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Patwalshh - My Ongoing Journey [new update]



  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - My Ongoing Journey (Including Backstory/Updates):
    Just thought i'd say 'hello' away from from beating you up at the tables! Good luck with  reaching you goals
    Posted by Jac35
    When you have a star, you can mock me in my own thread, until then.... 

    All jokes aside, using your first post to comment on my thread, I'm honored. Your definitely a reg I don't enjoy having on my tables, especially to my right - Always enjoy the chat though. All the best.
  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited June 2012
    In line with my June goals, I've been reading the mental game of poker by Jared Tendler most nights. I've gained tons of useful information from the book, and I definitely recommend it to players of all levels. Some of the key points the book has specified so far includes:

    - Warming up before a session
    - Recognising patterns of tilt and knowing when to play through it/quit for the session
    - Recognising the underlying cause of tilt
    - Keeping 'your game' organised

    I've found 'Recognising the underlying cause of tilt' to be the most interesting. Yes, an opponent hitting his gutshot on the river after calling for most of his stack during the previous streets is annoying. But what causes such beats to make us go on tilt? What underlying triggers do such events have on us, and why? It can be as simple as; losing makes us feel bad about ourselves, so we try to balance that by making rash decisions and getting angry. In other instances, it can be more intricate. Bad runs can cause great players to second guess easy river calls or standard 3 bets because they expect the worst. 

    I hope I can continue to improve my mental game. As its something I've been oblivious to in the past. 


    Today was good, I'm delighted to book another winning day. However I felt a bit burnt out towards the end of a session and decided to stop playing for the day. A quick search told me that I've played nearly 600 DYM's already this month, which is great volume for me. I'd be very happy with 1000+ games by the end of the month. I'm on track to reach 6000 cash for points, which is great considering I'm just playing £5.50s at the moment. 

    Todays graph:

    46 games +£27



  • thomas87thomas87 Member Posts: 174
    edited June 2012
    Hi Pat

    Im in the middle of reading the same book and i agree its a very good book, ive already learnt alot and really do think it has helped me not only in poker but also in life.

    600 DYMs! I wish i could play that many im up to 55 lol, but to be fair i didnt play much last week due to working night shift and the football (COME ON ENGLAND). How many tables do you play at one time?

    Keep up the good work mate.

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited June 2012
    What are your reasons for not moving up to £10 DYM's?
    As a winning player you would i'm sure be comfortable there and obviously given your present volume you would be reaching 10000+ cash for points.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited June 2012

    Ignore last post if you wish Pat, not really any of my business.
    I used to play mainly £10's myself and have reasons for not playing them much now.
    Just wondering if yours were similar to mine.
    Contact me directly if you like.

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited June 2012

    Hadn't read all of your diary before posting.
    So now ignore both posts!!
    You say they are too reggy for your liking.
    Bit surprised by that
    Is that not a good thing in the main? As long as you exercise reasonable game selection many of the regs have poor stats and and with simple notes you know the guys you can raise and also the guys who will defend with any 2.
    Not saying you're wrong at all as i agree that the 5's are weaker generally and with enough volume a decent profit is attainable.

    Side note

    You will love DTD when you go. Fabulous venue and run very well.
  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - My Ongoing Journey (Including Backstory/Updates):
    Hi Pat Im in the middle of reading the same book and i agree its a very good book, ive already learnt alot and really do think it has helped me not only in poker but also in life. 600 DYMs! I wish i could play that many im up to 55 lol, but to be fair i didnt play much last week due to working night shift and the football (COME ON ENGLAND). How many tables do you play at one time? Keep up the good work mate. Jamie
    Posted by thomas87

    It's a great book and is definitely applicable to a lot of areas! Football and booze is more important than Poker anyway haha. Hope your running well Jamie.

    I play up to 12 tables which sounds like a lot, but when you have the right set up and a fair amount of experience, it just becomes second nature to have a lot of tables open. All the best. 

    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - My Ongoing Journey (Including Backstory/Updates):
    Sigh!!!! Hadn't read all of your diary before posting. So now ignore both posts!! You say they are too reggy for your liking. Bit surprised by that Is that not a good thing in the main? As long as you exercise reasonable game selection many of the regs have poor stats and and with simple notes you know the guys you can raise and also the guys who will defend with any 2. Not saying you're wrong at all as i agree that the 5's are weaker generally and with enough volume a decent profit is attainable. Side note You will love DTD when you go. Fabulous venue and run very well.
    Posted by Jac35

    Ahh stella induced rambling haha. It's not really that the £11s are that reg filled, most of the standard of play is pretty awful, it's more the number of them that load. It often takes 25 minutes for 3/4 £11 to load, and when your trying to play 12 of them at once, it's not really possible to play them on their own. So I'm forced to mix them with 5.50s, and when I'm playing 9 £5.50s and 3 £11s, I don't really like mixing the results/added pressure. 

