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Real life.Hard times,they are over.



  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited April 2014


    thanks Fa updates!!
  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited May 2014
    Hey all.As promised,I,m writing to give youse all a wee update on the ups and downs of the weemans chatotic life atm.What was seemingly tranquil waters a few months ago have become somewhat choppy,lol.Had a couple of different sessions regardin his behaviour patterns and his physical tests he has to do.Regarding the behaviour,he has his good days and very very bad days,nothin in between.Frustration plays a big part in his life atm when simple(ish)tasks cant be completed.9 times outta 10 he'll do it first time,but its the 10th time he loses it and goes ballistic.Another trait of an autistic child I'm led to believe.In the physical tests he has small issues regarding his fine motor skills and has a weak grip which seems to concern his therapist.Outside of that we bought him a ipad this week to get him a loada games to play on it.Dont think hes been happier in a long time,which in turn makes the missus and me happy ;))Hes also lovin the trampoline we got him,good also cos he knackers himself out on it lol.As far as we know he wont be segrgated at school and still be in the "normal" class.Hate using the word normal as it implies tehre may be something wrong with him,which is so far from the case.In other news,I've had a mare recently at poker and I'm tryin to bite my lip at the percieved bad luck.I know it swings and roundabouts and it'll come good eventually,so keep an eye out for my post of the huge win which is inevitable imo  lol!!Will probably be on for a while tonight so if your on my table,say hello.I dont bite,much!!Sorry for the long ramble,but like to natter a wee bit hwen I get goin.
    Be good all
  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited June 2014
    How do folks?Been a long time since I posted,so here goes.Until about half hour ago,I had won nowt of note in months,feelin the world was against me,being outdrawn by the most ridiculous hands etc,you know the drill.Then something amazing happened.I won a tourney.OK it was only a speed bh,but I won 60 note,so pleasaed with that.In the last month and a half,homewise the weeman has taken a turn for the worse.Behaviour has got so bad and all his appointments have been a shocker as he shows no interest in taking on any of the tasks that were designed to help him.This is normal,I,ve been informed,but majorly frustrating nonethe less.This makes for tense times in our household.Also with his asthma now an ongoing concern,it seems if he could get a wee break once in a while,he wouls be more happier as would me and the missus.Have to keep thinking that there are worse off in the world than us atm,but thats not in my character unfortunately.Gradually learnin to control my feelings no matter if they are good or bad(with the help of medication I might add!lol).Realisin that family is way more important than anythin and will keep it that way.May not be interestin to most of you,but its good to offload once in a while.
    Be good all
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited June 2014
    Hi Paul,
    not been here for a while... burnt out after my last DYM challenge basically,, he he.
    sorry the wee man's not so good at the moment, but I am sure as you say it is quite normal, but that doesn't make it any easier for you or the missus right now. let's hope it is only going to be temporary hey.
    well done on the poker win... always nice to see 'one of the good guys' win... occasionally.  :)
     i have just begun another dym challenge, same as last time... so 'here we go'... again, ha ha.
    keep posting mate whenever the mood takes you, always a nice read.
    best wishes mate,

  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,632
    edited June 2014
    Yeah like Dev says, keep posting.  Its prob better to offload here than bottle it up at home.  Sounds like the weeman is in good hands at home and with the care he's getting.   Nice bink btw  ;-)  Does wonders for the morale!
  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited June 2014
    In Response to Re: Real life.Lifes a challenge.And then some.:
    Yeah like Dev says, keep posting.  Its prob better to offload here than bottle it up at home.  Sounds like the weeman is in good hands at home and with the care he's getting.   Nice bink btw  ;-)  Does wonders for the morale!
    Posted by Glenelg
    Cheers m8.A win really does make you feel good baout yourself,no matter how small.

