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Patwalshh - My Ongoing Journey [new update]



  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - My Ongoing Journey [Includes Backstory/Updates]:
    nice going Pat, well played m8. :) dev
    Posted by devonfish5
    Ty Dev
  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited August 2012

    Sng wise, I've been on a huge heater this month, so I can't complain about results at all. When you're running good, it's easy to get overconfident. It just takes one bad session to destroy all the positive emotions you inevitably build when your winning. I try not to let my results effect my personal life or mood. Saying that, I find myself a lot more motivated during times that I'm winning, compared to downswing/break even periods. I'd like to find a balance, in that Poker results doesn't effect my attitude in life. 

    Some sessions I can beat myself up because I only won x amount when the cards where going my way. Other times, I might be ecstatic when I only lost x amount of buy-ins, when I should have lost a lot more. Ultimately, money comes, money goes. It's easy to lose track of the greater picture. You can't put a price on life experience, friendship, love and perhaps most importantly, happiness.

    Taking a little break off from Poker for the rest of the day, to chill with friends, enjoy the weather, have a few drinks, and hopefully meet a few girls. I hope everyone enjoys their weekend.

    Sng results only:

    382 games, Av Stake £6.34, Av ROI 11.4%


  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited August 2012

    Went to a house party last night and in terms of guy/girl ratio, it was the worst I'd ever been to. Walked in, and there was about 20 guys and one girl (I think she was taken anyway lol). My house mate I went with is a bum right now, so has no job or money. So instead of just being able to go to the local clubs with him, I was forced to go to the casino (hard life I know). Get to the casino and start playing blackjack, looking like a high roller buying in for £60 lol. Middle age women were telling me their life story and I was enjoy the night. Head to roulette, and lost a little. Head to an empty £5 min blackjack table and bet on every box lol. Eventually make a tiny bit and saw a poker table with only a couple of guys. Perfect. 

    I walk over to the poker table and ask what game they were playing (lol). Proceed to say I've never played the 'two  card type' before, and ask the rules. The two guys were very welcoming and friendly. I'm fairly tipsy right now, but order two drinks from the waitor. Slowly chip up and then get involved in a couple pots. I was being friendly/chatty at the table as I wanted to create a beginners image. 

    Playing 3 handed and it's limped to me on the bb, I have J6 and raise, just the button calls. I brick the flop, but lead. Buton calls. Turn gives me hope with a 6, seeing no value in double barrelling, I check and he bets. River is the beautiful 6. Now, he quickly bets fairly big out of turn. I act really confused and ask the dealer what's happening. I check and his bet stands. I tank, act really confused and throw in a raise. He shoves for £40 more and I call. He has air and I scoop the pot. 

    My favourite pot proceeds. Me and a fish are playing heads up, he's a nice guy and we're talking away. Not entirely being sober himself, he's entertained by waitor bringing me two more drinks. He limps the button and I check with 46. Flop's KJx and we both check. Turn's pairs my 4 and I check, he bets and I call. River's an ace, making KJx4A. I check and he overbets pot. I call off with 4th pair and it's good. 

    Around 3am, I get a text from a girl I know, telling me she has a free house...


    I have to go for now, but will update later.

  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited August 2012
    hi Pat
    congratulations on the watch m8,
    you've got no excuses for ever being late now!!!!   lol
    looking forward to the up-date.
  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited August 2012

    (Much of this was inspired by the following thread -



    This is probably going to be one of the most in depth blog posts I've ever written, so please bear with me. Before I start, I just want to emphasise the fact that this diary/blog isn't written with the intention of being one giant brag post or source of knowledge. I find writing my high and indeed low points, to be therapeutic. Writing them simply helps me to congregate and express my thoughts and emotions.

    The beginning of June signalled an end to my first year of University. Exams were over and I now had 4 months of 'freedom' ahead of me. In the beginning, all I wanted to do was get away. Thailand, Mexico, Spain, anywhere. After such a horrible summer the previous year, I just wanted to do anything I could to avoid a repeat. That was my initial reaction.

    As poker players, we're constantly required to inject logic into situations. We lose 5 flips in a row, and suddenly we're angry, confused, sometimes even desperate. Without injecting logic, it's all too easy to up the stakes in the wrong frame of mind and play games we're not only massive underdogs in, but also severely under-rolled for. So as I'm sat, deciding my options of the upcoming summer, I tried to think about what I truly wanted. I didn't want to move away from those I'm closest to, I just wanted to enjoy my life, summer, and times with family/friends.

