confidence and create a vicious circle. I would cut the hours and stick to one format as others have suggested. It would appear that you have your biggest skill edge in cash, not to say you cant earn money in other formats but I don't think now is the time to be mixing formats. At least with cash shorter sessions are possible and you can stop quickly if needed without losing a few buy ins.

    Good luck.

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2016
    Cheers all

    @ItsOver - yeah feel like that recently but I genuinely don't think it's affecting my decisions. Like I don't think I'm avoiding building pots with value hands 'incase they hit' etc. +1 variance is a cruel mistress, I'm sure that I am playing sub what I'm capable of, but I'm also vv sure that I'm not playing so bad that I've actually become a losing player, but that's been the case for 6 months. It's a tough tough game!

    @Conor - Yeah I deffo agree edges are small at DYMs, especially when games get reg heavy and people aren't making many mistakes. Fwiw, DYMs were never a long term plan anyway. I was just so tilted by months and months of running bad at MTTs, I thought I'd take a month out to play a lower variance format, also a game where I could make £500+ or so of RB and try to just get a winning month under my belt. Obv nothing is guaranteed in poker though, and I managed to run terrible at DYMs too lol. 

    @Phantom - tyty, Yeah we've been through CAMHS before, they were the ones who diagnosed her with autism, although they then discharged her after the diagnosis without any real help. We've been re-referred back to them now though because things have escalated a lot since they last saw her.


    Played my first bit of poker for a while last night, it was the £5k Prio freeroll so wasn't gonna miss that. It got about 150 runners, with £1.4k ftw, top 16 paid (big mincash too £80), and I bust in 19th KQ<KJ aipf

    So played a few tables of 4NL alongside just to keep me busy, lost a couple of quid.
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,921
    edited March 2016
    hey Paul,you WILL come out the other side both with Lily and poker better for it.Believe mate,.believe,its tough now it will get better.stay positive friend...sean
  • DonttelmumDonttelmum Member Posts: 1,921
    edited March 2016
    Do it :)
  • radiofed28radiofed28 Member Posts: 78
    edited March 2016
    Hey lambert how did you do in the freeroll in the end? Hope you shipped it mate. Gl at the tables!
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2016
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
    Hey lambert how did you do in the freeroll in the end? Hope you shipped it mate. Gl at the tables!
    Posted by radiofed28
    Cheers Fed, yeh I did take it down in the end for £600. Totally forgot the Prio FR was on tbh until I was mooching about online and logged into Sky at 9:15pm and late regged. 

    I got pretty lucky to get HU with a huge CL, but an unusual kind of lucky.... Solack had just continued folding lots and had about 12k left (blinds were 600/1.2k), while me and EmmaWatson had about 50k each.

    Emma opens on the BTN to 25k (not a typo lol), which after the hand I found out as I suspected was a misclick, I woke up with KK and jammed and I guess Emma felt like, even if the open size was a misclick, she couldn't raise/fold 20bb out of a 40bb stack with 77 and I held. So I got HU with about 110k v 12k.

    It was a very welcome win! It's amazing what 1 result can do for your confidence sometimes.
  • DonttelmumDonttelmum Member Posts: 1,921
    edited March 2016
    wp Paul
  • radiofed28radiofed28 Member Posts: 78
    edited March 2016
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards ------- : Cheers Fed, yeh I did take it down in the end for £600. Totally forgot the Prio FR was on tbh until I was mooching about online and logged into Sky at 9:15pm and late regged.  I got pretty lucky to get HU with a huge CL, but an unusual kind of lucky.... Solack had just continued folding lots and had about 12k left (blinds were 600/1.2k), while me and EmmaWatson had about 50k each. Emma opens on the BTN to 25k (not a typo lol), which after the hand I found out as I suspected was a misclick, I woke up with KK and jammed and I guess Emma felt like, even if the open size was a misclick, she couldn't raise/fold 20bb out of a 40bb stack with 77 and I held. So I got HU with about 110k v 12k. It was a very welcome win! It's amazing what 1 result can do for your confidence sometimes.
    Posted by Lambert180

    Awesome, well played and well deserved. Sucks that Emma had that misclick, that other guy folded his way through like 5 places. Good luck for the rest of the month.
  • TimmyRaRaTimmyRaRa Member Posts: 915
    edited March 2016
    Good to see the diary back buddy and nice result gl with the rest of the month.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited April 2016
    Well I was just almost sick!!

