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Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------



  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited June 2013
    Lambert u don't need to listen to any of those comments.  Ur not new to the game u no how poker works and what a cruel game it is, u know ur stuff so it's fine. Everyone in poker has had bad dys when they have lost more then they thought there ability could ever warrant. Just keep calm and play ur A game ur come good. If I read correct and uv built ur roll from a 20 deposit then well played aswell. 

    What is all these about idcu??  I no there was an argument or somthing but what happened ? 
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2013
    Only just caught up with this after your comment on the leaderboard, Pretty horrid start to the month Paul but as you and others have said this is where being properly rolled comes in and does its job. Good luck turning it round and good luck at spt birmingham.
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 20NL to 50NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 50NL by the end of 2013 ----- June's Grind to Priority:
    rancid has never beat me on any cash table :)  you have had ya time running good think u should find another hobbie this is getting abit expensive people have sussed u out 
    Posted by IDONKCALLU

    I don't see you searching me out for value - but anyway you know where you can find me.
    For the record I  have probbaly played 3 pots with you in the last 2 years that I can remember - so you obviously must crush me when I am not looking.

    Or do I just take it as a compliment that you mention this soo much.

    Buy hey if you wanna call me out, I'll play HU anytime any stake upto nl50.

    welcome back !

    sry to hijack Paul...

  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,126
    edited June 2013
    Alright lambert.

    Sorry to see variance, is kicking you in the teeth atm, but (unlike donk) I think you are more than capable of pulling back. It may take a week, it may take a month or two but you will be fine.

    Just don't be too proud to drop a level if you have to (which I'm sure you won't be)

  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited June 2013
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2013
    Sigh, yesterday was another losing day, although only a small one and at least it ended on a high :)

    Played on both of the 20NL MC tables for about 2 hours and made a loss of £38.18. There was a 'table fish' that everyone seemed to be taking money off except me, cos he kept just getting there v me. This was the only big loss and imo I'm usually getting called by worse from this guy but meh
    Lambert180 Small blind   £0.10 £0.10 £39.40
    EvilPingu Big blind   £0.20 £0.30 £160.16
      Your hole cards
    • J
    • J
    bichasila Call   £0.20 £0.50 £20.24
    rancid Raise   £0.80 £1.30 £47.73
    ACEGOONER Fold        
    Call   £0.80 £2.10 £30.59
    Lambert180 Raise   £3.00 £5.10 £36.40
    EvilPingu Fold        
    bichasila Fold        
    rancid Fold        
    X Call   £2.30 £7.40 £28.29
    • 9
    • 7
    • 10
    Lambert180 Bet   £5.90 £13.30 £30.50
    X Call   £5.90 £19.20 £22.39
    • 5
    Lambert180 All-in   £30.50 £49.70 £0.00
    X All-in   £22.39 £72.09 £0.00
    Lambert180 Unmatched bet   £8.11 £63.98 £8.11
    Lambert180 Show
    • J
    • J
    X Show
    • 6
    • Q
    • J
    X Win Flush to the Queen £62.18   £62.18
    Then I played a few £5.25 HU SnGs with the beast that is RogueCell and she owned my soul... I won 2, she won 4 so a loss of £11.50

    Then at about midnight, I looked at the 30NL tables and for the first time in days, they looked quite good and weren't just full to the brim of good regs. Things went a bit better here, and would have went much better if I hadn't spewed off into LiamBoi's set of 7s. Despite that, I still managed to come away +£30.18 and any win is a win atm (even if I'm down for the day lol).

    Total of -£19 for the day.

    Bankroll: £868.24 (+£24.22 of C4P)
    Poker Points: 853
  • _ARAZI__ARAZI_ Member Posts: 549
    edited June 2013
    Just remember to stay focused mate and play your normal game.

    Dont try to force the win and it will just come along in time.

    Good luck.

  • sighcallsighcall Member Posts: 497
    edited June 2013
    just about the 'grind to priority' 

    dont put pressure on this and playing when you dont want to as the benefits of points are no where near the benefits of playing well.

    also because it is now weighted dont just take flips and look to getr money in the middle because of the extra points. like when u shove that turn are u ever ahead?
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2013
    @ Arazi - cheers, that's what I'm doing, I'll get it back don't worry, just maybe not quiet as quick as I lost it ;) But ya never know, I've had my fair share of +£200 sessions at 30NL, I'll just see what happens.