    Thinking back, it's funny. At the naive age of 13, I thought that life was somewhat simple and that 18 year olds' and older were mature, that they held some kind of a fundamental understanding of life. Fast forward to the age of 19, and I've realised that life is infinitely complex. I know that by my latter years, I won't know 0.0001% of worldly knowledge. To apply this to Poker. When you first play and win a few pots/go on a heater, you'll probably overestimate your skill and might believe that you're a great player. Fast forward a months, and a few lost bankrolls later, you may get a sense that the game is more complex than you initially believed, but still you underestimate it's intricacy. Fast forward a couple years and if you've put the work in, suddenly you might be fortunate enough to be a winning player. But no matter how hard you feel that you work, there's something holding you back from beating the more solid regulars, or reaching the higher stakes. Suddenly, you no longer feel your going anywhere and you've reached a plateau. I believe it's all too easy to accept this phase and not get any further.

    I should know just how easy it is to not accept your full potential. I've done well at school and I'm at university, all be it slightly average. I think deeper about emotions and life, but hold no groundbreaking views on either. I've had above average girlfriends, and probably f****d slightly above average girls, but if I honestly asked myself whether I could have done better, the answer would have to be yes. If I could have previously pushed myself through the hard times, the plateaus and ultimately not taken the easy route too many times, I could be at a much better place right now - not only tangibly, but intangibly.


    Sorry to make it a bit of a philosophical thread, but it's a great way for me to channel my thoughts. Recently, I've spent some quality time with family, including my older half-brother. I was fortunate enough to be in the position to acquire a brand new 2012 Rolex.

    I have a huge September ahead. I plan on reaching Priority and in the process play 1,500 SNGs & the SPT final in Nottingham. Furthermore, I've started an insane diet plan/workout to get me in shape for the Uni American football season, and (more importantly) for fresher's to meet some girls. Hopefully I won't burn myself out too much.

    I wish everyone the best. If you've made it this far, you deserve some sort of commemoration.



  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - Kid gets a watch [Huge September Ahead]:
    I've had slightly above average girlfriends, and probably f****d slightly above average girls, but if I honestly asked myself whether I could have done better, the answer would have to be yes.

    O to be 19 again, true aspirations of a 19 year old -_-

    run good with girls and poker m8'ty )
  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - Kid gets a watch [Huge September Ahead]:
    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - Kid gets a watch [Huge September Ahead] : O to be 19 again, true aspirations of a 19 year old -_- run good with girls and poker m8'ty )
    Posted by rancid
    Haha thanks man. 

    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - Kid gets a watch [Huge September Ahead]:
    hi Pat congratulations on the watch m8, you've got no excuses for ever being late now!!!!   lol looking forward to the up-date. :) dev
    Posted by devonfish5

