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Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------



  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited April 2013
    Why would u ever jam 28bb here can u not play poker....

    Seems very standard to me raise get in, just win flip next time think u played it fine

    Sounds like could have gone either way but good run still, better luck next time cheers for the report
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited April 2013
    you would not jam 28bbs wae jj+ so jamming 28bbs just looks like you are not comfortable playing the flop and your range hands would be like 66-10s,ak,aq,aj and also when you get called most of these hands will be in bad shape imo.

    think me personally raise to around 5k+ and call it off if shipped like others have said.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited April 2013
    Standard Lambo, was supposed to be a night off cash but I bust my MTTs so early, I decided to play some.

    Played the £2.20 rebuy £400 GTD - It got 92 runners, and I was doing great the whole way, was down to 18 and I was chip leader (stacks are shallow in this though), 12 get paid, £120 FTW, I lose 2 flips within 3 mins and end up finishing in 14th. Hate them kinda finishes, rather go out first than runbad near the bubble and bust. On the upside, I went outside for a smoke on the break, and I'd forgot it was the add-on break too lol, so saved £2.20 there ;)

    Played the ME and mini, doubled up fairly early in the ME, not all in one go, just a collection of picking off small pots. Then managed to bust just before 9pm, was feeling pretty sigh and wasn't doing great in the Mini anyway so ended up doing a questionable  (lol) 3bet ship with 96s BB v a BTN open, called by 7s and lost.

    So that's £20.90 down on MTTs.

    Loaded up 6 cash tables and ran pretty sick, just constant sets, smashing flops, getting paid, loads of premium pairs. The only time I can recall losing with a premium pair was when someone flopped a set V my AA. I did also lay a pretty sick cooler on someone, how disgusting is this river for the villian....
    Lambert180 Small blind
    £0.15 £0.15 £58.61
    moomin13 Big blind   £0.30 £0.45 £29.15
      Your hole cards
    • 9
    • 7
    X Call   £0.30 £0.75 £28.40
    stacker59 Fold        
    argo Call   £0.30 £1.05 £38.12
    Lambert180 Call   £0.15 £1.20 £58.46
    moomin13 Check        
    • K
    • 10
    • 9
    Lambert180 Check        
    moomin13 Check        
    X Check        
    argo Check        
    • 9
    Lambert180 Bet   £0.75 £1.95 £57.71
    moomin13 Fold        
    X Call   £0.75 £2.70 £27.65
    argo Fold        
    • 7
    Lambert180 Bet   £6.80 £9.50 £50.91
    X All-in   £27.65 £37.15 £0.00
    Lambert180 Raise   £41.70 £78.85 £9.21
    Lambert180 Unmatched bet   £20.85 £58.00 £30.06
    Lambert180 Show
    • 9
    • 7
    X Show
    • 7
    • 7
    Lambert180 Win Full House, 9s and 7s £56.20   £86.26
    Finished with a profit of £149.19 which is pretty decent for abuot 2hr 30 mins play.

    Bankroll: £1,741.30
    Poker Points: 5273 (£94.91)
  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,727
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 20NL to 50NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 50NL by the end of 2013 -----:
    how disgusting is this river for the villian.... 
    Posted by Lambert180
    Pretty disgusting!

    Obviously nice to be accommodated but what is the thinking with the open on the river, £6.80 into £2.70? I guess a flush calls off maybe, and you should really only be getting raised by worse if he has exactly what he did have, a smaller FH or they think your bet is way too bluffy. Would like to understand it, as my cash game is not great.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited April 2013
    Well it was opponent dependent and I'm pretty confident with a lot of their made hands if they'll call a 'standard' value bet, they'll call an overbet too. This move will work less often than say a £1.80 value bet, but then it only has to work about 30% of the time compared to the smaller bet to be good.

    Also think oppo is passive and there are so many hands he will just flat call with (trip 9s, flushes, 2prs) that he would be willing to call a much bigger bet with. Obv got super lucky here by taking him to coolerville.

    Something someone said to me ages ago is 'stop thinking people all make perfect decisions'. I agree it's a real push for anyone good to raise me here with worse, but

    1) that doesn't mean they're good and won't raise with worse.

    2) I want the max value when they just call (I wasn't expecting a raise)
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited April 2013
    I love the huge overbets with nut hands in random live cash games.
    We don't need to worry about being balanced in these and so many live players convince themselves it must be a bluff and call or even stack off.

