In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- 20NL to 50NL ----- Target = 50BIs for 50NL by the end of 2013 ----- : I heard that was a pretty tough table! WP Rock! Posted by MattBates
Didn't really play much today, wasn't actually planning to play at all but took another £12 shot at a roller seat, 10 runners, 1 seat, think I finished 4th.
I was gonna call it a night but then I decided to see if there was an £11 BH going, the only one I could find was the Blizzard one so late regged that. Pretty shocked it only got 43 runners so the PP/payouts were pretty rubbish. Luckily I managed to take a load of heads before FT'ing and busting out in 5th.
Lightwood860001£79.55 + £52.68 Head Prizes5£16.91RyanC702£47.30 + £12.77 Head Prizes2 Moleman03£32.25 + £29.07 Head Prizes7 DivsDreams04£23.65 + £21.09 Head Prizes3 Lambert18005£17.20 + £35.64 Head Prizes8 So for the first time in ages I've actually made a profit on the day! +£29.84
Hopefully, this is the end of my horrid patch in MTTs and I can't start taking a few down.
Been a pretty sigh all round for a few days. On a non-poker related topic, I'm just feeling really disillusioned with the internet/FB/the idiots that populate this country. I never fail to be amazed at some of the wastes of flesh which inhabit this country that think they can say whatever they like behind the guise of a PC. Rant over.
It's also been pretty sigh time in my poker exploits too. I was at my mum's on Saturday night so was only able to 1table, it beggers belief how someone who can only 1 table still manages to fit in about 6 MTTs in 1 night lol but that explains a little bit about how long most of them lasted. Ran pretty terrible again, managed to run QQ into TT and lose again... that's like the 3rd time in the last week I've lost that exact hand match up, getting to be a nemesis of mine lol. The only tourney I got any money back from was a £11 BH where I didn't cash but got £11.35 of heads so covered my BI. Aint got the figures exactly but think I was about £45 down on MTTs.
Now I'm limited with what I can play when 1 tabling because I refuse to play 6max cash 1tabling, so I decided to play some more HU cash. Played 1 guy for a bit at 20NL (couldnt get a taker at 30NL) and made a loss of about £15 and then he left. TommyD sat down to join me so played him for probably not far off 2 hours. Was good fun and really got me thinking, made the odd good hero call (as did Tommy). Alot more post flop play than normal and not so many raising wars pre. I finished £40 down and the only all in pre hand that I can remember was a £40 pot of 88 v AQ which I lost, so very even otherwise.
Tonight I just played 30NL, cos this is what I really need to get back to, this is the game I feel I get make the most (and most consitent) profits from. 6tables of 30NL for 3 hours and made a loss of £26.60. Not a great start back to the tables, but I got it in pre w/ AK v KK when I really should have known it was only gonna be KK/AA, and then I got it in w/ KK v A3 and lost which is always pretty sigh.
Noticed a new reg on the tables tonight who was really giving me some trouble, but then I coolered him a couple of times towards the end of the session to get back alot of what he'd won off me.
So BR is a bit bleurgh at the moment, but I've mostly got myself to blame for that. Resigned to a small loss this month unless I can bag a nice cash session in the next couple of days, but it's no biggie.
u need to get back on the grind paul ya b/roll is dwindling away Posted by IDONKCALLU
Dwindling is a bit strong lol, I'm only like 10 BIs down for the month (not actually 10 BIs from cash but £300 total). I've probably blown the best part of £50 on **** all-in sats without a result and as you know, spent about £50 on roller sats which went no-where.Aint checked but think I'm still up for the month cash wise.
I've also won a £110 SPT seat, so really I could take that off and say I'm only £200 down, cos I'd have been playing regardless and I have won that seat/amount.
But yeah I definitely need to get back on the cash grind.
Well May sucked, but a big chunk was all my fault, due to tilt and poor game selection. I started the month with £1715.49 and am closing it out with £1403.98 so a total loss of £311.51 so just over 10BIs. Although I do have a £110 SPT seat to show for some of them losses.
The month was rubbish on every level, I played my B-game and was on semi (or full) tilt for probably 70%+ of my sessions this month. This was probably due to playing tons of MTTs, running bad, and obv not having the mental strength to deal with MTT variance. I blew £50 on £3 all-in sats (without 1 seat/cash), about £50 on roller sats (without winning a seat) and spent about £50 on getting my SPT seat.
I only logged a measly 11 cash sessions and 3 of them were short HU cash sessions. In terms of cash I actually finished +£28.87 for the month so lost £350ish on MTTs.
