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Lambert180 ----- Life After The Grind -------



  • chicknMeltchicknMelt Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2013
    nice work lambo. I seem to remember being on your table an an £11bh on the FT bubble and I busted, running AK into AA or something. Must have been the one you finished 3rd in.

    good work last night

    the waits between big scores can be long ones! TBF, you havent played that many to give yourself a decent chance of a £1k+ score.

    I've ssaid it before, but get yourself in the £22 deepstack at 7:30 - it has a great structure
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited December 2013
    Cheers Chris. Yeah I'm generally very confident in my cash game and think I'm one of the better players at the levels I play. It was just a very nasty downswing (about 120BIs in the end), which inevitably probably did include a little bit of tilt at some points, and the longer it went on the more my confidence was dropping and I feel the more it was damaging my play at the tables. 

    I was going in just expecting to lose at times, so there were probably spots I'd miss value by checking rivers I should bet just out of fear of getting shipped on and having to bet/fold for the milllionth time, or folding too much postflop, giving people too much respect cos I was just so used to being shown the nuts everytime etc.

    MTTs are going good at the moment, I'm about +£825 in them since I started grinding them proper in the last week of November. Will be carrying this on as till the end of the year, then the plan is to get back cash in the new year but still continue playing the ME, Mini, £55 BH and maybe the odd £11 BH most nights.
  • 77Chris9177Chris91 Member Posts: 375
    edited December 2013
    120BIs is so sick! ... My worst downswing is about 25BI and I was questioning my game tons during that period so I can't imagine what a 120BI swing would do. One thing that really helped me was to drop down to 6 tables. I realised that playing any more than 6 was making me miss sooo many spots. Think you mentioned you were playing 6+ when you were grinding cash? ... Just my 2 pennies worth :) 
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards:
    120BIs is so sick! ... My worst downswing is about 25BI and I was questioning my game tons during that period so I can't imagine what a 120BI swing would do. One thing that really helped me was to drop down to 6 tables. I realised that playing any more than 6 was making me miss sooo many spots. Think you mentioned you were playing 6+ when you were grinding cash? ... Just my 2 pennies worth :) 
    Posted by 77Chris91
    You talk a lot of sense Chris.
    On here and in the clinic.
    Post more :)
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited December 2013
    Yeah at the start of it I was 12tabling, although tbf I was 12tabling the month before my downswing started and was +50 BIs pre rakeback. Who said more tables evens out the variance eh ;)

    I did try all sorts to try to get back to winning ways (nothing silly, like my mate who suggested donating to charity for good karma lol), dropped a load of tables, started playing later sessions like 11pm - 2am because it's generally softer at these times, dropping more tables lol until at points I was only 4tabling, and as with all downswings there were some wins in the middle but the trend was losing. I'd win a couple of BIs, then win a couple of BIs the next day, then lost 10 the next day lol.

    I feel in a much better place mentally now though, not just cos I'm back to winning money (albeit not at cash), but I've took a lot of advice on board from Ryan (Spittles) who said he used to be a massive tilter etc. I really respect his attitude towards the game. Looking back now I think at the time I wasted so much time and effort moaning about things that are just out of my control. It really does no good for your game just moaning all the time. It's also took me a bit of time to get my head round it but at the end of the day, it really doesn't matter how much someone else is winning. I used to get too hung up on what imo were worse players and how much they were winning but it really is just wasted effort and pointless strain emotionally for no reason.

    +1 to Jac
  • 77Chris9177Chris91 Member Posts: 375
    edited December 2013
    Cheers Jac... I do play on here occasionally as well, but visit the forum frequently as the community aspect on Sky is second to none imo. There are a lot of really good diaries on here like this one.. I was literally in the exact same position about 12 months ago until things really clicked for me this year so it's interesting to see others hopefully do the same.

    Lambo - Your mate's not wrong! ... I had my second biggest winning day this year the day after I gave my mate £50.00 for his Movember fund lol!... Seriously though I can see what your saying. When I'm losing I just tell myself... Your a winning player over a huge sample so it doesn't matter if I'm losing today this week this month, if I'm playing well I am making money long term.

