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Real life.Hard times,they are over.



  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited December 2013
    Hey folks!!Tis the season and all that,so I thought I'd put up a wee post with how things have progressed both personally and poker wise.The weeman has settled in to schooling much better tyhan my missus or myself could ever have hoped for.It seems all our worries were misguided and hes become something I never thought I'd see.Making friends,having a social existence etc.Brilliant :))
    As for the poker side of things,the game which used to cause me so much stress,has been somewhat kind to me recently.I've won  few bhs,have cashed nicely in other things and my all round game haas improved outa sight,(by my own previously poor standards though).That is that really,just keepin this fresh and updatin.Family life is so good atm and with old saint nic comin tonight and copious amounts of red wine to be had,it surely will ne a merry crimbo!!
    Have a good one all.
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited December 2013
    Hey Paul

    Brilliant that everythings went so well since your son started school.

    Brilliant the poker is going well. What's the plans for poker next year?

    Have a great Christmas
  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Real life.Havin a really merry crimbo!!!:
    Hey Paul Brilliant that everythings went so well since your son started school. Brilliant the poker is going well. What's the plans for poker next year? Have a great Christmas
    Posted by LARSON7
    Thanks m8.No real plans poker wise what with never knowing family situations etc.Would love to get to an spt and maybe just progress with my game like I am atm.
    Have an enjoyanle crimbo.

  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Real life.Havin a really merry crimbo!!!:
    merry xmas to u and family have a good 1 pal
    Posted by IDONKCALLU
    Cheers bud,try and have a good un yourself.
  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited December 2013
    Everyone!!I am totally full of the xmass cheer,aka vino,and would love to give you all the best xmas wishes poss.
    Love you all!! lol
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited December 2013
    This is a wonderful thread
  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited February 2014
    Mornin all.Been a wee while since my last post,so here goes.Since crimbo things at home have been very stressful to say the least.The weeman still has his therapy sessions for one thing or another and on top of that we had the scary time of him not being able to catch his breath and getting him to the hospital quick smart to get on a nebulizer.Thankfully he was ok in the end,but now we have an asthmatic kid on top of all else.just seems he cant catch a break atm.Was really just updating cos its also his birthday on thursday and to think how much has gone on in his short life so far is amazing.
    Poker wise,its been a crackin start to the year.Won a few tourneys and my sharkscope graph has finally reached green.Yay!!Been a year or 2 tryin but I think my games improved so much due to listenin to others on the site and tryin to just do the basics well.Anyway of to my pit now.
    Be good all
  • mewillowsmewillows Member Posts: 406
    edited February 2014
    happy birthday to the wee man tomorrow.
  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited February 2014
    Cheers mewillows.Will certainly be tryin to make it a special one for him.Think he deserves it.
  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited February 2014
    Apologies for this post being non poker related,but todays my weemans birthday and without him,I wouldnt have ever started this thread or had the pleasure of chatting to so many different folk on this forum.
    Thanks for continuing to read.
    Be good all
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,654
    edited February 2014

    Happy Birthday to your lad mate. Take time today to look at his just melts all other life 'problems' away, I find.

    Hope you have a great day! Cheers.
  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited April 2014
    Hey all.As above says,much has happened since recent posts.I seems all is not going so well with the weemans therapy sessions.As my good missus and myself thought the spectre of autism was past us,but behavioural patterns have allerted the necessary proffessionals and there is thinking hat he may be in the spectrum somewhere.Now as a whole this aint gonna be a great big issue as to how i treat my kid etc.But its a bit of a bummer considerin how well hes been doin the past wee while.Ah well c'est la vie as they say.Im only writing this up for 2 reasons.Firstly,I hope this is still of interest to some of you,and secondly,its to somewhat apologise for my bad attitude at the tables.May I point out that I dont personally give my oppo greif but recently my reactions to defeat have been somewhat shoddy.I f any of my oppos have been offended then I sincerely apologise.I will be updating more in weeks to come as the new an(improved) sessions with the weeman and his therapist start.Keep readin folks as Im sure itll be very interestin from now on in.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,334
    edited April 2014

    Thanks for the update, Paul, & I'm sorry to hear the Little Big Man is still having a few problems.

    It sometimes helps to share, so keep the updates coming.
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,632
    edited April 2014
    Still reading Paul tho don't often post.  Sending good vibes. 
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited April 2014
    Life isn't fair as my dad always used to tell me.