June Plans
So June is gonna be a big grind month for me, gonna play hardly any (if any) MTTs, and just stick to cash. At the mo, I can only run 6/7 tables on my laptop, so not gonna bother making any special effort for the Cash Champ thing as there are too many 12tablers that I won't be able to compete with but if I get some free money for doing my normal thing, great.
1) Make Priority (have a small prop bet with someone who thinks I won't make it, and nits gonna nit so can't fail that now)
2) NO all-in sats
3) Re-read The Mental Game of Poker and buy The Mental Game of Poker 2
4) Get my 2nd Hendon Mob flag @ SPT Birmingham. I obv only have a small amount of control over this, especially given the structure but ya gotta have some harder to obtain goals.
First session will be tonight. Gonna try to hammer it near the start so I can get ahead of the game for when I have to be away for a couple of days for SPT, have days off etc so I can comfortably coast into Priority towards the end of the month.
@Waller - Cheers mate, that is definitely the plan, will hopefully have been played at 50NL for 2-3 months by the end of the year. Then the bigger, 100NL reg before the end of 2014....
@Liamboi - Cheers, yeah cash is the game I beat more consistently so onna stick to that where I'm much more likely to lock up a winning month.
You've opened the door for me to brag here now lol... The Hendon Mob website keep track of any live MTT cashes in any like reasonable sized event... you won't get one for just your average old MTT down your local casino, but anything like an SPT, most tournies at DTD I think, GUKPT, UKIPT, EPT, WSOP, APAT etc etc. they all get logged and people just call each cash a hendon mob flag
I got one (link below) when I cashed at SPT Cardiff, and been chasing number 2 for a little while
Sorry, yaeh I did get your PM but I'm useless at replying cos it won't let me in Firefox so I have to open it up in IE (which I never use) and then reply and always forget. About to jump into the cash games now, but will reply!
Atleast you spent that on sats and got to a live event , think you would of wanted to achieve that out of the events you was trying to sataliette too. Im sure this time next month you would of had a profitable month, GL this month.
Yeah Robbie, think Mental Game of Poker 2 only came out about a month or two ago. They had Barry Carter on 861 to give it some publicity and give away a free copy or two.
Well yesterday was about the worst possible start to the month I could have imagined. I'm not gonna dwell on it too much, just a string of bad beats and a completely inability to ever 'get there'. Got it in w/ sets against overpairs and the like and didn't hold once... think the final straw was getting it in AA v KK and the door card leaving me drawing to 2 outs (which I didn't hit).
Pretty annoying, I went into that session feeling really good, completely calm and de-tilted but after 4 hours of just constant outdraws, I was feeling pretty tilted.
Question for you all... new player sits at the table, random rec, definitely not a reg, think first or 2nd hand of him being at the table he open shoves 100xBB UTG, it folds to us in the BB, we have JJ and are last to act, what do we do?
I called it off and got shown QQ. FWIW, I think JJ is borderline for this kind of spot, QQ is a snap imo.
Another interesting spot from the night that I'd like some thoughts on so I'll post it. I've never been in a situation like this before so it might be standard fold or standard call but in the 10 seconds I had to think I figured it HAD to be a call. I know we're obv gonna be against overpairs, 2pr, sets, flopped str8s, weaker FDs, and I guess some flopped flushes but I figure I still have a fair few clean outs to the stone nuts and felt like it has to be a snap when I'm calling £29 to win a pot of £121 (total).
I was up against probably the 3 best hands I could possibly hope to see and still couldn't get there
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Two Pairs, 6s and 5s
Pair of Jacks
Thoughts? Easy call? I felt like it was but meh.
Anyway, I finished the session -£222.96 so pretty bad start to my grind month, but still comfortably rolled for 30NL (imo) and will keep grinding on. At least I got nearly 400 points lol.
In the cool light of day, I do feel better about things and can find solace in the saying 'Bad beats are good, bad beats are how you make money in poker'.
Bankroll: £1,156.80 (+£24.22 of C4P) Poker Points: 392 (£3.92)
Well, I dont play 30nl so i dont know what the aggression factors are like.
But 30nl I never imagine a 100bb open shove being anything other than QQ/AA/KK/AK. But it is an odd one why would they open shove it? Perhaps as they didnt want to make a decision if an A or K flopped.
Unless you have notes saying they are a bit of an agtard. Its a sigh fold for me.
And the A9s. Totally see why you made the call, but I dont really like it. You have not put that much money in and are clearly behind at the current time since there are 2 other all ins.
If you are happy to call it off all in, why not raise the flop? then you are at least working with a bit of fold equity. Granted in this situation you would still end up in the same boat, but it just makes more sense to me.
