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Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------



  • DonttelmumDonttelmum Member Posts: 1,921
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards:
    Sorry to jump in your thread Paul, but noticed most of the Regs post in here and i was looking for some help. As Sky Pokers HH's cannot be imported into PT4, what software (if any) do you guys use for: Graphs (Hands vs Profit + Rakeback) Hand History Replayers? HUDs? Hope you dont mind Paul, but as it seems i may be starting to play a lot more cash over here i figured it would be ok to ask (and some of Regs will reveal yourselves also haha) PS - Donttelmum runs abso Golden, like ALL THE TIME!! Thanks Dann
    Posted by iGoWeeWee
    If you phone Rupert Murdoch and ask him to switch you golden leaver to 'on' you will be sure to experience the same enjoyment at the tables.

    Good luck :)
  • iGoWaWaiGoWaWa Member Posts: 105
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards:
    No worries Dann, stops it being so boring when people ask stuff. In short, there's not much you can use really. HUDs are a complete no-go, hand history replayers as far as I know are a complete no-go. The only way you can keep records is by keeping your own spreadsheet (I can send you a copy of the one I use if you want). Or you can use  to track all your sessions and that site will create all the graphs/stats for you. It does mean you have to enter all the details yourself at the end of the session like and there's no way of knowing (without a ton of manual counting) how many hands you've played in a session so I just go with an estimate that it's virtually always around the 80 hands per hour mark 6max online. Yeah DTM seems to run quite well lol. Since you're here now.... any plans to play some of upcoming live tours like the UKIPTs at DTD or this new Sky UKPC thing at DTD? Is that secretly why you joined, so you could grind the SKY UKPC sats here? :p
    Posted by Lambert180
    Hmmm that may have been one of the reasons!!!  Haha, tbh ive always thought about dabbling but hated the software.  ust checked out the new updates and its a lot better imo.  I dont have a roll or anything atm on the site but will be probably shifting a wedge over to play lots more cash, so lots of free ££ on the NL20 tables to start!!!  Just al you regs be gentle!

    Ill deffo be playing sats for SPT UK thingy and UKIPT, obv heavily involved in all the APAT stuff, as well as trying to get myself on other tours more regular.

    I have a revolving BR onDTD to aid that though. The cycle is:

    Win money at cash > Use for Sats > Bink seat and repeat (just with a few live binks on the way!!)

    Keep up the Good Work sir, and if you can send me a link the your ss ill take a look and modify if needed (Manual stuff bores me but im a revision/study/info loop!!)

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited November 2013
    I only played 2 games tonight. A freeroll on DTD with top 5 getting a £110 seat, busted out of that by running pretty bad in every big hand. The worst I can recall, I open the BTN with AQhh, SB folds and BB 3bets small from about 30xBB (I have like 60xBB+) and I call.

    Flop comes A59hh... mmmm nut flush draw and TPGK, he check/ships, I snap, see he has 95o loool but meh I still have tons of outs, but brick them all. 

    Felt pretty tilted by that whole tourney, but had the UKPC Semi to play at 9:15pm so had to have my head sorted for that.


    Can I make it into the £1k ME for a fiver? Would be pretty siiick if I do. I'd have even technically got in for free, cos I've played a few sats so far, won money/seats in them all and took the cash.

    This was the major turning point pretty early on that set me on the road to victory. I had a pretty decent table except for one player.... Bearlyther was making my life a nightmare. Even in this hand it feels so puke when he makes a tiny 4bet but I'm just never folding there V him.

    TODDSTOOL Small blind  50.00 50.00 730.50
    jazzyj Big blind  100.00 150.00 2069.00
      Your hole cards
    • Q
    • Q
    bearlyther Raise  200.00 350.00 3730.00
    Lambert180 Raise  500.00 850.00 3866.00
    bedbug Fold     
    TODDSTOOL All-in  730.50 1580.50 0.00
    jazzyj Fold     
    bearlyther Raise  1200.00 2780.50 2530.00
    Lambert180 All-in  3866.00 6646.50 0.00
    bearlyther All-in  2530.00 9176.50 0.00
    Lambert180 Unmatched bet  436.00 8740.50 436.00
    • 9
    • 9
    bearlyther Show
    • 10
    • 10
    Lambert180 Show
    • Q
    • Q
    • J
    • 6
    • K
    • 8
    • 4
    Lambert180 Win Pair of Queens 8740.50  9176.50

