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Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------



  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited March 2016
    I'm so sorry to hear of the difficulties you're facing right now Paul.
    I wish all of you the best and hope things can become easier for you and your family in time.

    It's very secondary but you seem to be doing the right thing with poker as well. Do whatever is best for yourself. You've got some very knowledgeable poker friends who im sure will help you all they can.

    Good luck 
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited March 2016
    Hi Paul,

    Sorry to hear things are not exactly going to plan. Poker wise I know what your feeling as had these times, like everyone else. Dropping down is not always the answer as you need different levels of thinking that are not going to cut it higher up. Yes you will do better but then be left with the same problems as soon as you move back up. Sometimes you just have to sit back and really think what it is you think your doing wrong and/or not doing to your best and try to address those. Writing things down is best as you will find it easier to remember. Playing a little tighter and looking for slightly better % spots just as you readjust is another way. I also suggest you take the time to re-read your diary and see how you have ebbed and flowed over time and hopefully an upward curve is just around the corner for you. 

    As for other things, hopefully an upward curve is around the corner as well. 
  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited March 2016

    hi paul,

    if i can contribute anything it would be all about change but applied differently to the two things you mention.  in my opinion, for children it is about embracing change, for poker it is resisting change.

    you are an excellent poker player who makes the most of your edges in particular games.  you have demonstrated this for years.  unfortunately, this could also seduce you away from safe territory.  seduced to go large, or seduced to a different format.  whichever it is, you might be foregoing too many of your edges.

    for your daughter, it might be most rewarding to embrace change.  this is to discard some of the ideals that many other parents consider important.  i had some dreams dashed but discovered that it is possible to find magic when having a different vision.

    i know this sounds a bit abstract.  good luck.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited March 2016

    Really sorry to hear that, Paul, my thoughts are with you & your family, & it must be a little challenging one way & another right now.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited March 2016

    There was an absolutely stunning line in Aussie's post, which, if I may say so, you should think about very carefully indeed, it's one of the most amazing sentences I have ever seen on the Sky Poker community, but only because I have a little more insight than most into why Rob said this.....

    "........i had some dreams dashed but discovered that it is possible to find magic when having a different vision."

    He speaks from experience, & I hope you consider it very carefully.

    It's not for me to suggest how you deal with it, & I hope Rob won't mind me saying so, but it might be helpful to you if you had a private chat by PM with Rob.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2016
    Thanks Rob and all. I'll reply more when i have a free moment but just wanted to say that me and Emma have definitely embraced all the changes in Lily. I know its the standard thing for a parent to say but I really wouldn't swap her/change her at all. Of course sometimes she can be testing but there's so many other great traits that come along with it all.

    Our concerns are more around others and how she will interact in tge world. Mainly her sister is obviously too young to understand why 'its ok' for lily to swear etc. Its delicate balance, she has vvv high levels of anxiety and that's why she swears (we think), like a release, but she's also anxious about swearing and fearing she willbe told off, so if u tell her off for swearing it increases her anxiety, she panics and swears more, but if u say its fine then will she just think its fine and always do it... We ain't sure what the best line is, and no one else is yet either.

    The main concern for me is expulsion just because I know it'll be rough for lily to cope with but atm the teachers have her sat out of the classroom because she's toi disruptive, so their 'line' is she's learning nothing being out of the class but she can't be in the class so they are already saying it might not be the best place for her and they won't be able to cope under the current system if things don't improve soon, but I know it'll be months before she even gets seen by a medical professional which I think will be too late.

    Ty Tikay I will drop him a PM
  • BlackpumaBlackpuma Member Posts: 203
    edited March 2016
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
    hi paul, if i can contribute anything it would be all about change but applied differently to the two things you mention.  in my opinion, for children it is about embracing change, for poker it is resisting change. you are an excellent poker player who makes the most of your edges in particular games.  you have demonstrated this for years.  unfortunately, this could also seduce you away from safe territory.  seduced to go large, or seduced to a different format.  whichever it is, you might be foregoing too many of your edges. for your daughter, it might be most rewarding to embrace change.  this is to discard some of the ideals that many other parents consider important.  i had some dreams dashed but discovered that it is possible to find magic when having a different vision. i know this sounds a bit abstract.  good luck.  
    Posted by aussie09
    Nice post Rob and Paul i hope things work out for you, family which comes first and pokerwise, all the very best
  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,387
    edited March 2016
    Hiya Paul

    I'm so sorry to hear about the way things have gone so far this year, and your increasing problems with your family. I'm sure even though you don't think they are impacting on your Poker, they almost certainly will be affecting you mentally. Even if its only in a small way, this can take away your edge and affect your confidence. 

    I think Rob's post is a very good one, particularly with regards to your family. After all they are truly the most important part of our lives. Once you have your home life more settled, and not affecting you as much mentally, then I'm sure it will be like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. 

