Hes passive but capable of trapping. We have to lead, him checking back is horrible for us. We have masses of equity, but a hand that is ever approaching 6 high on blanks. If he folds the flop its no bad thing, but we'd love to be up against slow played over pairs, leading does best against his whole range innit
Id barrel the q as we can fold his floats and hands that connected sideways with the flop, but I'm not sure id continue on the j river. completes a draw and we arent betting big enough to represent the draw ourselves. if I was betting the river id go bigger with my bluffs and value hands.
FWIW Teddy, I said I'm not scared of him trapping. I guess he could limp monsters, I've seen no evidence to say he won't but if he did that probably wouldn't be a trap as such, more just that he limps his entire range.
I figured the river was good to bluff, don't think he's ever calling the flop with a FD to fold the turn so he's folding all FDs on the river that haven't paired up well like AQ/AJ/KQ/KJ/QJ/QT of diamonds. Maybe not many straight draws he can have but could fold 7x/8x
Well cash went pretty poorly. Started really well, heatered for about 20-30 mins, just making sets/straights and doing it against people who don't like to fold pairs and was very quickly up enough to pay for my £55 of MTTs earlier... then it all went downhill quickly.
Mostly just loads of light/drawy call downs from people (which I love) that ended up getting there (which I don't lol) but yeah tables were great and I'm never gonna moan about people calling down with very weak hands, another day and I do win the lot Dropped down to about -£25 for the session then lost a couple of BIs playing 30NL HU cash to finish -£80.
Was a really rubbish HU sesh, was happy with my opponent but it was a real struggle... I know HU obviously isn't just about sitting there folding and waiting for hands but I played villain for probably 90 mins and the whole time it was a struggle to make a single 1pr (or better) hand lol. I think every decent sized pot I won (and there were a few despite losing like £55) except 1 was just a stone bluff. Here's a couple
Cheers for the replies all. Think we're all agreed then it's a donk bet (not really a donkbet lol) on the flop, barrel the turn, then opinion is split about whether we bother bluffing the river or not. Here is the result anyway if anyone is interested...
Hi Lambert... HU can be pretty brutal! one thing I notice is that you are showing your bluffs... I'm sure there is good reasoning behind it, but I never do this. It lets your opponent know you are capable of a massive bluff (without them paying for the information by making a call) and they will now be able to call you down lighter in the future. since HU is ALOT of bluffing, thats probably not what you want. I like to keep my opponents in the dark
Sigh, wrote a long reply to this and got timed out... literally lost count how many times that has happened now!!!! Posted by Lambert180
Easy solution; type out all entries in a word processor, then copy & paste them across to this forum. If you get timed out it'll still be there, just log back in and paste again. Will save you tons of time.
Download a freeware word processor if you don't have one.
In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards : Easy solution; type out all entries in a word processor, then copy & paste them across to this forum. If you get timed out it'll still be there, just log back in and paste again. Will save you tons of time. Download a freeware word processor if you don't have one. Posted by GaryQQQ
great advice - do this with long emails as well although draft saving has got much better
the other way to do it is to do a ctrl-A ctrl-C before pressing send
ie copy all to the clipboard
that way a quick ctrl-P paste puts it all back in one easy go
lol at the use of "word processor" I remember those days (i liked wordperfect myself iirc)
these days peeps seem to just say "word", which is the hoover of "word processors"
@ChicknMelt - Yeah maybe I shouldn't show... I dunno. I wasn't showing all my bluffs, think these were the only 2 I showed actually, and the reason I did it was exactly as I said so he would start calling me down lighter. He was playing so nitty, which is fine for me nicking a few pots here and there, and taking the blinds loads, but not for ever getting paid off for a hand.
Cheers Gary/Geldy - yeah I know I should do this, I just always forget, and often I plan to write a quick 2 sentence reply but as anyone who has read my posts will know.... it never ends up that way lol.
Only played a few games this morning due to being distracted with other stuff
£11.50 sat into the £52 UKPC Semi - got HU for 1 seat but lost so didnt get anything
£3.60 ME Direct - won that
£5.70 into the £52 UKPC Semi - bust that, didnt get anything.
So spent £20.8 and got a £33 ME seat, guess it's not the worst result ever.
You're a much better and more experienced player than I lambert, but if I had an opponent that was playing too tight or too loose then id want to quietly exploit that.
by showing bluffs you might incetivise him to play more optimally.
