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Real life.Hard times,they are over.



  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited November 2012
    Cheers Graeme for your post.Glad you enjoyed readin it.I really enjoyed updating the thread.Agree with you regarding the forum.Wasnt expectin such a response.Also thanks for the other responses guys.Off to try and win a few quid now.
    Take it easy all
  • chopos180chopos180 Member Posts: 176
    edited November 2012
    Great news Paul.

    All the best with you and weeman.

  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited November 2012
    Afternoon all.Been a week or two since the end of the weemans autism assesment so I thought I'd give  awee update on his new classes.Comin on so well since he started its ridiculous.Had so many folk sayin he'll come outa his shell at some point and you'll wish he'd shut up once in a while lol.Great strides taken I would say,makin the household a grand place to be atm.Poker wise,I'm holdin my own winnin a few quid here and there which is always good,but still way too many mistakes for my likin.Really gonna make the effort to post hands ,gettin advice etc as its somethin that I never did before and it cant hurt to get tips can it?May also keep a wee track of my results on here also,just to highlight the mistakes and see where cahnges can be made.Far more relaxed now the weemans comin on great and with christmas  round the corner can really say life is good atm  :)).Back to work now so hopefully more positive updates to come.
    Be good all
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,654
    edited November 2012

    Good to hear Paul. Been reading/following this thread from the start and it looks like that corner has been turned now.

    I wish your lad and your family a great Christmas! (I am a bah humbug usually, so that wish comes from the heart). With the year you have all had, make it one to remember.

    GL on the tables.....but win or lose, keep it 'fun'!

  • profman15profman15 Member Posts: 1,808
    edited November 2012
    Hi Big

    You know, i was cheesed loff ast night after throwing away more than usual and receiving  acouple of bad suckouts...(one when i'd set my opponent up with trips, called his all-in on turn for him to show 99 then catch two-outer on River!!! That hurt!). However, i see this and i realise how stupid it all is. Pleased i left him with a cheery GL now. It's funny how we allow the walls of our mind to squeeze our silly worries and doubts to the forefront when god things are happening. Keep putting family at the forefront m8 then you can't question yourself about this silly stuff. All the best m8. I hope the little 'un will be getting a BIG sackful of pressies from Father Xmas...he deserves it!!!!
  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited November 2012
    In Response to Re: Real life! New beginning.:
    Hi Big You know, i was cheesed loff ast night after throwing away more than usual and receiving  acouple of bad suckouts...(one when i'd set my opponent up with trips, called his all-in on turn for him to show 99 then catch two-outer on River!!! That hurt!). However, i see this and i realise how stupid it all is. Pleased i left him with a cheery GL now. It's funny how we allow the walls of our mind to squeeze our silly worries and doubts to the forefront when god things are happening. Keep putting family at the forefront m8 then you can't question yourself about this silly stuff. All the best m8. I hope the little 'un will be getting a BIG sackful of pressies from Father Xmas...he deserves it!!!!
    Posted by profman15
    Hi m8.He'll be gettin far too much as usual for christmas!!Still get "cheesed off"from time to time re "bad beats".But not near the extent as before.Usually its my own bad play costing me these days but hey ho.Have really for the frst time in years got some form of contentment in my life,weemans good atm,missus is finally comin to terms with the situation that what will be will be and things are workin out well on a personal note too :))Think I'll be able to genuinely enjoy my poker more from now on win or lose.Weeman has classes right up to the21st december so hopefully he can really enjoy christmas with a few words of appreciation for all the pressies!!!Hopin to get to spt dublin also as its only a short train ride from the north.Would be really nice to meet some of you even if I'm not playin.
    Be good
    Ps thanks for the post maxally also
  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited November 2012
    Mornin folks.In a previous post I said I would try to keep track of some poker progress as well as that of the weeman in this thread,so today is day 1 of said "progress".Still tryin to figure out what is right for me as I'm playin pretty much all types on the site,be it tourneys,scarys,hu's etc.Tried a wee bit of NL4 last night that went successfully in terms of results but not so much in discipline.Have to admit I got very lucky on occasions which led to a nice few pots and not so nice language from an opponent :((.Dont think cash is for me but boredom makes me want to try new things so never say never.I suppose the real gist of this thread was not to take life too seriously when other stuff takes a higher precedent,which ties in with last nights agricultural language I was on the receiving end of.TBF it wasnt personal,just more of a release of steam on the oppos behalf,but previously on occasion I would've got involved in a slanging match or just left a wee smiley as a response.This time however I never responded and got on with it which is serious progress for me as I would normally let it get to me and play"even" worse than previous.So after all that!!Results wise I think I made 10/15 notes,which is better than nowt.Small steps etc.With crimbo being around the corner and things the way they are at home what with the weemans great strides in all he does atm, for the first time in a long time life is good and settled.Its been a long year but we've all come out the other side on a positive note.I'll still be regularly updating the weemans and my progress,but just wanted to start this new chapter with a bit of a ramble.Apologies for the length of it.Tend to get carried away when typin.
    Hope its still of interest.
    Be good all
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited November 2012
    hi Paul
    good 2 have u back
    think i just saw you on 1 of my DYM tables.
    didn't notice if u cashed or not.
    if u want to play something simple then u could do a lot worse than dym's.
    and i'm all for keeping it simple mate,trust me.  lol
    say hi to the wee man from me.
    be lucky
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited November 2012
    Hi Paul, still following this!!