    I honestly can't wait to go to DTD in September for the SPT Final. I've been eying up the Grand Prix next month, which is like £120 buy-in with £200k guarenteed! Insane value. So I might cave in and play that. Do you go there a lot? 


    Poker wise, it's been a very difficult 24 hours as I can't stop losing at whatever I play. I'm down roughly £120 since yesterday. 75% of which is 20nl cash and the rest is from SNGs. However, I've reviewed a lot of the hands, and I'm not tilting, or playing any differently to how I normally play, so that's something to be proud of. Saying that, if I had a fraction less self-control, I'd have lost my bankroll playing £200nl hu by now. But I have to remember to think clearly, and most importantly, logically. No tilt. No bad play. No losing my temper. Patience. Swings come, swings go. "The race is long, and in the end, it's only with yourself."

    Hopefully this downswing is just a means of adding drama before ending the month on a high.

    Results speak for themself:

    I've always found the gym a great way for me to release and unwind. So after a truly awful session, that's exactly where I headed:

    50Kg+ Bicep Curls (Z-Bar)


  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited June 2012
    Don't go there so much now. For quite a while i was playing cash there 5 nights a week but the swings are were too big a problem for me to be honest.
    Wonderful when you walk out with a couple of grand in your pocket but the feeling when you've just done 3-4
     buy ins at 1/2 is brutal.
    Also through playing so many dym games i feel my cash has struggled. Whilst you're mainly nut peddling at dym's cash needs to be more aggressive, with your draws etc.
  • Spad3sSpad3s Member Posts: 269
    edited June 2012
    Cash out now, you will be bust within the week.
  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited June 2012
    If anyone could coach me on how to run better when I'm all in, I'd appreciate it...

    All on the bubble within a few minutes of each other:


    Anyway I'm done for the day, running terribly right now:

    On a sidenote, I played the priority freeroll and was just single tabling it - I'm really happy with how my game's progressing at the moment. I enjoy games vs Regs, because you can play play on a deeper level. They think, that I think, that they have this, so I'm going to do this, sort of thinking. 

    I had 2 interesting hands vs a Solid SNG regular:

    First hand was in the early stage of the tournament. It isn't a slow pace, so it's vital to keep your head above water and get chips early. 2 players in the hand were away, so it was me and the reg basically hu in the hand. I make a standard raise on the button and it comes down a very dry flop: Q25. I make a standard c bet, and he does something which throws me... He raises. 

    When he raises he's polorising his range - in that, there's only a few combinations of hands that he'd check/raise such a flop. Because he's a reg, I wouldnt expect him to do this with 55 or 22. He'd have probably 3 bet most of his value hands earlier such as KQ, AQ and QQ. So at this stage you can put him on a complete bluff, 34, or he's spazzing with something like 44/33/66. I think he's just got so much air in his range. Furthermore his raise sizing looked suspiciously big, indicating that he doesn't want me to continue in the hand. So I shove A high and take it down. 

    (If this hand was verses a very standard player or a fish, I'm definitely bet/folding the flop. I also showed, which is something I rarely do. But because a few players were away and me and him would get involved in a lot of pots, I felt I could get in his head a little bit)

    Hand 2 was verses the same Reg. I make another standard raise, this time from the sb with Q10. Reg calls, and we see a 9KK flop. I thought that I'd get floated by too many hands if I cbet, so I decided I'd check/call a bet with my gutshot and see how the hand progressed. He just checks behind and we see 6, pretty much a blank. So I lead the turn and he flats. River is a 5. I'd only expect my bet to be called by worse, and at the time I really wasn't repping anything. I'd expect the Reg to bet all missed draws, so I decided to c/r and rep a monster. He bets and I make a small raise and he folds. 

    Sadly I lost a 5k pot when my AKss can't get there vs 1010. And I shove 12bb from the button with 33 and get called by 88. Although the DYMs haven't been going my way the last few days, I'm feeling more confident than ever in my game and about the GUKPT next month. With a little bit of run good, I'm convinced that I can go deep in it. 