    bedbug 20864.50 1 Entry to £500K UKPC Final
    Lambert180 17834.50 2 Entry to £500K UKPC Final
    jakally 16522.50 3 Entry to £500K UKPC Final
    daiw 16229.50 4 Entry to £500K UKPC Final
    Jonesy1066 15832.50 5 Entry to £500K UKPC Final
    Nutter5932 8716.50 6 Entry to £500K UKPC Final
    RossMc 0 7 £96
  • foldUfairyfoldUfairy Member Posts: 148
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards:
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards : If you phone Rupert Murdoch and ask him to switch you golden leaver to 'on' you will be sure to experience the same enjoyment at the tables. Good luck :)
    Posted by Donttelmum
    Don't be selfish DTM, PM me the numba :P
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited November 2013
    Nice result - Should be a great tourney

    " where the best value is etc."

    Just wondering what stratetgys or in which ways do you find this info out as i find myself going from site to site and looking in all the lobbys which can take forever. Is there a quicker way?

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards:
    Nice result - Should be a great tourney "   where the best value is etc." Just wondering what stratetgys or in which ways do you find this info out as i find myself going from site to site and looking in all the lobbys which can take forever. Is there a quicker way? P
    Posted by MP33
    There is no quick way really, guess it's just a case of experience. The more you grind a particular game at various different times, it doesn't take long to find out what times are softer etc. Generally cash is always gonna be better value at night and the MTTs I play are pretty much very soft no matter what time I play, so just makes sense for instance to play cash when it's good, and MTTs when cash isn't so good or whatever.
  • chicknMeltchicknMelt Member Posts: 1,159
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards:
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards : There is no quick way really, guess it's just a case of experience. The more you grind a particular game at various different times, it doesn't take long to find out what times are softer etc. Generally cash is always gonna be better value at night and the MTTs I play are pretty much very soft no matter what time I play, so just makes sense for instance to play cash when it's good, and MTTs when cash isn't so good or whatever.
    Posted by Lambert180
     do you ever play cash and tourneys at the same time? 
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards:
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards :  do you ever play cash and tourneys at the same time? 
    Posted by chicknMelt
    Yes, pretty much every single session.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited November 2013
    Speaking of cash and MTTs at the same time. That's what I did again this morning and just finished up.

    Pretty sigh morning for sats (which I'm now playing for cash), was crushing another £5.70 UKPC direct sat into the £52 then went completely card dead HU (only 1 seat on offer)... like card dead even by HU standard, I got dealt 42o and 52o about 5 times in the space of 10 hands and it's pretty tough to do anything but fold when stacks are 10xBB eff. Bubbled that anyway K8 < AQ.

    Played a £2.50 Micro into the £11.50 (1in5), finished 1 off the bubble.

    Played a £1.30 Micro into the £11.50 (1in10), not sure where I finished but didn't get close.


    Action on the cash tables this morning was pretty rubbish and it was a struggle to even get a seat so ended up playing a few HU SnGs alongside the few tables I could get going.

    Played 2 x £5 and lost both =   -£10.50
    Played 13 x £10 and won 8  =   +£23.50

    So total profit of £13 from the HU games which recoups the £9.50 I spent on failed satellites.


    Finally cash, couldn't get many games going as I said but still got 3 hours in (ish) and finished with another epiiiiiiccc profit of +£1 lol.

    A win is a win though, I'll never complain about winning £££.
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited November 2013
    I asked you a qn in a thread a while back but don't know what thread it was and if you answered it: Do you think you have a big edge then playing satellites? I'm really not a huge fan of them because I believe my time spent playing them could be better spent playing something else (such as Cash)

    I mean I can understand playing the final/semi satellite into the UKPC because the money is still pretty significant and is equivalent of more than a couple BI's at the cash level I play. But playing a satellite where you only win half a BI of the lowest level of cash that you play? Not too sure how long these tournaments take but I think if we don't play them and have an extra table of cash we'll be making more money doing so.

    Or is it just to add some variety into the daily grind of cash? :)

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited November 2013
    Sigh, wrote a long reply to this and got timed out... literally lost count how many times that has happened now!!!!

    Ok so yeah I think my edge is pretty big in these games cos their quite fast and people just fold WAY too often and wait too long til they get to the stage where they feel they need to get it in, so short of walking into a monster, you can build up a pretty big stack in the mid stages without even seeing a flop most of the time, certainly not a turn. 