    Granted its a lot harder to tell yourself that after you have been rivered for the 20th time in a session though ;) 
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards:
    Cheers Jac... I do play on here occasionally as well, but visit the forum frequently as the community aspect on Sky is second to none imo. There are a lot of really good diaries on here like this one.. I was literally in the exact same position about 12 months ago until things really clicked for me this year so it's interesting to see others hopefully do the same. Lambo - Your mate's not wrong! ... I had my second biggest winning day this year the day after I gave my mate £50.00 for his Movember fund lol!... Seriously though I can see what your saying. When I'm losing I just tell myself... Your a winning player over a huge sample so it doesn't matter if I'm losing today this week this month, if I'm playing well I am making money long term. Granted its a lot harder to tell yourself that after you have been rivered for the 20th time in a session though ;) 
    Posted by 77Chris91
    There are some rubbish ones too!
    'Ramblings of an 'old' man" springs to mind
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited December 2013
    As poker players I think as a breed losing is seen as bad and therefore makes you feel down and affects your confidence. I for one hate leaving a table down or busting out of an MTT but at the end of the day, as has been said, if you are a winning player over a large sample then it should be dusted off easily and we should be able to return the next session and play the same game we always have.

    Never easy, but the best players find ways of doing this. There is NEVER one right way for everyone. Find yours and stick to it.
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards:
    Yeah at the start of it I was 12tabling, although tbf I was 12tabling the month before my downswing started and was +50 BIs pre rakeback. Who said more tables evens out the variance eh ;) I did try all sorts to try to get back to winning ways (nothing silly, like my mate who suggested donating to charity for good karma lol), dropped a load of tables, started playing later sessions like 11pm - 2am because it's generally softer at these times, dropping more tables lol until at points I was only 4tabling, and as with all downswings there were some wins in the middle but the trend was losing. I'd win a couple of BIs, then win a couple of BIs the next day, then lost 10 the next day lol. I feel in a much better place mentally now though, not just cos I'm back to winning money (albeit not at cash), but I've took a lot of advice on board from Ryan (Spittles) who said he used to be a massive tilter etc. I really respect his attitude towards the game. Looking back now I think at the time I wasted so much time and effort moaning about things that are just out of my control. It really does no good for your game just moaning all the time. It's also took me a bit of time to get my head round it but at the end of the day, it really doesn't matter how much someone else is winning. I used to get too hung up on what imo were worse players and how much they were winning but it really is just wasted effort and pointless strain emotionally for no reason. +1 to Jac
    Posted by Lambert180
    Should definitely do this.

    It's win win.

    There are snow leopards out there that need our help !

    On a more serious note, as I've told u off forum, I think u rly need to up the hours.

    A forum ban again wud help.

    Also, get that UKOPS package up asap !
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited December 2013
    UKOPS package to be up tonight Doh deffo.


    Last night was the brickiest of brick type sessions... very nearly walked away with 0p of cashes from all games but forgot I got a bounty in the mini lol.

    Not really much to say, got it in good in most games and couldn't hold, just standard MTTaments. Played 2 x £2.80 all in sats to the £52 UKPC cos they got 9 and 12 runners so a lot of overlay, planning to just play the £52 and try to cash out the £240 if I got it, but didn't win either of the all in sats.

    Was doing well in the £200 GTD (£5.50), was 5/14 with 6 paid then a couple of hands killed me. If I remember rightly I called 3 streets V MP33 with 99 on a T-high board and obv he had JT, should prob just let go on riv... dunno. Then called 3 streets on 889Q8 with JJ and villian had 89 for flopped house and rivered quads lol. Think I was finished off by 88<KJ.

    Had a semi good run going in the mini but lost a big flip with a brutal runout (yes, I'm a runout watching fish lol), it was 44 v AJo, I flopped the 4 and he went runner runner for a 4flush to leave me with 10xBB, lost A9 v 44 shortly after with my 10xBB, and the £3.76 of heads was my only 'cash' of the night.

    Pretty frustrating ME (just bought in direct cos I missed the sats). twice I 3bet a short stack with mid PPs (think 77 and 99) thinking their stack was so short they could never peel so they'd fold or jam (which I'd call) but both times they did peel from short stacks and both times I got like the nut worst flop ever lol. The 77 one he peeled and it came KQT and it's like urgh, have to check/fold now despite how short they are. Can't remember my exit.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited December 2013
    Another pretty frustrating night for near misses, but pretty standard for MTTs I guess to have this a lot inbetween decent scores.