Just as likely though he might see that youve shon a couple of big bluffs and assume the other big bets you didnt show must have been value bets, and ghe might make the opposite adustment to the one you wished for.
@lambert - yeah thats the only reason I could think of that you *might* want to show (did'nt spot if you had said it already, sorry). but i think I agree with teddy - if I spot a leak (like being too nitty), I'm going to just go ahead and exploit it relentlessly until they catch on... big hands are hard to make. it is a bit boring when your playing against a nit though.
Yeah you're both making very valid points... maybe it isn't something I should be doing at all. Live and learn and all that lark... won't show my cards anymore. I know I shouldnt do it really, it's something I'm guilty of doing that live sometimes too when I shouldn't but I've been told off by the other half for doing that lol.
I noticed the other day that my Sharkscope for MTTs on Sky is finally heading towards the +£1k mark. MTTs are something I've never really put much volume into at all, if you strip out the satellites from my SS, I've probably played <300 games in 4-5 years. I'm happy with my SS ROI-wise and what not, but I haven't played many games and a huge amount of my games are micro stakes so the profit bit is not great.
So gonna steal Dohhhh's idea and set myself a target to get my MTT SS to +£xxx by the end of the year. I know variance in MTTs is huge and it may not happen but it's only a bit of fun and to encourage me to put more MTT volume in. I'm gonna pick a realistic target and play a lot more to give myself a decent shout at pulling it off. At least it'll give me something a bit more interesting to post about.
I think my total MTT profit atm is abuot +£950 but I'm not going to set my target yet because I've got the UKPC Final on Sunday and if I get a seat that'll show as +£860 so be a bit silly to set a target of like £1.5k and then go and do it in a couple of days by winning 1 seat lol. If I lose it'll show as -£240 even though it actually cost me £5 so I'm gonna wait until that game is out of the way, see what my profit is on there and then set a target.
Its not that horrendous to show cards if your doing it to induce spass or tilt players so that they'll play back lighter against you... i like showing a bluff every now and then... its a control thing imo but yeah if your overdoing it with no reason to induce anything prob best to jus muck
the best way to induce a change in your opponents - if you really dont like them playing badly -is to win money from their leaks.
you can do it by humiliating or tilting them, but you don't win as much and it might, for example, turn a tight passive lamb into a roided-up loose aggro tyson who fights for every pot. not sure you want to pump a boxer up before going 12 rounds, innit
unless you know what reaction you are going to get id leave it. do it to a solid player to get him to move away from solid play maybe, but not to plug a leak for free. just win money until they realise summat is wrong.
Got off to an absolute stonker in the ME tonight, starting with the hand below which happened in the first 4-5 hands of the tourney and gave me my first bounty. I was shocked to say the least when we got it in and I saw the opponent wasn't drawing dead!! Luckily faded the royal flush though.
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Unmatched bet
Four Jacks
Then about 10-15 mins later, I 3bet AA and stacked AQ on a queen high flop to take a 2nd bounty and get up to about 7k.
Then things took a downward turn, doubled shorty up A8<K7, then 2 mins later doubled the same shorty up again getting it in on Txx w/ AT v AK but king came on the turn. That left me with about 5k @ 100/200, called an 11xBB shove with AQ and couldn't get there against 88, then about 2-3 hands later I shoved my last like 10-11xBB w/ 55 and couldn't hold against T9s.
Disappointing to say the least after such a strong start but hey I got in for £3.60 and got £22.50 of heads so it could be a lot worse!
Doing very well in the mini too I got 12.5k @ 100/200 as I write this which puts me 14th out of 194 (581 started), so hopefully I'll have a good bink to post about later.
Well I lasted another hour or so in the Mini since my last post. I just bust the very last hand before the break so 10:55pm.
Pretty sigh exit, I shipped KK and got called by ATs... flop is ten high but all spades (I have the only spade) so feeling pretty confident now that he can't even hit his As now, well he rivered trip tens instead. 35th out of 581 for just about double the BI
Oh well, I know if I keep at it, I'll take one down soon enough
Lambert180035£6.97 + £7.98 Head Prizes4
Cash tables are going well so far, will post the update when I finish about 2-3am.
Just stood from the tables a bit early cos I'm knackered and it'll only start getting to a stage quickly where I'm not playing optimally.
I played another £5.70 direct into the £52 Semi for the cash but didn't make it. Pretty horrible hand there, I got it all in 3way where holding virtually guarantees the seat with AQ v KJ v 94... flop comes AQx and I still manage to lose lol.
