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£40 to £1040 dev's DYM grind..(b/roll atm £1,069.18)...FINISHED



  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2012
    thanks JINGLES,
    hope your luck changes too m8,

    how many tables u playing atm,?
    i,m playing 9.

    thanks mick,
    yeh,just on a low at the mo,
    not thrown in the towel just yet buddy.
    hope your luck changes 2
  • DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
    edited May 2012
    chin up devon a football team whos in the relagation zone or up near the bottom of the league never gives up after one season they fight on to try for promotion the next season. A Draw is better than a loss and eventualy those wins come and so does the glory :) Breaking even or even a small loss is fine and happens in this game, next month or even yet this month you could be on your way up the tables. Just chant 'Come on you Devonfish! 'Come on you Devonfish! 'Come on you Devonfish! feel the crowd roar :) 
  • JingleMaJingleMa Member Posts: 1,319
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev,s DYM...MISSION IMPOSSIBLE:
    thanks JINGLES, hope your luck changes too m8, how many tables u playing atm,? i,m playing 9. :-) thanks mick, yeh,just on a low at the mo, not thrown in the towel just yet buddy. hope your luck changes 2 :-) dev
    Posted by devonfish5

    I hope so2!

    I'm doing 12@tm, I've tried 15 but it's2many on just1screen so I've ordered another monitor - should arrive later this week. I'm taking a break2day, but will play in the priority freeroll in a bit.

    Keep going mate - u've clearly got the drive2succeed, stay positive and don't lose belief - u'll get there I'm sure! 

  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2012
    thanks Daz,
    that,s ok.....
    but will anybody hear me?

    cheers Jingles,
    yeh,just on a low day,
    but i,m sure it will pass.
    12 is good m8
    is that dym,s u r playing or cash?
    i have been trying 10/11/12
    but keep making mistakes when around the bubble on say 6/7.
    but 2b fair only been playing 9 4 a little while,
    so i suppose it,ll come.
    besy wishes,

    DAY 8

           w 2  +£3.50
           l  2  -£4.50
           w 26  +£22.10
            l 13  -£14.95

    won  £6.15

    b/roll  £46.01 ( +£5.30)

    c4p   90
    total 945

    i,m saying

    feelin better though,
    well just a tad......
  • JingleMaJingleMa Member Posts: 1,319
    edited May 2012

    Just DYM's Dev.

    N1, back on track! :-)
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2012
    cheers m8,
  • day4eire76day4eire76 Member Posts: 912
    edited May 2012

    Well done Pal,

    Your going well.C4Ps will be a really nice bonus at the end of the month.I have only got to play a few tables with you as I'm struggling to get the games in.I can only do four tables at a time on my laptop top.I feel comfortable playing that many, I don't think I could handle any more.The drawback is I cannot get the volume of games I want in.I will hit 100 games since the first of May today sometime have being keeeping a log of them.Will let you know how I'm going.

    Run well


  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2012
    hi Pat,
    try adding a 5th m8,
    it ,s not that much more dificult,
    then in time u will be able to play 6....
    trust me.
    i.m up to 9 atm
    and slowly adding 10 & 11.
    it seems fast to start with
    but your brain will soon catch up
    and you will look back in a months time
    and think what was all the fuss about.
    JingleMa is playing 12/15 atm
    and looking 2 increase to 18 when he gets his 2nd monitor,
    so as u can see,you can always add more.
    best wishes buddy,
  • yidette9yidette9 Member Posts: 703
    edited May 2012
    looking good now Ian

    I notice a few people are mentioning your C4P's and this is good. The new widget thingy is great for showing us exactly where we are up to. Your CASH4P's is there, can't be taken away from you and just waiting for you to scoop it all up at the end of the month. It also shows your reward for all your hard work and dedication so it wouldn't be wrong for you to be now including this ever-increasing figure as part of your bankroll. Just a thought to help keep up your motivation ......

    I'll nip back in tomorrow

    Bye for now

    Lorraine :) x
  • Woogie8688Woogie8688 Member Posts: 811
    edited May 2012
    Hi dev,

    Glad to see its heading in the right direction again :-)
    And I see it was the £1.15's that were good yesterday so I reckon your strategy is best left unchanged 

    Keep it going Ian  
  • day4eire76day4eire76 Member Posts: 912
    edited May 2012
    Hey Guys,

    Just passed the 100 games for the month.Have now played 103 dyms.