    I'll never forget a hand where i completed in the sb with ace rag suited and backdoored a flush after it had been checked round on flop and turn
     I led out into the £5 or £6 pot for £60 and got shoved on by UTG who had checked every street with... AA

    I miss that game
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited April 2013
    sent u a pm Paul, feel free to block )
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited April 2013
    @Jac - sounds like a pretty good game :)

    @Rancid -Nah, no blocks, I'll reply to your PM in a sec.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited April 2013
    So me and Emma went to see Derren Brown's new show 'Infamous's last night. We went to KFC before it kicked off (cue JJ asking what I ordered...) which is always a good start to any outing :p

    He's asked for no spoilers to be given  as it will ruin parts of the show so I'll adhere to that, but I can say that it was a fantastic show. At one point he did want a poker player up on stage so asked any poker players to put their hands up, there was only about 10 of us but sadly I didn't get picked.

    Due to the 'no spoilers' thing I can't say too much but yet again Derren Brown doesn't fail to impress. I understand at a very general level how he does a lot of what he does, but some of the 'events' just left me speechless. Definitely worth going to see if you can still get a ticket!

  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 20NL to 50NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 50NL by the end of 2013 -----:
    So me and Emma went to see Derren Brown's new show 'Infamous's last night. We went to KFC before it kicked off (cue JJ asking what I ordered...) which is always a good start to any outing :p He's asked for no spoilers to be given  as it will ruin parts of the show so I'll adhere to that, but I can say that it was a fantastic show. At one point he did want a poker player up on stage so asked any poker players to put their hands up, there was only about 10 of us but sadly I didn't get picked. Due to the 'no spoilers' thing I can't say too much but yet again Derren Brown doesn't fail to impress. I understand at a very general level how he does a lot of what he does, but some of the 'events' just left me speechless. Definitely worth going to see if you can still get a ticket!
    Posted by Lambert180
    Go on then.......


    Go on then.......
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 20NL to 50NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 50NL by the end of 2013 -----:
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 20NL to 50NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 50NL by the end of 2013 ----- : Go on then....... and Go on then.......
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    It's not my usual, but I thought I'd go 'lite' and just get a boneless banquet box thing.

    Well I did say a very general level lol... but a lot of his stuff relies on the power of suggestion, and implanting ideas into people's heads. Like obv he's not a mind reader, he's just getting people to think what he wants them to. Obviously that only applies to some of his 'tricks', some of them I have no idea.
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 20NL to 50NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 50NL by the end of 2013 -----:
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 20NL to 50NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 50NL by the end of 2013 ----- : It's not my usual, but I thought I'd go 'lite' and just get a boneless banquet box thing. Well I did say a very general level lol... but a lot of his stuff relies on the power of suggestion, and implanting ideas into people's heads. Like obv he's not a mind reader, he's just getting people to think what he wants them to. Obviously that only applies to some of his 'tricks', some of them I have no idea.
    Posted by Lambert180
    He is totally amazing

    A lot of it is based on suggestion, do you find yourself being taken in by things on the way in to the event etc..
    Did you notice signs, colours,  music etc..

    Brown is a freak !

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited April 2013
    I thought I'd steal an idea for a diary topic that I saw an excellent player do must be at least 12+ months ago now. I'm sure he'll know who I mean if he sees this.

    People often say that poker books are outdated these days and while I do agree to an extent, they are still a great way of establishing some solid fundamentals in your game.

    So here is my very small collection of poker books...

    In order of when I got them...

    Winner's Guide To Texas Hold 'Em - This was the first poker book I ever got and I got it from my brother for Xmas when I was about 17. This is one book I can definitely say has slightly outdated parts to it, and does largely reference Limit Hold 'Em, probably because it was published so long ago that it was the game of choice at the time. Still has some very useful information though.

    The Theory of Poker - Very tough going in parts but I'd say it's a must-read for anyone that wants to take the game seriously. On my first read, there was just so much that I didn't take in and probably wasn't ready for at the time but a 2nd read through years later has made me appreciate it a lot more.

    Winning Poker Tournaments... Vol 1 & 2
    - Great books imo. They are essentially just a collection of HHs from 3 very successful online MTT grinders, explaining their thought processes throughout every hand. The 2 books combined deal with everything from the first hand of a tournament to playing HU ftw.

