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Ramblings of an old man



  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited November 2014
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man:
    I've been taping Sharkcage. Just watched an episode. Shannon Elizabeth came across really well I thought.
    Posted by Jac35
    I trust even you have seen the first American Pie film....
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2014
    Whilst I'm  a complete dunce, I'm a relieved dunce at the moment. I'll get back  to why this is so in a minute.

    My Uncle Ken passed away last weekend. He was 97 and his health had sharply deteriorated over the last couple of years. It's always very sad but in truth it was a blessing, his quality of life had disappeared.
    He had a wonderful life.
    He was a very clever man and made plenty of money in his youth. He was able to retire early, 1966! I saw him on a fairly sporadic basis, he lived up in Chester.

    I obviously want to go to the funeral and here's where the dunce bit comes in.

    As expected and understandable my employer wouldn't give me compassionate leave for the funeral. I did though expect that they would allow me annual leave.

    "Sorry Paul, annual leave is full next week"

    I kicked off a bit and they said that they would see what they could do after looking properly at next weeks resourcing on Thursday. I spoke to my manager this morning.

    "You can have the day off Paul"

    "Really? That's great, thanks for being understanding"

    "It's not that to be honest Paul. We just had a a look at the annual leave and you're already off. You booked the week off 6 months ago you daft bastardd"

    Felt pretty stupid. I'll get over that though. So happy to be off. First time I've ever not known exactly when my leave is. Been distracted over the last few weeks and more tired than I've ever been before. Harry has had a virus which he's getting over now. Tuesday night I was driving round Derby at 03.30 trying to get him to go to sleep. Got about an hour that night.
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited November 2014
    Sorry to hear Paul. Is the funeral up in Chester then? Be good to meet again for a pint if you want! Or maybe find somewhere to have a game of poker! I've not really played poker in Chester though for ages since the Rileys stopped doing it, don't know anywhere that's good. I could definitely do with playing some live poker tho been a while since I have! 
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2014
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man:
    Sorry to hear Paul. Is the funeral up in Chester then? Be good to meet again for a pint if you want! Or maybe find somewhere to have a game of poker! I've not really played poker in Chester though for ages since the Rileys stopped doing it, don't know anywhere that's good. I could definitely do with playing some live poker tho been a while since I have! 
    Posted by F_Ivanovic
    Yes, the funeral in in Chester.
    It would be great to meet up again Wes but unfortunately I can't this time. I'm taking my Mum, Sister and Aunt up there.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2014
    Think it's tremendous news that Neil Channing is now a part of Sky.He always comes across very well and he is great for the game.Hopefully he might be able to use his influence and get Vicky Coren to appear on the show as well. That would please Tikay no doubt. 
    Sky really seems to be moving forwards strongly in a time when many online poker sites are going backwards or leaving the market altogether. 
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,745
    edited November 2014

    Morning Paul.

    Sorry to hear Harry has been unwell, hope he is better now.

    Condolences as to your Uncle, too.

    Testing week, eh?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,745
    edited November 2014
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man:
    Think it's tremendous news that Neil Channing is now a part of Sky.He always comes across very well and he is great for the game.Hopefully he might be able to use his influence and get Vicky Coren to appear on the show as well. That would please Tikay no doubt.  Sky really seems to be moving forwards strongly in a time when many online poker sites are going backwards or leaving the market altogether. 
    Posted by Jac35
    He fits like a glove, eh?

    As to Vicky, ha!, yes, it had crossed my mind, & if anyone can help in that direction, Neil can. Maybe contractual issues would prevent it, but time will tell. He can help Sky Poker & Ch 861 get many other "faces", too. He deffo adds credibility, & if you know Neil, you'l know he would not have joined if he did not believe in the product.  
  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited November 2014
    I've missed your ramblings! Sorry to hear about your uncle...and your current lack of sleep, hope to see more of you soon, take care of the family! xx
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited November 2014
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man:
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man : Yes, the funeral in in Chester. It would be great to meet up again Wes but unfortunately I can't this time. I'm taking my Mum, Sister and Aunt up there.
    Posted by Jac35
    No worries pal, just thought I'd ask just in case! 

    Are you planning to go to the next UKPC at all? I'm undecided yet - I really hope they announce an SPT for next year at some point!
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2014
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man:
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man : No worries pal, just thought I'd ask just in case!  Are you planning to go to the next UKPC at all? I'm undecided yet - I really hope they announce an SPT for next year at some point!
    Posted by F_Ivanovic
    Pretty sure I'll be at the UKPC. The mains too much for me and to be honest I'd most likely take the cash if I got to the £220 sat. I'll play the mini though. Can just about stand the £250.

    I'd love an Spt announcement as well but sadly I think that they're gone for good.
    Don't know whether I've ever mentioned it before but I'm the reigning SPT Birmingham winner :)
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2014
    Got sleep last night! 7 hours
    Feel great. 

