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craigcu12 diary.



  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,491
    edited June 2013

    Nice hand!

    Sorry about the donk bet, was playin a good few tables, and must have been clicking buttons.

    Glad i didn't bet the river! I like the call on the turn (after i've donk bet). Keeping in bluffs.

    On the turn, that's where i would have probably re-raised, if it's a bluff, you wern't getting much more value anyway.

  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited June 2013
    Not a big fan of that last KJ hand. I know you have position but it looks like a good spot to rep a massive hand and r/r. Taking KJo 4 way in a bloated pot is never that great. Then to flop 2 pair and fold? Think you're caught in no mans land on that flop, as you haven't really defined his range pre. 

    Strong squeeze raise pre would probably take it down. The suited ace might even come along for the ride (I know what they are like at 4nl!) and you get the lot from him.

    All my opinion of course :)
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited June 2013

    after so much bad luck and cool downs I seem to be getting back to winning ways again
    so far my bankroll has recovered back to £158 and one table alone i managed to get profit of £10.07
    as for full houses well thing might be starting to even themselves out again because this villain was not lucky enough to stay ahead with his FH.

    xSmall blind  £0.02 £0.02 £5.06
    TuffCookie Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £3.95
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • A
    garner909 Fold     
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.12 £0.18 £9.86
    xRaise  £0.28 £0.46 £4.78
    TuffCookie Fold     
    craigcu12 Call  £0.18 £0.64 £9.68
    • A
    • 8
    • 10
    xBet  £0.36 £1.00 £4.42
    craigcu12 Call  £0.36 £1.36 £9.32
    • A
    xBet  £0.68 £2.04 £3.74
    craigcu12 Raise  £1.36 £3.40 £7.96
    xAll-in  £3.74 £7.14 £0.00
    craigcu12 Call  £3.06 £10.20 £4.90
    • 10
    • A
    craigcu12 Show
    • K
    • A
    • K
    craigcu12 Win Full House, Aces and Kings £9.43  £14.33
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,059
    edited June 2013
    Nice one Craig, good to finally get a winning session behind you i bet, gl at the tables mate.
  • est1967est1967 Member Posts: 247
    edited June 2013

    I must say i sat on a table with you today for 90mins i dont think we got involved in a hand together lol,You played well mate tonight hope you made profit.

  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited June 2013
    Yeah that rivered K got you out of jail ;) ah well, win some lose some.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited June 2013

    i am quite surprised to make a £20 recovery in just 4 hours most days i would be lucky to have got that much in 3 days worth.
    my tables today were much better.
    overall i was on 18 and out of them 18 6 got losses with just  servere loss of £4 the rest />-£1.40. out of the winnings from tables 4 of them were £2+ including that 10.07 and a £7.07 and most the others got atleast £1 profit.
    as for my hand history well today i decided to go much more aggressive again.
    and the winnings i got were
    £4.35 £4.29
    £3.76 £3.35 £3.31 £3.29
    £1-£2 16 hands
    as for losses they were
    £1-£2 7 hands.
    the hand i liked best was this one all i can say myself is their is nothing like a cbet

    craigcu12 Small blind  £0.05 £0.05 £4.68
    PADDAS Big blind  £0.05 £0.10 £4.10
      Your hole cards
    • Q
    • K
    salthespad Call  £0.05 £0.15 £4.10
    xCall  £0.05 £0.20 £6.73
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.20 £0.40 £4.48
    PADDAS Fold     
    salthespad Call  £0.20 £0.60 £3.90
    xCall  £0.20 £0.80 £6.53
    • 4
    • 2
    • 3
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.40 £1.20 £4.08
    salthespad Fold     
    xCall  £0.40 £1.60 £6.13
    • 6
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.45 £2.05 £3.63
    xCall  £0.45 £2.50 £5.68
    • 8
    craigcu12 Bet  £1.88 £4.38 £1.75
    xAll-in  £5.68 £10.06 £0.00
    craigcu12 All-in  £1.75 £11.81 £0.00
    xUnmatched bet  £2.05 £9.76 £2.05
    craigcu12 Show
    • Q
    • K
    • 5
    • 5
    craigcu12 Win Flush to the King £9.02  £9.02
     my turn bet sizes probably were much more decent today too
    mordaw18 Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £2.58
    TuffCookie Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £4.70
      Your hole cards
    • J
    • Q
    garner909 Fold     
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.12 £0.18 £4.14
    xCall  £0.12 £0.30 £2.02
    mordaw18 Fold     
    TuffCookie Call  £0.08 £0.38 £4.62
    • 9
    • J
    • Q
    TuffCookie Check     
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.29 £0.67 £3.85
    xCall  £0.29 £0.96 £1.73
    TuffCookie Fold     
    • 3
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.90 £1.86 £2.95
    xCall  £0.90 £2.76 £0.83
    • Q
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.83 £3.59 £2.12
    xAll-in  £0.83 £4.42 £0.00
    craigcu12 Show
    • J
    • Q
    • 3
    • K
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited June 2013

