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Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------



  • AJ_RocketsAJ_Rockets Member Posts: 66
    edited June 2013
    Thoughts on Martinez? Will he be able to take you to the next level?
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2013
    Imo, rightly or wrongly, it was always going to be Martinez btw. Meh, not sure Moyes could have even taken us to the next level if nothing changed financially. We are doing very well to consistently stay around the 6th-8th mark but really don't see how we can push on much further until we spend a bit of money. I'm not talking Man City style, but I'm pretty sure if you looked at net expenditure on transfers in the Premiership over the last few years, Everton would probably be in the bottom 5 (I haven't checked this).

    Alot of people have been a bit negative about Martinez but it's not like there is an abundance of world class managers, nevermind those willing to take on the Everton job, I'm happy to take a punt on Martinez.

    Btw, bit of a diary update, courtesy of a tip from JJ, I've decided to punt my £25 C4P on West Indies to take down this ICC thingy (I know nothing abuot cricket). Not really bothered about my C4P and JJ assures me it's massively +EV to be able to get 8/1 on this bet. This is actually my first ever sports bet... beginners luck plz

    £225 if it comes in... come on Windies!!! Can the West Indies be the ones to take my roll back up to £1k ;)

  • AJ_RocketsAJ_Rockets Member Posts: 66
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 20NL to 50NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 50NL by the end of 2013 ----- June's Grind to Priority:
    Imo, rightly or wrongly, it was always going to be Martinez btw. Meh, not sure Moyes could have even taken us to the next level if nothing changed financially. We are doing very well to consistently stay around the 6th-8th mark but really don't see how we can push on much further until we spend a bit of money. I'm not talking Man City style, but I'm pretty sure if you looked at net expenditure on transfers in the Premiership over the last few years, Everton would probably be in the bottom 5 (I haven't checked this). Alot of people have been a bit negative about Martinez but it's not like there is an abundance of world class managers, nevermind those willing to take on the Everton job, I'm happy to take a punt on Martinez. Btw, bit of a diary update, courtesy of a tip from JJ, I've decided to punt my £25 C4P on West Indies to take down this ICC thingy (I know nothing abuot cricket). Not really bothered about my C4P and JJ assures me it's massively +EV to be able to get 8/1 on this bet. This is actually my first ever sports bet... beginners luck plz £225 if it comes in... come on Windies!!! Can the West Indies be the ones to take my roll back up to £1k ;) #degen
    Posted by Lambert180
    A tip from dohhhh? bye bye C4P ;) Suppose it's not a horse tip so it may have a chance :).

    World class managers available for Everton? cant believe Steve Kean wasn't in with a shout. I hear he did a really good job at his last place...

    In all seriousness i'm not sure about Martinez. He was a good fit for Wigan but think that may be his level. I suppose we will see but at least he will keep the Everton tradition of starting poorly but finishing well. You cant argue with a man that took Wigan to the FA Cup final though and then took it down. In fact, the game against Everton in the FA Cup was one of the best performances i have ever seen (especially in the first half) so if he can get Everton playing like that it will be a great appointment. Time will tell.

    As you say though, the most important thing for Everton is finding the funds to bring in the right players. Does it look like he might get a bit to spend?
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited June 2013
    O man I want to be in the group )

    fwiw I don't think I own u that hard......

    yeah bye bye cap )
  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited June 2013
    Think I might have to deposit some rollage on sky to join in with the fun! you guys are finally learning how to 4bet bluff!  congrats
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 20NL to 50NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 50NL by the end of 2013 ----- June's Grind to Priority:
    Think I might have to deposit some rollage on sky to join in with the fun! you guys are finally learning how to 4bet bluff!  congrats
    Posted by percival09
    Think you best start out at 10NL though mate, ease yourself in ;)


  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2013
    Tonight was another losing session. I got completely coolered for stacks 3 times in the first hour and made 1 light call of a pre flop all in against a maniac and it happened to be the one time he had AK (I didn't get there) so that left me 4 BIs down very quickly. Then continued to have the most brutal session, just never getting a single easy spot for hours. Think I played really well, and made some pretty ridic laydowns that obv I'll never know but think were good (or I wouldn't have done them). I literally don't know how many times I value bet 2 streets with TP, villian C/C'ing with 2nd pr and then riving 2pr/trips in spots where I have to bet the river and just value own myself.

