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craigcu12 diary.



  • jordz16jordz16 Member Posts: 2,253
    edited May 2013
    On that ace ace hand at the top i had jacks, sometimes you can hit the flop too well i guess
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited May 2013
    yet another full house lost out to a better one
    pau1958 Small blind  £0.04 £0.04 £9.49
    15051304 Big blind  £0.08 £0.12 £7.61
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • J
    ricc0100 Fold     
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.24 £0.36 £8.73
    2dblue Fold     
    twist15931 Fold     
    pau1958 Call  £0.20 £0.56 £9.29
    15051304 Call  £0.16 £0.72 £7.45
    • K
    • K
    • J
    pau1958 Bet  £0.36 £1.08 £8.93
    15051304 Fold     
    craigcu12 Call  £0.36 £1.44 £8.37
    • Q
    pau1958 Check     
    craigcu12 Bet  £1.08 £2.52 £7.29
    pau1958 Raise  £2.16 £4.68 £6.77
    craigcu12 Call  £1.08 £5.76 £6.21
    • 3
    pau1958 Bet  £5.76 £11.52 £1.01
    craigcu12 All-in  £6.21 £17.73 £0.00
    pau1958 Call  £0.45 £18.18 £0.56
    pau1958 Show
    • K
    • Q
    craigcu12 Show
    • K
    • J
    pau1958 Win Full House, Kings and Queens £16.81  £17.37
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited May 2013
    I think I am going to take a break from poker this week and not return until next Monday because things are going chaos for me my bankroll is currently £144 and I just don't seem to be having success at all
    £14 was lost with this hand and one think for sure I was never going to manage to escape even if I just call the reraise as it was just J high on the flop and I will end up putting too much in to just fold after that
    lundie Small blind  £0.04 £0.04 £14.93
    derek1955 Big blind  £0.08 £0.12 £6.72
      Your hole cards
    • Q
    • Q
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.24 £0.36 £21.49
    moore1987 Fold     
    lundie Raise  £0.68 £1.04 £14.25
    derek1955 Fold     
    craigcu12 Raise  £2.40 £3.44 £19.09
    lundie Raise  £6.56 £10.00 £7.69
    craigcu12 All-in  £19.09 £29.09 £0.00
    lundie All-in  £7.69 £36.78 £0.00
    craigcu12 Unmatched bet  £6.76 £30.02 £6.76
    lundie Show
    • A
    • A
    craigcu12 Show
    • Q
    • Q
    • 6
    • 2
    • J
    • 8
    • 3
    lundie Win Pair of Aces £28.62  £28.62
    8.97 was lost from that full house above
    kamal854 Small blind  £0.04 £0.04 £4.63
    craigcu12 Big blind  £0.08 £0.12 £9.04
      Your hole cards
    • 10
    • 10
    JFLUSH Call  £0.08 £0.20 £10.01
    Bash43 Call  £0.08 £0.28 £2.24
    SQUARKEY Fold     
    lundie Call  £0.08 £0.36 £12.46
    kamal854 Call  £0.04 £0.40 £4.59
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.32 £0.72 £8.72
    JFLUSH Call  £0.32 £1.04 £9.69
    Bash43 Fold     
    lundie Fold     
    kamal854 Call  £0.32 £1.36 £4.27
    • 6
    • 8
    • 8
    kamal854 Check     
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.68 £2.04 £8.04
    JFLUSH Fold     
    kamal854 Call  £0.68 £2.72 £3.59
    • 4
    kamal854 Check     
    craigcu12 Check     
    • 2
    kamal854 Bet  £2.04 £4.76 £1.55
    craigcu12 Call  £2.04 £6.80 £6.00
    kamal854 Show
    • K
    • 8
    craigcu12 Muck
    • 10
    • 10
    kamal854 Win Three 8s £6.29  £7.84
    maniac to winning good
    cotton67 Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £2.03
    ciaran1964 Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £1.86
      Your hole cards
    • J
    • A
    britishbul Call  £0.04 £0.10 £3.01
    TOD19 Fold     
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.16 £0.26 £5.91
    cotton67 Call  £0.14 £0.40 £1.89
    ciaran1964 Fold     
    britishbul Fold     
    • A
    • 10
    • K
    cotton67 Bet  £0.40 £0.80 £1.49
    craigcu12 Raise  £1.30 £2.10 £4.61
    cotton67 All-in  £1.49 £3.59 £0.00
    craigcu12 Call  £0.59 £4.18 £4.02
    cotton67 Show
    • 10
    • 4
    craigcu12 Show
    • J
    • A
    • 4
    • 3
    cotton67 Win Two Pairs, 10s and 4s £3.86  £3.86
    this hand I was very lucky with too
    philbin06 Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £1.28
    craigcu12 Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £7.40
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    topgun121 Raise  £0.20 £0.26 £3.86
    bigquig11 Fold     
    mazzi Fold     
    philbin06 Fold     
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.64 £0.90 £6.76
    topgun121 Call  £0.48 £1.38 £3.38
    • 3
    • 9
    • 5
    craigcu12 Bet  £1.04 £2.42 £5.72
    topgun121 All-in  £3.38 £5.80 £0.00
    craigcu12 Call  £2.34 £8.14 £3.38
    craigcu12 Show
    • A
    • A
    topgun121 Show
    • 3
    • 5
    • 8
    • A
    craigcu12 Win Three Aces £7.52  £10.90
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited June 2013

