Hi folks.Over the past few months or so I've tried to improve my game with a few successes and failures along the way.Recently I've been on somewhat of a downward spiral results wise and I've took it bad on occasion.However I've decided to cut the feeling sorry for myself because theres a possibility my kid might be autistic and however much I get angry over a bad beat,it means nowt compared to real life.Apologies folks if this is of no interest,but I just want to say the game is just that,a game.Enjoy life and try to enjoy the game.
P.s. I have wrote this with a beverage or 2 in me.
Paul.aka bignoise10
& Good luck Paul!!
I Have had a good think about a few things overnite, and decided speak out over a few things i've been uncomfortable with, [this not place], BUT, life is too short & can be difficult, but challenges are present so we have to deal with them!!!!
All on this thread have spoken honestly & passionately!!
I do wish you Paul & ALL WELL, & hope you cope & overcome lifes challenges which differ for us ALL!!
Run Golden too!!
The Hitman
Hi Paul.
I'm very sorry to hear that, but I'm sure everything will work out fine.
Please remember also that autistic children, & adults, live very enjoyable & contented lives. Certainly, they are disadvantaged, but I'm not sure that affects their own happiness, though it is difficult for family & friends to deal with, & cope with.
Autism also comes in varying degrees of severity.
Having suffered mental health issues myself in my early life, I'm incredibly sympathetic to these situations, but it seems to me you will handle it just fine. Everything worked out fine for me, & I'm sure it will for your Son.
Please keep us informed, & let us know how his speech therapy goes.
I'll tell you two "dark humour" stories about these sort of things. Both of them are sort of "against myself", so please don't take offence.
As a child, I had some "issues". Quite a lot of them, in fact.
One of them was an absolutely dreadful stammer. I just could not construct even the shortest sentence without minutes of stammering.
You may not know this, but most children who stammer can overcome the stammer by singing the words. Strange, but true. Not all cases, obviously, but most.
So, I'm in school, & in those days (it was a while back....) children could not leave the classroom without first standing up, raising their arm, & seeking permission from the teacher. Times were different then, eh?
Anyway, when I was at school, "in class", & I needed to visit the toilet, that was the drill. Stand up, ask permission, da de da.
So I'd stand up, hand raised.
"Yes Anthony, what do you want?" would say the teacher.
And I could not say it. It was just "ppp-p--please m-mm-m-iss" sort of thing.
So she would say "sing it Anthony, sing it".
And I would. And it worked, every time.
And THAT was how this rather bizarre little clip arose, last year. Because this was EXACTLY how it went.
True story. You can't make these things up!
@TK - lol at video I rem the outtake from last year.
@Paul - Nice OP. I hope things work out ok, I'm sure they will.
@everyone -"And remember folks LIFE is what happens when you're planning something else!" (John Lennon)
I was invited to join a Golf Club about 15 years ago. Golf is incredibly snobbish & elitist, so you had to go through the hoop to get accepted.
One ritual was a round of Golf with the Club Chairman, who would assess your character & suitability.
So I go for the round of golf with the Club Chairman, a man called Bill Jepson. I shined my shoes, ironed my golf shirt, best behaviour, no swearing, watch my p's & q's, "oh my, good shot Sir", you got the picture?
The great thing with golf with a good partner is that it gives you 4 or 5 hours to chat with the other guy. I was hopeless at golf, but I loved it, because of this, just getting inside people's character. There was none of the peurile name calling stuff you see from one or two in poker, people just chilled. Lovely.
So we are strolling up the 6th or 7th or whatever, & it's all going wonderfully.
I enquire about his family, just small talk, making convo.
"You got children, Bill?"
"Yes, a lad".
"Lovely, how old??
"What does he do?"
"Nothing really, he's artistic you see".
"Fantastic, how wonderful, in what way, painting, music?"
"In what way is he artistic, painting, music, drawing?"
"No, I said he is AUTISTIC, not artistic".
"Ohh, umm, err.....your shot, I believe"......
He forgave me, & we became very close friends.
Have a great weekend Paul, & look after that lad. You are very important to him.
Incidentally, there are several "Dads" on here, regular Forum users, who have children with special needs. My admiration for them all is immense, they seem to carry the load with such bravery.
to you and all your family,
hope the poker goes well too.
i live with my brother and he has a special needs boy,13 y,day actually.
he is such a lovely boy,always polite,always says thank you.
he also comes out with the funniest sayings too and is a real pleasure to be around,
and it goes without saying we all love him 2 bits.
if "your boy" turns out to be anywhere near as nice,i,m sure you will be fullfilled and proud to be able to call him
"my son".
As a kid i was diagnosed with Aspegers Syndrome a minor form of Autism. I think theres more help avalible now but certainly growing up i think i never got the help i needed. As i said i believe this has changed now and more people know how to deal with "problem" kids with disabilites.*
* I say "problem" kids as this is how i was often refered to.
As you said there is far more to life than poker and if the worst that happens is a couple of bad beats we're running good in the real world.
I wish you and your family all the best.
Little did I know that this place is like a pressure release for you and as you said, for a short time, can avert your attention from the parts of reality that affect or upset you.
I too have friends and family with physical and mental issues and it can be exhausting and frustrating.
I respect your decision to post about your issues on here, as well as the OP and others and will look to stop being quite so judgemental in future.
Take Care of yourselves, remember, its just a game.....