  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited June 2014
    In Response to Re: Real life.Lifes a challenge.And then some.:
    Hi Paul, not been here for a while... burnt out after my last DYM challenge basically,, he he. sorry the wee man's not so good at the moment, but I am sure as you say it is quite normal, but that doesn't make it any easier for you or the missus right now. let's hope it is only going to be temporary hey. well done on the poker win... always nice to see 'one of the good guys' win... occasionally.  :)  i have just begun another dym challenge, same as last time... so 'here we go'... again, ha ha. keep posting mate whenever the mood takes you, always a nice read. best wishes mate, dev
    Posted by devonfish5
    Thanks dev,good to see you back m8.Your challenge shouldnt be a problem this time either.
    Be good
  • profman15profman15 Member Posts: 1,808
    edited June 2014
    HI BIG

    Nice to see youre still full of optimism(even about your poker). Keep going with the WEE one havent got the choice i know but it will come back 200% in the future. All the best fella.

  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited June 2014
    Good lord!For months I couldnt hit a cows ar*e with a banjo as we say in good old norn iron.Now today Ive hit my 2nd bh in a day,this time for a cool 150 notes.YAY!!!!!!!!!Maybe someones lookin out for me,maybe I got lucky,maybe I played well(last one ,tongue firmly in cheek lol)Honestly,I think having a good offload of my goings on at home helped me from earlier today plus the words of encouragement from a couple of decent forum members.Thanks lads.In the grand scheme of things,it aint a huge prize,but when you go as long as mesel without a win,2 in a day is certainly a rare occurence.Will be the first time in a long time Ive enjoyed my glass(or 2)
    of red.A good old shiraz at that.Have a good kip all and Ill see you on the other side.
    Be good
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited June 2014

    well played Paul...

    how's the heed?

  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited June 2014
    Evenin folks.Don't normally post through the week but,just gettin weeman his supper so have a few spare minutes while he stalls eating his "bedtime snack"! Kids are so sneaky.Had a good weekend pokerwise with a couple of decent BH wins.Homewise was excellent also.entertained the weeman Saturday with a day out and a family BBQ at night.Amazing how his mood improved since his trials and tribulations of the previous weeks.Nice to have no worries for a day or two for sure.Have a docs appointment for myself that I could really do without next week.Hate the docs,but know this is a necessity.Sound like a big kid I know but hey ho lol.Will be trying a late night game or two tonight as I'll be doing a wee bit of papering when all go to bed.So may run into a few of you later.Peace out folks and enjoy your night.
    Be good all
  • ajmiltonajmilton Member Posts: 1,458
    edited June 2014
    In Response to Re: Real life.Lifes a challenge.And then some.......2 wins in a day!wtf lol:
    Evenin folks.Don't normally post through the week but,just gettin weeman his supper so have a few spare minutes while he stalls eating his "bedtime snack"! Kids are so sneaky.Had a good weekend pokerwise with a couple of decent BH wins.Homewise was excellent also.entertained the weeman Saturday with a day out and a family BBQ at night.Amazing how his mood improved since his trials and tribulations of the previous weeks.Nice to have no worries for a day or two for sure.Have a docs appointment for myself that I could really do without next week.Hate the docs,but know this is a necessity.Sound like a big kid I know but hey ho lol.Will be trying a late night game or two tonight as I'll be doing a wee bit of papering when all go to bed.So may run into a few of you later.Peace out folks and enjoy your night. Be good all Paul
    Posted by bignoise10
    This post sounds like it's from a man,
    that is relaxed, happy and content with the world around him.
    I hope it continues so that we may have more post, from a happy content man.
    Run golden and don't look back, GL.