  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - My Ongoing Journey (Including Backstory/Updates):
    Don't go there so much now. For quite a while i was playing cash there 5 nights a week but the swings are were too big a problem for me to be honest. Wonderful when you walk out with a couple of grand in your pocket but the feeling when you've just done 3-4  buy ins at 1/2 is brutal. Also through playing so many dym games i feel my cash has struggled. Whilst you're mainly nut peddling at dym's cash needs to be more aggressive, with your draws etc.
    Posted by Jac35

    Ahh there is nothing better than walking out in the early hours with huge wads of £50 notes in your pocket! Variance is always something I've avoided. Its too easy to forget the good times when you can't get anything going and lose a few hundred, which at the end of the day, is just a couple buy ins. Have you ever been to vegas?

    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - My Ongoing Journey (Including Backstory/Updates):
    Cash out now, you will be bust within the week.
    Posted by Spad3s

    Always nice to have diversity in a thread lol.


    Only played a short session today, but 40% ROI definitely restored some confidence in my game. Need to keep things on track if I want to end the month on a high!


  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited June 2012

    Once again, small volume today. Frankly, I just wanted to lock up the win.Only played 12 games, but winning 11 in a row makes for a graph that looks like a slide <3 

    12 games - 66.7% ROI +£44

    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - My Ongoing Journey (Including Backstory/Updates):
    Cash out now, you will be bust within the week.
    Posted by Spad3s

    Results since Sunday:



  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited June 2012

    A few days has passed since my last update. I've found it very difficult to motivate myself to write this when trying to work my way out of a £160 downswing. Which to some individuals is more than their entire poker bankroll, and to others is how much they win or lose in a single hand. But if you think of £160 in terms of buy-ins, it's 29 buy-ins for me. Probably half of which was cash and the rest SNGs. Nevertheless, I've been working my a** off to turn the month around.

    The last few days have been very swingy. It'll be really interesting to see if I can actually end this month on a heater and achieve my goal of a 7.5% average ROI. I feel that I've been improving, and when I run better, the results will speak for themself.

    I'd just like to thank the regulars I've been speaking to at the tables, including those who have recognised me from this blog which has made playing (whether winning or losing), a lot more enjoyable. So thank you!

    Just like May, I will post an end of month round-up, including results, thoughts and goals for the following month. To make the goals slightly more interesting, I will give the oppertunity of a freeroll to the first people who respond when I post the update on the 30th June/1st July. Not entirely sure what I'll offer, but hopefully it'll be fairly enticing. 


    Today was like a rollercoster. I lost the first game of my session, and went on to win either 11 or 12 in a row, which was nice. I can't recall winning so many flips in a row. Another side of variance in DYM's that you often forget, is other players all-ins' during the bubble. During the last 2 weeks, players just haven't been getting knocked out as often as they should. The small stack has been doubling up countless times, the big stack's AK couldn't beat an average stacks shove with 88 etc. 

    Unfortunately this evening sessions wasn't such a walk in the park. I quickly lost the first 4 games in a row which was fun. Nevertheless I was able to turn it around and make it a good day at the tables. I just need such results to continue. 

    47 games +£45 - Av ROI 19.9%


    All the best


  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited June 2012

    Sorry I've been slacking with updates recently. I just feel as though I haven't had much exciting content to add, and didn't want to turn this into a thread simply about my DYM results. 

    I like to analyse my poker by month. I just find it a better way to step back and take a look at what I've been doing right, what I've been doing wrong, what I feel I've improved on - and finally, what results I've achieve. I love to specifically look at ROI (in comparison to expected ROI), and total profit. This month hasn't been the most enjoyable for me as a Poker player. I'm feeling burnt out from the grind and without moaning, I just think it could have been more lucrative. Saying that, there are a number of things that are keeping me going;

    1) I'm in somewhat of a race to keep my sharkscope star (For the top 20 sng players by results on the site for 2012)

    2) I'm trying to save for a Rolex 

    3) I feel as though I'm constantly improving various aspects of my game. Whether it's tilt control, shoving/calling ranges or simply post-flop play. 

    I'll post my end of month round up on either Saturday or Sunday. I'll be offering freerolls to the first people who comment, so look out for it! Prizes will include, forfeits by me, donating to certain charities and the poker book 'Analytical No-Limit Hold'em' by Thomas Baker (a very good book, may I add!)


    All the best


  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2012
    Downswings can be really brutal, financial amount aside as you said, just in terms of BIs, especially when you think how many games you need to win to get back on top.

    Just thought I'd pop in and say hello. Thanks for the comment on my thread by the way, I've heard alot about that book you mentioned, I'll have to check it out because I can be a bit of a tilt monster at the best of times lol.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited June 2012
    Hi Pat

    I WANT A STAR!!!