    well after having a break for a few day I decided to return today and did a review of my hands recently and it has helped me improve and was much more careful with my hands today. but for some reason I still didn't seem to get any profit.
    I had just 1.5 hours today and played on8 tables through that period.
    6 of 8 got losses which were -18p -£1.18 -24p - 71p -42p and -£1.52
    the two tables that got me win were £2.93 and £1.08
    as for hand history
    well that was winnings of
    0.50-£1 5 hands
    the losses were
    the rest were from mainly a 3x preflop or the BB folds

    I am starting to think this might be where my problem lies

    Bjmaster Small blind  £0.05 £0.05 £7.17
    craigcu12 Big blind  £0.05 £0.10 £6.56
      Your hole cards
    • J
    • A
    AWAYYEGO Fold     
    MachAttack Fold     
    dominon105 Fold     
    Bjmaster Raise  £0.05 £0.15 £7.12
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.20 £0.35 £6.36
    Bjmaster Call  £0.15 £0.50 £6.97
    • 3
    • J
    • 5
    Bjmaster Check     
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.35 £0.85 £6.01
    Bjmaster Call  £0.35 £1.20 £6.62
    • 9
    Bjmaster Check     
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.50 £1.70 £5.51
    Bjmaster Call  £0.50 £2.20 £6.12
    • Q
    Bjmaster Check     
    craigcu12 Check     
    Bjmaster Show
    • 4
    • K
    craigcu12 Show
    • J
    • A
    craigcu12 Win Pair of Jacks £2.03  £7.54
    the big loss I suffered was
    trvr58 Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £3.70
    garner909 Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £6.17
      Your hole cards
    • 10
    • J
    windle07 Fold     
    toddy23 Fold     
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.12 £0.18 £5.03
    emad1960 Fold     
    trvr58 Fold     
    garner909 Call  £0.08 £0.26 £6.09
    • 5
    • 6
    • A
    garner909 Check     
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.13 £0.39 £4.90
    garner909 Call  £0.13 £0.52 £5.96
    • 4
    garner909 Check     
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.39 £0.91 £4.51
    garner909 Raise  £0.78 £1.69 £5.18
    craigcu12 Call  £0.39 £2.08 £4.12
    • 10
    garner909 Bet  £1.04 £3.12 £4.14
    craigcu12 Raise  £2.08 £5.20 £2.04
    garner909 All-in  £4.14 £9.34 £0.00
    craigcu12 All-in  £2.04 £11.38 £0.00
    garner909 Unmatched bet  £1.06 £10.32 £1.06
    garner909 Show
    • K
    • 9
    craigcu12 Show
    • 10
    • J
    garner909 Win Flush to the Ace £9.54  £10.60
    lucky enough I was saved on the river from having two huge losses
    toddy23 Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £3.94
    craigcu12 Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £4.33
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • K
    emad1960 Fold     
    hodge04 Fold     
    AWAYYEGO Raise  £0.16 £0.22 £1.72
    Karlee19 Raise  £0.28 £0.50 £3.11
    toddy23 Fold     
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.72 £1.22 £3.61
    AWAYYEGO All-in  £1.72 £2.94 £0.00
    Karlee19 Raise  £2.72 £5.66 £0.39
    craigcu12 All-in  £3.61 £9.27 £0.00
    Karlee19 All-in  £0.39 £9.66 £0.00
    craigcu12 Unmatched bet  £0.98 £8.68 £0.98
    craigcu12 Show
    • K
    • K
    • Q
    • Q
    Karlee19 Show
    • J
    • A
    • K
    • 4
    • 7
    • 5
    • K
    craigcu12 Win Four Kings £8.02  £9.00
    one hand I made a good fold with was
    RockettAce Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £4.02
    stueee000 Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £1.86
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    natalie91 Fold     
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.12 £0.18 £3.64
    Carper211 Fold     
    dmw Fold     
    RockettAce Call  £0.10 £0.28 £3.92
    stueee000 Call  £0.08 £0.36 £1.78
    • Q
    • J
    • 9
    RockettAce Check     
    stueee000 Check     
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.27 £0.63 £3.37
    RockettAce Call  £0.27 £0.90 £3.65
    stueee000 All-in  £1.78 £2.68 £0.00
    craigcu12 Fold     
    RockettAce Call  £1.51 £4.19 £2.14
    RockettAce Show
    • A
    • 4
    stueee000 Show
    • 10
    • 8
    • 8
    • 3
    stueee000 Win Straight to the Queen £3.87  £3.87
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited June 2013
    my bankroll stands at £143.88
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,491
    edited June 2013
    Thats not bad at at al for that amount of tables.