    I guess I don't have any excuses! Hope you enjoy.
  • JingleMaJingleMa Member Posts: 1,319
    edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - Kid gets a watch [Huge September Ahead]:
    (Much of this was inspired by the following thread - )   -- This is probably going to be one of the most in depth blog posts I've ever written, so please bear with me. Before I start, I just want to emphasise the fact that this diary/blog isn't written with the intention of being one giant brag post or source of knowledge. I find writing my high and indeed low points, to be therapeutic. Writing them simply helps me to congregate and express my thoughts and emotions. The beginning of June signalled an end to my first year of University. Exams were over and I now had 4 months of 'freedom' ahead of me. In the beginning, all I wanted to do was get away. Thailand, Mexico, Spain, anywhere. After such a horrible summer the previous year, I just wanted to do anything I could to avoid a repeat. That was my initial reaction. As poker players, we're constantly required to inject logic into situations. We lose 5 flips in a row, and suddenly we're angry, confused, sometimes even desperate. Without injecting logic, it's all too easy to up the stakes in the wrong frame of mind and play games we're not only massive underdogs in, but also severely under-rolled for. So as I'm sat, deciding my options of the upcoming summer, I tried to think about what I truly wanted. I didn't want to move away from those I'm closest to, I just wanted to enjoy my life, summer, and times with family/friends. Thinking back, it's funny. At the naive age of 13, I thought that life was somewhat simple and that 18 year olds' and older were mature, that they held some kind of a fundamental understanding of life. Fast forward to the age of 19, and I've realised that life is infinitely complex. I know that by my latter years, I won't know 0.0001% of worldly knowledge. To apply this to Poker. When you first play and win a few pots/go on a heater, you'll probably overestimate your skill and might believe that you're a great player. Fast forward a months, and a few lost bankrolls later, you may get a sense that the game is more complex than you initially believed, but still you underestimate it's intricacy. Fast forward a couple years and if you've put the work in, suddenly you might be fortunate enough to be a winning player. But no matter how hard you feel that you work, there's something holding you back from beating the more solid regulars, or reaching the higher stakes. Suddenly, you no longer feel your going anywhere and you've reached a plateau. I believe it's all too easy to accept this phase and not get any further. I should know just how easy it is to not accept your full potential. I've done well at school and I'm at university, all be it slightly average. I think deeper about emotions and life, but hold no groundbreaking views on either. I've had above average girlfriends, and probably f****d slightly above average girls, but if I honestly asked myself whether I could have done better, the answer would have to be yes. If I could have previously pushed myself through the hard times, the plateaus and ultimately not taken the easy route too many times, I could be at a much better place right now - not only tangibly, but intangibly. -- Sorry to make it a bit of a philosophical thread, but it's a great way for me to channel my thoughts. Recently, I've spent some quality time with family, including my older half-brother. I was fortunate enough to be in the position to acquire a brand new 2012 Rolex. I have a huge September ahead. I plan on reaching Priority and in the process play 1,500 SNGs & the SPT final in Nottingham. Furthermore, I've started an insane diet plan/workout to get me in shape for the Uni American football season, and (more importantly) for fresher's to meet some girls. Hopefully I won't burn myself out too much. I wish everyone the best. If you've made it this far, you deserve some sort of commemoration. -- patwalshh
    Posted by patwalshh

    Mods, close thread please - this is clearly a massive troll post.
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited August 2012

    ha quality post! 

    Good luck in September, pics as well as graphs plz!
  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited August 2012
    Trying to liven things up a bit. Results haven't been too great before today. But going to turn it around.

    Over 2/3 days:

  • frascatifrascati Member Posts: 76
    edited August 2012

    Enjoyed the post keep them coming,run good in September.


  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - Kid gets a watch [Huge September Ahead]:
    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - Kid gets a watch [Huge September Ahead] : Fail. Mods, close thread please - this is clearly a massive troll post.
    Posted by JingleMa
    Lol PJ. Obvious levelling in this thread.

    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - Kid gets deep [Huge September Ahead]:
    ha quality post!  Good luck in September, pics as well as graphs plz!
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH

    What sort of pics/vids are you after haha?

    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - Kid gets deep [Huge September Ahead]:
    Enjoyed the post keep them coming,run good in September. Lee.
    Posted by frascati

    Thank you Lee, great to have you in the thread. Hopefully you don't crush me too much on the tables.
  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited August 2012
    "But going to turn it around"


    As promised I donated £20 to a charity last night. Took me a while to decide, but it's called crisis and helps homeless people living on the streets, definitely a worthy cause. 

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - Kid gets deep [Huge September Ahead]:
    "But going to turn it around" -- As promised I donated £20 to a charity last night. Took me a while to decide, but it's called crisis and helps homeless people living on the streets, definitely a worthy cause. 
    Posted by patwalshh
    Yeah great cause indeed, I won't go into any detail but I'm aware of this kinda situation and when you think about it, it's amazing how much is taken for granted, like just being able to sleep in a nice bed indoors everynight.

    What do you create your graphs on seen as we can't use HEM etc on here, just Excel? I've been using Open Office which is basically a free downloadable carbon copy of Microsoft Office and my Excel skills are pretty good but some things on Open Office are just bizarre and I can't figure out a way to make a decent graph for my diary.
  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - Kid gets deep [Huge September Ahead]:
    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - Kid gets deep [Huge September Ahead] : Yeah great cause indeed, I won't go into any detail but I'm aware of this kinda situation and when you think about it, it's amazing how much is taken for granted, like just being able to sleep in a nice bed indoors everynight. 
    What do you create your graphs on seen as we can't use HEM etc on here, just Excel? I've been using Open Office which is basically a free downloadable carbon copy of Microsoft Office and my Excel skills are pretty good but some things on Open Office are just bizarre and I can't figure out a way to make a decent graph for my diary.
    Posted by Lambert180
    I get cold living in a heated house, how anyone can live on the streets throughout the year is beyond me. I definitely agree with your points.