    Regards Alan.
  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited June 2014
    In Response to Re: Real life.Lifes a challenge.And then some.......2 wins in a day!wtf lol:
    In Response to Re: Real life.Lifes a challenge.And then some.......2 wins in a day!wtf lol : This post sounds like it's from a man, that is relaxed, happy and content with the world around him. I hope it continues so that we may have more post, from a happy content man. Run golden and don't look back, GL. Regards Alan.
    Posted by ajmilton
    Thanks a lot mate.And you are very right,all is good(at the moment,lol).Things will change,im sure of that,but we are in a place that means over the last year my attitude has gradually gone from woe is me to being happy in my skin.It aint serious issues in the grand scheme of things,so for now,all is good.And im very happy with that.
    Cheers for the message
    Be good

    P.s Must get back to the papering!!

  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited July 2014
    Hey folks.This one aint gonna be uplifting or positive.Soz.Had an important meeting with the occupational therapist re weeman.The end result did not fill me with joy.Concerns about his condition has led the therapist to ask for permission to observe  the weeman at school due to a number of"alarming factors".One thing in our  favour is that any degree of autism that may be present looks like it will be low on the spectrum.So thats good.However the annoying fact is that he is such a happy kid and the total lack of awareness of our worry for him makes this even more gutting.Add to this the annoyance of others intolerance.We had the weeman in the supermarket and a total tool had a go at my missus about how my kid was behaving and how he "should be kept on a leash!!"Funny thing was he was unaware that I was in the vacinity and once I"confronted"him he couldnt be be more apologetic.Absolute wa***r imo.Ive tried to get used to those who dont get the wee man,but it really annoys the **** outta me.
    Peace out

  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited July 2014
    Hi Paul,
    I'm sure things won't seem quite so bad today mate.
    Chin up mate, the wee man's happy... that's all that matters, isn't it!!!

  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Real life.Lifes a challenge.weemans struggles continue:
    Hi Paul, I'm sure things won't seem quite so bad today mate. Chin up mate, the wee man's happy... that's all that matters, isn't it!!! Ian.
    Posted by devonfish5
    Cheers it goes,we had quite a good day today.Went swimming,went to get new clothes for him and the best of all......a happy meal!!!Weemans at grans tonight,the missus is out with mates .so I,ve the whole night to mesel,fett up,lappy to hand,footy on the box and a really nice bottle of shiraz(or 2)lol.Gonna give mesel the night off and forget about everything.
    Be good all 

  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited July 2014
    Evenin a bit of a loose end,so thought I'd update.After the feeling down in the dumps pre weekend post,things went really well yesterday and today for the weeman.Think this is in some small part to me n the missus accepting the "inevitable" autism prognosis.we know its early days yet but all the triggers are there and we know he'll be at the lower end of the spectrum. Think he picks up on this and behaves accordingly.Pokerwise,its a. Case of blah!!gonna read up and try n pick up some useful a fortnight off work from next week,so its concentration time.
    Be good all
  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited July 2014
    How do folks?once again I'm in the middle of getting the weeman down,so thought I'd share a moment or 2 from earlier today.normally he's completely antisocial and shuns company his own age for that of adult of the many autism triggers ,so I've been a play date with a mates daughter really didn't fill me with positives.however!what a day,totally n utterly loved on famously with his `mate'and never shut up about it all day this may not be newsworthy to most but to basically see that much happy interaction for a sustained period makes me so happy. All the running around has knackered him out also,so a full nights kip ahead,yay!long may this continue.
    Be good all
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Real life.good times:
    How do folks?once again I'm in the middle of getting the weeman down,so thought I'd share a moment or 2 from earlier today.normally he's completely antisocial and shuns company his own age for that of adult of the many autism triggers ,so I've been a play date with a mates daughter really didn't fill me with positives.however!what a day,totally n utterly loved on famously with his `mate'and never shut up about it all day this may not be newsworthy to most but to basically see that much happy interaction for a sustained period makes me so happy. All the running around has knackered him out also,so a full nights kip ahead,yay!long may this continue. Be good all Paul
    Posted by bignoise10
    Nice heartwarming story Paul
    Long may it continue
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited July 2014
    Glad today was a good day mate...
    as Mick says, long may iy continue.
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