Well obviously anyone that open shoves 100xBB is not exactly a great player. I feel it's not gonna be AA/KK very often cos people are usually happy playing these post flop and don't wanna lose the value when everyone just folds. I feel it's more likely things like AK and maybe 99-QQ (and just some random junk), hands which are pretty strong where they fancy a gamble but cba getting in tricky spots post flop. I do think it's a close one, and is always gonna be a high variance call.
As for the A9s, I've chatted to some people and seems like an easy call now. Don't see any reason to raise the flop intially, the pot is already big so I can easily get stacks in if I hit, and I'd prefer to keep it multi-way and not make people fold for when I hit. If I raise, I can't raise/fold and will often be getting it in HU when I'm the dog in the hand.
As played, I'm pretty much always going to have 9 clean outs to the nuts (twice) and am getting a great price on my money. Again it's high variance but it's a winning call with the price offered.
An interesting couple of hands there Paul, FWIW I reckon I play both the exact same way as your good self.
Overall sesh pretty meh but like you say its gonna happen from time to time(variance sucks). You've been hammering 30NL since stepping up so just an unfortunate blip...
Cheers Spanky, I'll be back on the tables tonight so hopefully can run a bit better.
In an effort to maintain some balance, and to show it wasn't all one sided and there were a few spots where I ran well, here was a hand where a whopper of an overbet worked a charm. Thank you Zeebo theory
(FWIW, would normally raise his limp BvB, dunno if I timed out or what)
Wowser!! This is NOT the start I needed to a big grind month! Last night was not good. Obv there's bits of bad play in the mix too but I have also ran unbelievably bad the last 2 days. Literally lost every single flip aipf which is probably like 10-12, constant set over set and when I'm not getting coolered, I'm getting it in good and just getting outdrawn instead. It's been such a brutal 2 days.
Not gonna post 'em up here, but was gonna post some in a thread on BBV just to vent. Either way, should be going thru some HHs with some other regs today and they can tell me how much of my play was aw ful and how much was just cruel
Lost a total of £278.56 so added to Day 1, that's almost exactly £500 in 2 days.
I got one more shot at 30NL with my roll, as I'll be stepping down to 20NL if I get to around the £750 mark, plz let the tables turn next sesh!!
Bankroll: £878.24 (+£24.22 of C4P) Poker Points: 637 (£6.37)
Saw the thread on BBV and not a huge amount wrong from what I can see, this is where your adherence to good BRM should pay off. Keep doing the right things and it will come good again, you just need to ride it out and as long as your BRM stays solid you'll still have money at the other side of it.
wow really sick start to month m8 ul just keep the head and be smart but you know what to do no point me telling you.
also I started thread last month I was down £360 in my the first 10 days off the month and felt I was never going to get out of it just playing and running awful. It was also the 1st month a started the month losing out of the last year keeping track of my results never started a month losing so I did not know how to deal with it,but a sky reg helped me out with some advice on hands and in general how to deal with the swing and boosted my confidence and ended up turning it round and having a very profitable month.
don't post here very often mate,but follow your progress with interest. unlucky start to this month,bit of an understatement. I know you will be fine as I know how strict you are with good BRM... nearly as bad as me. lol
keep your chin up mate as others have said. form is temporary...class is permanent. dev
Wow, nasty stuff m8, the ugly side of varience Saw the thread on BBV and not a huge amount wrong from what I can see, this is where your adherence to good BRM will be tested. Keep doing the right things and it will come good again, you just need to ride it out and as long as your BRM stays solid you'll still have money at the other side of it. Chin up, back in the saddle and CrUsH tonight Posted by Slykllist
I was gonna call it a night but then I decided to see if there was an £11 BH going, the only one I could find was the Blizzard one so late regged that. Pretty shocked it only got 43 runners so the PP/payouts were pretty rubbish. Luckily I managed to take a load of heads before FT'ing and busting out in 5th.
Lightwood860001£79.55 + £52.68 Head Prizes5£16.91RyanC702£47.30 + £12.77 Head Prizes2 Moleman03£32.25 + £29.07 Head Prizes7 DivsDreams04£23.65 + £21.09 Head Prizes3 Lambert18005£17.20 + £35.64 Head Prizes8
So for the first time in ages I've actually made a profit on the day! +£29.84
Hopefully, this is the end of my horrid patch in MTTs and I can't start taking a few down.
Bankroll: £1,501.65
Poker Points: 1971 (£19.71)
Rant over.