    I saw Sky were doing a little offer giving you £2 to play live roulette, and I'm a proper nit so I do this kinda stuff lol. The £2 was in the form of 8 x 25p chips and you gotta wager £20 total to be able to make it 'real money' so plan was to keep betting £2 on red/black and if I make it 10 spins then I've won a few quid...

    Did first spin on red, won, all very nice.

    Then I stuck all of (what I thought were) the promo chips onto red again. Except I was actually flicking on £100 chips onto red, and what I didn't realise about live roulette (online) is that you only get like a 60 second window, if that, to place your bets, you don't need to click confirm or anything, if they're still there at the end of the 60 seconds, it's locked in.
    I realised what I'd done about 10 seconds after putting the chips on, frantically tried to get them off and then saw her spin the ball :(

    Thankfully, I 'only' ended up with £300 on it, but I felt absolutely grim for those 30 seconds while it was spinning. Anyone who knows me, knows I'm a massiveeee nit and it'd probably hurt me to lose £20 on roulette, so felt pretty sick having £300 on the line.

    Huge chuk of rungood though landed it on red and I'm now +£300 :D heart is still pounding though!!

  • stuarty117stuarty117 Member Posts: 1,395
    edited April 2016
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
    Well I was just almost sick!! I saw Sky were doing a little offer giving you £2 to play live roulette, and I'm a proper nit so I do this kinda stuff lol. The £2 was in the form of 8 x 25p chips and you gotta wager £20 total to be able to make it 'real money' so plan was to keep betting £2 on red/black and if I make it 10 spins then I've won a few quid... Did first spin on red, won, all very nice. Then I stuck all of (what I thought were) the promo chips onto red again. Except I was actually flicking on £100 chips onto red, and what I didn't realise about live roulette (online) is that you only get like a 60 second window, if that, to place your bets, you don't need to click confirm or anything, if they're still there at the end of the 60 seconds, it's locked in. I realised what I'd done about 10 seconds after putting the chips on, frantically tried to get them off and then saw her spin the ball :( Thankfully, I 'only' ended up with £300 on it, but I felt absolutely grim for those 30 seconds while it was spinning. Anyone who knows me, knows I'm a massiveeee nit and it'd probably hurt me to lose £20 on roulette, so felt pretty sick having £300 on the line. Huge chuk of rungood though landed it on red and I'm now +£300 :D heart is still pounding though!!
    Posted by Lambert180
    Now stick that 300 on black nothing to lose
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,921
    edited April 2016
    ha , wd , stick it in the roll
  • weecheez1weecheez1 Member Posts: 1,686
    edited April 2016
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
    Well I was just almost sick!! I saw Sky were doing a little offer giving you £2 to play live roulette, and I'm a proper nit so I do this kinda stuff lol. The £2 was in the form of 8 x 25p chips and you gotta wager £20 total to be able to make it 'real money' so plan was to keep betting £2 on red/black and if I make it 10 spins then I've won a few quid... Did first spin on red, won, all very nice. Then I stuck all of (what I thought were) the promo chips onto red again. Except I was actually flicking on £100 chips onto red, and what I didn't realise about live roulette (online) is that you only get like a 60 second window, if that, to place your bets, you don't need to click confirm or anything, if they're still there at the end of the 60 seconds, it's locked in. I realised what I'd done about 10 seconds after putting the chips on, frantically tried to get them off and then saw her spin the ball :( Thankfully, I 'only' ended up with £300 on it, but I felt absolutely grim for those 30 seconds while it was spinning. Anyone who knows me, knows I'm a massiveeee nit and it'd probably hurt me to lose £20 on roulette, so felt pretty sick having £300 on the line. Huge chuk of rungood though landed it on red and I'm now +£300 :D heart is still pounding though!!
    Posted by Lambert180
    That 300 was meant to be buy yourself something cool with it I barred myself from the little green leprechaun too dangerous never mind roulette lol run golden on the tables
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited April 2016
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
    Well I was just almost sick!! I saw Sky were doing a little offer giving you £2 to play live roulette, and I'm a proper nit so I do this kinda stuff lol. The £2 was in the form of 8 x 25p chips and you gotta wager £20 total to be able to make it 'real money' so plan was to keep betting £2 on red/black and if I make it 10 spins then I've won a few quid... Did first spin on red, won, all very nice. Then I stuck all of (what I thought were) the promo chips onto red again. Except I was actually flicking on £100 chips onto red, and what I didn't realise about live roulette (online) is that you only get like a 60 second window, if that, to place your bets, you don't need to click confirm or anything, if they're still there at the end of the 60 seconds, it's locked in. I realised what I'd done about 10 seconds after putting the chips on, frantically tried to get them off and then saw her spin the ball :( Thankfully, I 'only' ended up with £300 on it, but I felt absolutely grim for those 30 seconds while it was spinning. Anyone who knows me, knows I'm a massiveeee nit and it'd probably hurt me to lose £20 on roulette, so felt pretty sick having £300 on the line. Huge chuk of rungood though landed it on red and I'm now +£300 :D heart is still pounding though!!
    Posted by Lambert180
    Just because you make a story up on your diary doesn't mean Emma will believe you weren't having a Saturday night punt!