    I use the sharkscope advanced filters, which only works for tournaments or sngs. I had to sign up, and I paid something like $10 for 200 searches (not sure if you have to actually pay to use it or not). Which has lasted me months and I still have 85+ left. 

  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited August 2012
    How I keep my sanity on this site vs the fish I don't know..
  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited September 2012

    Poker's a cruel game. It can just take one session to make or break a player. (Durrrr losing $5m vs Isildur)



    Some Poker sessions are damage limitation. Nothing we do is right, and we find ourselves grimicing as we watch our AK be called against AJ, knowing the suckout is just 5 cards away. Some sessions we can do no wrong. Our reads seem spot on. The game just seems to become formality, as our win is guarenteed 15 minutes later, regardless of current stack size.

    Last night, as I saw one too many buyin at £50nl hu disappear, a result of trying to bluff at the wrong time. I was in nothing but shock. How I'd turned the day from +£55 to -£150, gave me a feeling I'd never felt before. Sure I was angry, but I wasn't tilted in the usual sense. For the first time, I truely resented the bad players I was facing - Injustice tilt. I'd worked on my game harder than all of the players at the table put together, and yet they keep sucking out on me, or I'm running into the very best of their calling range. How many more times can I shove AQ from the SB and be snapped by AK? Financially, and somewhat more importantly, emotionally - I needed something big to happen.

    I wasn't going to chase my losses at higher stakes. So what outs had I left myself? Still in the HU bounty shuffle, great - A £55 first prize if I'm lucky. Not enough. I was also in the Open Rebuy main event , my favourite Skypoker tournament. I was doing very well, with a 17k chip stack, when the average was just 9k. So often have I gone deep in this tournament, only to make fundamental errors, or to be outdrawn in epic fashion. A past unlucky, and paticularly painful occasion springs to mind. We were already in the money, and I found myself all in pre with AA vs 99 for a monster stack - only for a 9 to hit on the river. No repeats of previous tournaments I pleaded. Two mistakes later, left me with a below average stack. I found myself asking, why do I crumble in every tournament I play in?

     The HU bounty was getting interesting, me and my opponent both had monster stacks, the winner of our match would be in a fantastic position to take the tournament down. My opponents frustration grew as my erratic playing style was getting the better of him, especially after I hero called with 4th pair to a river to an overbet. He started shoving every button and every small blind. I just had to pick my moment I told myself. I min raised with AQ, and find my opponent all in, I snap called and he shoves A5. The 5 on the flop sealed my fate. I was down to 1 tournament - The rebuy open.

    Slowly but surely I grinded my way up. Stealing every pot I could. The cards weren't coming my way, but determination and well timed 3 bet bluffs slowly built my stack. As the field dwindled, I found my 3 bet called by button. I checked a 10 high flop to my opponent, who put in a pot sized bet. I snapped with QQ. Fortunately my opponent held a low pocket pair, and I got a much needed double up. From there, the numbers slowly reduced. Before long we were in the money. All I wanted to do was final table the event. Not for the money, but for the boost in confidence I so desperately needed. Before long we were down to 9 players. And then 6. I'd done it, I'd reached the final table.

    Unfortunately my AK couldn't beat JJ for a monster stack and I finished in 5th place for a little under £400. With the SPT Final in Nottingham a week away, I have just a glimmer of hope, I can make a mark on it.