    GL to You & Weeman!!
  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited December 2012
    Mornin folks.Just another wee update on how things are goin at home and on the table.Really hard week this week all round.Weeman is ill atm so not a pleasant kid to be around atm :((.This has in turn affected his classes in which he was making so much progress at.Not any steps back,just this last fortnight he hasnt moved forward which is frustrating to say the least.Maybe expectin too much too soon from him,but from the progress this year I dont want to see him fall back.On a plus side though,he has learnt a new phrase from listenin intently to his parents. "God sake,come on" lol.Not ideal but its amazin what they hear when you think they're out of earshot.Have to be more aware of weemans whereabouts when I'm watchin footy,. ha.Poker wise its been poor to say the least.Have been really tired all week what with the weemans sickness etc,so really should have taken a break but alas no.Had been holdin my own until last night then the walls came crashin on me.Felt like every all in was gettin done whether ahead or behind and the number of rivers was shockin.However,it felt c*** at the time but when weeman was bokin all over the house at 3 this mornin,sort of put my beats into perspective.Hopefully he'll be on the mend soon and the classes can get back to normal.Been too good a year to have christmas be a let down for the weeman due to being sick.Off pressie shoppin then back for a game or 2 tonight.Hope its a complete opposite of last night lol.
    Thanks for still readin folks.
    p.s. sorry for the long post.Hope it's not too borin :)
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited December 2012
    hi Paul,
    sorry to hear the wee man's not well,hope he gets better asap.
    as to the poker,axactly the same for me last night,lost count how many rivers i lost to.
    still,as u say it's all soon put back into perspective,isn't it.
    best wishes,as always.
    and btw,your posts are never boring.
  • profman15profman15 Member Posts: 1,808
    edited December 2012
    Hi Paul

    Just rad your last couple of that saying, m8. I may pin it to my monitor whilst playing!! You've noticed a change in your attitude, i see, whilst playing. Very nice and will save you cash as you said. The 'Wee man' is probably getting back on his feet now but isn't his progress great to see? It's when he starts learning phrases like "come on! Just one time!!" that you may get worried. Or ask you "daddy what does 'FFS' mean?" haha.

    I honestly think that the way you play poker reflects how you are ln your normal life. If you can take a bad beat with good grace or not get over involved with the frustrations verbalised in chat then it goes a long way in creating balance all around. We've all lost it at some point. I did in the forum a few days ago...had a lambasted nicely and correctly for it...but had a chance to step back, consider myself and put it right by apologising to the forum and one chap i'd given short shrift to. As long as we learn from it, eh?

    Keep up the good work fella. Your son will thank you for it one day, i'm sure. And it will make you a better person for it...all the best.
  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited December 2012
    Mornin folks.Alas the beats came down again tonight and once or twice I questioned the run of the cards,but through gritted teeth got on with it and profitted tonight.However,during a somewhat heated discussion with a fellow player,shall we say some heated banter took place!!Recollection tells me that it wasnt overly personal,but I think I was called a loser and asked not to speak to said person again!!!Now,if this lady/gent took offence to anything I did I apologise,but for the life of me apart from general digs at each other,it was harmless imho.To be perfectly honest I think I'll keep chat to a minimum at the tables and concentrate my wordage on this thread.Never gonna fall out with anyone over poker,got much bigger fish to fry etc,but I'm genuinely not the sort of person who wants to get involved in anythin like that.On a brighter note,the weeman hasnt been sick today,yay!!Possibly on the mend.Think a trip to santa helped though.Liverpool won,had defoe,agger and michu in my works fantasy league,so alls good :)))Glass of red, feet up and hopefully a full nights sleep for the weeman.
    Cheers for reading
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited December 2012
    Hey Paul,