    Sounds just like moaning again, and I'm as sick of doing it as you probably are of reading it but meh that's the way it's going and not gonna only post when I'm winning. I had JJ diong a live sweat with me the whole time and he couldn't believe how brutal it was.

    I played for about 4 hours in total and things did start to change in the last hour, started stacking a few people and managed to cooler one of the best regs at the level (see below). Still a sick sweat when you're running like me, and are sat there just praying for him to not house up in a 470xBB pot
    BlindMan22 Small blind   £0.15 £0.15 £8.77
    kingcobr12 Big blind   £0.30 £0.45 £18.77
      Your hole cards
    • 9
    • 10
    rancid Fold        
    KKrippler Raise   £0.90 £1.35 £72.98
    Lambert180 Call   £0.90 £2.25 £66.15
    BlindMan22 Call   £0.75 £3.00 £8.02
    kingcobr12 Fold        
    • J
    • 8
    • Q
    BlindMan22 Bet   £1.50 £4.50 £6.52
    KKrippler Call   £1.50 £6.00 £71.48
    Lambert180 Raise   £5.00 £11.00 £61.15
    BlindMan22 All-in   £6.52 £17.52 £0.00
    KKrippler All-in   £71.48 £89.00 £0.00
    Lambert180 All-in   £61.15 £150.15 £0.00
    KKrippler Unmatched bet   £6.83 £143.32 £6.83
    BlindMan22 Show
    • Q
    • 7
    KKrippler Show
    • Q
    • Q
    Lambert180 Show
    • 9
    • 10
    • 3
    • 5
    Lambert180 Win Straight to the Queen £141.52   £141.52
    Things were getting a bit more 'normal' in that last hour and managed to win about £150 of pots in that hour. The massively sigh thing was when I stood from all the tables and found I was still -£81.28 for the session. So deflating after finishing so strong, but I still turned around what could have been a much worse session.

    The positive is that I did end the session on a high, running better, and played the whole 4 hours really well so hopefully more of that to come and a big turn around for the month could be on.

    Bankroll: £776.15 (+£24.22 of C4P)
    Poker Points: 1387

    EDIT: Sigh, they just posted the Cash Champ leaderboard, I know I have no chance against the top 10 players but 6tabling for 4 hours last night has took me from 17th down to 18th, and now I got 2 days off for SPT, so no chance of a top 20 there.

    Which reminds me... off to sunny Birmingham in a few hours :) Drinks + Food tonight, all ready to crush the SPT tomorrow... am I due some rungood? :p
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,126
    edited June 2013
    Gl in Brum Lambert.

    Not a rubdown.....but you now have 25BI for 30nl, so are there any plans to drop down to 20nl. I remember when you refused to move up from 10nl even though you had like 1000BI (slight exaggeration but you know what I mean).

    You were king BR nit and now you are aggro with your BR when the beats can seriously hurt....I'm sure you know what you are doing but would be a shame for things to go proper t*ts up in a couple of bad sessions.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2013
    Hi Waller,

    Yeah dont worry, I know it's not a rubdown lol. Back at 10NL I was definitely a massive BR nit, which isn't the worst thing in the world, but I could definitely afford to loosen the purse strings a bit.

    You must have missed it but I have mentioned a few times that I'll be moving back down to 20NL when/if I hit £750 which will give me almost 40 BIs, then will probably grind it back up to £1k and go back to 30NL. My C4P took me to £800 so I probably got 1 more shot @ 30NL before I gotta step down.

    Had a good chat with a very good player at SPT Brum, and I'm definitely not gonna do anything that is putting me at risking of blowing my roll or not being able to play at least 20NL.