    Must be hard with all those tables?

    Wouldn't it be better going down to 4/5 tables for a while? Where you can focus more, i struggle having 5 tables open, 8/9 must be difficult as. When i had 6 tables, i was a robot pushing buttons lol
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited June 2013
    hi craig,
    Larson does have a point about dropping down tables mate.
    you know I like playing as many tables as I can but it can be risky and when you are struggling then it does pay to play a few less I have found.
    I now play either 2-4 as a rule which helps to steady the ship and also gives you more time to think about each decision.
    looks as though you are running bad from a glance through your hands. not much you can do there.
    play within your b/r too.
    nl10 isn't advisable with less than 20 buy-ins imo.
    gl today
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited June 2013
    although I did play 8 tables the maximum I played at once was 6 and that was partly with it being the nl4 the reason I said it came from 8 overall was I swapped some tables.
    normally I play 5-6 at max but I will drop down to having 4 now because it probably is due to the amount of blinds I fold that I have so much lost
    74 x 4p only 3-5 were from a limp.
    35x 5p from action tables
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,059
    edited June 2013
    Good fold with the As craig, thinking about the other guys stack and not just the shorty here and you made the right decision good to see. dropping down to 4nl is a good idea for the minute get some confidence back and make sure your playing your A game/making correct decisions. Flush over flush is ul, and the aj checking behind is fine on the river imo.

    Dev 1-2 of the tables craig is playing above is 5-5p blinds not 10nl, have never played them myself really is the standard much different to nl4 craig?
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited June 2013

    fair point benc,

    only had a glance through earlier b4 work so opologies.

    (* *)
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited June 2013

    in a way I think the nl5 are easier than nl4 I very rarely finish with a loss and villians don't seem to play as passive post flop either.

  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited June 2013
    had a 2 hour session this afternoon on 6 tables overall 4 being the amount I was on at once.
    I did very well on two with profits of 4.98 and 3.70 but it was ll washed away when I got a loss of £7 on one mainly through bad luck.
    the other 3 were not that good either with just 24p won but -£2.13 and -£1.63 lost
    BR is £142.04