    today has been another good day for me on the tables and again I managed to get over £12 profit on one table alone I have a few cooldowns today but the winning hands were much greater than the loosing ones
    I was on 18 tables overall (16nl4 and 2 action)
    10 tables got winnings totalling £36.07 biggest being £12.30
    the 8 loosing tables totaled 10.75 biggest being -£4.73
    overall I finished with profit £25.32 and my bankroll is now £188.80.
    the hand history was winnings
    £4.34 £4.19
    £3-£4 5 hands
    £2-£3 7 hands
    £1-£2 7 hands
    losses were
    £3.07 £3.02
    £1-£2 9 hands

  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited June 2013

    it has been another profitable and easy session for me overall i managed a profit of £24.78 from 17 tables
    11 tables managed to get profits the biggest being £8.05 and the total overall was £36.59
    the biggest loss i had from a table was £5.87 and the total lost was £11.81
    the bankroll itself is now £213.58
    my hand history was
    £3.63 £3.26
    £2.89 £2.39
    £1-£2 8 hands
    the losses were
    £2-£3 4 hands
    £1-£2 4 hands

    since that big deal promo finish the tables have returned to a much more passive style of play so basically it helps save so much money when i am in position.
    even most of them big losses could so easily have been avoided.
    i did take a risk when i called this because i was thinking at the time he was holding QJ

    ronnieg197 Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £7.68
    xBig blind  £0.04 £0.06 £5.33
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • K
    GOONERS354 Fold     
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.12 £0.18 £7.94
    mordaw18 Fold     
    ronnieg197 Fold     
    xCall  £0.08 £0.26 £5.25
    • 3
    • J
    • 4
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.20 £0.46 £7.74
    xCall  £0.20 £0.66 £5.05
    • 7
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.66 £1.32 £7.08
    xCall  £0.66 £1.98 £4.39
    • Q
    craigcu12 Bet  £1.00 £2.98 £6.08
    xRaise  £2.00 £4.98 £2.39
    craigcu12 Call  £1.00 £5.98 £5.08
    • 5
    • 6
    craigcu12 Muck
    • K
    • K
    xWin Straight to the 7 £5.53  £7.92
    i think this i did a mistake to make a bluff here because i already showed strength on the turn so it probably did look like two pair to him
    Sildenafil Sit out     
    centuryfox Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £4.48
    me2uu2me Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £3.36
      Your hole cards
    • Q
    • J
    xRaise  £0.08 £0.14 £5.52
    johnny0308 Fold     
    craigcu12 Call  £0.08 £0.22 £5.08
    centuryfox Call  £0.06 £0.28 £4.42
    me2uu2me Call  £0.04 £0.32 £3.32
    • 8
    • A
    • Q
    centuryfox Check     
    me2uu2me Check     
    xBet  £0.04 £0.36 £5.48
    craigcu12 Call  £0.04 £0.40 £5.04
    centuryfox Call  £0.04 £0.44 £4.38
    me2uu2me Fold     
    • J
    centuryfox Check     
    xBet  £0.12 £0.56 £5.36
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.46 £1.02 £4.58
    centuryfox Fold     
    xRaise  £0.68 £1.70 £4.68
    craigcu12 Call  £0.34 £2.04 £4.24
    • K
    craigcu12 Bet  £2.04 £4.08 £2.20
    xCall  £2.04 £6.12 £2.64
    craigcu12 Show
    • Q
    • J
    • A
    • J
    xWin Two Pairs, Aces and Jacks £5.66  £8.30
    the best action of the day came from this one
    zSmall blind  £0.02 £0.02 £2.96
    paulie150 Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £2.96
      Your hole cards
    • J
    • 9
    Aerionz Fold     
    yRaise  £0.08 £0.14 £3.67
    craigcu12 Call  £0.08 £0.22 £3.90
    weeburns07 Call  £0.08 £0.30 £4.57
    soundie Call  £0.06 £0.36 £2.90
    xCall  £0.04 £0.40 £2.92
    • 10
    • 8
    • 6
    zBet  £0.08 £0.48 £2.82
    yCall  £0.08 £0.56 £2.84
    xCall  £0.08 £0.64 £3.59
    craigcu12 Call  £0.08 £0.72 £3.82
    weeburns07 Call  £0.08 £0.80 £4.49
    • K
    zBet  £0.32 £1.12 £2.50
    yCall  £0.32 £1.44 £2.52
    xCall  £0.32 £1.76 £3.27
    craigcu12 Call  £0.32 £2.08 £3.50
    weeburns07 Fold     
    • 7
    zBet  £0.48 £2.56 £2.02
    yCall  £0.48 £3.04 £2.04
    xRaise  £1.00 £4.04 £2.27
    craigcu12 Raise  £2.00 £6.04 £1.50
    yCall  £1.52 £7.56 £0.52
    xAll-in  £2.27 £9.83 £0.00
    craigcu12 All-in  £1.50 £11.33 £0.00
    yAll-in  £0.52 £11.85 £0.00
    craigcu12 Unmatched bet  £0.23 £11.62 £0.23
    • 6
    • K
    • Q
    • 9
    craigcu12 Show
    • J
    • 9
    craigcu12 Win Straight to the Jack £10.74  £10.97
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited June 2013