  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - Kid gets deep [Huge September Ahead]:
    Poker's a cruel game. It can just take one session to make or break a player.  (Durrrr losing $5m vs Isildur)   -- Some Poker sessions are damage limitation. Nothing we do is right, and we find ourselves grimicing as we watch our AK be called against AJ, knowing the suckout is just 5 cards away. Some sessions we can do no wrong. Our reads seem spot on. The game just seems to become formality, as our win is guarenteed 15 minutes later, regardless of current stack size. Last night, as I saw one too many buyin at £50nl hu disappear, a result of trying to bluff at the wrong time. I was in nothing but shock. How I'd turned the day from +£55 to -£150, gave me a feeling I'd never felt before. Sure I was angry, but I wasn't tilted in the usual sense. For the first time, I truely resented the bad players I was facing - Injustice tilt. I'd worked on my game harder than all of the players at the table put together, and yet they keep sucking out on me, or I'm running into the very best of their calling range. How many more times can I shove AQ from the SB and be snapped by AK? Financially, and somewhat more importantly, emotionally - I needed something big to happen. I wasn't going to chase my losses at higher stakes. So what outs had I left myself? Still in the HU bounty shuffle, great - A £55 first prize if I'm lucky. Not enough. I was also in the Open Rebuy main event , my favourite Skypoker tournament. I was doing very well, with a 17k chip stack, when the average was just 9k. So often have I gone deep in this tournament, only to make fundamental errors, or to be outdrawn in epic fashion. A past unlucky, and paticularly painful occasion springs to mind. We were already in the money, and I found myself all in pre with AA vs 99 for a monster stack - only for a 9 to hit on the river. No repeats of previous tournaments I pleaded. Two mistakes later, left me with a below average stack. I found myself asking, why do I crumble in every tournament I play in?  The HU bounty was getting interesting, me and my opponent both had monster stacks, the winner of our match would be in a fantastic position to take the tournament down. My opponents frustration grew as my erratic playing style was getting the better of him, especially after I hero called with 4th pair to a river to an overbet. He started shoving every button and every small blind. I just had to pick my moment I told myself. I min raised with AQ, and find my opponent all in, I snap called and he shoves A5. The 5 on the flop sealed my fate. I was down to 1 tournament - The rebuy open. Slowly but surely I grinded my way up. Stealing every pot I could. The cards weren't coming my way, but determination and well timed 3 bet bluffs slowly built my stack. As the field dwindled, I found my 3 bet called by button. I checked a 10 high flop to my opponent, who put in a pot sized bet. I snapped with QQ. Fortunately my opponent held a low pocket pair, and I got a much needed double up. From there, the numbers slowly reduced. Before long we were in the money. All I wanted to do was final table the event. Not for the money, but for the boost in confidence I so desperately needed. Before long we were down to 9 players. And then 6. I'd done it, I'd reached the final table. Unfortunately my AK couldn't beat JJ for a monster stack and I finished in 5th place for a little under £400. With the SPT Final in Nottingham a week away, I have just a glimmer of hope, I can make a mark on it. -- patwalshh
    Posted by patwalshh
    wp last night pat. good to see you cashing in both mini and main............(I said I would post to prove I read your diary on a reg basis) :)
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2012
    Nice work last night Pat, trust you to bust just after I stop railing you! Still a nice cash mind, give you some spending money for the SPT weekend ;)

    I've gotta say, I really enjoy the writing style you use for your diary, makes reading it a lot more interesting than your average diary. I do pop in here alot even if I don't always post.

    P.S. I'm still none the wiser when it comes to creating a graph for my cash results, might have to email my results spreadsheet to my work email and create the graph there where they have Excel.
  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - Kid gets deep [Huge September Ahead]:
    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - Kid gets deep [Huge September Ahead] : wp last night pat. good to see you cashing in both mini and main............(I said I would post to prove I read your diary on a reg basis) :)
    Posted by waller02

    Thanks for posting Waller, means a lot. Would have been nice to final table both, but sometimes, a kid can only do so much. Hope your running well inside, and outside of Poker. 

    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - "Poker's a cruel game" [Huge September Ahead]:
    Nice work last night Pat, trust you to bust just after I stop railing you! Still a nice cash mind, give you some spending money for the SPT weekend ;) I've gotta say, I really enjoy the writing style you use for your diary, makes reading it a lot more interesting than your average diary. I do pop in here alot even if I don't always post. P.S. I'm still none the wiser when it comes to creating a graph for my cash results, might have to email my results spreadsheet to my work email and create the graph there where they have Excel.
    Posted by Lambert180

    Thanks again Paul. It can be difficult trying to find something interesting to write about, not to mention a writing style that works for it. Hopefully I can continue to improve on it! 

    There's actually a free version of an Excel type programme you can use, just google it. It's a shame you can import hands into Holdem Manager and graph/analyse they that way. 

    I wish I could do something extravagant with the money, but it has to go towards paying off the Rolex as I still owe a little on it. Still looking forward to the SPT, and hopefully a couple cash games whilst I'm there. Will you be showing your face at all?

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