    due to the buttons being so small I only min raised this hand when I should have did the full raise
    as for the river I thought to myself I might as well call the last £1.10 as he might hold KQ or K10.
    ryana1r07 Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £2.27
    craigcu12 Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £3.11
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    jinder Fold     
    xRaise  £0.12 £0.18 £3.81
    pepo Fold     
    ryana1r07 Fold     
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.16 £0.34 £2.95
    xCall  £0.08 £0.42 £3.73
    • 10
    • 6
    • K
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.32 £0.74 £2.63
    xCall  £0.32 £1.06 £3.41
    • Q
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.53 £1.59 £2.10
    xCall  £0.53 £2.12 £2.88
    • 6
    craigcu12 Bet  £1.00 £3.12 £1.10
    xAll-in  £2.88 £6.00 £0.00
    craigcu12 All-in  £1.10 £7.10 £0.00
    xUnmatched bet  £0.78 £6.32 £0.78
    craigcu12 Show
    • A
    • A
    • 6
    • A
    xWin Three 6s £5.84  £6.62
    atleast I saved 22p on the river
    FISHER13 Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £4.59
    ddouble88 Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £1.20
      Your hole cards
    • J
    • J
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.12 £0.18 £3.48
    Winston89 Fold     
    delboy119 Fold     
    bobbyd190 Fold     
    FISHER13 Call  £0.10 £0.28 £4.49
    ddouble88 Call  £0.08 £0.36 £1.12
    • 6
    • 9
    • J
    FISHER13 Check     
    yBet  £0.04 £0.40 £1.08
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.25 £0.65 £3.23
    FISHER13 Fold     
    yCall  £0.21 £0.86 £0.87
    • Q
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.65 £1.51 £2.58
    yCall  £0.65 £2.16 £0.22
    • 10
    craigcu12 Check     
    • 8
    • 8
    craigcu12 Muck
    • J
    • J
    yWin Straight to the Queen £1.99  £2.21
    well I managed to take my revenge with the next hand
    ddouble88 Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £2.19
    craigcu12 Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £2.54
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • K
    Winston89 Fold     
    delboy119 Call  £0.04 £0.10 £1.99
    bobbyd190 Call  £0.04 £0.14 £4.68
    FISHER13 Fold     
    yRaise  £0.06 £0.20 £2.13
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.20 £0.40 £2.34
    delboy119 Fold     
    bobbyd190 Fold     
    yCall  £0.16 £0.56 £1.97
    • 10
    • 7
    • 10
    yBet  £0.04 £0.60 £1.93
    craigcu12 Call  £0.04 £0.64 £2.30
    • 10
    yBet  £0.04 £0.68 £1.89
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.76 £1.44 £1.54
    yCall  £0.72 £2.16 £1.17
    • 7
    craigcu12 All-in  £1.54 £3.70 £0.00
    yAll-in  £1.17 £4.87 £0.00
    craigcu12 Unmatched bet  £0.37 £4.50 £0.37
    • J
    • A
    craigcu12 Show
    • K
    • K
    given the number of cool downs I've been getting recently with FH over FH I fealt in a really tough spot here
    cSmall blind  £0.02 £0.02 £4.07
    pepo Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £3.78
    POOLMAN529 Sit out     
      Your hole cards
    • 3
    • 3
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.12 £0.18 £5.79
    delboy119 Fold     
    Aladin13 Call  £0.12 £0.30 £5.89
    cCall  £0.10 £0.40 £3.97
    pepo Fold     
    • Q
    • K
    • 3
    cBet  £0.30 £0.70 £3.67
    craigcu12 Raise  £1.05 £1.75 £4.74
    Aladin13 Fold     
    cCall  £0.75 £2.50 £2.92
    • K
    craigcu12 Check     
    • A
    cBet  £1.88 £4.38 £1.04
    craigcu12 Call  £1.88 £6.26 £2.86
    • 10
    craigcu12 Show
    • 3
    • 3
    craigcu12 Win Full House, 3s and Kings £5.79  £8.65
    when I saw him B/C the flop I began thinking to myself right away he has Kx.
    then when I checked the turn I decided to make my FH look like AA because I  could only see AK or KQ likely calling a big bet. but then when I saw an A come on the river and he does a bet it start shouting FH weather it was KQ or AK.
  • calcalfoldcalcalfold Member Posts: 978
    edited June 2013
    I agree with all that have said less tables is better.

    Stick to 3 or 4, pay more attention, win and get some confidence back. It makes the world of difference.