    ***SPT summary to come now***
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2013
    SPT Update

    I got back from the SPT last night at about 9pm and it was definitely one of the best SPT weekends I've had for a long time. I got to meet loads of new Sky regs like RogueCell, Geldy, and Jac35 to name a few.

    Loads of us went for a curry on the Friday night, spent a few hours drinking in a beer garden then lots more drinking back at the casino until at 4am I had to call it a night.

    The ME on Saturday didn't quite go as well as planned but really happy with how I played. Couldn't get going at the start and dropped down to about 5k after losing a few small pots where I was out-kicked. Quick structure, blinds were going up so it was time to get a move on. At the time Geldy had been completely bossing my table so decided to take a stand against him obv...

    He opened, and I peeled JTcc IP, then Giant calls from the BB which is always worrying. Flop came 378ddd, Geldy bets, I click it back, Giant folds and Geldy calls. The turn is the 6d, so it's now 3786 (all diamonds), he checks and I have to carry on with the story and ship given it's like the most scary card in the pack, thankfully he tank folded 78 for flopped 2pr, so that took me back to nearly starting stack.

    Very next hand I raised AA and took the pot down with a c-bet. Very next hand I raised QQ and took the pot down with a c-bet again which took me up to abuot 8.5k just as we went on the first break. Can't remember many key hands for a while other than FlashJonny being short and shipping AT and me re-shipping to iso him with AK and knocking him out.

    I then got moved onto the 'table of death' with Adam Bromley, Scotty77, Slykllist, and Jac35, luckily for me Andrew1947 had been moved from the table before I got there. I was only there for about 10 mins before I saw the brutal hand where Ryan got it in (about 50xBB eff) with AA v Bromley's KK and the runout was QTxAJ.

    Hadn't won any big pots for a while but just picking up the odd small one and getting the odd blind steal through and had got up to 20k @ 300/600, I min-raise TT, a guy with abuot 5.5k ships with 66, I snap him off and he flops the 6. I can't catch up so drop down to about 15k just before the dinner break. Pretty sigh but still had a stack to play with.

    Came back from a very taste curry on the dinner break with the 15k @ 400/800, didn't do too much for a while, iso'd 1 limper and had to fold the flop and paid my blinds/antes. Found myself on 11.5k on the BB, folds round to Slykllist on the button who opens, I ship the BB w/ 22, he calls with AJ and I can't hold. Think I finished about 90th out of 205.

    WP Paul (Jac35) and Clare btw, pretty amazing to have two SPT debuts playing HU for the win.

    Best part of the weekend was definitely meeting Paul, Geldy and Clare for the first time, all really nice guys (and gals)
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2013
    Just finished a little session tonight, wasn't really a big grind, just had 2 tables of 30NL running for 3 hours while I was doing other stuff. Was going along nicely, nothing too funky, was a little bit up then got it in AK v AA about a minute before I was about to leave the tables lol, so finished -£1.42

    (got my C4P)

    Bankroll: £798.95
    Poker Points: 1435
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited June 2013
    Hi Paul 

    It was great to meet you and Emma
    You were unlucky when you came to my table. Nothing you could do with the situations you were in.
    Just hold in one of those pots and you would have been tough to play against with a big stack.

    Hope to see you at the next one.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2013
    You too Jac, look forward to meeting you again at the next one. Yeah did get unfortunate in a couple of hands but not much else I could do, and it happens sometimes.

    That'll be the last time people see Paul Jackson on the table draw and feel happy that it aint action jackson ;)


    Tonight, I couldn't be bothered with a big grind, and fancied a few MTTs so played the DTD. Didn't manage a cash in any of them. I flopped top two in DTD1, BD flush came in but we obv can't put 'em on that so that was my exit there. DTD 2 I don't remember the exit but came about 60th. DTD 3 I 3bet shipped TT into AA to finished somewhere around the final 30ish.