    Every Hand Revealed - Not a strategy book as such, and probably isn't going to improve your game a huge amount but it's very interested to get an insight into Gus Hansen's mind. 10/10 for entertainment value.

    Kill Everyone - The latest book to my collection, bought for me on my last birthday by Emma. Another really good book, again in parts it can be tough going and sometimes feels like there's a bit too much to take in when it comes to things like trying to work out basic ICM calcs in your head, but it's well worth putting in the work to take in the information.


    Next on my list to buy... Vol 3 of Winning Poker Tournaments: One Hand at a Time. Also The Mental Game of Poker 2 which will no doubt be worth it's weight in gold to anyone who has a penchant for playing their C game way too often.
  • timebomb10timebomb10 Member Posts: 202
    edited April 2013
    kill everyone is a must imo so is the pearljammer apestyles colab.
    read the 1st page of the post not the rest, just wondering how your progressing with the heads up sngs
    as i used to play hypers and break even point was about 53% due to rake which is dueable but teadiace.
    + why have you gone for the 50bi rule
    2 be honest its player dependant as 50bi rule would help if you where a lag but tite nit can push 20-25 buyins.
    i personally stick to 25 buyins and if i lose 5 i step down but yeah hope you get there if your not all ready there.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited April 2013
    Hi Timebomb,

    Yeah Kill Everyone and Winning Poker Tournaments... are both great books.

    I don't play HU SnGs anymore, I've chopped and changed the format I play ALOT since the 1st page of this diary, and have pretty much been through every game you can play.

    For the last probably 7-8 months I've been playing mostly cash, with the odd few MTTs chucked in. I dunno if you're talking about a BI rule for Hypers or cash...

    To be honest, I think with regards to BRM, it's mostly down to the individual to an extent, although if you wanna take the game seriously and stay in the game to consistently make money, then you need to be nitty with BRM. If you don't care about going bust, then within reason, really you can do whatever you want,

    FWIW, I aint a tight nit but even tight nits still experience downswings where AA never holds etc. Just in April alone at 30NL I've had a few sessions +£200 and a few -£200 (give or take). If I only had 20 BIs (£600), then losing £200 in one session would feel pretty brutal. I could always step down at that point, but if I can beat 30NL to the same standard I can beat 20NL then obviously we don't wanna put ourselves in a situation where we have to move down.

    Does also kinda depend on your mental abililty, some people will have £200, lose £50 in one night and can sit down the next night, completetly refreshed ready to play their A game again, whereas some will sit down the next night thinking 'I lost 25% of my BR last night, I HAVE to win tonight' and play badly. I'm somewhere in the middle of them 2 examples, and having a bigger BR means I find it easier to shrug off losses.

    As I move up to 50NL and 100NL, I'm gonna need to be even nittier with my BRM, and when/if I am consistently grinding 100NL and withdrawing regularly, then I'd want at least 150 BIs for the level.
  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited April 2013
    Hey m8,just catchin up with the read again.As I said b4 I dont post much on other threads,just like to read and digest what info I can and obviously post up on my own(now finished) thread.You're at a much higher level than myself but I can see the progression so easily in your game.Played you a fair bit in the old hyper days.Still do my head in lol.Keep it goin lad.All th best
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited April 2013
    Hi All,

    I was at my mum's again tonight. For anyone that doesn't know, I have a daughter that lives in Liverpool so I come and have her for the weekend on alternating weeks, so I stay at my mums on said weekends.

    Anyway, as I've mentioned many a time, I'm not sure whether it's a rubbish laptop, a rubbish internet connection or a combination of the two, but at my mum's house running 1 table is a bit slow and running 2 tables is so laggy it's just unplayable. As I can only play 1 table, I feel my time is better spent playing MTTs, so here's a summary of what I played tonight....

    2 x £3 all in sats for the £33 £4k BH - no success.

    £2.40 Frenzy for the £25k roller (2 rebuys) - no success (don't even know why I played this tbh, they're awful games.) So £7.20 total there.