    Again started with my 2 sats I play most nights, the £12 into the £55 BH and the £7.20 into the ME. Won my £55 BH seat, but not the ME one so decent start.

    £400 BH (£11) lasted all of about 4 hands lol. I iso'd a limper and had to give up after my cbet was called so was down to about 1850, then like 2 hands later I 3bet JJ and get 1 call. Cbet something like 359dd, bet/call it off on a 5 turn IIRC, he had KK.

    Semi deep run in the £1k BH (£11) - 36/139, bust out was JJ v a raggy Kx. Got £3.75 of bounties

    Very deep run in £2k BH (£11) but not deep enough - 11/320... was like 5/30 and lost AKs v 44 for a massive stack that dropped me to 20/30. Then managed to grind it back up, got to about 4/12 then get it in AKs v 77 again for a massive stack, probably chip leader but lose again. Knocked me back down to about 9/12 and never really recovered. Bust out hand was jamming about 10xBB SB v BB w/ K6 into KQ. Got like 1 bountie all game lol so got £24.55 .... £450+ ftw :(

    Semi deep ish run in Mini but lost a mahooosive 3way all in with AA v AK v KQ which left me very short and bust out not long after 84/653 with 1 head for £1.88

    £4k BH - was going very well, I have a pretty good record in this from my small sample but I think it's cos it's just an amazing tourney, definitely one of (if not THE) best MTT on the site imo. Had got my 4k starting stack up to about 12k by 11pm (2hours in) which made me about 6/35 and had took my first bounty. Then this hand went off that just destroyed all that in 1 hand, was a CL pot. Talk about sick coolerments, would be a sick cooler for him if turn isn't an A/board pair up, sick cooler for me that it is.... be even sicker if the river brings a royal lol but was not to be :( so cashed for just the £18.75 bounty, still a small profit on the £12 sat.

    Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance
    samkoh Big blind   250.00 250.00 11397.50
      Your hole cards
    • Q
    • 10
    1267 Fold        
    harrypump Fold        
    Lambert180 Raise   500.00 750.00 12252.50
    LoveKratom Raise   1250.00 2000.00 10692.50
    samkoh Fold        
    Lambert180 Call   750.00 2750.00 11502.50
    • 7
    • A
    • J
    Lambert180 Check        
    LoveKratom Bet   1375.00 4125.00 9317.50
    Lambert180 Call   1375.00 5500.00 10127.50
    • A
    Lambert180 Check        
    LoveKratom Bet   2750.00 8250.00 6567.50
    Lambert180 All-in   10127.50 18377.50 0.00
    LoveKratom All-in   6567.50 24945.00 0.00
    Lambert180 Unmatched bet   810.00 24135.00 810.00
    Lambert180 Show
    • Q
    • 10
    LoveKratom Show
    • A
    • A
    • 6
    LoveKratom Win Four Aces 24135.00   24135.00 
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited December 2013
     called 3 streets V MP33 with 99 on a T-high board and obv he had JT, should prob just let go on riv... dunno

    99 eh and i thought it was just a blind steal . If it makes you feel any better i did put the chips to good use to win it for £98 to halt my downswing a bit. These MTT,s can be ruthless with the variance, which is why i,ve taken a leaf out of your book and started playing satlites (on other sites mainly ), with the intention to cash out at a certain point . Although i,m just learning on some sites it doesn,t always let you cash out if you,ve satlited in.. GL

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited December 2013
    More near misses tonight, would be nice to rungood in the late stages once in a while :)

    Played 3 sats tonight, a £12 into the £55 BH, and 2 x £7.20s into the ME, regged them both at the same time just incase I bust one, can always take the money if I got both anyway. Bust the £55 sat and one of the ME ones, but got my seat in the other ME so still a ME seat for £26 I guess... better than nothing.

    Seems to be the way of things recently, I run vvv good in the mini and vvv bad in the main. The mini I'd coolered people twice and had trebled up with 2 bounties in like <10 mins of it starting. The main on the other hand, I failed to make a pair pretty much the whole game. The only time I had a pair was my bust hand and that was a pair in my hand lol. Guy limp/calls Q7o UTG v  my AA, check/calls Q52r and I started the hand with only half the starting stack at like 25/50 (IIRC) so unlikely I'm ever getting off the hand... turn is another Q, and river is the K. gg main.