    As you are aware i'm extremely jealous of 'Pat (the star) Walshh' and am intrigued as to how you get one.
    You say its the top 20 players on the site who are bestowed this great honour, but how exactly is it calculated?
    Without wishing to sound too conceited, i imagine i must be close in terms of roi or possibly by profit at our stakes.
    Is volume a key factor?
    Hope you can help as this would complete me!

  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,646
    edited June 2012
    Hi Pat,  been lurking for a while.  Nothing useful to offer in terms of strategy but as a "watcher"  I just HAD to ask....WHAT TYPE OF ROLEX??  Watches are a bit of a "hobby" of mine. 
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - My Ongoing Journey [Look out for 'Freerolls' offered by myself in July]:
    Hi Pat I WANT A STAR!!! As you are aware i'm extremely jealous of 'Pat (the star) Walshh' and am intrigued as to how you get one. You say its the top 20 players on the site who are bestowed this great honour, but how exactly is it calculated? Without wishing to sound too conceited, i imagine i must be close in terms of roi or possibly by profit at our stakes. Is volume a key factor? Hope you can help as this would complete me! Cheers Jac
    Posted by Jac35
    You get a star being in the top 20 of any the leaderboards on Sharkscope. So it could be your in the top 20 for Total Profit across all formats, or top 20 for just STTs, or top 20 for profit in 2012 etc etc. There's a bunch of different league tables, you just need to be top 20 in one of them.
  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - My Ongoing Journey [Look out for 'Freerolls' offered by myself in July]:
    Downswings can be really brutal, financial amount aside as you said, just in terms of BIs, especially when you think how many games you need to win to get back on top. Just thought I'd pop in and say hello. Thanks for the comment on my thread by the way, I've heard alot about that book you mentioned, I'll have to check it out because I can be a bit of a tilt monster at the best of times lol.
    Posted by Lambert180
    Hi Paul, good to have you in the thread, hope your well. Yeah swings can definitely be brutal. Money aside, they can negatively influence so many things, from confidence, to self-esteem, mood etc. Saying that, I think certain aspects of the swings have been positive to me overall. I've increased my tilt threshhold, it probably takes 5x as many beats for me to start to get angry than it used to. And has given me a broader understanding of variance. Many solid players think that when they win 10 buy-ins during a session, that money is 'locked up', need to think again. I myself was one of those players, thinking of money I'd won as 'money in the bank'. Sure I can win 10 DYMs in a row and win £45, but I can't moan when I go on a 75-100 game break even stretch after or lose most of it back the next session, regardless how well I feel that I play.

    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - My Ongoing Journey [Look out for 'Freerolls' offered by myself in July]:
    Hi Pat I WANT A STAR!!! As you are aware i'm extremely jealous of 'Pat (the star) Walshh' and am intrigued as to how you get one. You say its the top 20 players on the site who are bestowed this great honour, but how exactly is it calculated? Without wishing to sound too conceited, i imagine i must be close in terms of roi or possibly by profit at our stakes. Is volume a key factor? Hope you can help as this would complete me! Cheers Jac
    Posted by Jac35

    Haha, the sharkscope star was one of the goals I set myself at the start of this year. There are serveral different global sharkscope leaderboards, ranging from Any game-any site overall profit (which is about $470,000) to (DYM) $2-5, $5.01-$15 stakes etc, but because of sites like Stars where players from Eastern Europe/Asia play such games for a living, it's really difficult to get on the highest earning DYM player for a certain stake. I'm currently in the table for total SNG profit on this site for 2012. '2012 - Any game by network - Sky'. It definitely comes down to volume, because your competing with high volume/highish stakes SNG players/HU SNG players etc. All the best.

    In Response to Re: Patwalshh - My Ongoing Journey [Look out for 'Freerolls' offered by myself in July]:
    Hi Pat,  been lurking for a while.  Nothing useful to offer in terms of strategy but as a "watcher"  I just HAD to ask....WHAT TYPE OF ROLEX??  Watches are a bit of a "hobby" of mine. 
    Posted by Glenelg

    Nice to have you in the thread again. All responses motivate me to keep updating this thread, so thanks. Good question, I'm basically looking for a Rolex Datejust with a Black Dial. I haven't made up my mind 100%, but it's definitely between these two styles:

  • jonjo75jonjo75 Member Posts: 999
    edited June 2012
    Hi Pat , I would not trust these shark scope leaderboards , i was around 19/20th on the scheduled by network leaderboard a few weeks ago and now there are 2 new players who i have never heard of in position 1 and 2 . It sais they both won $46978 in one tourney ,( that cost £10 to enter and had 24 runners) as far as i know no MTT on SKY has that prize so i really dont think they can be trusted.
    But of course its always good to see your name on a leaderboard.
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