    Late regged the Mini which was a pretty disgusting affair. When I late regged it was 40/80 so I had 50xBB. Very first hand I was dealt AA but my mums laptop was so laggy that I saw it, but the betting buttons didn't appear and I was  timed out before I could do anything. Fold the next hand, Then the 3rd hand I pick up QQ and get it in pre v 99 and AA, so that Mini lasted about 90 seconds.

    Played the £2.20 Speed Rebuy, love these games, great value, good money up top for small outlay, plus it's nice and quick. Finished up 11th out of 119 for £10.49 so made £3.89 profit. Was a good tourney tonight too with some good rail/banter because Emma ended up finishing 8th or 9th and GregHogg ended up winning it.

    Finished the night off with the £11 £400 GTD Freezeout. That was going really well, got my starting stack up to about 4.5k, then @ 75/150, I lose two races, that left me with 10xBB and before long it was sayonara Lambo.

    So that comes to a total loss of £25.81

    Bankroll: £1,715.49
    Poker Points: 5305 (£95.49)
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited April 2013
    @Paul - Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad to hear things are going well with yourself too (I do pop into your thread when I see updates)

    Now I've done my update for tonight, I just thought I'd let you all know that I'm going to be taking a little break from poker. I'm not sure how long it'll be for, but I'll be sure to let everyone know on here when I'm back. This isn't anything to do with running bad or anything, in fact this has been a great month so far, I just want to get my head round a few life issues.

    I'll do a little April summary now as I won't be playing for the rest of the month...

    April Summary

    Another great month for me, I started the month on £1,163.95 and will be finishing the month on £1715.49 so a total profit of £551.54. Roughly off the top of my head it's about £300 profit from cash and £250 profit from MTTs

    Didn't record a session, but it probably wasn't a good idea to try this on a Priority grind cos pretty much all of my sessions were like 6-7tabling and I was just too busy playing to be stop/starting recording.

    Finished no where near Priority, because I took the odd day off, then I had like 3 days off for TSP, and now I'm taking off the last week of the month. I did reach my highest ever points total of 5305 though which gets me just shy of £100

    Obviously, the highlight of the month, and actually the highlight of my entire poker playing life had to be getting picked by Tikay to be in TSP. It was a fantastic experience and hopefully I'll get the chance to take part again in the future.


    So I'm off for a little while, GL everyone and run well.

    P.S. I'll still be at SPT Birmingham.

  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited April 2013
    Nice goin m8. You,ve flown past me on the old BR front. 

    I took a week off but it ended up been almost a month with the odd exeption. Got into other stuff like reading and watching documentary films as you know from FB. I found it hard again to get back into it and have not even reached 250 pts this month, but aim to put more hours in next month as i,m getting the taste back for it now.

    Do you ever lack motivation sometimes to grind the hours you do and what advice would you give to combat it and keep yourself motivated. I know the diary thing helps but any other ideas to get into a routine of putting x amount of hours in while still enjoying it and playing your A game more consistantly?

    Enjoy the week off 


  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 20NL to 50NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 50NL by the end of 2013 -----:
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 20NL to 50NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 50NL by the end of 2013 ----- : He is totally amazing A lot of it is based on suggestion, do you find yourself being taken in by things on the way in to the event etc.. Did you notice signs, colours,  music etc.. Brown is a freak !
    Posted by rancid
    He did a thing a few years back where he asked a cpl of advertising guys to draw up a poster advertising something. He,d already drawn up his own advertising poster and it was pretty much the same as what they drew up. It was pretty amazing and then he showed how he did it

    As you have suggested he knew the route they were taking to the office where he was, so he strategically placed objects along the route ( where the traffic was slow ) to plant suggestions into their subconcious minds, like a big bear in a shop window and at a zebra crossing or traffic lights he placed a large group of schoolchildren crossing the road in front of the guys taxi all with jumpers on with a harp sign amongnst other things and sure enough these advertising guys ended up drawing a bear playing a harp for this advertising slogan. he then revealed his own drawing which was almost exactly the same. 

    Like you say - subconciously planting ideas into their head before they,d  even started. I belive he also uses illusion and slight of hand sometimes which he has taken years to learn , and putting all these skills togethor to create what seems almost like magic. Very clever tho

    Did anyone see the programme where he used a gun on someone? I still can,t decide if there was live ammo in it as there has to be a limit to the risks he takes. I understand he had to go abroad to film it as they wouldn,t allow it in this country. Still baffles me today, that one
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