    Whilst you wait for help with your daughter, read as much as you can about the conditions she has, and try and watch any helpful videos/tv programmes about how to understand and deal with children with her condition. I know it's not comparable to what you're daughter has, but 15 years ago, my wife suffered with really bad post-natal depression and extremely severe panic attacks, which initially weren't diagnosed, and I couldn't leave her in the house alone. Once we finally realised what it was, I read as much as possible about the condition so I understood how I could help, even if it was only reminding her that she wasn't going to die, and she could cope. The stress of it all did affect my Golf at the time, as I was torn between two stools, but there is always light at the end of the tunnel, and the more you understand your daughters condition, the more you can help your family, and most importantly help yourself too.

    Poker-wise I'm definitely not the person to advise you, as I don't do the daily grind of earning as many points as possible (though I do love the sats. to mtt's, and often play them for 6-8hours prior to the tourneys themselves), but what I used to do with Golf, and the Pro's who I coached, was to take a break from Tournament life. Work on my game with my coach for 3-4 weeks, usually stripping my swing back to the simple basic fundamentals, and building from there (I've always related the golf swing to building a house/any long as the foundations are right, then you can keep building as high as you want, and I'm sure this principle can be adopted for Poker too), and I found that with that, my mind was refreshed and I came back with new confidence and eager to play again. I know on my small scale, I have done the same with Poker, by taking a 2-4 week break and watching old Sky Poker ch861 programmes, reading a little book I have( I wouldn't mind a recommendation for another really good one please), and I have found that I certainly run much better, which improves my confidence and I look forward to playing so much more.

    One of the other really important assets that all the top Pro Golfers have, is a Sports Psychologist. Understanding your mind is more than half the battle in most Professional sport, so any books on Sports Psychology may help too.

    Good Luck Paul, and I really do hope this helps in some small way, coz it was great to meet you last August (at my first live tourney) and hopefully it can help get you back on track and help you to rebuild your confidence.

    Best Wishes, 

       JEZ     (MISTY4ME) 

  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,125
    edited March 2016
    Hi Paul,

    Sorry to hear you're going through a rough time both on and off the tables. I wish you and your family all the best.

  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,921
    edited March 2016
    i echo what all of the above say Paul gl m8
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2016
    Hey lambert , I worked with various autistic students who were moved from "mainstream" schools to a school which had smaller classes and lessons tailored more to the students specific needs albeit at an older age. Completely understand the concern about change of routine and having been involved in the integration process into a different school with different students staff etc it is extremely difficult at first for all parties but once this process is complete, however long it may take it is incredibly beneficial for the child. Unfortunately it's a ridiculously tough spot for a parent as it means putting your child through trauma for x amount of time, however from personal experience of working in that setting i can say that after the initial adaption period the students started to thrive and find areas of interest, reported to be happier at home etc. Obviously this is only one small example and each individual will be an incredibly complex and different case to consider, but it is sometimes better to have some short term instability to provide a better chance of permentant stability in the future. Hope that doesn't sound like a lecture or anything, can't begin to imagine how difficult it is to balance making the right decisions for both your daughters whilst trying to ensure they are both happy. 

    Not sure what games you play and stuff these days, if you have any interest in HU  happily try help out in some way, just pm or skype if you still have it.
  • IrishRoseIrishRose Member Posts: 1,663
    edited March 2016
    Hi Paul

    Just wanted to say that I wish you and your family the very best.  You could literally be writing the story of a friend of mine who has 2 boys (slightly older but with same age gap of 3 years).  The eldest son was diagnosed (eventually) as being on the autistic spectrum.  Had no ability to mix with other children or adults and no idea of acceptable behaviour.  He did end up excluded from school at age 9 as teachers couldn't control his outbursts and he was hitting other children towards the end.  Obviously his parents were broken by all of this and struggled to cope with everything - especially with having the younger child to look after aswell.  I'll be honest - it took months even at that stage to get their son the help he needed - but eventually they did get it.  He was assigned to a "special" school - and after approx 6 weeks of tantrums, tears and meltdowns he suddenly settled there realy well.  They ended up getting everyone they could involved - the health visitor (even though he was over 5), the GP - basically hounded the GP for help in getting the son referred, the school, the school governors etc and even their local MP.  Once the diagnosis was confirmed by child pyscologists etc everything moved extra quick for them.  The hardest thing they found was coming to accept that the "special" school could actually be the best solution - but in the end it did turn out to be the case.

    Sorry bout the essay - like in real life I forget to stop for breath :)

    Wishing you all the best - there is light at the end of the tunnel - but it might not be more than a tiny pinprick at the moment.