    Given the lack of updates that are poker related, can a mod move this to The rail/Betting Chat...or maybe even BBV may be better!
  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited April 2016
    +1 move to rail
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited April 2016
    Lambert wins a big flip shocker.

    Must be a sign.

  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,921
    edited April 2016
    iv,e not read all this thread only the last couple of months hoping things pick up for lambert,he dispenses alot of poker related advice as well as doing this poker journal he does one post containing some punting on a roulette and some people want it moved to the rail.i,m hoping the posts were tongue in cheek but i doubt it
    he,s going through a bit of a difficult time give the bloke a break.
    wd on the prio win Paul
  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,043
    edited April 2016
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
    iv,e not read all this thread only the last couple of months hoping things pick up for lambert,he dispenses alot of poker related advice as well as doing this poker journal he does one post containing some punting on a roulette and some people want it moved to the rail.i,m hoping the posts were tongue in cheek but i doubt it he,s going through a bit of a difficult time give the bloke a break. wd on the prio win Paul
    Posted by stokefc
    Well said
  • chiggypigchiggypig Member Posts: 235
    edited April 2016
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
    Hope you are able to get the relevant help from all the various agencies that can help your daughter.  Most important part of poker is being in the right frame of mind to play and with the issues with your daughter at the moment you wont be playing at your 100% best with them issues hanging over your head.  Hope they are able to help you and your family. Also with dyms im not sure how much money there is to be made in them games, sure you will be profitable but by how much?  I was speaking to timmy at the wkend who i know crushes them but if youve now got about 3 or 4 decent regs in the game which has a low edge due to the nature of it im not sure how much you can expect to make longterm from that game. Think you can still play them and flick in 1 or 2 on the side when your table count is low i would do this occasionally. But unless your on a very high rakeback deal like 30% plus some rakeraces added in which isnt the case on here im not sure how much value there is in them games longterm.
    Posted by bearlyther

    Rakeback if you are in priority is 30%+

    20% for getting 2k points + weekely and also the 10% plus for 10k+ monthly points
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