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Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------



  • smitalolsmitalol Member Posts: 25
    edited February 2013
    trouble at the inn
  • smitalolsmitalol Member Posts: 25
    edited February 2013
    in conclusion. lambert, give up. your roll without sky handing you £££ for brown nosing on here, + cash for points, you're -£££ overall. you'll never make it at poker. give up,
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited February 2013
    Cheers Legend. I've been reading The Mental Game of Poker recently and still getting through it so hope that will help cos I know I can win easy with my A game, I just bring my tilty Z game to the table too often which counter-acts any progress I've made.

    Played a bit tonight, played a few Turbo HU SnGs but have no idea how much I won or lost there cos I lost track. It definitely wasn't a big win or a big loss either way.

    Played some cash, played pretty well imo, took some things on board from what EP had said to me from the live sweat, checked back a few turns that I'd have normally barrelled despite it being a turn card where I'm never gonna get folds. Think I finished about £25 up.

    This hand happened where I lost £10 just before the end of my session which was pretty annoying (the way it happened, not just losing £10). I know I should really go bigger on the flop but I've flopped the world V a group of fish and wanted to keep 'em all in. Either way I think it doesn't change the result (not sure what paddy was doing lol). Turned over like the worst hand I could hope for when we got it in, then just a sigh river.
    Grafix Small blind   £0.10 £0.10 £49.29
    Lambert180 Big blind   £0.20 £0.30 £50.06
      Your hole cards
    • Q
    • Q
    Stew1 Call   £0.20 £0.50 £16.64
    shouting Call   £0.20 £0.70 £10.59
    Nunn85 Raise   £0.40 £1.10 £4.20
    paddydaddy Call   £0.40 £1.50 £3.75
    Grafix Call   £0.30 £1.80 £48.99
    Lambert180 Raise   £2.30 £4.10 £47.76
    Stew1 Fold        
    shouting Call   £2.30 £6.40 £8.29
    Nunn85 Call   £2.10 £8.50 £2.10
    paddydaddy Call   £2.10 £10.60 £1.65
    Grafix Fold        
    • Q
    • 4
    • J
    Lambert180 Bet   £3.90 £14.50 £43.86
    shouting Call   £3.90 £18.40 £4.39
    Nunn85 All-in   £2.10 £20.50 £0.00
    paddydaddy All-in   £1.65 £22.15 £0.00
    • 5
    Lambert180 Bet   £11.08 £33.23 £32.78
    shouting All-in   £4.39 £37.62 £0.00
    Lambert180 Unmatched bet   £6.69 £30.93 £39.47
    Lambert180 Show
    • Q
    • Q
    shouting Show
    • A
    • K
    Nunn85 Show
    • A
    • 10
    paddydaddy Show
    • 6
    • 8
    • 2
    shouting Win Flush to the Ace £29.38   £29.38
  • DrRunGoodDrRunGood Member Posts: 436
    edited February 2013
    hi lambert i read the mentality of poker its great read and helps if your prone to tilting bad if you ever want to chat bout it send me message
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited February 2013
    Cheers DrRunGood. Tilt is definitely something that holds me back a bit but I'm miles better than I used to be.

    Haven't updated for a few days now... played quite a few MTTs including the DTD without any cashes, probably played about £50 worth of MTTs + Sats.

    Played quite a few HU games, Hyper and Turbo, think I've won a bit on them (I must have cos I've done rubbish in MTTs and my BR aint going down).

    Also played some cash tonight and made £22.11

    Aint posted my C4P in ages so thought I'd stick it up with my BR tonight, nothing impressive or anything.

    Oh I also played one of them £2.30 SPT sats this afternoon and got into the Quarter tonight @ 9:30pm. It's either the 3rd or 4th one I've tried so I'm batting slightly above average. Hopefully I'll have good news to post later that I'm in the Semi....

    Bankroll: £613.67
    Poker Points: 1527  (£15.27)
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited February 2013
    Well I played the community Wednesday thing tonight, and it was a pretty bad night all round. To be fair, they're pretty much all turbos which obv resulted in me having to shove a lot more than normal and inevitably it was only a matter of time before someone on the table finally had their QQ+ come along.

    I kept a notepad document of results soI could post it up so here it is. Pretty depressing reading but ah well.