It's also been pretty sigh time in my poker exploits too. I was at my mum's on Saturday night so was only able to 1table, it beggers belief how someone who can only 1 table still manages to fit in about 6 MTTs in 1 night lol but that explains a little bit about how long most of them lasted. Ran pretty terrible again, managed to run QQ into TT and lose again... that's like the 3rd time in the last week I've lost that exact hand match up, getting to be a nemesis of mine lol. The only tourney I got any money back from was a £11 BH where I didn't cash but got £11.35 of heads so covered my BI. Aint got the figures exactly but think I was about £45 down on MTTs.
Now I'm limited with what I can play when 1 tabling because I refuse to play 6max cash 1tabling, so I decided to play some more HU cash. Played 1 guy for a bit at 20NL (couldnt get a taker at 30NL) and made a loss of about £15 and then he left. TommyD sat down to join me so played him for probably not far off 2 hours. Was good fun and really got me thinking, made the odd good hero call (as did Tommy). Alot more post flop play than normal and not so many raising wars pre. I finished £40 down and the only all in pre hand that I can remember was a £40 pot of 88 v AQ which I lost, so very even otherwise.
Tonight I just played 30NL, cos this is what I really need to get back to, this is the game I feel I get make the most (and most consitent) profits from. 6tables of 30NL for 3 hours and made a loss of £26.60. Not a great start back to the tables, but I got it in pre w/ AK v KK when I really should have known it was only gonna be KK/AA, and then I got it in w/ KK v A3 and lost which is always pretty sigh.
Noticed a new reg on the tables tonight who was really giving me some trouble, but then I coolered him a couple of times towards the end of the session to get back alot of what he'd won off me.
So BR is a bit bleurgh at the moment, but I've mostly got myself to blame for that. Resigned to a small loss this month unless I can bag a nice cash session in the next couple of days, but it's no biggie.
Bankroll: £1,379.76
Poker Points: 1422 (£24.22)
I've also won a £110 SPT seat, so really I could take that off and say I'm only £200 down, cos I'd have been playing regardless and I have won that seat/amount.
But yeah I definitely need to get back on the cash grind.
Well May sucked, but a big chunk was all my fault, due to tilt and poor game selection. I started the month with £1715.49 and am closing it out with £1403.98 so a total loss of £311.51 so just over 10BIs. Although I do have a £110 SPT seat to show for some of them losses.
The month was rubbish on every level, I played my B-game and was on semi (or full) tilt for probably 70%+ of my sessions this month. This was probably due to playing tons of MTTs, running bad, and obv not having the mental strength to deal with MTT variance. I blew £50 on £3 all-in sats (without 1 seat/cash), about £50 on roller sats (without winning a seat) and spent about £50 on getting my SPT seat.
I only logged a measly 11 cash sessions and 3 of them were short HU cash sessions. In terms of cash I actually finished +£28.87 for the month so lost £350ish on MTTs.
June Plans
So June is gonna be a big grind month for me, gonna play hardly any (if any) MTTs, and just stick to cash. At the mo, I can only run 6/7 tables on my laptop, so not gonna bother making any special effort for the Cash Champ thing as there are too many 12tablers that I won't be able to compete with but if I get some free money for doing my normal thing, great.
1) Make Priority (have a small prop bet with someone who thinks I won't make it, and nits gonna nit so can't fail that now)
2) NO all-in sats
3) Re-read The Mental Game of Poker and buy The Mental Game of Poker 2
4) Get my 2nd Hendon Mob flag @ SPT Birmingham. I obv only have a small amount of control over this, especially given the structure but ya gotta have some harder to obtain goals.
First session will be tonight. Gonna try to hammer it near the start so I can get ahead of the game for when I have to be away for a couple of days for SPT, have days off etc so I can comfortably coast into Priority towards the end of the month.
My will be a 50nl reg by the end of the year
@Liamboi - Cheers, yeah cash is the game I beat more consistently so onna stick to that where I'm much more likely to lock up a winning month.
You've opened the door for me to brag here now lol... The Hendon Mob website keep track of any live MTT cashes in any like reasonable sized event... you won't get one for just your average old MTT down your local casino, but anything like an SPT, most tournies at DTD I think, GUKPT, UKIPT, EPT, WSOP, APAT etc etc. they all get logged and people just call each cash a hendon mob flag
I got one (link below) when I cashed at SPT Cardiff, and been chasing number 2 for a little while
Sorry, yaeh I did get your PM but I'm useless at replying cos it won't let me in Firefox so I have to open it up in IE (which I never use) and then reply and always forget. About to jump into the cash games now, but will reply!
Atleast you spent that on sats and got to a live event , think you would of wanted to achieve that out of the events you was trying to sataliette too. Im sure this time next month you would of had a profitable month, GL this month.