    Pokerwise I'm afraid I'm defo not one to offer advice to you!!  Your confidence is low - that's prob the main problem.  Nothing wrong with your game anything you've been up against me!
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,632
    edited March 2016
    Hi Paul,

    Loonnggg time lurker & admirer of your poker skills.  
    Not much to say really as it's all been said above by people more knowledgeable than me.
    Just to say good luck & hope things improve soon on ALL fronts.

  • gogogadgetgogogadget Member Posts: 191
    edited March 2016
    Hi Paul,
    I followed your twitch sessions (grey face) and can't believe I've only just found this diary!
    I really wish you and your family all the best at this difficult time. I can't imagine how tough that must be for you all.
    I can't help thinking that the poker issues must be related to your real-life issues.
    Can't offer any advice on either front but hope that you find the right solutions.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited March 2016
    So sorry to hear the news Paul. 

    All I can suggest is to hound the authorities to get the appropriate medical attention. Don't let go and take no excuses. 

    And then having found an expert do what they say. It's their job to find a solution, not yours to second guess one. If they think a new school is better give it a go. It is only by trying possible solutions will you find the one that works. Yes it might be painful, but you've got to give it a go. 

    Fingers crossed for you. 

    Meanwhile don't worry about the poker. You're unlikely to be able to play your best with that overhanging you. Keep the pressure down and play for the fun. I know it's your profession but for now just use smart Brm and keep your hand in with the style you want to play. Rather 1 table NL50 than 10 table NL4.

    All the best. 
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,338
    edited March 2016

    I'm so sorry you and you family have this trauma to deal with.

    There will be people in your area that have been down road . My brother has an Autistic daughter and he's active in parent groups with autistic children.

    facebook revealed one when I looked .

    Autism Support in Oxfordshire for parents/careers

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2016
    Ty everyone for the advice and support.

    Rose you mentioned going to the local MP and you're not the first to suggest that. As it happens our local MP is David Cameron... people (myself included) may laugh at this statement given some of the recent changes that are being made/discussed but apparently he does do a lot to help out people in his constituency who struggle with disabilities. 

    I know he has a disabled child himself which probably gives him a decent insight into the system and I know he was a big help to Emma's auntie (and cousin) with her disabled son. Apparently he was personally calling her on a regular basis and making sure everything was going along well and if he could do anything to help, albeit this was a little before he became PM. Anyway, seems like a good route to take while waiting for other things to get moving, it can't do any harm.


    Yeah like Rob said, I've definitely thrown out the window all the ideals that other parents might consider important. Now I think it's all just about making sure Lily is happy within herself.

    You're all spot on that life stress has a big impact on poker (and everything you do), I'm sure I can't be playing at my best with this going on atm.

    Tyty Misty, another great post. That is the plan, to go back to basics with poker, make sure I've got all my foundations down well, and maybe even start enjoying the game again ;)


    I meant to add in that recent update btw that by some miracle I've still managed to stay off the smokes... it'll be 14 weeks tomorrow, and with everything that's going on I've been tempted many times, especially at UKPC cos I usually smoke a lot live anyway but nope still had 0 cigarettes in the last 14 weeks.
  • weecheez1weecheez1 Member Posts: 1,686
    edited March 2016
    I follow your posts mate and things will turn around you seem like a well rounded person life flings us a curve ball now and then and I have no doubt you will take on these problems head on be lucky in life and poker
  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,387
    edited March 2016
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards -------:
    I meant to add in that recent update btw that by some miracle I've still managed to stay off the smokes... it'll be 14 weeks tomorrow, and with everything that's going on I've been tempted many times, especially at UKPC cos I usually smoke a lot live anyway but nope still had 0 cigarettes in the last 14 weeks.
    Posted by Lambert180
    Fantastic job and a real positive, and something to be very proud of that you have managed to stay off the ciggies, particularly with everything that is going on in your life, though sadly it looks like it has coincided with your run bad at Poker. Perhaps you can find something to replace the calming influence they have(I have never smoked so I don't know if this is what they do), but having done so well please try and see it through......after all the money you're saving can be put to a far better use (Tourney entries).
    I'm sorry I missed you at UKPC, it was so busy,(and I'm not the tallest), .....and by the time it was a bit quieter, I was struggling to see/focus/recognise anyone as I'd got KO'd too early and had too much liquid refreshment !!
    Look forward to meeting up next time and stay positive
    Best Wishes

  • Itsover4uItsover4u Member Posts: 1,538
    edited March 2016

    Great post... variance is a cruel mistress.

    Seriously I wouldnt worry to much though the volume to downswing does not really warrant any panic unless you feel you have some major leaks.

    Doug Polk (WCGrider) has a 3 months downswing and he is widely accepted as the best NLHE cash player alive currently. Easy to say but being results orientated can preety bady effect your attitude.

    Im going to guess everytime you play and get it in.... you can feel a bad card coming.... then it comes?

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