    @Sigh - Yeah I know, I was never really chasing points though, Priority really is just arbitrary figure designed to make sure I play lots, it was always just to encourage me to play more, not just to become some nit rakeback grinder or w/e

    The weighted contribution hasn't changed my game at all, it would be pretty stupid to make -EV moves to earn about 5 points which is equal to about 6p lol. I'll take +EV spots where I can find them and a few points isnt ever gonna make a decision change from -EV to +EV.

    As it is, Priority probably won't happen this month because I'm trying to be a bit more selective. I don't mind playing V loads of regs but I don't wanna do it when I'm playing no where near my best so sometimes table selection is stoping me from playing the 6/7 tables I would like to.

    RE: the hand above, yes I will be ahead a lot imo, that's why I did it lol. I mentioned above he was pretty fishy, and I had been on the table for a while and seen plenty of his light call downs. The very fact he has flatted someone's iso and then flatted a 3bet w/ Q6s should say alot. I only have £22 left and the pot is already £19, imo any bet is pretty much pot comitting barring a really bad river, and the board is already getting pretty wet as it is. I'm pretty confident that he never has QQ+ because was pretty straight forward and always looking to get these in pre, and he's paying me off here with a just bare 8, TP, any hand with the Ac in it and pr + draw hands like 89, 78, all of which I'm happy to get it in against with only 1 card to come.

    The 5 doesn't really help any str8 draws because 68 already had it on the flop, I'm certain he's raising the flop with a set, so I have to put him on exclusively FDs and 2prs on the flop and he's just too stationy and loose to do that imo.
  • calcalfoldcalcalfold Member Posts: 978
    edited June 2013

    Have no idea why you shoved.

    What worse hands are you expecting to call?

    Sure you can say he was lucky "getting there" against you. But the shove was bad play imo.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 20NL to 50NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 50NL by the end of 2013 ----- June's Grind to Priority:
    JJ Have no idea why you shoved. What worse hands are you expecting to call? Sure you can say he was lucky "getting there" against you. But the shove was bad play imo.
    Posted by calcalfold
    Read above ^^^

    We can't play the same against all opponents. Some are fishy, some are stations etc etc. This will get called by worse loads imo and there's very little he can have that beats me, but lots that doesn't beat me that will call.
  • calcalfoldcalcalfold Member Posts: 978
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 20NL to 50NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 50NL by the end of 2013 ----- June's Grind to Priority:
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 20NL to 50NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 50NL by the end of 2013 ----- June's Grind to Priority : Read above ^^^ We can't play the same against all opponents. Some are fishy, some are stations etc etc. This will get called by worse loads imo and there's very little he can have that beats me, but lots that doesn't beat me that will call.
    Posted by Lambert180
    I was wondering specifically what hands. You have already stated that you think worse will call. i did see the above.

    Also, if they are a calling station why not pot or slightly overbet the draw heavy flop? seems a bit backwards imo.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2013
    Ok, well he will stack off here with any Tx imo, and he'd probably get to the turn with 8T up to AT (obv a couple are 2prs), he also calls with any hand that has A clubs in it, and maybe K clubs at a push. He also calls with any 8x hands, there are loads of them he can have too.

    He's virtually never gonna have QQ+ and never sets, so it's 2pr, flushes, or hands I beat and I think there are far more I beat then I lose to.

    RE: over betting the flop, I guess that's possible yeh, but I don't know at this stage he has connected in anyway, and he's a station but he's not completely stupid. Once he calls flop, pretty obv he has some SD value or a draw. FWIW, I did go quite big on the flop
  • calcalfoldcalcalfold Member Posts: 978
    edited June 2013

    Cheers for the info, just wanted that break down to help me understand.

    Oh, and is that type of player going to be frequently seen at 20nl? 10nl can seem a reg nit fest some nights!

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2013
    I didn't actually tilt but that was the most tilting session ever. Was fully focussed, played like a boss for hours, doing really well, probably like +£90 but I wasn't gonna just lock up a win, I'd planned to play till later, the tables were great, I was playing well, so carried on....

    GII AQ v 88 against Rancid - lose
    GII AKs v AA against PokerKinga - lose
    3bet pot I have QQ on JJJ flop, I play it cute cos I know I won't get loads of action from worse hands if I go mental - villian has flopped the world w/ AJ

    gg, profits gone in 3 horrible hands.

    So banked another losing session, only £10.81 but this but just so sick to play really well, build up decent profit without having to win a race one, just constantly picking up small pots, then lost every single big pot of the night.