    35p £50 GTD BH                -     70/98 - no cash

    55p £75 GTD Velocity       -     51/84 - no cash

    £1.05 £100 Hurricane BH -     50/179 - no cash

    £2.20 £100 GTD Titan      -     34/67 - no cash

    WON SPT Quarter Seat for £2.30

    £3.45 £200 Hurricane BH -     45/116 - £1.13 Head Prize

    £2.20 £150 Supercharger -     89/99 - no cash

    £1.10 £75 GTD Express    -    10/122 - £3.90

    55p BH Blitz                        -    93/122 - 20p Head Prize

    £5.50 £200 GTD Tornado -     31/37 - no cash

    35p £50 Fear Frenzy          -     66/85 - no cash

    Only deep run was my finish 10th in the GTD Express. Pretty frustrating cos the structure was SO bad. Average stack was about 5xBB for like the last hour of play. Eventually get down to the final 10, I'm 2nd in chips and have a massive 7.5xBB! Everyone else has like 2-3xBB. Chip leader sat to my left, folds to me in the SB and I jam into his QQ :)  gg

    Think all the MTTs combined came to about £20

    As you can see above, I also qualified into the SPT Quarter again, first try so for £2.30 but no such luck there. That game is SO slow it's unbelievable, speed it up a bit imo, seriously like 24 runners and it must have took at least an hour to lose 3 people. Eventually blinds increased and I 3bet jammed TT into JJ, left me with a bowl. Spun it up a bit but didn't go anywhere and finished about 18th out of 24.

    Played a load of HU SnGs earlier which covered a few of my BIs cos I'm only down £10 despite the £20 of MTTs. Also got my 50 golden tickets locked up ;)

    Bankroll: £603.12
    Poker Points: 1646  (£16.46)
  • HotwhealsHotwheals Member Posts: 337
    edited February 2013
    Great read m8, keep up the good work. :)
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited February 2013
    Cheers Hotwheals :)

    I'm taking a few days off poker, don't worry it's nothing to do with running bad or anything, I've just played a lot of poker recently, can't remember the last day I haven't played tbh.

    BUT being the nit I am, I can't turn down a chance at free moniezz (or TVs/Laptops etc) so today and yesterday I've just been playing enough HU SnGs to get 50 points for the 50 golden tickets and then I'm done for the day.

    Did it yesterday and it was a pretty horrible session at Hypers, managed to limit the loss to something like £20 so nothing awful.

    Today started similar, I posted a hand in Doh's diary actually (will post it here too), stacks in the Hyper were in my favour 930 v 70 @ 15/30, then I pick up AA.... somehow I lose the game! Sick times.

    But managed to turn it round, and make a few squid

    @ £5s I played 5 and won 5 (4 of which were the same oppo who was terrible and kept rematching)

    @ £10s I played 8 and won 5

    So in total made £39.75 and the 50 golden tickets. Not a bad hour's play :)
    Spangs Small blind   15.00 15.00 55.00
    Lambert180 Big blind   30.00 45.00 900.00
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    Spangs Call   15.00 60.00 40.00
    Lambert180 Raise   120.00 180.00 780.00
    Spangs All-in   40.00 220.00 0.00
    Lambert180 Unmatched bet   80.00 140.00 860.00
    Spangs Show
    • 9
    • 3
    Lambert180 Show
    • A
    • A
    • 9
    • 2
    • 9
    • 10
    • K
    Spangs Win Flush to the King 140.00   140.00
    Same again tomorrow please.

    Bankroll: £622.62
    Poker Points: 1758  (£17.58)
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited February 2013
    lol standard hyper play that inevitably leads to a loss, nice bit of profit though! us 4 need to arrange a sweat session soon.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited February 2013
    I know I said I was taking a bit of a break but Emma fell asleep on the couch and after tidying the living room I was just bored, didn't wanna watch soaps (which we'd normally do if Emma was awake) so fired up a few cash tables.

    Nothing too interesting except the one wierd spot that I posted in the clinic.

    All other big pots (there were only 2) went in my favour, just one hold getting it in 3way pre V shorties w/ AK v A3 v 8T and another where I raise KK, c-bet w/ top set and got jammed on by JJ... mbn.

    Finished +£31.93 for the session.

    Bankroll: £654.55
    Poker Points: 1785  (£17.85)
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited February 2013
    Well it's been a swingy swongy couple of days and I do have to report a loss but luckily 1 thing last night has made the loss a lot less.

    I've played a lot more MTTs over the last 2 days and have had a real mare. Got down to the final 8 of the £200 GTD (top 5 paid) and then did a slightly spewy jam which is in the clinic. Left myself with a bowl and finished 8th shortly after.

    Played probably 10 all in sats yesterday a combination of roller ones and £110 BH ones, failed to get past the first hand in any lol, so that was about £30. No qualms with that though, I'm obv playing them for a GAMBOOOL!

    Played loads of HU SnGs over the last 2 days too, but I really have no idea if I'm up or down on them tbh... either way it can't be by much from rough calcs.

    Saturday and Sunday sat down to play cash sessions but really wasn't in the right mindset to grind cash, both nights I lost a buy-in fairly quickly and just snap stood from all tables before I went into spew mode.

    I did qualify for the SPT quarter again from a first attempt at a micro but donked off jamming into AA in the quarter.