Well yesterday was about the worst possible start to the month I could have imagined. I'm not gonna dwell on it too much, just a string of bad beats and a completely inability to ever 'get there'. Got it in w/ sets against overpairs and the like and didn't hold once... think the final straw was getting it in AA v KK and the door card leaving me drawing to 2 outs (which I didn't hit).
Pretty annoying, I went into that session feeling really good, completely calm and de-tilted but after 4 hours of just constant outdraws, I was feeling pretty tilted.
Question for you all... new player sits at the table, random rec, definitely not a reg, think first or 2nd hand of him being at the table he open shoves 100xBB UTG, it folds to us in the BB, we have JJ and are last to act, what do we do?
I called it off and got shown QQ. FWIW, I think JJ is borderline for this kind of spot, QQ is a snap imo.
Another interesting spot from the night that I'd like some thoughts on so I'll post it. I've never been in a situation like this before so it might be standard fold or standard call but in the 10 seconds I had to think I figured it HAD to be a call. I know we're obv gonna be against overpairs, 2pr, sets, flopped str8s, weaker FDs, and I guess some flopped flushes but I figure I still have a fair few clean outs to the stone nuts and felt like it has to be a snap when I'm calling £29 to win a pot of £121 (total).
I was up against probably the 3 best hands I could possibly hope to see and still couldn't get there
Anyway, I finished the session -£222.96 so pretty bad start to my grind month, but still comfortably rolled for 30NL (imo) and will keep grinding on. At least I got nearly 400 points lol.
In the cool light of day, I do feel better about things and can find solace in the saying 'Bad beats are good, bad beats are how you make money in poker'.
Bankroll: £1,156.80 (+£24.22 of C4P)
Poker Points: 392 (£3.92)
But 30nl I never imagine a 100bb open shove being anything other than QQ/AA/KK/AK. But it is an odd one why would they open shove it? Perhaps as they didnt want to make a decision if an A or K flopped.
Unless you have notes saying they are a bit of an agtard. Its a sigh fold for me.
And the A9s. Totally see why you made the call, but I dont really like it. You have not put that much money in and are clearly behind at the current time since there are 2 other all ins.
If you are happy to call it off all in, why not raise the flop? then you are at least working with a bit of fold equity. Granted in this situation you would still end up in the same boat, but it just makes more sense to me.
As for the A9s, I've chatted to some people and seems like an easy call now. Don't see any reason to raise the flop intially, the pot is already big so I can easily get stacks in if I hit, and I'd prefer to keep it multi-way and not make people fold for when I hit. If I raise, I can't raise/fold and will often be getting it in HU when I'm the dog in the hand.
As played, I'm pretty much always going to have 9 clean outs to the nuts (twice) and am getting a great price on my money. Again it's high variance but it's a winning call with the price offered.
Just stoved it and in this particular scenario:
A9 (me) wins 31%
56 wins 38%
7T wins 19%
JJ wins 10%
So roughly speaking 2 times I put in £29 and lose so (-£58)
1 time I put in £29 and win £121 (+£92)
Overall sesh pretty meh but like you say its gonna happen from time to time(variance sucks). You've been hammering 30NL since stepping up so just an unfortunate blip...
Run better out there, GL
In an effort to maintain some balance, and to show it wasn't all one sided and there were a few spots where I ran well, here was a hand where a whopper of an overbet worked a charm. Thank you Zeebo theory
(FWIW, would normally raise his limp BvB, dunno if I timed out or what)
Not gonna post 'em up here, but was gonna post some in a thread on BBV just to vent. Either way, should be going thru some HHs with some other regs today and they can tell me how much of my play was aw ful and how much was just cruel
Lost a total of £278.56 so added to Day 1, that's almost exactly £500 in 2 days.
I got one more shot at 30NL with my roll, as I'll be stepping down to 20NL if I get to around the £750 mark, plz let the tables turn next sesh!!
Bankroll: £878.24 (+£24.22 of C4P)
Poker Points: 637 (£6.37)
Saw the thread on BBV and not a huge amount wrong from what I can see, this is where your adherence to good BRM should pay off. Keep doing the right things and it will come good again, you just need to ride it out and as long as your BRM stays solid you'll still have money at the other side of it.
Chin up, back in the saddle and CrUsH tonight
don't post here very often mate,but follow your progress with interest.
unlucky start to this month,bit of an understatement.
I know you will be fine as I know how strict you are with good BRM...
nearly as bad as me. lol
keep your chin up mate as others have said.
form is temporary...class is permanent.