    On the upside I saw today that I managed to scrape a 19th place in the middle tier of the cash promo for £15. Shocked I got anything to be honest because I spent 2 days in Birmingham and hardly put any decent volume in on the other days, so can't complain. I did think the tiers were perfect for a 30NL reg this time because it only included 20NL - 40NL and practically no1 plays 40NL anyway so that's what gave me a chance imo.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2013
    Decided to play some MTTments tonight...

    £11 ME - bust JJ into QQ
    £5.50 Mini - don't remember the exit but pretty sure I remember it being unlucky.

    Played a £5.50 Timed Tourney and cashed for £10.50

    Then played the £11 BH and FT bubbled in pretty nasty fashion. Was especially annoying because I had a very decent stack and there were loads of short stacks still in, but just a pure cooler than I can't really get away from no matter how he plays it. Was just posting up the lobby thing and realised I came 6th... there must have been a shorter stack bust out the same hand as me on the FT bubble so it gave me 6th place, so I technically did FT... although I never actually sat down.

    Lambert18006£35.03 + £27.30 Head Prizes6 
    andymis Small blind   600.00 600.00 49502.00
    ACEGOONER Big blind   1200.00 1800.00 12041.00
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • K
    Lambert180 Raise   2400.00 4200.00 43800.75
    andymis Call   1800.00 6000.00 47702.00
    ACEGOONER Fold        
    • 2
    • 5
    • K
    andymis Check        
    Lambert180 Bet   3000.00 9000.00 40800.75
    andymis Call   3000.00 12000.00 44702.00
    • 2
    andymis Check        
    Lambert180 Bet   6000.00 18000.00 34800.75
    andymis Call   6000.00 24000.00 38702.00
    • A
    andymis All-in   38702.00 62702.00 0.00
    Lambert180 All-in   34800.75 97502.75 0.00
    andymis Unmatched bet   3901.25 93601.50 3901.25
    andymis Show
    • K
    • K
    Lambert180 Show
    • A
    • K
    andymis Win Full House, Kings and 2s 93601.50   97502.75
    So a small profit today of £39.83

    Bankroll: £848.28
    Poker Points: 1570
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited June 2013
    just a cooler
    i went out of the mini in 5th running my AK into AA - just ain't anything you can do about it
    but cash is cash and you must be pleased to have had a profitable day
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2013
    Firstly, I played cash the other night 30NL for nearly 3 hours, and genuinely don't know how but lost £40. Looking through my HHs, it doesn't even look like it adds up to -£40 but meh that's what my BR said.

    I also played 2 x £2.50 SPT Micro sats and got into the QF on my 2nd attempt. So got in half price but bust that quite early.


    Uuuuuuurrrrgghhhh is my feelings on tonight.

    I played a £2.30 SPT sat... dunno why they've lowered the price but it all seems to add up correctly so I can only imagine the first day or two of sats where actually charging more than the cost of the seat (or charging more rake than it is now). Didn't do any good there anyway.

    Played a £3.60 direct sat into the ME which didn't go well.

    Played the £7.20 ME Semi, there were 34 seats + cash for 35th, and I finished 38th, sigh.

    Then I decided to take a shot at it and just BI direct (which meant I obv bought into the mini too).

    Was super focussed and played really well throughout, obv ran well in some spots when I needed to. Got into the deep stages and was sitting 14th with 39 remaining when this hand happened....

    Just puke, why do I run so bad in MTTs! This pot is for me to go chip leader with only 39 remaining in the ME, by a mile the best spot I've ever been in during a ME on Sky.
    axle262 Big blind   1000.00 1000.00 26407.50
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    Lambert180 Raise   2000.00 3000.00 20636.00
    bigal36903 Fold        
    CharlieF29 Fold        
    TimmyRaRa Fold        
    axle262 Raise   5000.00 8000.00 21407.50
    Lambert180 All-in   20636.00 28636.00 0.00
    axle262 All-in   21407.50 50043.50 0.00
    axle262 Unmatched bet   4771.50 45272.00 4771.50
    axle262 Show
    • K
    • A
    Lambert180 Show
    • A
    • A
    • 5
    • J
    • 5
    • K
    • K
    axle262 Win Full House, Kings and 5s 45272.00   50043.50
    How does that even happen lol. Just so sigh.