    today I managed to get a winnings total of £9.84 although I didn't start off very well with my first session ending with a loss £5.

    The total profit from my tables was from 13 tables (1 action 12 nl4) the best ta and it totalled £23.74. The £13.90 that i lost came from 9 tables (all nl4)
    my best table profit was £3.22.
    my worst table  loss was £3.01.

    the £1+ hand history today was
    £3.52 £3.23 £3.10
    £2.30 £2.23 £2.02
    £1-£2 6 hands
    £1-£2 4 hands

    i didn't have much luck with my bluff on this villian

    TINTIN Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £3.70
    PfOaKcEeR Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £1.29
      Your hole cards
    • J
    • K
    xCall  £0.04 £0.10 £1.61
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.12 £0.22 £3.31
    Lumo1978 Fold     
    TINTIN Fold     
    PfOaKcEeR Fold     
    xCall  £0.08 £0.30 £1.53
    • 4
    • 9
    • 8
    xBet  £0.04 £0.34 £1.49
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.33 £0.67 £2.98
    xCall  £0.29 £0.96 £1.20
    • 3
    craigcu12 All-in  £2.98 £3.94 £0.00
    xAll-in  £1.20 £5.14 £0.00
    craigcu12 Unmatched bet  £1.78 £3.36 £1.78
    • 10
    • 8
    craigcu12 Show
    • J
    • K
    • 2
    xWin Pair of 8s £3.10  £3.10
  • calcalfoldcalcalfold Member Posts: 978
    edited June 2013
    Nice to see you are winning again.

    Last hand, it makes no sense to bluff £3 in order to win £1. A bluff of £1 would have had pretty much the same result, and saved you £2 for when you miss on the river.

