basicly iam i being too greedy or plain unlucky? on the lossing end of full house vs full house,early blinds and previous hand just took an early bounty :@)
Do you want us to Play Your Hand on the Sky Poker TV channel? If so - post as much information as you can about the hand such as: Hand number Your alias Tournament name / cash table number Date and time A description of what happened and why you would like us to play your hand Or send your request to And your hand could be shown and analysed very soon.... (Please note guys - We really appreciate your input and although we will endeavour to contact everyone who posts on this thread, sometimes it may not be possible. Thank you) Posted by Sky_TVcrew
Hand #543493015 18/07/2012 21:14 MINI D/S DAVETREE
Did i play this right? I checked the flop to induce a bluff or bet with a mid pair, however when he bet full pot i was pretty sure he was on a flush draw. (didnt consider the straight.. doh) my thinking for the push all in was that if the turn wasn't a a diamond i would struggle to extract more lovely chips.
Do you want us to Play Your Hand on the Sky Poker TV channel? If so - post as much information as you can about the hand such as: Hand number Your alias Tournament name / cash table number Date and time A description of what happened and why you would like us to play your hand Or send your request to And your hand could be shown and analysed very soon.... (Please note guys - We really appreciate your input and although we will endeavour to contact everyone who posts on this thread, sometimes it may not be possible. Thank you) Posted by Sky_TVcrew
DAVETREE Mini open 21:37 20/07/2012 hand #544200771 is my raise big enough to get rid of this kind of hand? i also have the ace of clubs so knew he couldnt be drawing to the nuts. unlucky or was i wrong and overplay my hand cheers
Hi i would just like to start of by sayin loving the show keep up the great work
also would like to say thank you for the feedback on my last hand request
iv have two hands i would love feedback on... my alias akabadbeat first hand ...8k b/h 28/07/2012 20:41546943978 first hand is early enough in the tourney with my kk was it a call or a fold my gut said fold but then my head was sayin call might be doing it with QQ JJ in which case i was wrong but i did learn from it even do i went down to about 10 big blinds i still came back to take out 5 people so i made in the end
second hand....1200 mini b/h 28/07/2012 22:07546988097 did i play this hand right ? i wanted to bet flop but as i floped massive and didnt want him to fold on the flop so i went into cheak call mode any advise would be greatful thanks ... chris
Hi i would just like to start of by sayin loving the show keep up the great work also would like to say thank you for the feedback on my last hand request iv have two hands i would love feedback on... my alias akabadbeat first hand ...8k b/h 28/07/2012 20:41 546943978 first hand is early enough in the tourney with my kk was it a call or a fold my gut said fold but then my head was sayin call might be doing it with QQ JJ in which case i was wrong but i did learn from it even do i went down to about 10 big blinds i still came back to take out 5 people so i made in the end second hand....1200 mini b/h 28/07/2012 22:07 546988097 did i play this hand right ? i wanted to bet flop but as i floped massive and didnt want him to fold on the flop so i went into cheak call mode any advise would be greatful thanks ... chris Posted by akabadbeat
Thanks for the positive feedback! And thanks for the requests, we'll try to show at least one of these hands on tomorrow nights poker clinic at 8pm.
Do you want us to Play Your Hand on the Sky Poker TV channel? If so - post as much information as you can about the hand such as: Hand number Your alias Tournament name / cash table number Date and time A description of what happened and why you would like us to play your hand Or send your request to And your hand could be shown and analysed very soon.... (Please note guys - We really appreciate your input and although we will endeavour to contact everyone who posts on this thread, sometimes it may not be possible. Thank you) Posted by Sky_TVcrew
My alias is Riverdue and was playing in the 5k roller tonight. i went out in 27th. the reason i would like you to show my hand is do you think i made the right play. The guy to my right had been raising alot and and through previous hands i did think that he was being over aggressive. He opened and i called , i think i was on the button. the flop come something like 2 j 10 with 2 spades. he bet the flop and i called at this point im putting him on ace king or a flush draw. the turn comes a blank and he shoves. i call fairly quickly and then he hits the flush on the river. It was a big pot and would have put me in very good shape. Do you think i should have done anything differently after deciding to call to see the flop. i Do not know the hand number but it was my exit hand and i went out 27th.
In Response to Play My Hand requests..... : My alias is Riverdue and was playing in the 5k roller tonight. i went out in 27th. the reason i would like you to show my hand is do you think i made the right play. The guy to my right had been raising alot and and through previous hands i did think that he was being over aggressive. He opened and i called , i think i was on the button. the flop come something like 2 j 10 with 2 spades. he bet the flop and i called at this point im putting him on ace king or a flush draw. the turn comes a blank and he shoves. i call fairly quickly and then he hits the flush on the river. It was a big pot and would have put me in very good shape. Do you think i should have done anything differently after deciding to call to see the flop. hand number 548859367
548859367 . I had q 10 on the button the guy to my right kept raising and being overly aggressive. i called. the flop come 6 j 10 2 spades he bet about 600 i called beliving i was ahead. at this point im putting him on a draw. possibly ace king the turn comes a blank and he shoves i call fairly quickly and then he hits the flush on the river. with the ace queen of spades. do you thhink i made the right play and can i have your view on the hand
Think this an interesting hand. My pocket aces against pocket jacks. Just wondering if you think the guy overplayed his jacks or was there nothing he could do?