    Bankroll: £857.43 (+£24.22 of C4P)
    Poker Points: 1058
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited June 2013
    Last time i looked you,d flown past me with your BR

    It looks a bit to swingy for me. I know your trying to get up the levels and have some bad bts  but i wouldn,t rush it and get back to seriously thinking about BRM even if it means dropping down a level which is hard to do when you,ve been playing 1 level for a while or maybe mix it up a bit more and play more sats for MTT,s which you seem to do well at.
    Noticed a lot of ppl have picked you in their SPT fantasy teams as well

    GL with it anyway m8 and see you over the weekend

    EDIT You seem to playing against a lot of regs. I know you haven,t recently but i wouldn,t be posting to many cash hands on this thread as if i were on your tables i,d be studying them before playing you
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2013
    Cheers Paul. I do think I'm ok at MTTs but I hate MTT variance and the game I think I'm best at is cash. I have been practicing good BRM but at higher stakes the the swings will always sound bigger in terms of £££. Yeah dunno why so many people have picked me lol, I'm definitely due a bink though!

    I don't mind stepping down but obviously don't want to leave a higher level if I have an edge over most tables there and the BR to handle it, but if variance continues to kick me in the teeth, then I would be stepping down to 20NL @ the £750 mark.

    To be honest, I'm mates with a lot of the 30NL regs and have a Skype group where we discuss hands anyway. Plus, showing how I play a hand against a really loose bad player doesn't really give them any help as to how I'd play it against them cos I'm not just being a robot playing the same game for everyone.

    See you at the SPT.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 20NL to 50NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 50NL by the end of 2013 ----- June's Grind to Priority:
    Yeah dunno why so many people have picked me lol
    Posted by Lambert180
    good point,

    so i've unpicked you

    but hope you prove me wrong
  • splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 20NL to 50NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 50NL by the end of 2013 ----- June's Grind to Priority:
    Cheers Paul. I do think I'm ok at MTTs but I hate MTT variance and the game I think I'm best at is cash. I have been practicing good BRM but at higher stakes the the swings will always sound bigger in terms of £££. Yeah dunno why so many people have picked me lol, I'm definitely due a bink though! I don't mind stepping down but obviously don't want to leave a higher level if I have an edge over most tables there and the BR to handle it, but if variance continues to kick me in the teeth, then I would be stepping down to 20NL @ the £750 mark. To be honest, I'm mates with a lot of the 30NL regs and have a Skype group where we discuss hands anyway. Plus, showing how I play a hand against a really loose bad player doesn't really give them any help as to how I'd play it against them cos I'm not just being a robot playing the same game for everyone. See you at the SPT.
    Posted by Lambert180
    I don't really understand why you discuss hands with these people? You're good enough to beat the fish at this level without their help. It seems you are losing most money to these very people who are "helping" you. 

    I know a chunk of your losses is down to running bad, but not all of it.

    I suppose an advantage of discussing hands with your fellow regs can give you an insight into their thought processes and, in turn, use this to your advantage on the tables. But this doesn't seem to be happening, the opposite is.

    I may be wrong, but that's just my observation.

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2013
    Thanks Geldy!! :)

    Splashies that's not really the case. Firstly, I do alot more receiving than giving because they're mostly all better players than me, so tbh I'm probably getting a lot more out of it than they are. Plus I'm discussing hands with some other cash sickos like Percival who don't play cash on Sky or don't play my level so I don't need to worry about them. I'm well aware I can beat the fish at this level, I could probably beat the fish that are at 100NL too but the game imo isn't just about battering the fish... if I can't beat low stakes regs then I'll have no chance playing higher stakes regs later. Plus, I probably wasn't good enough to beat 30NL until I got talking to these people and going through strategy, my game has improved SO much since talking to them.

    Most of the money isn't being lost to these people, in fact the onnly hand in that list of 'bad beats' against someone I talk was v EvilPingu, and if I could win a 55/45, I'd be alright lol. Every other hand in that thread (except AA<KK which is just urgh) was played against random recs that I'm happy to play all day long.

    It's just variance and it's always gonna be swingier playing against other good regs. The reg that owns me to death is Rancid but he aint in the group so he has no advantage there other than being golden.

    FWIW, I should point out, when I said I'm mates with 30NL regs, I should have said that I meant good regs... there are plenty of players who are regs at the level but doesn't mean they're good regs.
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