    Personally I would have checked behind and re evaluated on the river.
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: craigcu12 diary:
    Nice to see you are winning again. Last hand, it makes no sense to bluff £3 in order to win £1. A bluff of £1 would have had pretty much the same result, and saved you £2 for when you miss on the river. Personally I would have checked behind and re evaluated on the river.
    Posted by calcalfold

    Is only £1.20 effective so that bet size is the only real option if we want to bet. (make the flop bigger to make the turn shove < a pot sized bet if this is your plan)

    Agree with you about checking back the turn though. We've got decent pot equity, very little fold equity (when do we @ the micros?), position, and shouldn't have problems getting paid the times we get there (again, when do we at micros?).
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: craigcu12 diary:
    In Response to Re: craigcu12 diary : Is only £1.20 effective so that bet size is the only real option if we want to bet. (make the flop bigger to make the turn shove < a pot sized bet if this is your plan) Agree with you about checking back the turn though. We've got decent pot equity, very little fold equity (when do we @ the micros?), position, and shouldn't have problems getting paid the times we get there (again, when do we at micros?).
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    these days it is quite suprising the number of times that I can get a villain to fold just because i do a bet when a scare card comes.
    take this hand for instance the guy who raised preflop ended up C/F the flop, then when i attempt a bluff on the turn the aggressor during the flop seems to have put me on a 3 or he was attepting a bluff himself. as for the calling station my guess with him is he had  Ax which he failed to hit
    xSmall blind  £0.02 £0.02 £3.44
    zBig blind  £0.04 £0.06 £2.19
      Your hole cards
    • 8
    • 9
    craigcu12 Call  £0.04 £0.10 £2.19
    yCall  £0.04 £0.14 £17.66
    xCall  £0.02 £0.16 £3.42
    zRaise  £0.12 £0.28 £2.07
    craigcu12 Call  £0.12 £0.40 £2.07
    yCall  £0.12 £0.52 £17.54
    xCall  £0.12 £0.64 £3.30
    • K
    • 9
    • 3
    craigcu12 Check     
    yBet  £0.32 £0.96 £17.22
    xCall  £0.32 £1.28 £2.98
    craigcu12 Call  £0.32 £1.60 £1.75
    • 3
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.40 £2.00 £1.35
    xCall  £0.40 £2.40 £2.58
    • 10
    craigcu12 All-in  £1.35 £3.75 £0.00
    craigcu12 Muck     
    craigcu12 Win  £2.22  £2.22
    craigcu12 Return  £1.35 £0.18 £3.57
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited June 2013
    Balance that range Craig. Folded to you in the cutoff with 89s? Beautiful, pump it up.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited June 2013
    thing again didn't start well to begin, with my first session getting another loss of over £5 in total but that session overall was not that long and their was lot's of sport I watched today too.
    my night session went much better and make a decent recovery so I still managed to get a winning total of £9.61
    all the profit I got added up to £15.10 from 5 tables (3nl4 2 act) with one getting  £8.83
    all the losses I got added up to -£5.49 and the worst table has a loss of £1.66.
    my bankroll is now £233.02.

    the big hands today were
    £2.56 £2.37 £2.08
    £1-£2 5 hands
    the losses I got were
    £1.17 £1.13