    Then tilt regged the £11 £1k BH last night, and it was the sickest (good and bad) tournament I've ever played in. First level of the tourney, probably 5 hands in, I get it in pre KK v QQ... and lose, not the best thing that could have happened given my mood at the time, left me with 100 chips @ 10/20. Somehow went on the sickest run of winning races until I was back up to 1500. Then get it in V a shorty (about 700 chips) with 77 v 22.... obv river is a 2 and I'm back down to a bowl.

    Another sick spin up gets me a playable stack again, I can start playing some pokerz again and win a few nice pots. Get up to about 12k which was 2nd in chips and I think it's 200/400 by this point. I raise A7s and get 2-3 callers, flop comes AK7dd, mmmmm love it lol... get it in V ....AK obv ;) and the villian (fellow squaddie) just happened to be like 3rd of 4th in chips so it was back to like 1000 chips so back to a bowl lol.

    Again, another sick spin up sees me back with a playable stack. After the 3rd spin up, things calmed down a bit, people playing very tight towards the bubble and FT bubble. I eventually get to the FT and I think I was 6th in chips but it was like 18k, 20k, 21k, 30k, 40k, 40k ish so I was in the running. Played very well on the FT imo. Can't remember how it happened but one guy busted in 6th. Then fellow squaddie (villian who crushed me earlier) got it in AK v KQ to get busted by runner runner flush.

    This now leaves us with 4 left and stacks are roughly 22k (me), 20k, 55k, 55k IIRC with blinds @ 500/1000. I minraise the button w/ AK, SB folds and guy in 4th place with 20k jams, mmmm.... wait I've accidently clicked myself away!!!! Quickly click 'I'm Back' and click call. Villian has AQ... Thank god for that! .... flop is AQx. GG me. Left me with a bowl which sadly I couldn't spin up for a 4th time and I finished 4th for about £75.

    Pretty frustrating cos one hold there locks up another like £30+ quid and gives me a real shot at going FTW which was like £200+ (with bounties).
    Lambert180 0 4 £48.40 + £28.36 Head Prizes 7
    Pretty sick game sometimes, definitely can't complain about cashing for £75 after being down to 100 chips in level 1, but then that's only courtesy of losing KK v QQ aipf. Really experienced both ends of variance during that game! And my BR would be alot uglier without that cash.

    Bankroll: £563.28
    Poker Points: 2089  (£25.07)

  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited February 2013
    nice cash m8 in the £11 bounty i`ve had a very swingy few days on cash also i`ve had my biggest losing day and my biggest winning day in the month in the last few days. My losing day was my own fault really got stacked with a cooler then a sick hand vs unknown where they limp called a 3bet with k5cc vs my ak k high flop and I lose and started playing like a maniac and got picked apart, but played yesterday recovered my losses and more and won an allin sat for the roller just crazy how things change so quickly.

    also what times you been playing cash because i`v been playin 10/20nl and I not seen you about aw well gl at the tables
  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited February 2013

    Nice cash Paul, good to see you sticking with it through thick and thin. Feels great when you turn a session round, making a great comeback in a tournament for a decent score. How many cash for points are you on btw? 

    Best of luck

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited February 2013
    Cheers Pat. Look at the bottom of my post Pat lol ^^^ 2089 points for £25 atm.

    Liam - I aint been playing much cash recently, mostly MTTs. When I have played it's been for like 30 mins I think around 9pm ish. I do try to play as late as possible to get some softer tables but can't really stay up too late cos I have to be up early.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited February 2013
    Very random but there is a rota for who is 'overlord' of the team mailbox for that week, they will distribute the emails and send round figures each day along with something non work related (funny pics, a quiz or w/e, something to inject some fun into the day) and the other week someone wanted to do a haiku. They then asked me to do one with the subject topic of foxes so thought I'd post it up. Bear in mind it was snowing a lot at the time lol.

    Freezing cold weather

    Lone foxes running homeward

    They won’t like the snow

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited February 2013

    I played the DTD tonight and it has not been finalised yet so be pretty gutted if this turns out to be wrong lol but I'm pretty sure I just won it!

    I got a 5th place in DTD1 and a 4th place in DTD3 for a total of £52.14. I also finished just outside the cash in DTD2 (31st I think).

    I dunno if you remember my exit in 4th place last night in the £1k BH... getting it in AK v AQ and losing. Well tonight in DTD1 with 5 left I got it in pre AK v AT and lose again which is pretty sigh to have that on 2 FTs 2 nights in a row. Can't complain too much, I obv ran good to get there in the first place.


    hollyjosh    970000    1    £104.76
    EBBERDON    0    2    £63.24
    MeloPete    0    3    £38.22
    Mollymook    0    4    £30.07
    Lambert180    0    5    £25.61


    rancid    229791.50       
    GatlingGob    192708.50       
    sick_swans    0    3    £33.80
    Lambert180    0    4    £26.53

    So I scored a total of 9 in the DTD and I think if I do win it then this week it will be free entry to the £33 BH which is a great bonus, especially as I'm wanting to play more MTTs.

