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Every Don has its day



  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited November 2013
    thanks for some strong feedback, glad the result hasn't softened the critism as it would with some :)

    for what its worth this was 3rd hand in, he done this first hand, i folded i folded my button (cant mind the hand but im sure a fold would have been correct) and then this hand. I had never played this guy before so was pretty readless to how he'd react to 3bs etc.

    if we 3b are we 3b folding? 

    is folding better than 3betting readless? 

    meh im such a fish. 
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited November 2013
    yeh folding is probably better than 3betting readless.
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited November 2013
    I just can't do this anymore

    Sigh, sigh and more blooming sigh. Today i woke up and said to myself, we can do something. We can win. We can beat this dam game. 

    Well variance once again had other ideas. One near min cash miss. Several lost flips, coolers and 70/30s as per. And really just everything i do just seemed to go wrong. 

    The last one I said to jj, I cant beat AQ when i have AK. I then bust an mtt with AK v AQ. Down to my last one, hes railing and i said literally any time i get that senario I lose. Been the case for nearly a month. So theres a 3x from EP. I shove 29BB over the top with AK. BB calls, EP calls. BB has A6 but was only about 11bigs. EP has AQ. So TJxxK yeap standard continues. 

    Emotionally i cant take it anymore. Over all sites a month ago my rolls would have been close to £1k(combined). Now you'd be lucky if they made over £300. For me thats alot of money. 1 site im down to 11 buy ins, there is no reload till Feburary at least. The other 3 i have about 30 each. Not enough to sustain this downswing, again no reload avaible till Feb.

    This might be the last dance. :( 
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited November 2013
    Why don't you grind satellites? There will be loads running between now and February due to the UKPC. You're always saying on the forum that you beat them easily, just last week you were calling for more to be added to the schedule.

    Just a suggestion, good luck to you whatever you decide to do.
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don doesn't have its day.:
    pm sent don
    Posted by Diminuendo
    recieved will reply when more awake. 
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don doesn't have its day.:
    Why don't you grind satellites? There will be loads running between now and February due to the UKPC. You're always saying on the forum that you beat them easily, just last week you were calling for more to be added to the schedule. Just a suggestion, good luck to you whatever you decide to do.
    Posted by GaryQQQ
    I do play a chunk of sats. For the UKPC it will be awkward due to my br. I havent looked at UKPC structure as of yet so what i reply might be completely wrong. 

    If i mind right tho the semi is £52 with the actual seat one being £250 on a Sunday only. 

    So given my BR i'd have to play £2 games into £10 games into £50 games. 

    So realistically we're looking to gain profit from getting to the £10 one. 

    So even if we say we make it on average 1 in 3. We're making after rake about £4. Now i wont grumble at £4 thats a decent amount, but dueto the nature of 5 steps my experiance on sky is the lowest level doesnt run enough to allow me to get 12 sats in a day or whatever. 

    I speak to alot of sat grinders from another site and watching them as they structure alot different to sky, but im considering playing alot of those. 
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited November 2013
    The plans

    So with my br hit admittedly playing with the small br we have is much more awkward. The strange this is, In January when I started playing i had £20 in my account. I haven't reloaded. So over the coarse at present im still £160 up (inc C4P that arrived yest). So do i have no right to feel annoyed. 

    Winamax i deposited €40 and spun up to €300. Ok I have't done much since and its back to €60 its still a profit. 

    FTP I transfered accross from stars, which i was given £200 for my investment in a live stake. Stars hasn't been great for me all year. But given the amount of runners and how many deep runs i've had in the past i guess i can't complain, but FTP i got my first win on, and still have $250 of it. Although that again is a sizable loss since that win, its still profit. 

    So really from a start of £60 i've made money. 

    Thats something to be proud of. I will be trying JJ's suggestion of the hu. Along side mtts. 

    I also realised certain leaks i have in mtts. Its actually not a huge leak, but just one or two long small mistakes. Shouldn't be too hard to fix though. 
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited November 2013
    Oh so close 

    I'm doing a mini update. I plan to do 25 HU games later in the day. However i asked a friend to watch, no for anything other than some leak plugging between games. He wasn't avalible until later so suggested i play some mtts.