    Not sure if I menitoned it, but if you ever wanted to record a session (say 4 tables max) and post it online somewhere (If Sky allow this) I would be happy to look over it. Granted im no expert, but never had a sub £100 4nl month, and most £200+

    I am convinced the reason your BR is not growing is due to small things that you are doing, and that never get seen on these threads. No idea what it might be, but sometimes the small subtle leaks are the worst.

    All the best
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited June 2013
    how much longer will my full houses fail to be winners
    I didn't want to call the river but really I was meant to click the reraise on the turn but instead clicked call. it really feels annoying the number of full houses I loose out with in the last two weeks
    lundie Small blind  £0.05 £0.05 £7.25
    craigcu12 Big blind  £0.05 £0.10 £8.78
    Cash_Daddy Sit out     
      Your hole cards
    • J
    • J
    parkhead Fold     
    bigbosh1 Fold     
    Wigachick Call  £0.05 £0.15 £6.36
    lundie Check     
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.20 £0.35 £8.58
    Wigachick Call  £0.20 £0.55 £6.16
    lundie Fold     
    • K
    • J
    • K
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.28 £0.83 £8.30
    Wigachick Raise  £1.39 £2.22 £4.77
    craigcu12 Call  £1.11 £3.33 £7.19
    • 4
    craigcu12 Check     
    Wigachick Bet  £3.33 £6.66 £1.44
    craigcu12 Call  £3.33 £9.99 £3.86
    • 4
    craigcu12 Check     
    Wigachick All-in  £1.44 £11.43 £0.00
    craigcu12 Call  £1.44 £12.87 £2.42
    craigcu12 Show
    • J
    • J
    Wigachick Show
    • K
    • 9
  • est1967est1967 Member Posts: 247
    edited June 2013
    Hi mate,Im sure you should delete players names when you show table hand history .I have played you a few times and my notes on you read..solid player on 2p4p but i wont tell you the rest lol.good luck mate
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,491
    edited June 2013

    How did the rest of the day go Craig?

    We only really played 1 hand, you looked super strong, had to fold on the river.

    Good luck!

  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited June 2013
    Larson overall the afternoon I still got quite a lot of bad luck
    as for this evening things went a bit better and I managed to get a few tables with £3 profit but overall my bankroll has finished at £140.59
    the hand history was
    £3.58 £3.47 £3.08
    £2-£3 4 hands
    £1-£2 22 hands
    the losses were
    £3.23 £3.15 £3.06 £3.05
    £2-£3 4 hands
    £1-£2 8 hands
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited June 2013

    it was the right choice I was hoping you might have a pair your self and would think that I missed out on a flush or AQ+

    LARSON7 Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £5.72
    j8ck888 Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £1.45
      Your hole cards
    • 3
    • 3
    xbootneck2 Fold     
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.12 £0.18 £5.32
    LARSON7 Call  £0.10 £0.28 £5.62
    j8ck888 Fold     
    • 3
    • 2
    • 8
    LARSON7 Bet  £0.14 £0.42 £5.48
    craigcu12 Call  £0.14 £0.56 £5.18
    • 5
    LARSON7 Bet  £0.25 £0.81 £5.23
    craigcu12 Call  £0.25 £1.06 £4.93
    • 5
    LARSON7 Check     
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.80 £1.86 £4.13
    LARSON7 Fold     
    craigcu12 Muck     
    craigcu12 Win  £0.98  £5.11
    craigcu12 Return  £0.80 £0.08 £5.91
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,059
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: craigcu12 diary:
    I agree with all that have said less tables is better. Stick to 3 or 4, pay more attention, win and get some confidence back. It makes the world of difference. Not sure if I menitoned it, but if you ever wanted to record a session (say 4 tables max) and post it online somewhere (If Sky allow this) I would be happy to look over it. Granted im no expert, but never had a sub £100 4nl month, and most £200+ I am convinced the reason your BR is not growing is due to small things that you are doing, and that never get seen on these threads. No idea what it might be, but sometimes the small subtle leaks are the worst. All the best
    Posted by calcalfold
    Ccf we haved used a screenshare software which is free called joinme and have discussed some hand histories and stuff via that pm sometime and i could show you it probably alot easier than recording sessions and going through it that way, Craig agreed that it was a mixture of alot of coolers and alot of hands which could of been played very differently possible some of which as a result of tilt.