    the one hand I did wonder about was weather or not I should have just call his raise then allow him to maybe bet on the turn.
    craigcu12 Small blind  £0.05 £0.05 £4.80
    xBig blind  £0.05 £0.10 £9.52
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    philywilly Fold     
    DEANO216 Fold     
    benhodges Fold     
    chinegan Raise  £0.10 £0.20 £1.81
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.20 £0.40 £4.60
    xCall  £0.20 £0.60 £9.32
    chinegan Raise  £0.60 £1.20 £1.21
    craigcu12 Call  £0.45 £1.65 £4.15
    xCall  £0.45 £2.10 £8.87
    • 2
    • 10
    • J
    craigcu12 Check     
    chinegan Bet  £0.65 £2.75 £0.56
    craigcu12 Call  £0.65 £3.40 £3.50
    xRaise  £2.87 £6.27 £6.00
    chinegan All-in  £0.56 £6.83 £0.00
    craigcu12 All-in  £3.50 £10.33 £0.00
    craigcu12 Unmatched bet  £1.28 £9.05 £1.28
    craigcu12 Show
    • A
    • A
    chinegan Show
    • Q
    • Q
    • A
    • A
    craigcu12 Win Four Aces £8.37  £9.65
    hands like the one below are what convice me that some people are easy for me to bluff with
    craigcu12 Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £3.53
    john_a49 Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £3.12
      Your hole cards
    • 6
    • 6
    xRaise  £0.12 £0.18 £11.25
    Hunterlad Call  £0.12 £0.30 £3.17
    slackalice Fold     
    lMARKl Fold     
    craigcu12 Call  £0.10 £0.40 £3.43
    john_a49 Call  £0.08 £0.48 £3.04
    • 6
    • 5
    • K
    craigcu12 Check     
    john_a49 Check     
    xBet  £0.24 £0.72 £11.01
    Hunterlad Fold     
    craigcu12 Call  £0.24 £0.96 £3.19
    john_a49 Fold     
    • 8
    craigcu12 Check     
    xBet  £0.48 £1.44 £10.53
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.96 £2.40 £2.23
    xRaise  £1.92 £4.32 £8.61
    craigcu12 Call  £1.44 £5.76 £0.79
    • 2
    craigcu12 All-in  £0.79 £6.55 £0.00
    craigcu12 Muck     
    craigcu12 Win  £5.32  £5.32
    craigcu12 Return  £0.79 £0.44 £6.11
    i did suffer one cooldown today
    toddy23 Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £3.85
    Flushpair Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £2.99
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • J
    pepo Fold     
    THIRA777 Fold     
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.12 £0.18 £4.37
    allezbath Fold     
    toddy23 Fold     
    Flushpair Call  £0.08 £0.26 £2.91
    • 9
    • 3
    • 10
    Flushpair Check     
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.20 £0.46 £4.17
    Flushpair Call  £0.20 £0.66 £2.71
    • Q
    Flushpair Check     
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.60 £1.26 £3.57
    Flushpair Call  £0.60 £1.86 £2.11
    • 7
    Flushpair Bet  £0.93 £2.79 £1.18
    craigcu12 All-in  £3.57 £6.36 £0.00
    Flushpair All-in  £1.18 £7.54 £0.00
    craigcu12 Unmatched bet  £1.46 £6.08 £1.46
    Flushpair Show
    • 4
    • A
    craigcu12 Show
    • K
    • J
    Flushpair Win Flush to the Ace £5.62  £5.62
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,059
    edited June 2013
    Craig well done on another profitable day mate, just want to say i don't like the way you played the As no need to get so tricky and let other players see the flop when you just call the 4bet you give the 3rd player a great price to see the flop and could get yourself into some tricky situations. Personally i open to 25p-30p with a player already opening for min, then when i get 4bet i'm loving it as i know they have a v-strong range and will be putting in another decent raise maybe to like £1.35, them kind of hands play themselves we dont need to overcomplicate or play them too tricky in my opinion. UL with the kj hand though pretty sick river lol keep up the good work.
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited June 2013
    Money has to go in on the turn with the flopped set hand. You minraised him, he then raises you again. To just flat that and leave 80p or so behind screams massive strength. I don't like the min raise, but when he goes back over the top its a green light to jam and get paid off by what I would assume is AK or AA.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited June 2013
    things haven't started well  today so far I am at a loss of -£4.98.
    one hand that puzzled me was
    the villian himself I do have notes down that he calls premium pair preflop.
    craigcu12 Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £4.18
    xBig blind  £0.04 £0.06 £4.02
      Your hole cards
    • 3
    • 5
    Whipingboy Fold     
    kirstii Fold     
    nostaw4901 Call  £0.04 £0.10 £4.67
    w8nker Fold     
    craigcu12 Call  £0.02 £0.12 £4.16
    • 6
    • 4
    • 7
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.09 £0.21 £4.07
    xCall  £0.09 £0.30 £3.93
    nostaw4901 Call  £0.09 £0.39 £4.58
    • 9
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.29 £0.68 £3.78
    xCall  £0.29 £0.97 £3.64
    nostaw4901 Fold     
    • 4
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.49 £1.46 £3.29
    xCall  £0.49 £1.95 £3.15
    craigcu12 Show
    • 3
    • 5
    • 5
    • 8
    xWin Straight to the 9 £1.80  £4.95
  • calcalfoldcalcalfold Member Posts: 978
    edited June 2013
    That hand post flop is fine.

    Fold it pre though, even for 2p.

    As you have demonstrated, even if you make a hand it can often be the lower straight/flush/boat vs villain
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,491
    edited June 2013

    You have suited connectors, so nothing wrong with the call.

    This guy had the total nuts, so you got away really cheap! We're just really ul he has higher straight, whats the chances.

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