    All this time you've been posting and I don't think I even knew... are you a fellow scouser? I'm a blue by the way (can't complain with 1 point away to City) but still good to see fellow scousers about
  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited December 2012
    In Response to Re: Real life! New beginning.:
    Hey Paul, All this time you've been posting and I don't think I even knew... are you a fellow scouser? I'm a blue by the way (can't complain with 1 point away to City) but still good to see fellow scousers about
    Posted by Lambert180
    Sorry bud.I'm from Nortern Ireland m8.Not your fault you're a blue!! lol, soz man.I was postin previously about gettin to spt Dublin.Would be a grand way to meet a lot of the players face to face being so close to home etc.Hope alls good your end m8.
  • profman15profman15 Member Posts: 1,808
    edited December 2012
    In Response to Re: Real life! New beginning.:
    In Response to Re: Real life! New beginning. : Sorry bud.I'm from Nortern Ireland m8.Not your fault you're a blue!! lol, soz man.I was postin previously about gettin to spt Dublin.Would be a grand way to meet a lot of the players face to face being so close to home etc.Hope alls good your end m8. Cheers. Paul
    Posted by bignoise10
       HEY! I HEARD THAT...I'M A BLUE TOO BIG!!  We're playing good football at the mo...
  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited December 2012
    Hi all.Been a really strange week in the "weeman" household.Good news is the weemans over the illness that blighted his wellbeing for about 2 weeks (happy days).Bad news is he's all of a sudden decided that it would be great fun to leave his pit at 3/4 am and look for a carry on!!!All **** week lol.On a really positive note though,the missus and myself have got word through baout the possibility of a proper pre school placement next september.Great news,cos this shows the classes he's at at the moment are reaping  huge rewards.Of course ,interviews in january etc but it heartening to know he's goin in the right direction.TBH this time last year we were fearful of him being left behind and playin catch up.So crimbo is gonna be better than expected, yay!!Oh,on a side note,the wee **** (only kiddin) found one of his well hidden pressies this week,so santa has had to spend a wee bit more this week!!!Poker has been a total bust atm.Took a big hit last weekend and now just tryin to get a bit back.Not sure whats goin wrong,maybe just my time for a bad run Not to worry,good times are forthcomin and cant get too down about losin a few quid,even if it does rag me a wee bit lol.Hope to keep postin positive news such as this on a more regular basis as it gives me a bit of a focus as to what really matters.Hope you continue to enjoy readin the posts.
  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited December 2012
    Hi all.Think this is gonna be the last post of the year for me,so I'd like to do a wee summary of the year.When I first joined this site nearly 2 years ago,I pretty mch stayed away from the forums as I thoght I had nothing to offer poker wise.Then one drunken night a good few months ago now I decided after a session of horrible beats to start actin like a grown up and accept that there are many worse things goin on out there than losin a few quid on a game of poker.This is when I decide to share my story about my kid,the "weeman".This has been a very eventful year in the weemans life,with huge progress made along the way with regards to speech etc.But the lingerin worry was the autism situation.Hopefully after a wee bit of good news a while back,the missus and I can concentrate on doin the best for our kid and enjoyin the results.I suppose my reason for writin this tonight was to be honest,my poker results have been ultra poor of late but guess what?Doesnt bother me a fraction as much as it would have done a year ago.This is in no small part to the response I got when this first started.All the other stories of the other forum members and their families helped me and the missus see things that wee bit differently that things that may affect the weeman shouldnt affect the way we approach life,let alone a game of cards.Its been a pleasure writin on this thread this year and readin your responses.Got a wee live home game arranged for the holiday period as I've got 2 weeks off now,so thats excitin to have a wee change.Christmas is round the corner and the weeman is excited about the prospect of santa appearin!!!Lots to look forward to I guess.So I'll end this post by wishin you all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and hope you all get what you want.As I wrote back in the original post,funnily enough I have had a glass or two tonight and thought it'd be apt to end this year on this thread as I started it.
    P.s.Like I stated a few times previously,May you run as golden as my weemans smile.

  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited December 2012
    OK.Last 1 I promise.Had a wee glass or 2.Missus n weeman are tucked up in their pits and the pressies are wrapped.Doesnt get much better than this folks.Have a good one.

    Ho Ho Ho
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