Master Cash 5p 10p
Also got another hand from master cash 4 10p 20p
Hand Number: 549742668
I have aces again lol i slow play them. Ends up my full house against a guys trip 3s. I think its a great hand to watch there's loads of action.
Hi would like you to look at my hand to see how my betting was and is there was anything different i could of done to win the hand? I get abit confused with betting so i tend to usually stick to 3x betting pre flop and generally if i think im winning on the flop and turn i bet half the pot?
Hand Number 542748126
MTT mini bounty hunter
basicly iam i being too greedy or plain unlucky? on the lossing end of full house vs full house,early blinds and previous hand just took an early bounty :@)
hand number:543143305
i am just wondering what is the odds in this happen ?
We're going to try and show your hands on Thursday's Poker Clinic which is on at 8PM. James Hartigan and Tikay will be providing the analysis.
All the best
SkyPoker TV
Did i play this right? I checked the flop to induce a bluff or bet with a mid pair, however when he bet full pot i was pretty sure he was on a flush draw. (didnt consider the straight.. doh) my thinking for the push all in was that if the turn wasn't a a diamond i would struggle to extract more lovely chips.
if i was wrong be gentle with me cheers
DAVETREE Mini open 21:37 20/07/2012 hand #544200771
is my raise big enough to get rid of this kind of hand? i also have the ace of clubs so knew he couldnt be drawing to the nuts. unlucky or was i wrong and overplay my hand
hand number:543250305
would love some feedback on how i played this hand
and is wondering how i got paid on the river
hand number:543143305
would love some feedback on how i played this hand
i pretty sure i play it right preflop on flop ect ect ....
or did i play it badly or just get very unlucky ..
also would like to say thank you for the feedback on my last hand request
iv have two hands i would love feedback on... my alias akabadbeat
first hand ...8k b/h 28/07/2012 20:41546943978
first hand is early enough in the tourney with my kk was it a call or a fold my gut said fold but then my head was sayin call might be doing it with QQ JJ in which case i was wrong but i did learn from it even do i went down to about 10 big blinds i still came back to take out 5 people so i made in the end
second hand....1200 mini b/h
28/07/2012 22:07546988097
did i play this hand right ? i wanted to bet flop but as i floped massive and didnt want him to fold on the flop so i went into cheak call mode any advise would be greatful thanks ... chris
My alias is Riverdue and was playing in the 5k roller tonight. i went out in 27th. the reason i would like you to show my hand is do you think i made the right play.
The guy to my right had been raising alot and and through previous hands i did think that he was being over aggressive. He opened and i called , i think i was on the button. the flop come something like 2 j 10 with 2 spades. he bet the flop and i called at this point im putting him on ace king or a flush draw. the turn comes a blank and he shoves. i call fairly quickly and then he hits the flush on the river. It was a big pot and would have put me in very good shape. Do you think i should have done anything differently after deciding to call to see the flop. i Do not know the hand number but it was my exit hand and i went out 27th.
548859367 . I had q 10 on the button the guy to my right kept raising and being overly aggressive. i called. the flop come 6 j 10 2 spades he bet about 600 i called beliving i was ahead. at this point im putting him on a draw. possibly ace king the turn comes a blank and he shoves i call fairly quickly and then he hits the flush on the river. with the ace queen of spades. do you thhink i made the right play and can i have your view on the hand
Think this an interesting hand. My pocket aces against pocket jacks. Just wondering if you think the guy overplayed his jacks or was there nothing he could do?
Master Cash 5p 10p
Also got another hand from master cash 4 10p 20p
Hand Number: 549742668
I have aces again lol i slow play them. Ends up my full house against a guys trip 3s. I think its a great hand to watch there's loads of action.
Cash game 15/30p
I have KK and against this player was such a big 3bet as i expect hes proberly got me down for a maniac/loose as eg hence the size of his raise
Few players ive spoke to have said you cant fold here but ive played with this guy enough to no he isnt doin it with anything less than JJ
Leaves me with QQ AA
I cant 4 bet fold due to stacks his raise eg and calling would be the worst option
He has a very tight range so it makes sense for him to have AA here and it doesnt surprise me if he did
So would like the hand shown for this and many other reason
Can you tell me what day and time this will be shown please?
Hand Number: 549251715
Master cash 1 £0.5/£0.10
Hi would like you to look at my hand to see how my betting was and is there was anything different i could of done to win the hand? I get abit confused with betting so i tend to usually stick to 3x betting pre flop and generally if i think im winning on the flop and turn i bet half the pot?
Advice please, thank you
Lucky 7's sat
I get A J spades under the gun decide to min raise. folded round and someone shoves i make the hero call and hit the royal flush on the flop