    Off to Lon-Don (Hot Fuzz voice required)  in 30 minutes. Looks like we've picked a lovely weekend for it. Unsuccessful in trying to convince Mrs J that stopping off on way to watch the Mighty Rams destroy Watford at Vicarage Road would be great for morale.
    As a Northerner I was a little shocked at prices of things down there. As a hotel resident we get 25% off the car park. And it's still gonna cost £30 for 24 hours! That's an annual permit up my way.

    Decided on playing live tomorrow night when I get back. In good books so may as well take advantage :)
    Just a £30 rebuy but should be fun. Hopefully I'll have enough cash to pay for the addon. Largely depends on how mad Mrs J goes with shopping today.

  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited November 2014
    Have fun and good luck at the tourney! I wonder if I should try playing live again, hated it last time but that was years ago!
  • day4eire76day4eire76 Member Posts: 912
    edited November 2014
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man:
    Got sleep last night! 7 hours Feel great.  Off to Lon-Don (Hot Fuzz voice required)  in 30 minutes. Looks like we've picked a lovely weekend for it. Unsuccessful in trying to convince Mrs J that stopping off on way to watch the Mighty Rams destroy Watford at Vicarage Road would be great for morale. As a Northerner I was a little shocked at prices of things down there. As a hotel resident we get 25% off the car park. And it's still gonna cost £30 for 24 hours! That's an annual permit up my way. Decided on playing live tomorrow night when I get back. In good books so may as well take advantage :) Just a £30 rebuy but should be fun. Hopefully I'll have enough cash to pay for the addon. Largely depends on how mad Mrs J goes with shopping today.
    Posted by Jac35

    Enjoy London Pal and good luck tomorrow with the tourney.

  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited November 2014
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man:
    Got sleep last night! 7 hours Feel great.  Off to Lon-Don (Hot Fuzz voice required)  in 30 minutes. Looks like we've picked a lovely weekend for it. Unsuccessful in trying to convince Mrs J that stopping off on way to watch the Mighty Rams destroy Watford at Vicarage Road would be great for morale. As a Northerner I was a little shocked at prices of things down there. As a hotel resident we get 25% off the car park. And it's still gonna cost £30 for 24 hours! That's an annual permit up my way. Decided on playing live tomorrow night when I get back. In good books so may as well take advantage :) Just a £30 rebuy but should be fun. Hopefully I'll have enough cash to pay for the addon. Largely depends on how mad Mrs J goes with shopping today.
    Posted by Jac35
    Who you trying to kid? You ain't northern!
  • samantha25samantha25 Member Posts: 1,445
    edited November 2014
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man:
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man : Pretty sure I'll be at the UKPC. The mains too much for me and to be honest I'd most likely take the cash if I got to the £220 sat. I'll play the mini though. Can just about stand the £250. I'd love an Spt announcement as well but sadly I think that they're gone for good. Don't know whether I've ever mentioned it before but I'm the reigning SPT Birmingham winner :)
    Posted by Jac35
    That was the DYM leg yeah? ;)

    Best wishes to you and yours, and RIP uncle jacko x

    Oh, how much is your weekly fuel bill driving Harry around in that big lump of junk you bought all night.....
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2014
    We had a good time. Today was unfortunately a bit of a wash out, we came home early as the rain was torrential. 
    Saturday was brilliant though cuz Derby won :)

    London was pretty decent too. The forecast rain didn't happen.  The hotel waa in Marble Arch, 100 yards from Oxford Street. Mrs J did her shopping and after searching through our pockets we came to the conclusion that we has enough money left over for a meal and the theatre. We had compromised last week on Thriller. She wanted to see Wicked, no chance, and I wanted to see The Commitments. Due to a couple of things happening we didn't get round to booking as we weren't sure that we could go.
    Great result when we tried to get tickets.  Thriller sold out but tickets for The Commitments available. Got the tickets and went for a fantastic meal. The show was great and a knackered me pushed Mrs J back to the hotel. 
    8 hours sleep this time.  Awesome! 


    We were put into a couple of uncomfortable spots.
    We've come a long way now and disabled people are treated so much better than they used to be.
    The car park hy the hotel had only 3 disabled spaces. I rung in advance and the chap on the end of the phone said he would cone off one of the spaces for us. Thought it was unlikely to happen but he was good to his word.The hotel insta upgraded us to one of the biggest rooms they had. Yeah, we'll have that. It makes sense with the wheelchair. 
    The guy at the theatre asked usvif we'd like the best seats in the house for £67 rather than the usual £175 for the pair. A moments thought and we took him up on the offer.
    This morning was a bit different. There was a queue of around 30 minutes for the breakfast. Would we like to come straight through?  Very kind but no. Absolutely no reason why we should go ahead of everyone. Mrs J is quite comfortable there's just no reason why we should go ahead of everyone. 