    Lambert180039£34.82 + £40.08 Head Prizes2 
    Anyways, finished 39th with a couple of heads so was +£23.30 for the day

    Bankroll: £822.74
    Poker Points: 1783
  • WilhelmWilhelm Member Posts: 1,730
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 20NL to 50NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 50NL by the end of 2013 ----- June's Grind to Priority:
    Firstly, I played cash the other night 30NL for nearly 3 hours, and genuinely don't know how but lost £40. Looking through my HHs, it doesn't even look like it adds up to -£40 but meh that's what my BR said. I also played 2 x £2.50 SPT Micro sats and got into the QF on my 2nd attempt. So got in half price but bust that quite early. =============================================================================== Uuuuuuurrrrgghhhh is my feelings on tonight. I played a £2.30 SPT sat... dunno why they've lowered the price but it all seems to add up correctly so I can only imagine the first day or two of sats where actually charging more than the cost of the seat (or charging more rake than it is now). Didn't do any good there anyway. Played a £3.60 direct sat into the ME which didn't go well. Played the £7.20 ME Semi, there were 34 seats + cash for 35th, and I finished 38th, sigh. Then I decided to take a shot at it and just BI direct (which meant I obv bought into the mini too). Was super focussed and played really well throughout, obv ran well in some spots when I needed to. Got into the deep stages and was sitting 14th with 39 remaining when this hand happened.... Just puke, why do I run so bad in MTTs! This pot is for me to go chip leader with only 39 remaining in the ME, by a mile the best spot I've ever been in during a ME on Sky. Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance axle262 Big blind   1000.00 1000.00 26407.50   Your hole cards A A       Lambert180 Raise   2000.00 3000.00 20636.00 bigal36903 Fold         CharlieF29 Fold         TimmyRaRa Fold         axle262 Raise   5000.00 8000.00 21407.50 Lambert180 All-in   20636.00 28636.00 0.00 axle262 All-in   21407.50 50043.50 0.00 axle262 Unmatched bet   4771.50 45272.00 4771.50 axle262 Show K A       Lambert180 Show A A       Flop     5 J 5       Turn     K       River     K       axle262 Win Full House, Kings and 5s 45272.00   50043.50 How does that even happen lol. Just so sigh. Lambert180 0 39 £34.82 + £40.08 Head Prizes 2   Anyways, finished 39th with a couple of heads so was +£23.30 for the day Bankroll: £822.74 Poker Points: 1783 (£17.83)
    Posted by Lambert180
    Poker Gods teasing you with a totally innocuous flop. 
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2013
    Indeed. Saw the first K on the turn, and just thought 'meh, no way another is gonna come' lol
  • TPTP123TPTP123 Member Posts: 492
    edited June 2013
    hey dude, stay strong and fair play to you for being so honest in thread with how things have been goin for you lately, hope things work out and you ride the ds out. fair play to you for dropping down stakes as well... 

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2013
    Cheers, TPTP. I haven't actually had to drop stakes yet and still hoping it won't happen. I'm still hovering around the £800+ mark and I anit dropping to 20NL until I have £750 or less.


    As a bit of an update, I played the DTD last night which couldn't have went much worse, think I was like 2nd to bottom in the DTD league lol, so that was £5.50

    Today I played 2 x £2.30 SPT Micro Sats and got into the QF on the 2nd attempt. So got in cheap and I'm playing that now so updates (good ones hopefully) to come later... just took a small hit which dropped me to 18th out of 22, but we're still really deep and there are 6 seats + cash for 7th so still confident.

    Also played 2 x £5.25 HU SnGs earlier today after busting the first Micro Sat and wanting something to do before the next one started (and it's a decent way to fund my sats), won both of them for £9.50 profit so freerolling the QF ;)

    Bankroll: £817.54
    Poker Points: 1802
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