    So i did. A good number of nearly cashes all spots standards though. Couple of very strange ones where people just overplay hands and i get ul, but meh im glad for them overplaying them long term. 

    However 2 where looking tastey. 4 max on stars i came 26th for $21. exit hand was A9 v AA on AKx9 board. He just peeled my raise oop pre so getting it in seemed like the easiest chips ever. Oops 0% gg.

    One on winamax left. Now i have said i was desperate for a winamax score. As i was slowly going deeper and deeper i was like its comming. A strange spot on the FT bubble emerged and i ended up comming 7th as a result (i was a 6 max) Still €75 is a much welcomed boost to the winamax roll. 

    Annoying i feel I've played terrible today. Without some pretty annoying errors there could have been a few more deep/deeper runs. 
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,634
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don will have its day.:
    .. A strange spot on the FT bubble emerged and i ended up comming 7th as a result (i was a 6 max) Still €75 is a much welcomed boost to the winamax roll.  Annoying i feel I've played terrible today. Without some pretty annoying errors there could have been a few more deep/deeper runs. 
    Posted by The_Don90

    Would you prefer "playing badly & win"  or "playing well & lose"   I know what you mean tho ;-)   Was wondering, do you think you would run better if you concentrated your efforts on one site?  You prob know best but I just thought I'd ask the Q.  Enjoying the diary & good luck....
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don will have its day.:
    In Response to Re: Every Don will have its day. : Would you prefer "playing badly & win"  or "playing well & lose"   I know what you mean tho ;-)   Was wondering, do you think you would run better if you concentrated your efforts on one site?  You prob know best but I just thought I'd ask the Q.  Enjoying the diary & good luck....
    Posted by Glenelg
    Good question in honesty

    I think the main thing is with me playing mostly mtts, its hard for 1 site alone to cater for a mtt player. One sky theres 1 mtt per hour that i play. If i had a roll able to play £11s and £22 i think i could add an extra one in every 90 mins. 

    On winamax its about every hour early on, then a dry period and about 4 or 5 at night id play. I have a filter on so not sure what 11+ is like. 

    Stars, again 1 per hour, 2 on some hours but again 6000 runner fields are mega high variance. When you go deep you need to be scoring big, but because their top heavy thats hard. I remember about a year ago i finnished a 5000 runner event ($2 buy in) in 26th after a really sick cooler (TT v QT on TQQ flop chip leader v 2nd in chips was left crippled) and got like $28. I mean no disrespect to stars and their payouts, but at $2 a time to break even comming in 26th youd have to be able to do that 1 in every 14 attempts, thats not accounting rake. Its just impossible. Obviously that makes the wins more  sweater and i can't complain at my record on there. 

    Tilt probably has the best (IMO) low stakes grind, but even it has a dry spell when other sites are miles better. Sky is actually probably the closest for matching it on an all day basis. Their structures aren't the best though and it seems to me to be alot of structure testing going on. 

    So i think to stick to one site for cash/S&gs would be good, but for mtts less so. 

    What i will say I'd love to see sky adding some of the Tilt Super hypers (they have weird names so i just call them super hypers) to the site. Im not sure how much they'd take off tho. Basically 5 min blind levels, as standard, but starting stack is only 10BB. Could be a good hyper turbo alternative to a timed mtt for those with only an hour or so to spare. Very high variance though.

    Edit: Also of coarse id rather win. I just feel annoyed when i make mistakes. You know its bad when you level your self into a fold, and a well respected player posts this when you post it for discussion. " I think folding is my forth choice here. Stab self in **** is higher on my list."
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited November 2013
    That's why if you stick to 1 site, while it might reduce your MTT schedule, it means you can fill it up with stuff like cash or HU SnGs to have a much steadier game to rely on through the bad times.

    FWIW, no wonder you're experiencing BIG swings when you like playing MTTs that start with a 10xBB starting stack!! lol.

    On ya average day, what times do you play? Like how many hours and specifically what time of the day?
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don will have its day.:
    That's why if you stick to 1 site, while it might reduce your MTT schedule, it means you can fill it up with stuff like cash or HU SnGs to have a much steadier game to rely on through the bad times. FWIW, no wonder you're experiencing BIG swings when you like playing MTTs that start with a 10xBB starting stack!! lol. On ya average day, what times do you play? Like how many hours and specifically what time of the day?
    Posted by Lambert180
    yeah but by reducing the mtt schedule down times will last for longer? 