    Btw Craig that 3s full hand on the previous page you need to be betting turn and playing for stacks on river, i know you have had alot of house over house coolers but you still need to be making the right decision in that spot when it occurs and getting it in and losing with 3s full on the river would not of been a bad decision long term, i'm sure a good session is just around the corner mate gl.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited June 2013
    I did have a few hands which I folded when I was actually ahead
    this villain I would say was very lucky I could not see him holding anything but a set when he does a call followed by a raise.
    ck10052 Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £1.32
    yBig blind  £0.04 £0.06 £2.17
      Your hole cards
    • 10
    • A
    toddy23 Fold     
    xCall  £0.04 £0.10 £2.32
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.20 £0.30 £4.78
    obsidia4 Call  £0.20 £0.50 £3.71
    ck10052 Fold     
    yCall  £0.16 £0.66 £2.01
    xCall  £0.16 £0.82 £2.16
    • 8
    • 10
    • 2
    yBet  £0.20 £1.02 £1.81
    xCall  £0.20 £1.22 £1.96
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.44 £1.66 £4.34
    obsidia4 Fold     
    yCall  £0.24 £1.90 £1.57
    xAll-in  £1.96 £3.86 £0.00
    craigcu12 Fold     
    yAll-in  £1.57 £5.43 £0.00
    xUnmatched bet  £0.15 £5.28 £0.15
    • 9
    • 8
    • Q
    • 10
    • 2
    • K
    xWin Two Pairs, 10s and 2s £4.88  £5.03
    for once a maniac saved me such a big loss
    slackalice Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £10.52
    craigcu12 Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £7.25
      Your hole cards
    • J
    • J
    bullbag Fold     
    nickd49931 Fold     
    yCall  £0.04 £0.10 £3.77
    xRaise  £0.08 £0.18 £3.98
    slackalice Fold     
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.20 £0.38 £7.05
    yCall  £0.20 £0.58 £3.57
    xCall  £0.16 £0.74 £3.82
    • 8
    • 7
    • 7
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.56 £1.30 £6.49
    yCall  £0.56 £1.86 £3.01
    xCall  £0.56 £2.42 £3.26
    • 5
    craigcu12 Check     
    yAll-in  £3.01 £5.43 £0.00
    xCall  £3.01 £8.44 £0.25
    craigcu12 Fold     
    • A
    • 10
    • K
    • K
    • 4
    xWin Two Pairs, Kings and 7s £7.80  £8.05
    with this hand after so many limpers and a raise still being done when he the does such a big bet on the flop the last thing I would expect him to hold was KJ i was heading towards AA KK JJ AK AJ the only hand i could see him holding that i still would be beating was AQ.
    xSmall blind  £0.02 £0.02 £4.46
    yBig blind  £0.04 £0.06 £3.96
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • J
    man4brandy Call  £0.04 £0.10 £10.92
    stoyo999 Call  £0.04 £0.14 £4.53
    zRaise  £0.20 £0.34 £2.66
    craigcu12 Call  £0.20 £0.54 £5.10
    yCall  £0.18 £0.72 £4.28
    xCall  £0.16 £0.88 £3.80
    man4brandy Call  £0.16 £1.04 £10.76
    stoyo999 Fold     
    • K
    • A
    • J
    yBet  £0.04 £1.08 £4.24
    xCall  £0.04 £1.12 £3.76
    man4brandy Call  £0.04 £1.16 £10.72
    zRaise  £0.64 £1.80 £2.02
    craigcu12 Fold     
    yCall  £0.60 £2.40 £3.64
    zCall  £0.60 £3.00 £3.16
    man4brandy Fold     
    • 9
    xBet  £0.04 £3.04 £3.60
    yCall  £0.04 £3.08 £3.12
    zAll-in  £2.02 £5.10 £0.00
    xCall  £1.98 £7.08 £1.62
    yCall  £1.98 £9.06 £1.14
    • 3
    xBet  £0.16 £9.22 £1.46
    yCall  £0.16 £9.38 £0.98
    • J
    • K
    • 3
    • Q
    • 2
    • A
    zWin Two Pairs, Kings and Jacks £8.37  £8.37
    yWin Pair of Aces £0.30  £1.28
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