    Bankroll: £602.02
    Poker Points: 2108  (£25.30)
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited February 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 4NL to 20NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 20NL within 12 months:
    Well I did start out with just my £20 deposit to get where I am now but had a bit of luck early on to get me off to a good start. A few years ago on 861 they used to give away 1 ME seat rather than 4-5 mini seats which personally I thought was a lot better. Most people can afford £5 anyway, especially a lot of the people who post into the show but not everyone can afford to be playing £30-£50 MTTs on a regular basis. Anyway, I won entry to the Primo soon after starting here and mincashed for £50odd which helped. I've played pretty much everything at some point or another. If you go back to Page 1 of this I was playing HU SnGs (Turbo ones) and think I had abuot £150ish when I started them. I have grinded my way up the lower stakes cash, if you go down the cash route I'd recommend 2p/4p until you get to about £160 then try some 4p/8p but be prepared to move down if things don't start well. Imo 4p/8p is just as easy as 2p/4p but obviously things don't always go your way even when the opponents are terrible so if you lose like 4 BIs (£32) best to just step down for a bit. The only thing I've never played loads of (surprisingly cos I think I'm quite good at them) is MTTs. In the last 3-4 years I've probably played less than 400 MTTs. If you're decent which you seem to be, then DYMs are a good way of building a roll as long as you can afford to play £3.30s minimum because anything below that is 15%+ rake and the edge is too small in the games to be able to beat that kind of rake and walk away with much profit. Alternatively you could play and I would recommend (in fact I did to someone else last night) playing HU SnGs. The rake is 5% on all games which isn't as great as some sites but much better than DYMs, you're still doubling your money same as a DYM but paying one third of the rake to do it (so the ROI is much better), playing terrible opponents and getting through games 10 times quicker. I think it's pretty easy to develop a style to beat the low stakes HU SnGs on here cos most people that play them are just SO bad. PM if you want for advice, or if you go on FB or Skype, I can play a few HU games and screen share with you so you can see how they play.
    Posted by Lambert180
    Cheers buddy for the response, really impressive you got your bank role up from £20.

    When i started the £58 quid to £200 challenge it was off the back of losing £100, rebought for £20 got it up to £120 in a week after 2 good results in BH'ers, withdrew £80quid, was back down at £30 odd pound got this up to £58 quid thought instead of playing eratic, big wins or losses, i'd stick to not withdrawing / depositing money and just be a lot more consistant. 4 tabling at the 2p 4p table it's easy enough to win just by picking the right spots. Tho it became a bit mechanical, so i've stopped playing as much cash now, going to try and play tournies when i get the chance.

    The best game for me is the tournies, i love getting a deep run and going far, since ive started this challenge tho its not been happening. Quite like the DYMs for a laugh, but like you said the rake is massive at the lower limits.

    Had a go at HU games at the £1 level, i found it really difficult compared to how i would normally play.

    Would love a game sometime, i'll send you a message through here if your up for a game:D
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited February 2013

    Nice! Brilliant result, hope you bring it down.

    Nice profit and free entry, on fire

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited February 2013
    Cheers Larson. Yeah there is no better feeling than going really deep in an MTT. Yeh let me know if you fancy playing a couple.

    Just a quick update from today, I haven't played any poker apart from the freeroll Blandy set up for everyone who took part in that FA Cup HU Tourney thing. It was a really interesting format and made for some interesting dynamics.

    I got the 3rd biggest cash of the night for £22.12 which is great for a bit of free fun :)

    Bankroll: £624.14
    Poker Points: 2108  (£25.30)
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited February 2013
    Played the ME and mini tonight both from free entries and both played like a complete donkey, so got nothing out of them, what a waste - free poker points though ;)

    Only other bit of poker today and yesterday was that I completed level 1 + 2 of the DYM challenge so my BR has went up a smidge.

    I've finally had my ID verification thing sorted with a well known french site. I'd been given $10 free on another site, spun that up to $40 over the past few weeks but that site is rubbish so now that I've paid enough rake to allow me to withdraw, I've took the lot and stuck it on the french site.

    Played a little on there, played 1 x 18man SnG and won it, only like 1e to win 6.50e ish. Played a 2e rebuy tonight with about 290 runners (top 42 paid). Had a very decent stack after the bubble burst (top 10) but clashed with a fellow top 10 player to go for a big stack, got it in on the turn and didn't hit my OESD or FD. Left me with 5k @ 700/1400 which I spun up but eventually bust in 31st which covered my doublestack at the start + addon with a small profit left over.

    Good start there anyway.

    Bankroll: £624.14
    Poker Points: 2146  (£25.75)
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