Hey all, Not gonna write all the same info twice or just C + P it, so as I've just done my summary for 2013 in my blog, I'll just post the blog here. http://paullambert180.blogspot.co.uk/ Posted by Lambert180
nice blog lambert, im in a similar situation to you myself, was made redundant from my job around 18 months ago now and due to having a criminal record i havnt been able to get a job since, not even an interview so im basically living off what money i make playing poker, i would really struggle to be honest if i had bills to pay but luckily i still live with my parents and my cost of living is nothing really. anyway ive also been on a downswing like yourself and due to also having a really bad sports gambling problem my bankroll is at an all time low. anyway sorry to bore you to death with my story but i can relate to you in a way although im definalty not a pro haha.
sigh, thought 15k points would make me a lock for top 10 in the PS4 comp but some really sick scores are being posted already, might have to set my target closer to 20k unless people start taking their foot off the gas
Think you might be right DTM, I'll see what I can do.
Just stood from another small winning session and am now just over 1700 points after 4 days. Certainly could do better but I treat a full day as 4hr in the morning and then at least 4hr at night, and I've already missed a couple of mornings this month due to life stuff.
People have always advised me on my diary not to set myself points targets, although i think if your setting yourself a realistic target to make sure your putting in enough volume then thats fine.
i know we have different agendas as i play for fun and have no intention off trying to make it pro, (I can,t remember the last time i got over 1k in pts even though thats what i aim for each month), but i wouldn,t get blinded by the PS4 challenge. Sometimes you may not be playing your A game or get stuck on a table where you feel you don,t have an edge. Its times like this to forget about points and just stand up and take a brk until you feel ready to play again rather than think of how many pts you may be missing out on.
Of course it would be great if you get enough pts for a PS4 while breaking even or making a profit at the same time but don,t get blinded by it and forget your main proirity which should be finishing the month in profit
I definitely disagree with the idea of being against setting points targets... in the world of poker where we can't really ever set targets for stuff like profit, one of the only things we can set targets for is how much volume we put in (which is essentially points).
If I'm playing really bad, then I would leave and not just play on for points like.
I had a similar discussion about this recently on FB, and I definitely agree it's not worth sacrificing profits to do something stupid like 20table if you aren't able to cope with that many just to get points, but if you can carry on playing as you normally do but just put a bit more time in, then it's definitely worth it. Getting a top 10 effectively doubles my rakeback for just a little bit more effort, plus I expect to win more money anyway by playing more.
I was always planning on doing a really big grind for cash January, the PS4 promo just makes it even more enticing.
Sorry, has been a bit lacking in the update department, although I did say or two ago that things were going well.
Rough profit/loss for each of the first 6 days of the month... (all cash pokerz)
So doing ok but could really be better. On about 2400 points (PS4 leaderboard wasn't quite up to date cos of playing past midnight). Really gonna make a big effort for a top 10 in this promo.... although literally every day I look at the updated leaderboard it looks harder and harder. I'm relying on my stamina to keep up big volume pretty much every day til the end of the month to get me through and hoping some burn out/slow down cos I play lower stakes than I think every cash player above me.
Meh, whatever, if I don't get there, I'm almost certainly locked for the 40 runner freeroll with 6 PS4s (so would fancy my chances in that) and a decent C4P payment.
(skip to the next section if you want the sort version )
Tbh, I think that was part me being a mental game fish as explained in earlier posts and part an attempt to 'stop the rot'....
For example, most good DYM players will be winning far more £ per hour 8tabling (for example) than they would 1tabling. As they add more tables their ROI/chances of winning each individual game will drop but because they're playing 8x as many games, the profit is bigger, and it's essentially the same with me and cash. So reducing my tables was an attempt to do something that would probably reduce my overall profit per hour in the short term just so that I can get some winning sessions behind me because confidence was vvv low.
Getting a break from cash in Dec was good and brought back the feeling of actually wanting to sit down and grind cash which you usually lose when you're just getting hammered every session for a month or two.
Taking breaks isn't a proper long term solution though, just the same as you can't afford to just take a couple of weeks off work unpaid. During that break though, I had advice from a few people I talk to, one being Ryan Spittles and it really just clicked (eventually!) how stupid I was being, and how much time I was wasting and extra pressure I was putting on myself by just always moaning about stuff out of my control.
In short...
I'm definitely a winning player 12tabling, and don't have enough of a sample size to confirm it but pretty sure I'm a bigger winning 12tabling than I would be 6tabling.
6tabling higher stakes might be more profitable, but BRM imo doesn't work like that, in terms of halving the tables so doubling the stake. If I was 6tabling say 50NL, I'd have to have a BR that could comfortably take -£500 days on the chin, and potentially multiple days in a row of that and I just don't.
Morning session result btw was about +£50, and on 2650 ish points. Planning to break 3k tonight.