    HU i like to focus on 100% i find that player tendancies are huge in hu. Obviously there just as huge in any other part of the game but hu they are so much easier to spot and exploit. And if im brutally honest im not good enough to play 2/3 tables and hu at the same time. 

    the 10bb mtts i played once by accident was about 3 hands in and was looking at my hud scratching my head woundering why the f it said i had 8bb. I spent about 10 minutes looking for a hand that never happened where i lost a huge pot lol. For what its worth when your short on tables (1 or 2 )or its early in a session or ur deep and close to finnishing i think their a good little add to a schedule. I do try to avoid them when im close to optimal amount of tables though. 

    My average day. hmm. Well given my sleeping problems, which i dont think has been an real secret, and average day for me depends from week to week and month to month based on my sleeping. It takes very little to knock me out of sync. 

    My prefered times are 9-10am start, finnishing registering around 2pm a deep run wil see me playing right through till about 5/6 finnishing just intime for tea. If im feeling ok I'll maybe play some turbos after tea but thats getting rarer atm due to waking up at 5.30am :( I just feel too tired. I would like to add some evening grind back in though. Although i do think that the 3pm-6pm mtts across every site is pretty terrible. Sky is probably the stand out with the half hourly bounty hunters being miles better than anything else on the internet. 

    Edit: I'll just add in here, i didn't manage to get in my hu games yesterday. I got invited to a NL50 hand discussion group, which i don't think was an oppotunity to pass up. As a result I was tired and my friend had no time left himself to watch. 
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited November 2013
    Just been catching up on your diary Don. I,ve left cash alone recently and concentrated on MTT,s and sats and am struggling with the downswings. I don,t think you can stick to one site if your playing MTT,s as there just arn,t enough. Although i,ve found the downswings hard i,m taking longer brks now and during the brks trying to spend more time on improving my game like going over hands and watching poker vids. This always gets my enthusiasm for the game back up again. I,m also considering playing more MTT,s with less players in. I,ve found the games with 1000,s of players in are just to much of a lottery and when you,ve spent hours building a stack to get a bad beat , esp. from a bad call  can be pretty deflating at times

    You,ll probably get a win when you least expect it and like you,ve said your still in profit so wouldn,t get to down about it

    Gl with it 

  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited November 2013

    Strange day today, again I was going to play hu but mtts just went so well, yet so poor.

    I started around 10 i think with some late reg. Anyways early doors was meh. The mid stages where meh, but eventually i was over optimal tables again. Although i held my own. First time in a while I've been over optimal tables tbh. 

    Early on i got a min cash on FTP, same mtt i won not that long ago, im quite annoyed as i blew a chance of a deep run. I just couldnt find a spot, in hindsight i think i missed 2. Not sure it makes a huge differance tho. 

    A min cash on stars followed in a turbo. Again being spot dead cost me a deeper run. Although this time i don't think i missed any spots. 

    2 Near misses on Winamax. One was a really grim flip if i win im chip leader with 90BB. Was 6 off the bubble too. Would have been a great time to win a flip and change gear, it was opened and 3b and i cold 4b jammed AK. In hindsight the jam might be an overkill but 8s still called so i guess not. A on flop 8 on river though. Sigh. The other near miss wasn't tecnhically a near miss. It was a 2 day event, but i bust literally 3 mins from the end of the day. I was pretty unlucky running QQ into KK, it left me with half a BB, which i got in v aces, which proceeded to flop quads. 

    One semi deep run on stars followed. Exit was annoying. Id made a mistake earlier where i misclicked, getting tables mixed up. At that stage i was 2 tabling it was a very stupid and grim mistake to make. Id managed to recover before raising tens. I only have 15bb, but 2 people called. 9 high board, but someone managed to flop 2 pair. Lol wp sir. gg etc. 

    Today i feel I played much better than i have been of late. I didnt run horrible either, im literally one or 2 things going in my favour away from a strong deep run in 2 or 3 different mtts today. Today they all went against me but thats the nature of mtt poker. 