    Too true.

    But for every down there is an up. You just need to be able to recognise it and enjoy it. Sure the sh*te is exactly that, it's how you react to the rest that is under your control.  Best of luck and feel free to give me as much chat abuse as you wish.
  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited April 2014
    Hey folks.As promised,I'm updatin a wee bit on the weemans sessions.Wednesday of this week brought good news.Went with the weeman to his regular speech therapy appointment,and lo and behold at the end of the session where I normally get next weeks "homework"to practice with adam,I was told he was getting discharged from speech therapy   :))   Great news as its one less hurdle to overcome.Made all the better when the official letter came through this mornin.Got another autism assessment this week with adam,so should be interestin to see what tests are in store this time around.So a good week has been had,had a crackin bottle of red tonight and will be parked in front of the telly tomorrow with the beers cheerin on the mighty reds.24 years is long enough imo!!Oh and btw profitted to the grand tune of  6 notes tonight   lol!!
    Be good all 
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited April 2014
    In Response to Re: Real life.2 steps forward and 3 steps back(plus an apology):
    Hey folks.As promised,I'm updatin a wee bit on the weemans sessions.Wednesday of this week brought good news.Went with the weeman to his regular speech therapy appointment,and lo and behold at the end of the session where I normally get next weeks "homework"to practice with adam,I was told he was getting discharged from speech therapy   :))   Great news as its one less hurdle to overcome.Made all the better when the official letter came through this mornin.Got another autism assessment this week with adam,so should be interestin to see what tests are in store this time around.So a good week has been had,had a crackin bottle of red tonight and will be parked in front of the telly tomorrow with the beers cheerin on the mighty reds.24 years is long enough imo!!Oh and btw profitted to the grand tune of  6 notes tonight   lol!! Be good all  Paul
    Posted by bignoise10

    Really like the updates, great news about then ruined it by mentioning you were a Liverpool fan!

    Enjoy the bottle of red, and any poker session that ends with profit is a good one!

    Keep the updates flowing(mainly about little man and not the reds!)

  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited April 2014
    In Response to Re: Real life.2 steps forward and 3 steps back(plus an apology):
    In Response to Re: Real life.2 steps forward and 3 steps back(plus an apology) : Paul, Really like the updates, great news about then ruined it by mentioning you were a Liverpool fan! Enjoy the bottle of red, and any poker session that ends with profit is a good one! Keep the updates flowing(mainly about little man and not the reds!) Matt
    Posted by MattBates

  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited April 2014
    When I was younger I had speech therapy for a short time. Think it was maybe when I was around 7/8, how old is your kid? My parents also later have said to me that they think I might have been on the very low/mild end of the autistic spectrum which I can certainly see with some of the traits I used to have. I turned out OK (I think :P ) and besides plenty of people even on the higher end of autism these days can turn out fine. They can also be extremely talented in some areas (I sometimes think maybe that's why I'm quite good at poker!!) - although it's usually the higher end of the autism spectrum that tend to be very gifted.

    Either way it's nothing that should be seen as bad! Just embrace it, help him through it and I'm sure he'll turn out just fine!! :)
  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited April 2014
    In Response to Re: Real life.2 steps forward and 3 steps back(plus an apology):
    When I was younger I had speech therapy for a short time. Think it was maybe when I was around 7/8, how old is your kid? My parents also later have said to me that they think I might have been on the very low/mild end of the autistic spectrum which I can certainly see with some of the traits I used to have. I turned out OK (I think :P ) and besides plenty of people even on the higher end of autism these days can turn out fine. They can also be extremely talented in some areas (I sometimes think maybe that's why I'm quite good at poker!!) - although it's usually the higher end of the autism spectrum that tend to be very gifted. Either way it's nothing that should be seen as bad! Just embrace it, help him through it and I'm sure he'll turn out just fine!! :)
    Posted by F_Ivanovic
    Appreciate the response m8.Adams nearly 5.I totally agree tha it will all be fine in the end.Just a matter of dealin with the percieved c**p in between.I dont see it that way,hes my kid and thats that.But you see how some folk react when we are out and about and he has one of his tantrums.You would think they'd been told they were dyin or somethin!!Total ar**holes imo lol.
    Cheers for response man
    Be good

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