So the total cashes today of £37.45 make for a total MTT profit of £5.45
Also finished +£30 on cash
Also on the verge of 3k points which sounds awful (and it is lol) but considering how low my points were abuot 5 days ago (probably in the region of 500-600) it's a big improvement and looks better in terms of what I'll finish the month on. JJ is deffo losing this bet!
Looking back, I think flop raise is way too small.
Do we flat the turn now we have the nuts and the nuttiest of nutty outs to still improve further (not that we need it) with the intention of shipping over his river bets or betting ourselves if he checks?
I just raised cos it makes it so much easier to get it in on the river with a turn raise.... not sure what he has to donk/call, donk again
If we raise turn, I think my turn sizing is much better than my flop, agree or not?
Rubbish morning, got absolutely butchered at HU SnGs, just could not win a hand or a race to save my life and went 8-0 down at the start, managed to get it back to 8-3 to limit the losses a little.
Cash didn't go much better, but pretty much every big losing pot was a cooler or outdraw so that's positive. Finished abuot -£40.
The one ray of sunshine was that I played the £3.30 BH this morning.... don't even know why I play it tbh because the payouts are SO small, but I don't like playing the £5 BHs which have tiny fields in comparison so equally small prizepools and 15% rake. I got my first FT in I dunno how long, only a small cash but a FT is a FT.
Just got back from holiday and catching up on all my favourite threads :P Going back to that 56s hand.... I think your bet sizing is possibly an issue there. In general if I know that I'm going to be 3barelling no matter what cards come then I want to be betting as big on flop and turn as possible to make the most from my opponent when they fold the river. Your turn bet seemed a tad on the small size!
Also your river bet sizing should probably be bigger. People don't like to fold to less than half pot bets if they have any piece of the board at all... great when you want a call but not so good when you're bluffing! And balance in MTT's is just less important when you're playing vs a random unknown.
Mostly just loads of light/drawy call downs from people (which I love) that ended up getting there (which I don't lol) but yeah tables were great and I'm never gonna moan about people calling down with very weak hands, another day and I do win the lot
Was a really rubbish HU sesh, was happy with my opponent but it was a real struggle... I know HU obviously isn't just about sitting there folding and waiting for hands but I played villain for probably 90 mins and the whole time it was a struggle to make a single 1pr (or better) hand lol. I think every decent sized pot I won (and there were a few despite losing like £55) except 1 was just a stone bluff. Here's a couple
Cheers for the replies all. Think we're all agreed then it's a donk bet (not really a donkbet lol) on the flop, barrel the turn, then opinion is split about whether we bother bluffing the river or not. Here is the result anyway if anyone is interested...
Download a freeware word processor if you don't have one.
I think my total MTT profit atm is abuot +£950 but I'm not going to set my target yet because I've got the UKPC Final on Sunday and if I get a seat that'll show as +£860 so be a bit silly to set a target of like £1.5k and then go and do it in a couple of days by winning 1 seat lol. If I lose it'll show as -£240 even though it actually cost me £5 so I'm gonna wait until that game is out of the way, see what my profit is on there and then set a target.
you can do it by humiliating or tilting them, but you don't win as much and it might, for example, turn a tight passive lamb into a roided-up loose aggro tyson who fights for every pot. not sure you want to pump a boxer up before going 12 rounds, innit
unless you know what reaction you are going to get id leave it. do it to a solid player to get him to move away from solid play maybe, but not to plug a leak for free. just win money until they realise summat is wrong.
Then things took a downward turn, doubled shorty up A8<K7, then 2 mins later doubled the same shorty up again getting it in on Txx w/ AT v AK but king came on the turn. That left me with about 5k @ 100/200, called an 11xBB shove with AQ and couldn't get there against 88, then about 2-3 hands later I shoved my last like 10-11xBB w/ 55 and couldn't hold against T9s.
Disappointing to say the least after such a strong start but hey I got in for £3.60 and got £22.50 of heads so it could be a lot worse!
Doing very well in the mini too I got 12.5k @ 100/200 as I write this which puts me 14th out of 194 (581 started), so hopefully I'll have a good bink to post about later.
Time to load up a few cash tables now too.
Looking back, I think flop raise is way too small.
I just raised cos it makes it so much easier to get it in on the river with a turn raise.... not sure what he has to donk/call, donk again