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don will have its day.:
    In Response to Re: Every Don will have its day. : yeah but by reducing the mtt schedule down times will last for longer?  HU i like to focus on 100% i find that player tendancies are huge in hu. Obviously there just as huge in any other part of the game but hu they are so much easier to spot and exploit. And if im brutally honest im not good enough to play 2/3 tables and hu at the same time.  the 10bb mtts i played once by accident was about 3 hands in and was looking at my hud scratching my head woundering why the f it said i had 8bb. I spent about 10 minutes looking for a hand that never happened where i lost a huge pot lol. For what its worth when your short on tables (1 or 2 )or its early in a session or ur deep and close to finnishing i think their a good little add to a schedule. I do try to avoid them when im close to optimal amount of tables though.  My average day. hmm. Well given my sleeping problems, which i dont think has been an real secret, and average day for me depends from week to week and month to month based on my sleeping. It takes very little to knock me out of sync.  My prefered times are 9-10am start, finnishing registering around 2pm a deep run wil see me playing right through till about 5/6 finnishing just intime for tea. If im feeling ok I'll maybe play some turbos after tea but thats getting rarer atm due to waking up at 5.30am :( I just feel too tired. I would like to add some evening grind back in though. Although i do think that the 3pm-6pm mtts across every site is pretty terrible. Sky is probably the stand out with the half hourly bounty hunters being miles better than anything else on the internet.  Edit: I'll just add in here, i didn't manage to get in my hu games yesterday. I got invited to a NL50 hand discussion group, which i don't think was an oppotunity to pass up. As a result I was tired and my friend had no time left himself to watch. 
    Posted by The_Don90
    At least you've got poker friends Don.
    Never in my poker life have I been in any groups or stuff like that.
    Closest I get to poker discussion is having a cig outside casino and hearing some drunk tell me how their aces got cracked.
    I just have to bumble on alone :(
    Prolly a good thing actually as my ideas on playing hands would most likely be laughed at.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited November 2013
    So you don't play at all in the evening/night then? Is there a reason for this? I just ask cos pretty much every game MTTs/Cash/HU SnGs is softer or just better at night. MTTs at night probably don't change much in standard but you just have so many bigger fields/better prizepools like the Mini/ME, tons of £2/£5/£11 BHs that pretty much all get at least 100+ runners instead of all the the daytime MTTs on Sky where you play a £5 BH and first prize is about £40 + heads lol.
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,634
    edited November 2013
    HI Don,
    What does "but eventually i was over optimal tables again."  mean? Soz if its a daft Q, just not heard it before?
    Gl btw! 
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don will have its day.:
    HI Don, What does " but eventually i was over optimal tables again."   mean? Soz if its a daft Q, just not heard it before? Gl btw! 
    Posted by Glenelg
    What i say over optimal tables, i mean im playing more than i'd be comfortable with. 

    Today it was an error, i regged cause i was short in a few, but id doubled and recovered and forgot id regged. 

    So basically i was just doing more than i could handle. 

    Dont be worried about asking me to explain anything i write happy to do it. :) 
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don will have its day.:
    So you don't play at all in the evening/night then? Is there a reason for this? I just ask cos pretty much every game MTTs/Cash/HU SnGs is softer or just better at night. MTTs at night probably don't change much in standard but you just have so many bigger fields/better prizepools like the Mini/ME, tons of £2/£5/£11 BHs that pretty much all get at least 100+ runners instead of all the the daytime MTTs on Sky where you play a £5 BH and first prize is about £40 + heads lol.
    Posted by Lambert180
    I do play at nights, just not of late because im just too tired. I agree most of the cash games arew softer at night, however ive alwaysdone better at S&Gs and MTTs during the day. MTTs at night are higher variance obv higher variance. However your right they do have bigger prizepools.

    I woke up at 7.30 today, which is he longest ive slept in weeks so maybe get some in tonight. 
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Every Don will have its day.:
    In Response to Re: Every Don will have its day. : What i say over optimal tables, i mean im playing more than i'd be comfortable with.  Today it was an error, i regged cause i was short in a few, but id doubled and recovered and forgot id regged.  So basically i was just doing more than i could handle.  Dont be worried about asking me to explain anything i write happy to do it. :) 
    Posted by The_Don90
    Does this apply to everyone? If so I might make you regret saying it ;)
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