    My 'edge' is increased in terms of ROI by the fact a lot of these games are getting quite alot of overlay atm. Admittedly, of all the games, the £2.50 into the £11.50 is probably the worst value (or the least good value). I prefer the 1in10 ones as they're so top heavy so the £1.30s into £11.50 but more the £5.70s into £52s which I think are great value especially with all the overlay. FWIW, my plan for grinding the sats is to grind my £2.50/£5 up to taking the cash from the £240 level so it's a decent return which only involves winning 2 x sats from the £5.70s.

    FWIW, they are very quick, they're usually 3 min blinds and get <10 runners so get through them very quick, that's why I wanted more but as it is now, you're lucky if there's like 1 an hour running.

    I usually only play these in the mornings because as I said at times it can be a struggle getting as many tables open as I'd like. For instance this morning there were no empty seats, I got on 2-3 tables via waiting lists and started up a new 20NL table, a new 20NL MC table and a new 30NL table.... 30 mins later I was still sat on my own on all 3 of them. Imo playing 2-3 tables is a waste of my poker playing time so I loaded up some HU SnGs and some MTTs/sats. It's one of the things I'm quite happy about in that I'm a winner at all formats so can turn my hand to any of them when needed. The only games I've never put much volume in at are DYMs but I'm sure I could beat them at a low/mid BI level. 

    It is also nice to have some variety :)
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited November 2013
    Meh, obv used up all my rungood to get through that UKPC Semi the other night.

    Only played a few tournies tonight, just more of a chilled 'night off' and back to cash grind tomorrow night but they all went pretty rubbish.

    Was quite far into the DTD freeroll and got it in pre AA v 55 for a really healthy stack for the late stages, but a 5 on the river put an end to that.

    Took a big knock early in the ME with the nut flush against someone that rivered a FH, luckily he was quite short so I didn't bust I was just left with 800 chips, managed to spin it back up to about 1800 @ 40/80, then got it in pre q/ QQ v KK.

    Mini exit was a bit more 'dodgy' but I know how light people love to get it in pre in the Mini BHs and blinds had gone up a bit, so got it in pre w/ AJs v QQ. Flopped a jack but that was my only help so left with £1.88 of heads.

    Only thing I got going now is the £2.20 speed rebuy, used to love this tourney but aint played it for ages so thought I'd give it a whirl. Usually gets like £120+ up top so not be sniffed at.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited November 2013
    Meh another epic fail there. Everything was going very well, until @ 150/300 I raised with KK, someone peeled A5o, and it came 234r lol gg.

    Somehow missed the add-on as well which was really annoying but prob saved me £2.20 ;)

    the ME, Mini and rebuy (minus my head in the mini) comes to a total of -£19.02
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited November 2013
    Sounds like a bumpy day Paul. Glad someone agrees with me on the 3 min sats btw, always felt i was banging my head against a brick wall at times theyve been critised for having "no skill edge" 100% would agree they are beatable. 

    When you say yopur planning to take the money at the £240 level, i assume you will try and qualify at a later date for the ukpc? 
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards:
    Sounds like a bumpy day Paul. Glad someone agrees with me on the 3 min sats btw, always felt i was banging my head against a brick wall at times theyve been critised for having "no skill edge" 100% would agree they are beatable.  When you say yopur planning to take the money at the £240 level, i assume you will try and qualify at a later date for the ukpc? 
    Posted by The_Don90
    Well I'm trying to lock up my seat for the UKPC as soon as possible. I'm in the £240 game now (I assume you saw that on FB) which will be played on Sunday and hopefully that will be me sorted so pressure is off.

    What I meant was, while I'm already regged for the Sunday £240, the days leading up to that (this week) I'm going to try to win entry into that £240 again through £2s/£5s etc. to try and pocket the £240.

    Hopefully I win the seat on Sunday then I'll continue to play for cash, if I don't get my seat then I'll continue to play them actually for the seat.
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards:
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards : Well I'm trying to lock up my seat for the UKPC as soon as possible. I'm in the £240 game now (I assume you saw that on FB) which will be played on Sunday and hopefully that will be me sorted so pressure is off. What I meant was, while I'm already regged for the Sunday £240, the days leading up to that (this week) I'm going to try to win entry into that £240 again through £2s/£5s etc. to try and pocket the £240. Hopefully I win the seat on Sunday then I'll continue to play for cash, if I don't get my seat then I'll continue to play them actually for the seat.
    Posted by Lambert180
    Yeah i seen on fb after i read and asked the question. Since being re-added i dont get notifications for that group anymore so managed to miss the brag. 
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited November 2013
    Another sigh night of MTTs...