    Sometimes these things can be justified but a lot of the time Companies are just scared that we'll claim discrimination. I can understand the theatre one. The seats were the most accessible. Also,  the carer may not be interested in the show but just there for ghe disabled person. Not complaining but there's no reason why we should get the tickets for less than half price though. The breakfast one was just silly. 

    Great time was had overall.  Now I just need to win the rebuy thats just started to pay for it all.

    Run good

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2014
    Well I didn't win the rebuy but I had a load of beer and won a few quid.
    As is standard with me though, i'll have a little whinge.

    Comp I played well early on but was a big rubbish after that. I dwindled down to 14bigs and was happy to call an all in and a call with AQ in the sb. Flopped the ace but Wadey got there with a 4flush. He had KK so no real complaints.

    Sat down at cash and ran golden for 30 minutes. Had an interesting hand straight away.
    I raised to £8 with AQ and got 2 calls. Flop was Q 4 3 rainbow. Check, check and  I bet £15. 1 call. Turn 10, check and I bet £35. Good player then shoves for around £170. Think he's totally polarised. Set of of 2's 3's or nothing at all. Tanked then called it off. He more or less mucked before the river was dealt and I had a stack.
    Made a full house on river shortly afterwards for a big pot and I was sitting pretty on £730

    Then had a hand where it has to go in. Flatted a £7 raise on button with 68 hearts. Bb raises to £20 and we all call. Flop is 79 hearts and a 2. It checks to me and I bet £50. Bb clicks it back. Not folding here, I put him in. He snaps and it bricks out. £640 pot :(.

    Was a big card dead after that and also had a few 2nd best hands. 

    Ended up about £70 up overall including beer and comp buy in.

    Good night
    Just remembered. Had a new dealer who really got on my titts. After every single hand he made a point of saying "nice hand Sir" loudly. Now I normally tip well but I decided quickly that he wasn't getting a penny out of me.

  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited November 2014
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man:
    Well I didn't win the rebuy but I had a load of beer and won a few quid. As is standard with me though, i'll have a little whinge. Comp I played well early on but was a big rubbish after that. I dwindled down to 14bigs and was happy to call an all in and a call with AQ in the sb. Flopped the ace but Wadey got there with a 4flush. He had KK so no real complaints. Sat down at cash and ran golden for 30 minutes. Had an interesting hand straight away. I raised to £8 with AQ and got 2 calls. Flop was Q 4 3 rainbow. Check, check and  I bet £15. 1 call. Turn 10, check and I bet £35. Good player then shoves for around £170. Think he's totally polarised. Set of of 2's 3's or nothing at all. Tanked then called it off. He more or less mucked before the river was dealt and I had a stack. Made a full house on river shortly afterwards for a big pot and I was sitting pretty on £730 Then had a hand where it has to go in. Flatted a £7 raise on button with 68 hearts. Bb raises to £20 and we all call. Flop is 79 hearts and a 2. It checks to me and I bet £50. Bb clicks it back. Not folding here, I put him in. He snaps and it bricks out. £640 pot :(. Was a big card dead after that and also had a few 2nd best hands.  Ended up about £70 up overall including beer and comp buy in. Good night ... Just remembered. Had a new dealer who really got on my titts. After every single hand he made a point of saying "nice hand Sir" loudly. Now I normally tip well but I decided quickly that he wasn't getting a penny out of me.
    Posted by Jac35
    Nice post Sir!
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2014
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man:
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man : Nice post Sir!
    Posted by gazza127
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited November 2014
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man:
    Well I didn't win the rebuy but I had a load of beer and won a few quid. As is standard with me though, i'll have a little whinge. Comp I played well early on but was a big rubbish after that. I dwindled down to 14bigs and was happy to call an all in and a call with AQ in the sb. Flopped the ace but Wadey got there with a 4flush. He had KK so no real complaints. Sat down at cash and ran golden for 30 minutes. Had an interesting hand straight away. I raised to £8 with AQ and got 2 calls. Flop was Q 4 3 rainbow. Check, check and  I bet £15. 1 call. Turn 10, check and I bet £35. Good player then shoves for around £170. Think he's totally polarised. Set of of 2's 3's or nothing at all. Tanked then called it off. He more or less mucked before the river was dealt and I had a stack. Made a full house on river shortly afterwards for a big pot and I was sitting pretty on £730 Then had a hand where it has to go in. Flatted a £7 raise on button with 68 hearts. Bb raises to £20 and we all call. Flop is 79 hearts and a 2. It checks to me and I bet £50. Bb clicks it back. Not folding here, I put him in. He snaps and it bricks out. £640 pot :(. Was a big card dead after that and also had a few 2nd best hands.  Ended up about £70 up overall including beer and comp buy in. Good night ... Just remembered. Had a new dealer who really got on my titts. After every single hand he made a point of saying "nice hand Sir" loudly. Now I normally tip well but I decided quickly that he wasn't getting a penny out of me.
    Posted by Jac35
    You tight southern twa...
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