    £1  P6   W5 L1      
    £2  P79  W52 L27
    £3  P15  W9  L6
    £5  P3    W2  L1

    Total P103 W68 L35.

    Dev playing four at full screen, am going to give five a go later on.Do you play with the mini view or normally with the tables coming to the front when action is on you.

  • JingleMaJingleMa Member Posts: 1,319
    edited May 2012

    Hi Day4,

    Looks like ur doing great! Obv it's only a v.tiny sample but 68% win rate is brilliant and u've only dropped this to 61% on £3/£5 tables so far.

    I would recommend mini-view - I'm gud @ multi-tabling on these, just gotta learn how to win on em now lol.

    Keep going & gl!

    Priyesh / Jingle.
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2012
    thanks Lorraine,
    yes u r quite right about the c4p building up quite nicely.
    never even thought about including it into my b/roll.
    do you think i should ?
    or should i wait until nxt month,when it arrives
    & then i,d be in a position to possibly move up a level.
    also i feel it,s not really mine until i get it,
    if that makes sense.
    thanks mike,
    think u r right m8.
    i will only play a limited no. of higher level games
    and if i can get a 3/1 start or even poss a 2/2,as y,day
    i will stop there as atm i cannot afford to lose a big % of my roll.

    nice going there Pat,
    great stuff
    as Jingle says mini-view,
    u soon get used to it
    also as there is no chat box on mini
    i find this a big + as u don,t get distracted by them,
    even though they are good fun
    they imo have a negative effect on my game.
    best wishes

  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited May 2012
    Taking a break for a couple of days to chill out.
    Just getting too many bad beats at the moment.
    Hopefully come back refreshed for the weekend.

    In the short term i may try calling with anything , seems to work for a lot of people ! :-)

    Run good my fellow DYM'ers.
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2012
    hi mick,
    tell me about them.
    a few days ago things were just so grim 4 me,
    but played through it and touch wood
    seem 2 have come out the other side.
    have a day or 2 off and as u say come back refreshed.
    i would recomend dropping down a level while u r struggeling
    and go back up when it,s over,
    don,t get to down with it,
    it will turn back your way soon.


           w 3 +£5.25
           l  2 -£4.50
           w29 +£24.64
           L 18-£20.70

    won £4.70

    b/roll   £50.71(+£10.00)

    c4p   109
    total 1054

    managed another small win
    so happy again.
    also playing 11/12 tables
    so happy about that,
    had a little spell where i made a couple of small mistakes
    due to no. of tables
    but quite happy on the whole with how i played.

    had a thought about c4p
    think i,ll add it on when i get it
    as it will be a day 2 look 4ward 2.
    hopefully,if all goes well....
    should be able 2 move up a level too,
    if not b4.

    thanks again 4 all the support & kind words from everyone,
    it really really does help,especially when things aren,t going so well.!!!
    back tomorrow

  • yidette9yidette9 Member Posts: 703
    edited May 2012
    nice upbeat update from you Ian

    Very pleased you had another good day.

    Yes I think you're right to only include your c4p in your b/roll updates to us following your progress when you actually get it, I was only thinking that you should keep it in your mind as the month continues. A special bonus to look forward to.

    Keep up the great work

    Lorraine :) x
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2012
    thanks Lorraine,
    i can,t wait until c4p nxt month
    only neg is i won,t receive it until the 11th
    due 2 bank holiday mon
    so it seems a long way off atm.
    will be moving up a level then 4 sure i think.!!!
  • Woogie8688Woogie8688 Member Posts: 811
    edited May 2012
    Hi again m8,

    Am sure that at these levels any daily profit is good no matter how small it is.

    Have you got a figure in mind as to when you might move up the levels?

    Keep grinding m8 you are doing good :-)

  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited May 2012
    Couldn't resist the draw. lol
    Just played a £3 table and cashed so maybe my luck is about to change :-)
    Mind you, doubling up with a set in the 2nd hand helped !!
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev,s DYM...MISSION IMPOSSIBLE:
    Hi again m8, Am sure that at these levels any daily profit is good no matter how small it is. Have you got a figure in mind as to when you might move up the levels? Keep grinding m8 you are doing good :-) Mike
    Posted by Woogie8688
    hi mike,
    my nxt level is;
    level 2 i need £60 b4 i move up
    but i might alter this to £80
    either way it probably won,t be much b4 june 11
    when i receive my c4p.
    as i,ve said there is no time-frame on this mission
    so will have to wait n see i guess.
    be lucky,
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