    Bust the DTD FR when someone hero'd/stationed me down 3 streets w/ 44 on a board with 4 overs.

    Played ME and Mini tonight. ME was a bit up and down and not long after the break I had about 9k @ 250/500, button minraises from about 19xBB, I ship BB and AQs < 66. So took a big knock down to abuot 4k. Got back up to 6k with a few steal attempts and then this is my exit hand. Not complaining about the call obv, I want the call, the reason I go for the check/ship is specifically to let someone commit themselves all in with a big club or TP.
    Hampi2008 Small blind  150.00 150.00 17316.38
    POKEY2011 Big blind  300.00 450.00 14612.50
      Your hole cards
    • J
    • J
    Lambert180 Raise  600.00 1050.00 5760.50
    iwillbustu Fold     
    Cheshire23 Call  600.00 1650.00 22022.48
    mikem1981 Fold     
    Hampi2008 Fold     
    POKEY2011 Call  300.00 1950.00 14312.50
    • 10
    • 5
    • 7
    POKEY2011 Check     
    Lambert180 Check     
    Cheshire23 Bet  1950.00 3900.00 20072.48
    POKEY2011 Call  1950.00 5850.00 12362.50
    Lambert180 All-in  5760.50 11610.50 0.00
    Cheshire23 Fold     
    POKEY2011 Call  3810.50 15421.00 8552.00
    POKEY2011 Show
    • 8
    • A
    Lambert180 Show
    • J
    • J
    • 2
    • A
    POKEY2011 Win Pair of Aces 15421.00  23973.00
    Mini went a lot better (to a point), started well and got up to about 9k, dropped down to like 6k then got a golden opportunity to get a stack that was probably chip leader or not far off a level or two before the add-on period, sadly it turned out to be my exit hand instead.
    POKERTREV Small blind  40.00 40.00 3255.00
    heellloooo Big blind  80.00 120.00 6305.00
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    DELDAVE Fold     
    gemy Fold     
    Lambert180 Raise  240.00 360.00 5735.00
    MRBURNS4 Fold     
    POKERTREV Fold     
    heellloooo Raise  800.00 1160.00 5505.00
    Lambert180 All-in  5735.00 6895.00 0.00
    heellloooo Call  5095.00 11990.00 410.00
    heellloooo Show
    • 10
    • 10
    Lambert180 Show
    • A
    • A
    • J
    • 4
    • 6
    • 8
    • 10
    heellloooo Win Three 10s 11990.00  12400.00
    Didn't bother rebuying there so Mini cost £11 and ME cost £44

    Off to the cash tables now to win the lot! gl meeee
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited November 2013
    Right, now I got the bad beat yawn hands out the way, here's a hand I wanted to discuss....

    Not much in the way of reads, other than he is loose/passive, entering a lot of pots but generally always with a limp, so not scared he's trapping with a monster as he's limped UTG loads.

    Decide to just take the free flop - assume that's fine... ?

    Pretty tasty flop for us, what do we do?

    Donk the flop which in turn imo means we have to barrel pretty much any turn card so that our hand isn't face up as a draw if we check a missed turn?

    Check/raise flop? but feels a bit meh if it gets checked through.

    Check/call? - In my head this is by far the worst option

    Hypothetically, what do you do on the subsequent streets (for the runout below) for whichever flop option you choose?
    POKEY2011 Small blind  25.00 25.00 3086.00
    Lambert180 Big blind  50.00 75.00 3882.50
      Your hole cards
    • 5
    • 6
    iwillbustu Call  50.00 125.00 1866.00
    roghelz Fold     
    mikem1981 Fold     
    Hampi2008 Fold     
    POKEY2011 Fold     
    Lambert180 Check     
    • 3
    • 7
    • 8
    Lambert180 Bet  100.00 225.00 3782.50
    iwillbustu Call  100.00 325.00 1766.00
    • Q
    Lambert180 Bet  185.00 510.00 3597.50
    iwillbustu Call  185.00 695.00 1581.00
    • J
    Lambert180 Bet  301.00 996.00 3296.50


  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited November 2013
    All I know is I wanna get as many chips in as possible on that flop.

    I probably unload the clip tbh. 
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited November 2013
    Well yeah, I'm liking the flop obv lol and wanting chips in the middle, just not sure of the best way to do it.

    My thoughts were that I didn't want him checking back the flop, then I just couldn't not barrel the turn, then by the river I was like 'meh every draw has missed except 9T, he'll have a ton of them in his range and I can prob make him fold most/all of them with a small bet on the river'.
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