Hi Paul, just wanted to say thank you for all your help on that dreaded QQ hand in poker clinic... much appreciated you giving up your time & knowledge
I doubt you will get -£500 days of 50NL. It's a nitfest here during the daytime! Posted by F_Ivanovic
played 50nl for ages and never had a -£500 day. combo of nittiness and the fact that in general the value is ridiculously good.
there are numerous times where I have played nl30 tables that are far harder than anything available at nl50 or nl100...especially mastercash on the tv slots
Cheers for the info lads. I really respect both of you as players so I'll take your word for it and maybe give it a shot this month. It's funny cos I remember ages ago people saying that 50NL was by far the nittiest level on the site and how hard it was to make any money when most tables have 5 nut peddlers. Times changed or you just think it was never that bad if you hunt out the value?
Now the boring bit, tonight's results....
Didn't manage to reach the points I wanted but gotta be up early in the morning so only did 4 hours. Finished on abuot 2850 points and was +£70 so overall that's +£120 for the day.
Cheers for the info lads. I really respect both of you as players so I'll take your word for it and maybe give it a shot this month. It's funny cos I remember ages ago people saying that 50NL was by far the nittiest level on the site and how hard it was to make any money when most tables have 5 nut peddlers. Times changed or you just think it was never that bad if you hunt out the value? Now the boring bit, tonight's results.... Didn't manage to reach the points I wanted but gotta be up early in the morning so only did 4 hours. Finished on abuot 2850 points and was +£70 so overall that's +£120 for the day. Posted by Lambert180
not a bad days work .just strated play cash haveing lot my fun than the old DYMs
Cheers for the info lads. I really respect both of you as players so I'll take your word for it and maybe give it a shot this month. It's funny cos I remember ages ago people saying that 50NL was by far the nittiest level on the site and how hard it was to make any money when most tables have 5 nut peddlers. Times changed or you just think it was never that bad if you hunt out the value? Now the boring bit, tonight's results.... Didn't manage to reach the points I wanted but gotta be up early in the morning so only did 4 hours. Finished on abuot 2850 points and was +£70 so overall that's +£120 for the day. Posted by Lambert180
I don't think I've ever really had too much to moan about with the games at Sky. I think there was a really bad period where there only ever got to be 6-10 tables open and obviously a lot of regs (who all played the same style) sat at all of them which wasn't great (maybe coincided with the big rake race a couple of years back). at the moment there seems to be lots of tables and lots of unique accounts which is some indication that sky are bringing in new players.
Think the current state of the games is pretty good with lots of value. its swings and roundabouts most of the time with a slight dip for every rake race like the current PS4 race. key thing is to adapt to line ups and changing styles and what's considered good poker at any point e.g. a little while back it was a different reg with the squeeze play every hand
Took a much needed day off on Wednesday (my first of the month), did some standard chilling out/xboxing.
I wouldn't have took the day off but pretty confident top 10 in the PS4 promo is gonna be out of reach now unless I do DTM-style hours of play which just aint do-able with kids. I'm pretty happy to just cruise into the top 50 anyway which I think should be easy and just focus on profit from the games... deffo think it's completely nuts to stop playing your normal games that you beat and lose a load of money just to win a PS4.
The 2 sessions since last update (this morning and tonight) were -£60 where I was shocked/happy it was that little cos I ran pretty horrid and then tonight +£30.
3290 points fwiw. Still reckon I'll finish the month around my target of 15k points which will easy be top 50 (imo) but think top 20 is gonna need like 20k.
The topic of conversation earlier with a few of the poker lads I speak to went on to UKPC and get me excited at the idea of it again. Will be trying a few cheap sats again for it, but not gonna go nuts money wise on it. If I do get in, I think I'll try to sell like 30% and freeroll a profit and cover any sats.
Think you might be right DTM, I'll see what I can do.
Just stood from another small winning session and am now just over 1700 points after 4 days. Certainly could do better but I treat a full day as 4hr in the morning and then at least 4hr at night, and I've already missed a couple of mornings this month due to life stuff.
If I'm playing really bad, then I would leave and not just play on for points like.
(skip to the next section if you want the sort version
just wanted to say thank you for all your help on that dreaded QQ hand in poker clinic...
much appreciated you giving up your time & knowledge
best wishes too for 2014
cheers, dev
played 50nl for ages and never had a -£500 day. combo of nittiness and the fact that in general the value is ridiculously good.
there are numerous times where I have played nl30 tables that are far harder than anything available at nl50 or nl100...especially mastercash on the tv slots
Think the current state of the games is pretty good with lots of value. its swings and roundabouts most of the time with a slight dip for every rake race like the current PS4 race. key thing is to adapt to line ups and changing styles and what's considered good poker at any point e.g. a little while back it was a different reg with the squeeze play every hand