    £200 GTD - Prob 30 mins in I iso a limper with JJ, he peels and we get it in on 567ddd, he had 34dd lol, nice flop!! That was gg there.

    Mini was going good but can't even remember how I lost a lot of my chips or bust :S Came 138/543 with £3.76 of heads.

    No good in the £2k BH (£11), no heads.

    Then the 2 near misses....

    £400 BH (£11) - Not much to say really, all going swimmingly, it's quite a small field anyway so doesn't take too long. Got to the FT and we were very quickly down to 5, then I got it in BB v SB with A7s v Q8o... he snap flops the Q so I'm drawing to 3 outs and don't get there. So 5th place for - £44.21 (1st = £150ish)

    £1k BH (£11) - Again, all going swimmingly early doors. Lost a flip in the late stages (about 12 left I think) which left me grinding a 10xBB for a while. Grinded that for a long time, picking up blinds here and there, think I doubled once but paying blinds (and blinds increasing) meant I had about 12xBB just before my bust out. First villian minraises, 2nd villian flats either SB or BTN (can't remember) and I jam my BB with AK, first villian folds, 2nd guy calls with 99, flops a set and it's gg me. So 8th place for £47.63 (1st = £250ish)

    Small profit on the night (about £25) but so sigh to keep getting these deep runs with no wins or even like top 3s which is where all the money is.

    It's coming.... one day soon I'll win 3 MTTs in a day ;)
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited December 2013
    So after weeks of filming and some artistic differences which resulted in the director being fired, my truthorbluff video is finally here! ;)

    I think I'm gonna owe Emma about 80% of my UKPC action if I get the seat on account of the amount of work she put in to the vid.... narration, filming, script, editing...

    As far as I know, winners will be decided by forum vote AND number of retweets of the original comment where I've tweeted my video on Twitter so would be grateful if any Twitter users retweet (and vote on the forum when they start voting).

    Thanks in advance
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,699
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards:
    So after weeks of filming and some artistic differences which resulted in the director being fired, my truthorbluff video is finally here! ;) I think I'm gonna owe Emma about 80% of my UKPC action if I get the seat on account of the amount of work she put in to the vid.... narration, filming, script, editing... As far as I know, winners will be decided by forum vote AND number of retweets of the original comment where I've tweeted my video on Twitter so would be grateful if any Twitter users retweet (and vote on the forum when they start voting). Thanks in advance  
    Posted by Lambert180
    Pretty good Lambert - certainly better than gazza127's painful entry! ;)
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited December 2013
    Like the vid
    think I would give the seat to Emma; though :)
  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards:
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards : Pretty good Lambert - certainly better than gazza127's painful entry! ;)
    Posted by Slipwater

    Haha... I would agree.  But I bet lambert didnt do his on a whim whilst under.the influence of several beverages!

    FWIW im.under a similar influence now. MERRY.CHRISTMAS
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited December 2013
    Hey all,

    Not gonna write all the same info twice or just C + P it, so as I've just done my summary for 2013 in my blog, I'll just post the blog here.

  • ToshiroToshiro Member Posts: 20
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Lambert180 ----- Lolpro and Onwards ------- TruthorBluff Video Released!:
    Hey all, Not gonna write all the same info twice or just C + P it, so as I've just done my summary for 2013 in my blog, I'll just post the blog here.
    Posted by Lambert180
    Interesting blog, was a good read.  Best of luck for the new year and the grind.  I felt the need to post tho, as I have a major bone to pick, Celebrity Deathmatch was meh???!?!?!  It was awesome (well sometimes anyway, there was some rubbish ones tbh but the good ones was insanely good!).
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2014
    Cheers Tosh, yeah to be fair it did start out quite well, think I just got bored of it (or their ideas got worse) after ages of seeing it.

    So aint updated for a little while. I think I'd mentioned it before but was planning on coming back to cash in the new year and really getting the grind back on so it was perfect timing to see that PS4 promo as an added incentive/bonus.

    The month has started pretty well for me, which is always nice and a great confidence boost after how things had been going last time I was at the cash tables. Aiming for about 15k points this month which I think should get me a top 10 in the PS4 comp but it's really hard to say and there seem to be quite a few players putting in ALOT of volume. Time will tell, it's a marathon not a sprint, and I know I can keep up the volume for the full month so I have that on my side.
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